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Computerized Record Management System of the Patients for Gavino-Alvarez Lying-in Center


Sandy A. Dominguez Mark Luigi B. Vizcarra Jahziel J. Baleje John Robert A. Pomarejos

2Computerized Record Management System of the Patients for Gavino-Alvarez Lyingin Center


The use of Technology in management has become the key to the modernization of some Institutions in order to meet the demands that future developments might bring, particularly in most Medical Institutions, where daily Health transactions are still done on paper. We can say that Medical Institutions are working at the best of their abilities to serve many patients as possible. Different medical departments existed to cover up all the Patients and to serve them the utmost care they deserve. But as the years rolled by, the number of patients has undeniably grown and different medical cases arise that the manual method of managing Patient records, Prescriptions, and Appointment schedule is no longer ideal.

In this study, the proponents are to develop a system that will not replace paper works but to minimize it as well as minimizing manual medical record keeping. Therefore allowing doctors and staff to keep in touch with their patients, reducing patients waiting time and increase the number of patients to be served.


3Computerized Record Management System of the Patients for Gavino-Alvarez Lyingin Center

1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Government Hospitals are Institutions created under the contributions of the Municipal Administration and different associations to give free medical services for their residents. Gavino-Alvarez Lying-in Center is a Government Hospital located at Brgy. Narra San Pedro, Laguna. It was first called San Pedro Resettlement Hospital on 1977 due to the contributions of the Municipal Administration and the Rotary Club of San Pedro under the presence of Mr. Roberto Bob Lim. And on November 25, 1994, it was renamed as Gavino-Alvarez Lying-in Center in memorial of the former San Pedro Mayor, Gavino Alvarez. The Hospital is still under the medical service when the present Mayor Calixto R. Cataquiz made a way to renovate it to accommodate greater number of patients. The Hospital was built with an additional of two storey compromising different departments. The Hospital has medical departments: OB department, OPD department (outpatient), and emergency Department; and for the nonmedical department: Administrator department, record management department. The admission officer orients the incoming patient with registrations and applications. Admitted Patients will be directed to their department prior to their medical case. OB Gyne department is concerned with the Pregnant

4Computerized Record Management System of the Patients for Gavino-Alvarez Lyingin Center

and Infant Patients. Emergency departments are placed near the admission space for easy access of Doctors and Nurses. The department is concerned with patients undergoing complex medical operations. The patients under these departments are not certain for their Hospital stay because the Hospital may not be liable enough to perform operations. Patients are rather referred to other Hospitals having with them the Referral Form. Out-patient department (OPD) is the most encountered department on the Hospital; this department accepts patients that are either for Check ups, Consultations, and minor operations. The records are assisted through networked process which can be monitored by the administrator. The record management department will therefore update the record keeping activities (paper-based and the automated). All services, facilities and Doctors are offered by the Hospital for free except for the medicines. The Hospital is open every time, on average, the Hospital accommodates an estimated number of 50 65 outpatients and 5 confined patients a day.

1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 1. The Hospitals manual method of record keeping may lead to loss of previous and current records of patients.
2. The registration and application of patients at different departments

leads to duplication.

5Computerized Record Management System of the Patients for Gavino-Alvarez Lyingin Center 3. The Hospitals cannot generate the previous records of the patients

4. Production of patients record statistics is not only difficult but time consuming because the processes are done through pen and paper. 5. The Hospital finds it hard to share data and information among different departments.
6. Delayed or missing paperwork used to add time to patient hospital

stays and could lead to unnecessary or duplicate medical tests.

1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 1.3.1 General Objectives The General Objective of this study is to design and develop a Computerized Record Management System that will serve as an upgrade of their current system for the Management to monitor their medical case files more accurate and efficient.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives 1. To Computerized record Keeping of patients. 2. To allow Doctors and Administrators to retrieve complete patient history instantly. 3. To provide the statistics of the patients. 4. To minimize the use of paper for record keeping. 5. To prevent the duplication of records among patients.


6Computerized Record Management System of the Patients for Gavino-Alvarez Lyingin Center



1. Social Significance

In this study, the proposed system will inspire other students to develop an effective and efficient system, especially for their Government.
2. Technological Significance

The Proposed system will introduce Technology to different medical institutions that until now adapting the manual method of record management. The result of the study is beneficial to the following: Hospital The proposed system will simplify and automate everyday medical tasks and can help maximize time spent with clients, thereby providing them better service.

Doctors The proposed system will make it easier for the Doctors from different Medical Departments to manage their specific records and ease its retrieval.

Administration/ Management


7Computerized Record Management System of the Patients for Gavino-Alvarez Lyingin Center

The proposed system will benefit the Hospital Administration by providing them a good record keeping management, the daily medical movement of the institution and do keep them updated in monitoring the medical flow of the Hospital.

Patients The proposed system will benefit the Patients by providing

them security with their medical records; prevent the duplication of their records and to provide them lesser time for accommodation.

Researchers/ Proponents The proponents will develop their writing, analysis and

interpretation skills, which is needed to design a good thesis.

Future researchers This will benefit other researchers who wish to have similar studies as they can get background Information that may serve as template to modify their research.


8Computerized Record Management System of the Patients for Gavino-Alvarez Lyingin Center

1.5 SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS In this proposed system, patients personal and medical records are computerized and networked for easy compilation, retrieval and access. However, the proponents provided a security with log-in feature for the files that limit the accessibility of the system to Doctors and Administrators. The system allows adding of personal and medical information of every patient whether outpatient of confined. It also allows updates of records of previous patients admitted in the hospital. The system also includes viewing and sorting list of patients, navigation between records, edit and delete of records in case of wrong inputs, search and segregation feature for easy search and retrieval of the information of a specific patients for easy viewing and segregating/classifying patients if they are male/female or under specific conditions. Also it generates reports/printed output for the list of patients. The system covers only the personal and medical information of the patients and the different modules such as:
1. Log In Module This module is concerned for the security of files to limit the accessibility of the system to Doctors and Administrators only.

2. Record Update Module


9Computerized Record Management System of the Patients for Gavino-Alvarez Lyingin Center This module is concerned on monitoring and updating the previous records of every patient that has been admitted/checked up in the hospital upon every medical transaction.

3. Utility Module This module is concerned with record search, editing, navigation, deletion, and filtration of medical records of patients

4. Record Generation Module This module is used to provide the hard copy of medical records of patients.

5. Personal Information This module is the collection of personal information of patients such as the name, age, address, contacts, and others.

6. Health Information Module This module is concerned on the medical health information of patients.

Beside these, the system does not cover any other features like information on Laboratory Records, Medical Certificates, Doctors prescriptions, Billing and Medicines.


10Computerized Record Management System of the Patients for Gavino-Alvarez Lyingin Center


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