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Laura Garcia-Gomez

Professional Development Edition






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We focus on people at work and students in school. In the corporate sector, OneSmartWorld licenses leading providers of training and consulting services to bring our solutions to their clients. These clients are committed to investing in harnessing the brainpower of their people, as a sustainable competitive advantage. The ve corporate applications of the OneSmartWorld TI/total intelligence system are in taking leadership development, team performance, meeting management, innovation and human capital management to the next level. In education, we are committed to helping the students of the world succeed. SmartSkills, our educational initiative, offers the most effective and affordable set of thinking and problem solving tools in the world. We license the SmartSkills system to progressive schools, post secondary institutions and governments that want better ways to engage their students and improve results.

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We develop practical human capital solutions that engage people to use all 4 dimensions of their total intelligence, to work more collaboratively and deliver better results, faster and smarter.

You can access your complete 4D-i Total Intelligence system by visiting: www.onesmartworld.com Member ID: lgarciag@my.centennialcollege.ca Password: linkinpark Date Completed: September 29, 2010 OneSmartWorld 1.800.387.6278 www.onesmartworld.com info@onesmartworld.com
Bob Wiele, 2008

Welcome to Your 4D-i Professional Development Edition Proler





Hello Laura Garcia-Gomez, Welcome to your membership in the OneSmartWorld community of learners. We are all people who want to succeed by learning how to use the 4 dimensions of our total intelligence/TI our creativity, understanding, decision-making and personal spirit. This 4D-i Professional Development Edition report is your passport into OneSmartWorlds TI system. It will give you a solid foundation on the 4 dimensions. It will show you how you can leverage your strengths and expand your skills. The 4D-i is an assessment for learning. It is not a test. There is no pass or fail, no right or wrong prole. We designed the 4D-i to help you deepen your understanding of yourself and to give you a simple compass to guide your learning and development. The 4D-i is one of 3 integrated tools in the TI system, all designed to help you build practical skills in how to think better and work smarter with others everyday. Thinking is a skill. Like all other skills, high quality thinking can be learned with proper, deliberate practice. As you learn to use all 21 thinking skills, the more adaptable you will become to different people and tasks. You will make better decisions. You will be more successful in your relationships. We hope you will use this 4D-i proler, the online coach and SAM, your Smart Agenda Manager, to take your performance to higher levels in everything you do. If we can all learn to think better and work smarter together, each of us can contribute to making the world a smarter, better place for us all. Bob Wiele, Founder and President, OneSmartWorld


Bob Wiele, 2008

The 4D-i: The Four Dimensions of Total Intelligence

The 4D-i is based on 4 key dimensions of total intelligence creativity, understanding, decision-making and personal spirit. To make the system simple to use and easy for you to remember, each of the four dimensions is represented by a color and shape. The three colors of a trafc light red, yellow and green are the simple code for the rst three dimensions in the model. making dimension. Use the 6 strategies in this dimension when you need to determine the real problem, come to conclusions, develop proof in an argument, and make decisions based on logic, experience, your values or your gut instinct. Each of these three dimensions has a cool head/left brain side, and a warm heart/right brain side. These sides in each color, are referred to as mindsets. Each of these mindsets contain specic thinking strategies which you can draw upon and use everyday. The fourth dimension, Personal Spirit - represented by a white diamond - is your catalyst for personal empowerment, action and impact.

Red: the red octagon stop sign is the symbol for the decision-

How to Interpret Your Results

Your results show the relative stength, in percentiles, of your preferences, not your abilities, when compared to other people. A high number means a high preference - you like to use it more often than others do. A percentile score of 75 simply means that you like to use this more than 75% of other people do. In your 4D-i prole there are 5 levels of prole results: or strategy in the top 16% of the population. High Average you prefer to use this somewhat more than most people do, in the 66% to 83% range. Average this means that your result is pretty much the same as the rest of the population. Low Average this means that you prefer to use this less than most people do, in the 17% to 33% range. Low Preference a low preference for this dimension or strategy. This puts your usage in the bottom 16% of the population, significantly lower than most other people.Although you may be competent in it, you clearly do not like to use it, compared to others.

understanding dimension. Use the 6 strategies in this dimension when you need to gather information, develop comprehension, gain clarity, get organized, conduct analysis, show empathy and compassion for others, or express your feelings. dimension. Use the 6 strategies in this dimension when you need to generate fresh ideas, develop options, create alternatives, seek insights, or come up with breakthrough solutions. dimension. Focus on this dimension when you need to improve your outlook, increase your energy, gain courage, strengthen your resilience, feel more in control and take initiative.

Yellow: the inverted yellow triangle is the symbol for the

High Preference a strong preference for using this dimension

Green: the green circle is the symbol for the creativity

White: the white diamond is the symbol for the personal spirit

Bob Wiele, 2008


The 4 Dimensions of Total Intelligence: Your Results Highlights

Hello Laura Garcia-Gomez, Welcome to the 4D-i Professional Development Edition prole. When you completed your 4D-i online questionnaire, your responses were used to create a personalized prole that is truly unique to you. This 4D-i prole shows how you like to use different thinking strategies to operate in your world every day. This graph shows your results in each of the 4Ds or four dimensions. Your Preferred Mindsets Prole:

Results Highlights
Your Overall Style:

57 29 63 47 49 47


58 45 23 29

Your Strongest Personal Spirit Success Factor is:

OUTLOOK You have a score typical of most people.

This is a brief summary. The rest of your 4D-i proler will provide you with in-depth information on your results. Make sure you consult your prole online for more analysis and coaching tips.


Bob Wiele, 2008

The OneSmartWorld Total Intelligence System

Your OneSmartWorld TI system delivers 3 practical web-based applications for our members: The 4D-i is unlike any other proling tool. Designed as an assessment for learning, it is based upon 4 dimensions of total intelligence, with a set of 21 thinking strategies, which anyone, with practice, can acquire. It will help you learn how to develop all your thinking skills, not just the ones you currently prefer. This 4D-i Professional Development Edition proler contains: Detailed information on your results, including your most preferred dimensions and strategies Advice on how to capitalize on your strengths and expand your capabilities Two different personal learning planners to enable you to achieve your goals You have online 24/7 interactive access to your prole. Smart people are always looking for ways to improve by working not just on their strengths, but on the skills that they avoid or nd difcult. Select specic strategies that you want to learn to use and improve. Print out personalized self-development coaching tips. Your own SAM, the Smart Agenda Manager, is a unique web-based planning and problem solving tool, designed for you to use everyday. It will help you better manage your time, relationships and all your meetings. You can access your 4D-i results 24/7 by logging on to www.onesmartworld.com. Here, you can view your interactive results, email your prole to co-workers, clients, family and friends, or print a customized PDF of your Professional Development Edition prole.




Bob Wiele, 2008


The First 3 Dimensions: Creativity, Understanding & Decision-Making




" Thinking style is a lens through which we view the world. Everyone has such a lens, and it colors the way we interpret the events in our lives. Your thinking style is what causes you to respond emotionally to events, so its your thinking style that determines your level of resilience your ability to overcome, steer through and bounce back when adversity strikes."
- Karen Reivich, Ph.D and Andrew Shatte, Ph.D, The Resilience Factor


Bob Wiele, 2008

Dimension 1: Creativity
Green is the color code for creativity. Creativity in this system means the generation of a wide variety of options, ideas, alternatives and fresh ways of approaching difcult situations and everyday challenges. This dimension works in two very different ways. Creative thinking (cool green) is an active way to generate new ideas and options. Your creative intuition (warm green) produces Aha! types of insights.

98 75 57 47 29 31 23 26 31

...we now have an economy powered by human creativity. Creativity is now the decisive source of competitive advantage.
- Richard Florida, The Rise of the Creative Class
Bob Wiele, 2008


Developing Creativity: Your Six Success Strategies

Creative Thinking
Brainstorm Ideas: Generate many ideas and a wide range of options prior to analysis or decision-making. Envision Possibilities: Creating mental pictures or imagining what if scenarios about future possibilities or solutions. Your Prole: High Preference
You score a preference for envision that is much higher than most people. Keep up the good work. You like to use your imagination to speculate on what might or could happen. You can often picture the future in your mind's eye. You are comfortable using envision as one of your key creative thinking strategies for planning and problem solving.

Your Prole: High Average Preference

Your score indicates that you have a high average preference for brainstorm. options prior to This means you like to generate ideas as a way of dealing with challenges and as part of your overall problem-solving process. You like to deal with a problem by coming up with a wide variety of ideas, solutions and alternatives.

Challenge Assumptions: Questioning assumptions, the status quo and accepted wisdom in order to create new ideas, options or fresh ways of dealing with the problem at hand. Your Prole: Low Average Preference
Your score indicates that you have a slightly lower than average preference for using challenge as a creative thinking strategy. This means that you may use it some of the time, but are not comfortable in using it as one of your most preferred. Your score may be appropriate for the type of work you do or tasks that you carry out, especially if you live or work in a more routine environment. Use challenge as a creative thinking strategy when the old way just isn't working or you need innovative and creative approaches into a situation.

Creative Intuition
Get Into the Flow: Being fully immersed in creative thinking; tolerating ambiguity and conicting information/feelings; refraining from decisionmaking, anticipating the arrival of a better idea. Your Prole: Low Average Preference
You have a lower than average preference for flow. You have some tolerance for ambiguity and uncertainty. Overall, you prefer to take action sooner than later, rather than wait and see.

Reframe Problems into Opportunities: Creating new ways of looking at a problem or situation and generating new opportunities and ideas by shifting the approach, angle or way of thinking about it. Your Prole: Low Average Preference
Your score indicates that you have a lower than average preference for reframe. This means that you use it some of the time, but tend to prefer to work within the accepted interpretations of a problem. You may miss out on useful alternative solutions to existing problems by accepting the first impression or interpretation of an event.

Flash of Insight: Knowing without conscious reasoning and producing insights and hunches Your Prole: Low Average Preference
You have a lower than average preference for using the flash of insight strategy to generate insights and ideas. You likely listen to your hunches and intuition once in a while but not in a consistent manner.


Bob Wiele, 2008

Dimension 2: Understanding
Yellow is the code for understanding. In this dimension, you achieve a sense of fulllment by spending the time and effort needed to gain a complete understanding of the situation, problem or relationship that you are in. Your analytical thinking (cool yellow) leads to an in-depth understanding of facts and situations. Your compassion (warm yellow) leads to an in-depth emotional understanding of people and their needs.


65 49 52 45


37 28

The biggest mistake is believing that there is one right way to listen, to talk, to have a conversation or a relationship.
- Deborah Tannen, You Just Dont Understand Me
Bob Wiele, 2008


Developing Understanding: Your Six Success Strategies

Scan the Situation: Survey the environment, person or situation to gather as Scan the Situation: Survey the environment, person or situation to gather as much information as you possibly can. much information as you possibly can. Your Prole: Low Average Preference Your score indicates that you have a low average preference for Scan. This means when confronted with a problem or challenging task, you like to put limited effort into gathering information about what you are facing. As a consequence, you may make decisions, solve problems or take action without fully understanding the complete picture. Without proper information as a foundation, the quality of your decisions can suffer. Scanning, a key strategy for understanding your world, is about gathering as much information as you need and placing things in context. By collecting as much information as you can, you get a more comprehensive picture of a situation or issue and this understanding can lead to better decisions.

Analytical Thinking

Tune-In to Feelings: Sensing and connecting with the emotional dimensions in a situation, other person or group. Your Prole: Low Average Preference
You scored Low Average in tune-in. This means that you do not like to put too much effort into tuning-in to all the subtle emotional complexities of a situation or relationship. This means that sometimes you may miss noticing or picking up on subtle emotional cues, body language or the vibes of a situation when problems or pressures arise. This can lead to misunderstandings, misreading a situation or missing out on what is really going on.

Structure Information: Organize information, data, people, resources and processes in meaningful and systematic ways.

Empathize with Others: Showing kindness, caring, compassion, tolerance and deep understanding for anothers thoughts, emotions and situations. Your Prole: High Preference
You scored much higher in empathize than most people. This means that you know the importance of taking time to put yourself in other people's shoes when you have to solve a problem or are under pressure. With a high score in empathize you value, listen to and tolerate other people's circumstances and viewpoints. Others feel you appreciate them. People feel you understand and listen to them. Beware of too much empathizing with everyone in every situation. Although you're an excellent listener and very supportive, sometimes you need to express your own values, beliefs and opinions.

Your Prole: High Average Preference Your score indicates that you have a high average preference for structure. You probably know how to bring order to chaos quite readily and know how to organize information, systems and processes to maximize effectiveness and efficiency.

Clarify Understanding: Sharpen the understanding of a situation by gathering information and asking questions. Your Prole: High Average Preference Your score indicates that you have a high average preference for clarify. You enjoy asking many questions to gain increased depth and clarity of understanding about a person or situation before making decisions or taking action. Keep up the good work.

Express Feelings: Selecting and using the appropriate emotional and verbal language or communications method to get the true message across to the receiver. Your Prole: Low Preference
You scored much lower in using the express strategy than most people. This means that you do not like to put much effort into thinking about how to get your message across to other people or an audience. As a result, you may find it difficult to get your point across to certain people or groups who think or feel differently than you do. Conversely, you may be accustomed to holding back or reserving your true feelings or thoughts, preferring to use other strategies to deal with the challenges you face.


Bob Wiele, 2008 Bob Wiele, 2008

Dimension 3: Decision-Making
Red is the color code for decision-making. This dimension is where you harness all the creative ideas generated in green and the in-depth understanding gained in yellow, to make the best decisions. This dimension highlights three very different decision-making methods: your critical thinking (cool red) leads to practical, logical conclusions. Your beliefs based decisionmaking (warm red) focuses on using your beliefs and values to decide. Gut intuition (also warm red) is used to make quick decisions, in the moment, using your gut instincts.


58 47 23 29 21





Our success in all the roles we play student, worker, boss, citizen, spouse, parent, individual turns on the decisions we make ... the ability to make smart choices is a fundamental life skill.

- John S. Hammond, Co-author, Smart Choices: A Practical Guide to Making Decisions


Bob Wiele, 2008

Developing Decision-Making: Your Six Success Strategies

Critical Thinking
Get to the Crux: Determining the essence or most critical aspect of a problem Get to the Crux: Determining the essence or most critical aspect of a problem or situation in order to take action. or situation in order to take action. Your Prole:
High Preference You have a much higher preference for using the crux strategy than most people. You like to avoid wasting time and enjoy focusing right on priorities and what matters most. You like to quickly get to the heart of the matter and determine what matters most. A no-nonsense person, you strip away any non-essentials or less important aspects, zeroing in on what is important.

Rely on Experience: Relying upon and using past experience to guide decision-making and problem solving. Your Prole: High Average Preference
Your score indicates that you have a high average preference for using your past experience as a decision-making strategy. You like to rely on past learning and your experiences to make decisions about what to do. You don't like to make the same mistake twice and are good at spotting reoccurring patterns or trends.

Conclude: Reach a logical decision or resolution about what is the best way to proceed. Your Prole:
Low Average Preference Your score indicates that you have a lower than average preference for using the conclude strategy. This means that you use it some of the time to make decisions but your style is not to rush into making a decision or taking action. You like to wait, especially if it means more ideas and information that could result in better decisions. Meeting deadlines and making decisions under pressure may be difficult for you.


Values Driven: The strategy used for making decisions based on your personal core beliefs about what is good or bad, right or wrong.
You have a low average preference for using values driven as a decision-making strategy. You likely prefer to see more than one side of an issue and do not feel particularly strong one way or another. You like to strive for compromise, or focus on creating a unique solution rather than choosing a side and taking a strong stand.

Your Prole: Low Average Preference

Validate the Conclusion: Posing tough questions to eliminate inferior options and poor quality information in order to critically assess and ensure the best decision. Your Prole:
High Average Preference Your score indicates that you have a high average preference for validate. You probably like to put things to the test to make sure that they measure up to your expectations. Keep up the good work. You like to objectively weigh the pros and cons and eliminate inferior options, ideas and information before proceeding. You are comfortable demanding proof or evidence before making decisions.

Gut Intuition

Trust Your Heart: Listening to your heart and your feelings as a guide for making decisions about what to do.
You have a low average preference for using the trust your heart strategy in making decisions. You may prefer to make decisions based on facts or logic, rather than trust your feelings and hunches. You are hesitant to trust your heart, although you may sometimes listen to it.

Your Prole: Low Average Preference


Bob Wiele, 2008

Thinking and Feeling Styles: Your Prole

These results come from your 4D-i responses in 25 of the paired choices that offered a thinking strategy vs. a feeling strategy.

Cool Head: Thinking

In the 4D-i, a 'cool head' simply means you have a preference for relying more on left brain type thinking strategies when dealing with people, challenges o tasks. The 'cool head' in the 4D-i is made up of the 11 thinking strategies in the three 'cool' mindsets: creative, analytical and critical thinking.

Warm Heart: Feeling

A 'warm heart' simply means you have a preference for relying more on right 'warm heart' in the 4D-i is made up the 7 emotional strategies in four 'warm' brain type emotional strategies to deal with people, challenges or tasks. The mindsets: creative intuition, compassion and the two emotion-based types of decision-making - beliefs-based and gut intuition decisions.



This means you prefer to use a relatively equal preference and comfort in using both thinking and feeling strategies to deal with people, challenges or tasks, without a significant preference of one over the other.

Your Profile: Cool Head

You like to rely more on your head than your heart when you have to figure things out and make decisions. You prefer to deal with lifes challenges, problems and other people by thinking through what to do.

the heart and the brain - like charged particles of opposing polarity - exert their pulls in different directions. When they are brought together the result is incandescence. - Thomas Lewis, M.D., Co-author, A General Theory of Love
Bob Wiele, 2008


Reliance on the Use of Intuition: Your Prole

Intuition is an emotional gut instinct type of intelligence that can be relied on to deliver two very different spontaneous results - creative, Aha! insights -or- quick, in the moment, decisions. In our research developing the 4D-i, intuition emerged as a unique cluster of three emotional or warm strategies. Two of the emotional strategies are from the 'warm' green, creative intuition mindset. These two strategies, flow and flash of insight, produce sudden, spontaneous ideas. The third strategy in the intuition cluster comes from the decision-making dimension, specifically the 'warm' red gut intuition mindset. The trust your heart strategy is your gut intelligence at work - a rapid short circuiting of rational thinking that provides direct, immediate gut level guidance on what to do or not to do. Intuition is a powerful capacity for direct knowing. It can bypass traditional thinking processes and produce a clear breakthrough idea or a direction on the best way to proceed. Like other capacities, it can be developed, often by learning to listen to your inner voice and instincts, and writing down what spontaneously arises from within.





Your Profile: Average Preference

You show a similar level of reliance on your intuition as others do. For best results in complex situations, see if you can use both high quality thinking and your intuition to guide you in your idea generation and decision-making.

Skilled decision makers know that they can depend on their intuition, but at the same time they may feel uncomfortable trusting a source of power that seems so accidental. - Gary Klein, Intuition at Work
Bob Wiele, 2008

The 4D-i Total Intelligence System of Thinking and Emotional Strategies

The 4D-i is a portfolio or toolkit of essential strategies for guring out how to solve problems and deal with people. The rst three dimensions of creativity, understanding and decision-making each contain a set of thinking strategies and feeling strategies to produce their outputs.

Thinking: Cool Head

These are the three mindsets that keep you cool under pressure and give you an objective way of thinking through challenges and problems. CREATIVE THINKING 4 Strategies Use these four strategies to produce creative ideas:


Warm Heart

These are the four mindsets that make use of your feeling-based strategies to guide your communication, problem solving and decision-making. CREATIVE INTUITION 2 Strategies Use these two strategies to produce creative insights:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Brainstorm ideas Challenge assumptions Reframe problems into opportunities Envision possibilities

1. Get into the flow 2. Flash of insight

Compassion 3 Strategies Use these three strategies to produce understanding of others:

ANALYTICAL THINKING 3 Strategies Use these three strategies to produce clear understanding of situations:

1. Scan the situation 2. Structure information 3. Clarify understanding

1. Tune-in to feelings 2. Empathize with others 3. Express feelings

BELIEFS BASED 1 Strategy Use this strategy to make beliefs based decisions:

CRITICAL THINKING 3 Strategies Use these four strategies to produce practical, logical type decisions:

1. Values driven

1. 2. 3. 4.

Get to the crux Conclude Validate the conclusion Rely on experience

GUT INTUITION 1 Strategy Use this strategy to make quick, intuitive type decisions:

1. Trust your heart

Bob Wiele, 2008


The Fourth Dimension: Personal Spirit

There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost.
-Martha Graham, Pioneer of modern dance


Bob Wiele, 2008

Dimension 4: Personal Spirit

Personal Spirit is the 4th dimension of your total intelligence. Personal spirit is the source of resilience and high performance. It is based on 3 inter-related key success factors your outlook, sense of control and initiative.These are as vital to your health as they are to your success at work and the relationships you have.

83 70 63


80 57 63


The 2 bars in each graph show your results 2 different ways

the white bar shows your result in percentiles, like the rest of the 4D-i. the white striped bar shows your raw score - how you choose to see yourself. The higher your score, the more positively you see and rate yourself on the 24 items in the personal spirit section of the questionnaire. All 3 factors can be strengthened with deliberate practice.

Use your results constructively to strengthen your personal spirit. Choose a more optimistic outlook on life. Overcome helplessness and take control of what you can. Take positive initiative to achieve your goals.

Bob Wiele, 2008


Developing Personal Spirit: Your Three Success Factors

Your Outlook
A belief that an optimistic, constructive approach to life enables you to nd the positive, hidden potential and meaning in any situation, task or person. Your Outlook, whether positive or negative, predicts how you experience life and what you get back from it. If you choose to have an open, positive and optimistic outlook, then you will likely experience life and other people as engaging and cooperative. If you choose a closed, negative and pessimistic outlook, then you will likely experience situations as problems and people as difcult to deal with. A consistently positive outlook is life enhancing, while a persistently negative outlook will undermine you. Your Prole: Average Preference You have a score typical of most people.

Your Sense of Control

A belief that you can exert personal control, through your own efforts, to impact on an outcome. Having an optimistic and constructive approach to life coupled with a strong sense of control empowers you to take charge of your life. Your own sense of control is a key to high performance and health. When you start to feel helpless and overwhelmed by all of lifes complexities, regaining and maintaining a sense of being in control is vital for your personal well-being. Taking small daily steps to deal with difcult issues will strengthen your sense of control.

Your Prole: Average Preference You have a score typical of most people.

Your Initiative

A belief that you should go above and beyond conventional boundaries, to do what it takes, to complete important tasks and assist others. Taking initiative is one of the dening characteristics of high performers in every eld. It often requires a fearless courage to act where others would not. People with high initiative make things that need to happen, happen. They take responsibility to get things done, even when it isnt their job. Initiative is a driving force in life success and in business innovation. People with initiative push the envelope and do what it takes to achieve high quality results for others.

Your Prole: Average Preference You have a score typical of most people.


Bob Wiele, 2008

Personal Spirit: Your Inner Source for High Performance

Personal spirit is the diamond dimension in your total intelligence prole. A diamond, like your life, is precious. The research on successful, happy people consistently refers to the importance of the 3 key success factors in being happy and successful. The impact of your outlook, sense of control and the willingness to take initiative will change your life. Tapping into your personal spirit is a vital when dealing with adversity.

How Are the Personal Spirit Results Compiled?

The 4D-i instrument contains a separate section on personal spirit. Instead of offering paired choices, it asks you to rate yourself on 24 positively worded items. These items dene the 3 key success factors in personal spirit: your outlook, your sense of control and your level of initiative. The more strongly you agree with the positive statements on personal spirit, the higher your raw score results will be, and the positively you see yourself. The more you disagree seeing your self as having a negative outlook, with little ability to take action that will impact your life, the lower will your self rating be. The higher you rate yourself, compared to how others rate themselves, the higher your percentile results and vice versa.

Where Does My Personal Spirit Come From?

Personal spirit seems to come from a combination of your genetic make up, your life circumstances and the approaches you have developed over time to cope and get through life. While your personal spirit can uctuate on a moment-to-moment basis, depending on how you react to what going on around you, it is a powerful force that pulls you forward when the going gets tough. The good news from the research on human behavior and performance, is that anyone, with the right motivation and the willingness to practice, can strengthen their personal spirit. For more on this see page 16 of this report.

Can Personal Spirit Be Strengthened?

Absolutely! Personal spirit is as much about what you do, as it is about what you are. Like tness levels and weight, your level of personal spirit comes from accumulation of the moment-to-moment and daily choices you make in how you decide to respond to and deal with lifes challenges. How you respond to reading your own 4D-i results can be a sign of your personal spirit in action. If you choose to openly engage in using the 4D-i results to deepen your understanding of yourself and use it expand your capabilities, then you demonstrate personal spirit, regardless of how low or high your results are. Since the 4D-i is designed as an assessment for learning, the intent of the TI system is to give you a practical portfolio of mental strategies and a set of tools. In personal spirit, you can develop the condence and competency in taking control over your life or challenges, bring a constructive outlook and make things happen. Do this and you can be on your way to signicantly increase the quality of the impact you make and the success you achieve.

Bob Wiele, 2008


Your Total Intelligence: Summary of Your 4D-i Results





We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?

-Marianne Williamson, lecturer & author


Bob Wiele, 2008

:Your Results Summary in Graphs


63 47 49 47






Your 18 Success Strategies and 3 Success Factors

98 75 65 64 37 28


89 70 61 61 29 57 63





21 3


Bob Wiele, 2008


Your Portfolio of the 18 Success Strategies and 3 Success Factors

Critical Thinking
Get to the Crux: Determine the essence or most critical aspect of a problem, issue or situation in order to take action. Conclude: Reach a logical decision or resolution about what is the best way to proceed. Validate the Conclusion: Pose tough questions to eliminate inferior options and poor quality information in order to critically assess and ensure the best decision. Rely on Experience: Rely upon and use ones past experience to guide decision-making and problem solving.

Analytical Thinking

Scan the Situation: Survey the environment, person or situation to gather as much information as possible. Structure Information: Organize information, data, people, resources and processes in meaningful and systematic ways. Clarify Understanding: Sharpen the understanding of a situation by gathering information and by asking questions. Brainstorm Ideas: Generate many ideas and a wide range of options prior to analysis or decision-making. Challenge Assumptions: Question assumptions, the status quo and accepted wisdom in order to create new ideas, options or fresh ways of dealing with the task at hand. Reframe Problems into Opportunities: Create new ways of looking at a problem or situation by shifting the approach, angle or way of thinking about it. Envision Possibilities: Create mental pictures or imagine what if... scenarios about future possibilities or solutions.

Creative Thinking


Beliefs Based Gut Intuition Compassion
Values Driven: Make decisions based on your personal core beliefs about what is good or bad, right or wrong. Trust Your Heart: Make decisions based on your personal core beliefs about what is good or bad, right or wrong. Tune-In to Feelings: Sense and connect with the emotional dimensions in a situation, other person or group. Empathize With Others: Show kindness, caring, compassion, tolerance and deep understanding for, and a connection with others. Express Feelings: Select and use the appropriate emotional and verbal language or communications method to get the true message across to the receiver/audience.

Creative Intuition

Get into the Flow: Tolerate ambiguity, conicting information and feelings, while refraining from decision-making, waiting for a better idea or option. Flash of Insight: Know intuitively without conscious reasoning and/or produce insights and hunches.

Your Outlook is a personal disposition and an active process of experiencing the world, founded on the belief that an optimistic, constructive approach to life and its challenges enables one to nd and harness the positive hidden potential and meaning in any situation, task or person. Your Sense of Control is a personal disposition and an active process, founded on the belief that, despite difcult circumstances, one can exert personal control, through ones own efforts, to impact on an outcome or achieve an objective. It does not mean controlling others. Your Initiative is a personal disposition and an active process baesd on the belief that one should attempt to go beyond conventional boundaries, if necessary, to do what it takes
to complete important tasks, achieve goals and to assist others to solve their problems.



Bob Wiele, 2008

Results Summary By Numbers:

4 Dimensions of High Performance Decision-Making
Bob Wiele, 2008


7 Mindsets


Success Strategies and Factors Get to the Crux Conclude Validate Conclusions Rely on Experience Values Driven Trust Your Heart Scan the Situation Structure Information Clarify Understanding Tune-In to Feelings Empathize with Others Express Feelings Brainstorm Ideas Challenge Assumptions Reframe Problems Envision Possibilities Flow Flash of Insight Your Outlook

89 21 61 61 23 29 28 65 64 37 96 3 75 23 31 98 26 31 70 57 63

Critical Thinking
47 PAGE 22


Beliefs Based Gut Intuition Understanding


23 29 52

Analytical Thinking




Creative Thinking


Creative Intuition Personal Spirit



Your Sense of Control Your Initiative

Bob Wiele, 2008


Key Personal Development Tips:

Capitalize on Your Strengths
Envision Possibilities
Your tendency to create mental pictures of future possibilities is a powerful tool for planning and problem solving. Your reliance on developing 'what if' scenarios lifts you out of the details to find better solutions by looking forward, not backwards. Be in the present as much as the future. Choose this strategy to make models, draw pictures and formulate alternative creative solutions for future success.

Expand Your Capabilities

Express Feelings
Uncork your emotional bottle. Your feelings are as legitimate as anyone else's are. Express your feelings openly and honestly. Do it in a way that builds understanding. Avoid dumping your feelings on others. Express your feelings in a context of mutual respect. Do it in a way that makes it easier for others to understand what is important to you. Feelings are essential to building deeper, more powerful relationships.

Empathize with Others

You have a strong preference for connecting and empathizing with other people. You appreciate what others are going through. You can put yourself in the other person's shoes and have a deeper understanding of how they are feeling. Make sure you turn empathy into actions. This is a powerful strategy when there is change or uncertainty. You can be a valued friend to others when they are experiencing work or life struggles.

Focus your attention on coming to closure and making decisions. Use this strategy to get results. There is a time to shift your focus to action. Stop gathering information, being nice, generating options or waiting to see what will happen. Ask yourself: 'What is the most sensible conclusion? What should be done?' Come to more conclusions. Force yourself to bite the bullet and make a decision.

Get to the Crux

You have a strong knack for zeroing right in on the crux or heart of an issue. This is an excellent critical thinking strategy to use when there is a lot of confusion or when time is tight. Use it when those around you can't seem to get going. Use it to focus on what the real issue is to help yourself and others save time and effort. Don't overuse it. Use it to get down to what matters most before making important decisions.

Challenge Assumptions
Challenge assumptions all the time. Improve your results in problem solving by questioning and challenging how things are currently done. Get outside the box to generate fresh ideas. Take a step back. Don't be afraid to challenge the sacred cows. Take a risk. Question the underlying assumptions that you and others have taken for granted.

Brainstorm Ideas
Use your strong preference for generating ideas and options as a powerful resource in solving any problem or dealing with challenges. Tune-in to others first, to ensure they need your ideas more than they need your understanding. Think of your ideas as a valuable gift to others or for teams when they are blocked and unable to resolve a problem. Find people and places that appreciate your many ideas. Use your values more often to ensure you get what you want. Use your own values and beliefs to keep you on the right track so that others don't take advantage of you. Get clear on what is important to you. Know what you personally want and believe is worthwhile. Tap into the power and the passion of what you care deeply about. Use that passion to fire up your dreams and to power your actions.


Bob Wiele, 2008

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who Developed the 4D-i and the OneSmartWorld Total Intelligence System?
Bob Wiele, founder of OneSmartWorld and author of Smart for Life, has been the driving innovative force in the development of total intelligence and the industry leading 4D-i. Drawing upon 35 years of experience in people development and organizational change as well as the work of many leading practitioners, Wiele and his team developed the 4 dimensions of high performance, the system of strategies, the 4D-i ,as well as the practical process management tools in the SAM, the Smart Agenda Manager.

Why was the Total Intelligence System Developed?

Life and business are increasingly global, complex and fast moving. Standard psychological instruments had several major provided not much than personality snapshots. In 2000, Wiele decided to focus on helping people, teams and organizations succeed by developing their peoples thinking skills and team problem solving processes. The belief is that we now live in an intelligence economy, not a knowledge economy. It is how well people can think, solve problems, communicate and work in teams that are more important than simply how much you know. . Wiele gathered a top team of organizational psychologists, database developers, web designers, consultants and graphic artists. He recruited a wonderful group of innovative, early adoptor clients. The goal was to develop an easy to use, operating system for thinking and working smarter that enterprises worldwide could use. The focus was on integrating proling people and group processes for getting work done, all off the same platform. The solutions had to address 5 core needs that clients had brought to us 1. leadership development: how to develop skills that leaders will need for problems they have never experienced; 2. team performance: how to select and build high performing teams that get results faster; 3. smarter meetings: how to enable teams to stop wasting time in bad meetings and get more done; 4. rapid innovation: how to accelerate innovation and 5. human capital management: how to put the intelligence of an entire enterprise at the ngertips of everyone.

What research supports the 4D-i? Is it reliable?

The 4D-i is a scientically developed, statistically based, reliable measurement instrument.The 4D-i is based on over 35 years of research by Bob Wiele and his inter-disciplinary team, into the roots of intelligence, success, high performance and health. The original scientic esearch on the 4Di instrument was conducted in 2000-2001, by Jackson Leadership Systems, organizational psychologists. Lyz Sayer, PhD, lead the revisions of the instrument in 2004 . Standard scientic research protocols were used throughout the development and the test/retest of the 4D-i .The instrument was signicantly revised in 2004 to improve both the input and the proler output. The current version was revised in 2008, with a new set of norms, based upon over 12,000 recent users.

Bob Wiele, 2008


Achieving Success: How to Expand Your Capabilities

...the central method for achieving a happier life is to train your mind in a daily practice that weakens negative attitudes and strenghtens positive ones...the mind must be developed by you alone. There is no way for others to do the work and for you to reap the results.
-The Dalai Lama, Author, How to Practice, and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate


Bob Wiele, 2008

How to Be Great: 7 Key Practices to Achieve High Performance in Anything You Do

most people practice, they focus on the things they already know how to do. Deliberate practice is different. It entails considerable, specic, and sustained efforts to do something you cant do well or even at all. Research across domains shows that it is only by working at what you cant do, that you turn into the expert that you want to become. *

1. Deliberate practice Not all practice makes perfect. You need a particular kind of practice deliberate practice to develop expertise. When

2. Deliberate thinking experts not only use deliberate practice, they also think deliberately. The thinking process is no more left to chance than is

the conscious and deliberate practice of the skill. Experts think well and approach each challenge as unique. Work in all 4 dimensions. Continually tap into the white of personal spirit to stay focused and positive during adversity. Deliberately go to yellow to analyze and understand the situation; go to red to determine the crux of the problem; go to green to explore all options and shift to red to come the to best conclusion.

3. Daily hard work - you cant get great or to really good at anything without regular, sustained hard work and sacrice. You have to put in the miles.
You may decide that world class expertise is not the level you want. But the reality is that hard, disciplined work is an essential aspect of higher level skill development and high performance results in every eld.

4. Passion the re in any high performer is a passion for what they are doing. This passion is a personal choice for pursing what you choose to do. Passion is the fuel you need to do the hard work and put in the time to achieve the knowledge, competence and results in the area you want to be great in. 5. Perseverance the willingness to keep doing something and pursuing a goal despite obstacles. High performers dont quit early. Perseverance is a
state of mind. It is the heart of personal spirit. To become a high performer, you need to keep on keeping on, and not give up when you face hard challenges.

6. Self discipline - the ability to stay focused, act deliberately and refrain from doing things that subvert or distract you from what you need to do to achieve your goal. Self discipline is as much about what you dont do as it is about what you do choose to do. Plan the work. Work the plan. Dont wobble. No excuses. If you slip, get right back on track. 7. Positive outlook - optimism is a common characteristic of all high performers. Reframe challenges into learning opportunities. Use optimism to persist on your path and get through the problems and inevitable roadblocks you face.

The Making of An Expert, Harvard Business Review, July-August 2007, K.Anders Ericsson et al.

Bob Wiele, 2008


Your Get Smarter Action Planner: Part One

Smart people, like high performers in every field, aren't simply satisfied by knowing their preferences and their strengths. High performers continually want to improve. They walk the walk and put in the effort to get better. How? By carefully targeting the skill areas they need to build up and then systematically developing the competence and confidence they need to succeed. Reflect on your 4D-i results. Set your goals to get smarter in all 4 dimensions and develop your total intelligence. Use your 4D-i results to select targets on the mindset or strategies you want to develop. Step 1. Read over the list on this page and note your results. Step 2. Assess your own current skill level for each item (not your preference) by putting in a dot in: Column 1 - NEEDS IMPROVEMENT Column 2 - OK - DEVELOPING SKILLS Column 3 - ALREADY SKILLED Step 3. Join the dots across the 3 columns to create a jagged line of your current skills and interests in further improvement. Step 4. Select 2 or 3 priorities for personal skill development from the list. Make a check mark on the ones you selected in column 4.


89 21 61 61 23 29 28 65 64 37 96 3 75 23 31 98 26 31 70 57 63



Critical Thinking
1. Get To The Crux 2. Conclude 3. Validate The Conclusion 4. Rely On Experience

Beliefs Based
1. Values Driven

Gut Intuition
1. Trust Your Heart

Analytical Thinking
1. Scan The Situation 2. Structure Information 3. Clarify Understanding

1. Tune-In To Feelings 2. Empathize With Others 3. Express Feelings

Creative Thinking
1. Brainstorm Ideas 2. Challenge Assumptions 3. Reframe Problems Into Opportunities 4. Envision Possibilities

Creative Intuition
1. Get Into The Flow 2. Flash Of Insight

Personal Spirit
1. Your Outlook 2. Your Sense of Control 3. Your Initiative


Bob Wiele, 2008

Your Get Smarter Action Planner: Part Two

Once you know what you want to work on, now you can develop your plan. Write the 3 priorities you selected in My Targets and complete the exercise.

My #1 Target Why is this useful to me: My barriers to change: What I commit to do to develop this skill:

My #2 Target Why is this useful to me: My barriers to change: What I commit to do to develop this skill:

My #3 Target Why is this useful to me: My barriers to change: What I commit to do to develop this skill:

Bob Wiele, 2008


Believe It to Achieve It: Your Advanced Personal Success Planner

The Believe It to Achieve It system is a powerful personal change management system. It gives you a repeatable template to use when you want to expand your capabilities and achieve a consistent level of personal high performance. Use it to align your inner world of what you believe, think and feel with your outer world of actions and the results you want to achieve. Start with clarifying your intention. Then describe in detail what the successful results look like. The next phase involves inner alignment what do you need to believe about yourself to achieve the outcome? Next, describe how you need to feel. Choose powerful positive words and feelings to direct your emotional state. Finally, write down the constructive self-talk you need to repeat to yourself to keep you in positive alignment.

The nal phase of the planning is to actually script the phrases you need to say and then describe the actions that you must take to align your outer world with your inner world and your deep intention.
For more information on how to use the Believe It to Achieve It system, read chapter 7, Achieving Success, of the Smart for Life book, by Bob Wiele.

Expanding capacity requires a willingness to endure short term discomfort in the service of long term reward.
- Jim Loehr and Anthony Schwartz, The Power of Full Engagement

Bob Wiele, 2008

Your Believe It to Achieve It Planner

Use this planner whenever you have a signicant challenge and you want to harness your total intelligence to perform at your best. Complete Step 1: Set Your Intention rst. Next, jump ahead and complete Step 7: Achieve It. Next, complete Steps 2 through to 6.

Step 1. Set your Intention: Everything starts with intention. Describe in detail what your overall desire is. Get in touch and write down
why you are doing what you want to do.

Step 2. Believe It: List your own I believe... statements - the key, positive, empowering beliefs about yourself and your commitment to
your intention, that you will need to support the achievement of your desired results.

Step 3. Feel It: Write down your own powerful and positive I feel... (terric, condent, passionate, courageous, deeply committed)
statements. These are the feelings that you need to choose to be in the right emotional state.

Step 4. Think It: Describe clearly and specically the positive, constructive self-talk phrases you will say to yourself, particularly under

pressure, to reinforce your beliefs and support your intentions. Identify any negative self-talk you tended to use in the past and commit to replace it with the positive self talk.

Bob Wiele, 2008


Your Believe It to Achieve It Planner

Step 5. Say It: Identify the actual words and phrases you will use publically, with other people, to reinforce your commitment to the
achievement of your goals.

started. Set a timeline what you will do today, tomorrow, in the next 3 days, week...

Step 6. Do It: Make a list of the specic action steps you commit to. List the small steps and the big steps. Be specic. Make a plan to get

Step 7. Achieve It: Start with a detailed description of what successful achievement looks like. Describe success as clearly as you can. Use the present tense and positive language, as if success is already in place for you..

You are what your deepest desire is. As is your desire, so is your intention. As in your intention, so is your will. As is your will, so is your deed. As is your deed, so is your world.

- Anonymous


Bob Wiele, 2008


Bob Wiele, 2008


The 4 Dimensions of Total Intelligence: A Portfolio of Essential Skills








1. Brainstorm Ideas 2. Challenge Ideas 3. Reframe Problems 4. Envision Possibilities

1. Get Into The Flow 2. Flash of Insight

1. Scan The Situation 2. Structure Information 3. Clarify Understanding

1. Tune-in To Feelings 2. Empathize With Others 3. Express Feelings

1. Get to the Crux 2. Conclude 3. Validate the Conclusion 4. Rely on Experience

1. Values Driven DecisionMaking

1. Trust Your Heart DecisionMaking



Your Outlook

Your Sense of Control

Your Intuition


Bob Wiele, 2008

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