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The Importance of Regression Testing: The Importance of Regression T esting Offi ce in Ukraine Phone: +380-44-4067024 E-mail: contact (at) Address : 21, Garmatna str., Kiev, Ukraine Slide 2: Regression testing is any type of software testing that seeks to uncove r new errors, or regressions, in existing functionality after changes have been made to the software, such as functional enhancements, patches or configuration changes. Regression testing means rerunning test cases from existing test suites to ensure that software changes have no unexpected side-effects. Office in Ukra ine Phone: +380-44-4067024 E-mail: contact (at) Address: 21, Garm atna str., Kiev, Ukraine Slide 3: QATestLab specializes in regression testing of software products throug h Alpha, Beta and FCR release phases. Whether the product development is done in -house or outsourced or whether agile processes are implemented or otherwise we are familiar with the challenges in identifying all the important defects. Offic e in Ukraine Phone: +380-44-4067024 E-mail: contact (at) Address: 21, Garmatna str., Kiev, Ukraine Slide 4: Unfortunately, for many projects this is just impossible because test s uites are too large, and projects are changed too often, or just because testin g should be performed on many different hardware and OS platforms. Office in Ukr aine Phone: +380-44-4067024 E-mail: contact (at) Address: 21, Gar matna str., Kiev, Ukraine Slide 5: Selenium Watir Automated QA TestComplete HP / Merc ury QTP HP / Mercury WinRunner We provide automated regression testing service u sing the following automation tools : IBM Rational Robot Selenium RC Segue Silk Test Ranorex Robotium Office in Ukraine Phone: +380-44-4067024 E-mail: contact ( at) Address: 21, Garmatna str., Kiev, Ukraine m/ Regression Testing How to Test?: Regression Testing How to Test? Create a Regression Test Plan 1 Create Test Cases 2 Defect Tracking 3 Offi ce in Ukraine Phone: +380-44-4067024 E-mail: contact (at) Address : 21, Garmatna str., Kiev, Ukraine Regression Testing What to Test? : Regression Testing What to Test? Any functionality that was addressed by the change Original Functionali ty of the system Performance of the System after the change was introduced Gener ally the following areas are covered during Regression Testing Office in Ukraine Phone: +380-44-4067024 E-mail: contact (at) Address: 21, Garmatn a str., Kiev, Ukraine Slide 8: Automated regression testing is the testing area where we can automate most of the testing efforts. We run all the previously executed test cases this means we have test case set available and running these test cases manually is t ime consuming. Office in Ukraine Phone: +380-44-4067024 E-mail: contact (at) Address: 21, Garmatna str., Kiev, Ukraine

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