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The Dog Rambler E-diary

top 09
February 2012

All the way around and then over Capelaw Hill


6 miles

Dogs on walk

Darcy, Finlay, Gustave, Jerry, Lucas, Otis, Ozzy

A wet day beginning in Dreghorn. Bedraggled army troops heading back from manoeuvres as I togged up against the weather. The dogs pleading with me to hurry up. But we had to let the troops by first. Then we were off in the light drizzle, clouds hanging low reaching down to try and touch the trees. I successfully guided the dogs past another troupe of soldiers huddled by the trees. Through the small woodland we headed. All this time Darcy at my heel. A sunless shadow. It took some craning of my neck to even to see him. But I knew he was there as his head or nose bumped against my hand every few strides. Nothing that I did could encourage him to go forward for any length of time. Just enough to capture him in the occasional photo. Before he would slink back behind me. Gustave, Lucas, Ozzy and even Jerry were a different story. As the rain began to tumble more heavily they raced and cavorted on the upward slope toward the hills. Having to jump to avoid the ice on the path or slip at their peril. Jinking past Finlay and Otis as they

ran from one side of the track to the other. Finally halted by a gate. Once through we had some respite from the climb. This did nothing to encourage Darcy to head past me. As the cloud thickened Capelaw Hill loomed to our left. We had begun our circle of it. Finlay holding back until we reached Phantoms Cleugh where he peeled off ahead down the slope and had to be asked to slow down a bit. The others took a breather as the great breaths of clouds dampened us. Jerry eschewed the path in favour of the heather and found he had Ozzy for company more often than not and Gustave swimming across it to reach them also. We reached the far side of the hill and climbed a little to our left to join another old path cutting along its south western edge. Not long after passing the few tumbled stone walls of a long abandoned shepherds cottage Otis suddenly sprang to life. It was one of his infrequent mad dash spells. He thundered through the long grass away from us. Then a tight turn and back toward us. He soon had Lucas giving chase for all he was worth. But he needed the help of Ozzy to in any way overhaul Otis. Finlay looking a little bemused as Otis brushed past him on another outward run. A dispersed flock us sheep meant I had to pull him up short. It was a shame as he was really going for it. Even this could not raise Darcy out of his lethargic state. We reached the far end of Capelaw Hill and pushed ourselves up the short, breath snatching climb to its long summit crest. Snow spattered hills running away from us beginning to get eaten by the cloud. For now we were out of the rain and caught our breath before Otis was at it again on the downward path from the summit. This time Jerry, joining Lucas and Ozzy in the chase. Gustave stayed out of this chase but he was by no means quite and was often in a tangle with Lucas and Ozzy but holding his own and not rolling over too often. Gustave, having worked hard to keep his fitness levels up, hardly ever stepped back to join me as he is want to do sometimes. Lucas fell in behind a few times but soon saw some fun he could not resist. So it was Darcy who was only one to stay with me. Finlay getting closer as we always seem to reel him in as the walk progresses. With a hazy Arthurs Seat trying to slice into the cloud we dropped back toward Dreghorn.

The rain still holding off but very muddy and slippery underfoot. The tiny stream near the ruined Dreghorn Farm did little if anything to wash off any of the layers mud which had been picked up by the dogs. They did not care and bundled on toward the car ready to jostle into the best position to either see out the window or to lie down. Nick

Photo slideshow from the walk

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