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Diane Natassia 1140003090 Essentials of Business Management

For me, business management is quite a familiar subject. Although I have not graduated from a business school, I have learned the basics of business management during my graduate school. I have also learned and practiced most of the topics discussed in class during my working days. Therefore, I have not been flustered by the learning objectives and contents when the class begun. This class has taught me so many things I could not imagine. Through theoretical approach, I was able to interpret most subjects into real life, for business and for myself.

There are two subjects that caught my attention. First is the subject about entrepreneurship, new ventures, and business ownership. This subject taught me how to be a real entrepreneur and how to act like one. The theories on this subject help me understand a lot of thing for my plan on continuing my own business venture. I get to understand the whole concept and the risks that I need and have to face in order to be successful.

Second, the subject about business management itself. I learned that there is a process in business management, which includes planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Most of my working time was spent doing organizing, leading, and controlling when I realized now that I could do planning as well. Besides that, I now know the basic management skills that a manager should have to be a future leader someday. In managing a business, there should also be a strategic management to develop the business even further and maintain it to be effective.

From those two subjects, I can understand the bigger picture in order to do business of my own and to manage a business elsewhere. Im happy to say that now I can pass this rich knowledge to the people around me, especially my business partners and friends, so that we can learn together to pursue our own business ventures in the future.

Besides those two subjects, I have also learned about delegation. For this particular subject, I got to interview the head of operations here, BINUS Business School, and learned from her experiences about delegation and organization structure. Adding that, the theory Ive learned beforehand really hit the spot so it never leaves my knowledge. I used to think that delegation is all about authority. But I was wrong and learned my mistakes.

During c class, I have met severa classmates that have helped me understand more about the subjects e al s discusse They pro ed. ovided understanding, op pinions, and new ideas that helped me do my assignments d s well and organized. Most of my classmates are creative people who are adaptive to changes and accept d e s t criticisms well in order for them t be better. Together, we to eve learned on how to w work in group help each ps, h other wh the other didnt unde hen erstand the subjects, corr rect each oth when the other accide her e entally made e some mistakes, and support eac other. All I can say is that I have been in the right class w the right m d ch s with t people a the right subjects. and

Overall, this Essentials of Business Manage ement course has been e e educating an informativ as well as nd ve s challeng ging. With this knowledge in my head I believe I can conduc a business the right w e d, ct way, ethically y and stra ategically, and I believe I am prepared to step in th business world. d d he

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