V. I. Sotnikov Et Al - Development of Global Magnetohydrodynamic Instabilities in Z-Pinch Plasmas in The Presence of Nonideal Effects

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MAY 2004

Development of global magnetohydrodynamic instabilities in Z-pinch plasmas in the presence of nonideal effects
V. I. Sotnikova) and B. S. Bauer
University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada 89557

J. N. Leboeuf
University of California, Los Angeles, California 90095

P. Hellinger, P. Travncek, and V. Fiala

Institute of Atmospheric Physics, 141 31 Praha 4, Czech Republic

Received 5 August 2003; accepted 3 February 2004; published online 14 April 2004 The development of global magnetohydrodynamic MHD instabilities in Z-pinch plasmas has been studied with a three-dimensional hybrid simulation model. Plasma equilibria without and with axial sheared ow, and with different values of the parameter H , which appears as a coefcient before the Hall term in dimensionless nonideal MHD equations, have been considered. Increasing the parameter H leads to larger simulation growth rates for both m 0 sausage and m 1 kink modes. The hybrid simulations do however show that axial sheared ow severely curtails the linear and nonlinear development of both sausage and kink instabilities. In these respects, the hybrid simulations are in qualitative agreement with linear Hall MHD results. Moreover, in the nonlinear stage, long wavelength modes dominate the excited wave spectrum when the parameter H is small. For the larger value of the parameter H , small-scale structures do however develop nonlinearly in the excited wave spectrum at late times. 2004 American Institute of Physics. DOI: 10.1063/1.1691452


It is now well recognized15 that such nonideal magnetohydrodynamic MHD effects as sheared ow, the Hall term and nite Larmor radius FLR can strongly inuence the development of global MHD instabilities see also Refs. 68 . In a previous paper9 the linear stage of instability development was investigated and the linearized system of equations based on the Hall uid MHD model was solved numerically for the m 0 sausage mode. The main results of that study are as follows. The ow shear can considerably suppress the instability development. However, the Hall term, with even relatively small parameter H c/( pi r 0 ) 0.1, where r 0 is the radius of the metal cylinder, c is the speed of light, and pi is the ion plasma frequency, can lead to a considerable increase in the growth rate, especially in the short wavelength region. Another approach to the stability analysis is based on the Vlasov uid model. In the simplied version of this model ions are treated via the linearized Vlasov equation and electrons are added as a cold background.10 Using this hybrid approach the stability of the azimuthal mode number m 0 sausage and m 1 kink modes in the collisionless, large ion Larmor radius regime was evaluated. It was shown that large Larmor radius effects did not lead to a signicant suppression of the sausage and kink modes. A related twodimensional and nonlinear hybrid model in r coordinates which includes ion collisions has been applied to a kinetic

Electronic mail: sotnikov@physics.unr.edu 1897

description of ions in aluminum wire-array precursor plasmas.11 The emphasis in that work is on modeling wirearray implosion and precursor development, not pinch stability studies. The evolution of the RayleighTaylor instability in a low beta, two-dimensional plasma was also studied with the use of a hybrid code and a nonideal MHD code.12 In that paper, differences between the conventional MHD and nonideal MHD results are discussed. In the conventional MHD regime, the usual behavior of the RayleighTaylor instability is observed. In the weak nonideal MHD regime, long wavelength modes, reminiscent of the KelvinHelmholtz instability, dominate nonlinearly but very short wavelength laments develop at the boundary interface. In the strong nonideal MHD regime, small-scale structures dominate and the boundary layer relaxes via a diffusion-like process rather than through a large-scale nonlinear mixing process. In a recent paper13 nonideal MHD plasma regimes in the study of dynamic Z pinches are discussed and conditions for nonideal MHD dynamics including uid viscosity, resistivity, and Hall current dynamics are reviewed. In particular, the physics of wire initiation and breakdown and liner implosion are considered. This work emphasizes the need to go beyond ideal MHD, as is also attempted here, for experimental relevance. In the present paper, the development of Z-pinch instabilities in the presence of axial sheared ow, the Hall term and nite Larmor radius effects FLR has been investigated via three-dimensional 3D hybrid particle ions, uid electrons simulations. The aim is to see how the combined inuence of sheared axial ow and the Hall term affects the
2004 American Institute of Physics


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Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 11, No. 5, May 2004

Sotnikov et al.

FIG. 1. Growth rates as a function of scaled axial wave number with parameter H 0.02 and in the absence of axial sheared ow for a the m 0 sausage instability and b the m 1 kink instability. The same growth rates for the calculation with increased simulation box size to capture the ideal MHD behavior of the growth rates in the long wavelength limit for c the m 0 sausage instability and d the m 1 kink instability.

development of the sausage and kink instabilities. Sheared axial ow leads to the rapid appearance of short wavelengths in the spectrum of the excited MHD modes. This dictates the necessity of incorporating nonideal MHD effects into the model. Inclusion of the sheared axial ow and the Hall term allows to take the Z-pinch system away from the region in parameter space where ideal MHD is applicable and where the Z pinch is in its most unstable conguration. This brings the Z pinch to a regime in operational space where nonideal effects such as the Hall term, nite Larmor radius effects, and sheared axial ow tend to govern stability. The 3D version14 of the hybrid code based on the Current Advanced Method and Cycling Leapfrog CAMCL algorithm15 is used. In this code electrons are considered as a massless uid, and the ions are treated as particles. The hybrid simulations have been carried out without and with axial sheared ow and in two regimes with respect to the parameter H . In the rst regime the parameter H is taken to be very small at H 0.02. In the second regime it is taken to be ve times larger at H 0.1. The set of parameters chosen for

the hybrid simulations is very close to the one used in Ref. 9 and this then makes it possible to compare linear Hall MHD theory and hybrid simulation results. The organization of this paper is as follows. In Sec. II, the equations used in the hybrid simulation model are presented. In Sec. III, simulation results are reported for instability development without and with axial sheared ow when the parameter H is small and set at H 0.02. In Sec. IV, simulation results for the case when the parameter H is larger and set at H 0.1 are presented with and without axial sheared ow. In the last section the results obtained in the simulations are discussed and summarized.


We use the 3D version14 of the hybrid simulation model based on the CAMCL algorithm.15 In this model, the plasma is described by a combination of kinetic ions and uid electrons. The relevant equations are

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Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 11, No. 5, May 2004

Development of global MHD instabilities in Z-pinch . . .


FIG. 2. Color 3D density plots in the absence of axial sheared ow and with parameter

0.02 at scaled times a t 0, b t 130, and c t 200.

dr dt dvi dt B t

vi ,

ion kinetics are therefore resolved, with their equation of state self-consistently determined by ion kinetics. The electric eld can then be written as E Ji B en e B B 0 en e pe . en e 7

qi E vi B , mi E, B
0J ,

3 4 en e E J e B pe , 5 6

Therefore the equation for the magnetic eld becomes B t Ji B en e B B . 0 en e 8

n em e

du e dt

p e n e kT e .

The electrons are taken to be a massless, charge-neutralizing uid m e 0 in Eq. 5 and they furthermore obey an isothermal equation of state Eq. 6 . The ions on the other hand are treated by the particle in cell PIC scheme and full

This set of equations is sufcient to investigate development of global MHD instabilities in Z-pinch plasmas with nonideal MHD effects such as the Hall term, FLR and axial sheared ow, included into the model. Throughout, subscripts e and i indicate electrons and ions, respectively. The algorithm for solving this set of equations is described in detail in Refs. 14 and 15. It is sufcient to say here that in this code the particle ions are advanced by a leapfrog scheme that requires the elds to be known at one-half time

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Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 11, No. 5, May 2004

Sotnikov et al.

FIG. 3. Excited wave spectrum as a function of scaled axial wave number vertical axis and azimuthal mode number horizontal axis in the absence of axial sheared ow and with parameter H 0.02 at scaled times a t 130 and b t 200.

FIG. 4. Growth rates as a function of scaled axial wave number with parameter H 0.02 and with axial sheared ow V 0z 3 for a the m 0 sausage instability and b the m 1 kink instability.

step ahead of the particle velocity. This is effected by advancing the current density to this time step with only one computational pass through the particle data at each time step. Two interlaced grids are used, one with nodes at cell centers for electric elds and another with nodes at cell vertices for all other elds. The particle contribution to the current density at the relevant nodes is evaluated with bilinear weighting. The magnetic eld is advanced in time with the modied midpoint trapezoidal method, which makes time substepping for the eld advance possible. In the hybrid simulations, the magnetic eld is scaled to B 0 and the density to n 0 . The units of space, time, and velocity are collisionless skin depth c/ pi , inverse of the ion cyclotron frequency 1/ i , and Alfven speed v A , respectively. These quantities are also dened through B 0 and n 0 . The elds and particle moments are determined on a 3D grid with (N x L x / x 50) (N y L y / y 50) (N z L z / z 100) points or cells. There is a maximum of 128 particles per cell for a scaled peak density of n 0 1 and the total number of particles is 2 516 400 for the simulation box size

used. In the cases of interest here, the initial particle distribution is not uniform and follows the density prole set by the type of pinch equilibrium used, e.g., Bennett. The simulation box is taken to be periodic in the axial z direction. The simulation resolves only the grid points inside a cylinder aligned with the z axis and centered in the middle of the box with radius r 0 . The electric eld outside that cylinder is set to zero, and particles that cross the cylinder boundary are reected back. The time step for the particle advance is dt 0.025/ i , while the magnetic eld B is advanced with a smaller time step, dt B dt/10. Simulation studies were carried out for two cylinder radii. In the rst case the radius was set to r 0 50c/ pi , through r 0 L x ( N x x L y )/2 with N x 50 and grid spacing x y z 2c/ pi , which corresponds to a value of H (c/ pi )/r 0 0.02. In the second case the radius was equal to r 0 10c/ pi , through r 0 (N x x)/2 with N x 50 and grid spacing x y z 0.4c/ pi , translating into the parameter value of H 0.1. max The maximum axial wave number k z included in the

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Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 11, No. 5, May 2004

Development of global MHD instabilities in Z-pinch . . .


FIG. 5. Color 3D density plots in the presence of axial sheared ow and with parameter

0.02 at scaled times a t 0, b t 130, and c t 200.

simulations is, in grid units, (2 )/(N z z) (N z /4) max (c/ pi) 0.78 and ( /2)/ z, which translates into k z 3.92 for parameters H of 0.02 and 0.1, respectively. With azimuthal mode number m, a change of coordinates from Cartesian to cylindrical yields k m/r (k x ) 2 (k y ) 2 1/2. For the sake of comparison, we take m max at r r 0 , so that m max r0 (kmax)2 (kmax)2 1/2. With k max /(2 x) and x y x k max /(2 y), the maximum m, dened at r r 0 , is m max y 55 in both cases. Furthermore, we have tested the numerical scheme to estimate its residual diffusion. The tests show that numerical diffusion is important only for time scales that signicantly exceed the duration of our simulations. Numerical diffusion can then be considered to be negligible less than 1% . As a consequence, the wave vectors that are well min resolved in our simulations do indeed range from k z max min max 2 /Lz to k z /(2 z), so that k z k kz . Therefore, the maximum wave numbers and azimuthal mode number provide adequate resolution. With the two different cylinder radii routinely used,

simulations have been carried out both without and with axial sheared ow. In the simulations we initially set electron and ion temperatures so that i e 0.5, with i,e n 0 kT i,e /(B 2 /2 0 ). Taking into account that c/ pi 0 ( 2/ i ) i , where i is the ion Larmor radius, we therefore have c/ pi 2 i for i 0.5. This implies that we are still in the regime when Hall MHD is valid strictly speaking it should be c/ pi i ). In addition to the parameter H which serves as a measure of the importance of nonideal effects such as the Hall term, we can also introduce the parameter FLR i /r 0 , which represents the inuence of nite Larmor radius effects on the system. With such a choice of parameters ( FLR 0.01 and FLR 0.05 for the two cylinder radii considered, namely r 0 50c/ pi and r 0 10c/ pi ), the inuence of nite Larmor radius effects is therefore expected to be small. Moreover, the ratio H / FLR 2/ i remains large for plasmas with i 1. This means that FLR effects are not so important in such plasmas. The code is initialized with Bennett equilibrium proles.

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Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 11, No. 5, May 2004

Sotnikov et al.

FIG. 7. Growth rates as a function of scaled axial wave number in the absence of axial sheared ow and with term parameter H 0.1 for a the m 0 sausage instability and b the m 1 kink instability. FIG. 6. Excited wave spectrum in the same representation as in Fig. 3 with axial sheared ow and with parameter H 0.02 at scaled times a t 100 and b t 200.

The initial density and magnetic eld are set to n n0 1 r 2 /a 2 B0


r/a 1 r 2 /a 2


where r is the radial distance from the cylinder axis and the pinch radius a r 0 /3. The radial prole of the axial velocity is taken to be of the form V 0z 3V A (1 r 2 /r 2 ), so that the 0 axial velocity shear is linearly proportional to the radius. In what follows, results of the hybrid simulations will be presented in terms of plots for the growth rates of m 0 and m 1 modes measured in the linear phase of the simulations, of 3D density plots, and of wave number spectra of the density perturbations as a function of axial wave number k z and azimuthal m wave number at various instants of time in instability development. Every mode in the excited wave spec-

trum has its own time necessary for the nonlinear saturation process to start. For instance, modes with larger axial wave numbers k z have larger linear growth rates and as a result their saturation times are smaller. To measure the linear growth rates in the hybrid simulations, we have therefore chosen time slices which correspond to the linear stage of instability development for each of the modes of interest. In the various plots for the growth rates, we have also restricted the maximum axial wave numbers to those already calculated from the linear Hall MHD theory in Ref. 9. Moreover, to determine the growth rate of the particular mode with given axial k z and azimuthal m wave numbers, we rst transform the density to cylindrical coordinates n(t,x,y,z) n(t,r, ,z). Now we make a Fourier transformation of the last two coordinates and z to get n ft(t,r,m,k z ). Finally, for different r, m, and k z we determine the growth rate using the linear t of ln nft(t) during the exponential stage of the wave amplitude growth. In the hybrid simulations presented next, the source of energy for the instabilities is the axial current in the system which supports the azimuthal magnetic eld, Eq. 10 , in the Bennett pinch equilibrium. Unstable modes grow from noise

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Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 11, No. 5, May 2004

Development of global MHD instabilities in Z-pinch . . .


FIG. 8. Color 3D density plots in the absence of axial sheared ow and with parameter

0.1 at scaled times a t 0, b t 110, and c t 180.

which in the hybrid simulations is mostly due to random seeding of the initial Maxwellian velocity distribution of the particle ions. Along with the development of sausage and kink instabilities in the system, magnetic energy is decreasing and kinetic energy is growing. Throughout, the total energy conserves to an accuracy 4%.

In this section results of 3D hybrid simulations of Z-pinch instabilities with and without axial sheared ow and with the parameter H measuring the importance of nonideal effects such as the Hall term set to H 0.02 are presented.
A. Instability development in the absence of axial sheared ow

For the simulations with small H , the growth rates of the sausage (m 0) and kink (m 1) instabilities measured in the linear phase of the simulations are plotted in Figs. 1 a and 1 b . They are displayed as a function of the wave number along the axial direction k z , normalized to the ion skin depth c/ pi . The growth rates are normalized to V Ti /r 0 , where V Ti corresponds to the spatially uniform ion thermal speed and ion temperature at t 0 and r 0 is the radius of the cylinder.

The growth rate for the sausage instability presented in Fig. 1 a is in fact in reasonably good agreement with the linear Hall MHD calculations with parameter H set at H 0.01, presented in Fig. 3 of Ref. 9. The growth rate of the m 1 mode is slightly larger than that of the m 0 mode. To check the growth rate behavior in the long axial wavelength limit, where according to ideal MHD the growth rate should go to zero, we have carried out simulations for a box size with twice the length in the z direction and therefore twice the resolution. The elds and particle moments are now determined on a 3D grid with (N x L x / x 100) (N y L y / y 100) (N z L z / z 200) points or cells. There is as before a maximum of 128 particles per cell for a scaled peak density of n 0 1 and the total number of particles is now 20 131 200 8 times more particles than usual . Simulation results for the larger box size are presented in Figs. 1 c and 1 d . It is now clearly seen that the growth rate is going to zero when the axial wave number goes to zero. Simulations with the larger box size were only carried out for this case to demonstrate that the code can correctly capture the growth rate behavior in the long wavelength limit. Figure 2 contains 3D plots of plasma density inside the cylinder at scaled times t 0, t 130, and t 200, where t is in 1/ i units. Figure 2 indicates that at earlier moments in time sausage and kink modes coexist, but that kink modes

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Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 11, No. 5, May 2004

Sotnikov et al.

B. Instability development in the presence of axial sheared ow

FIG. 9. Excited wave spectrum in the same representation as in Figs. 3 and 6 in the absence of axial sheared ow and with parameter H 0.1 at scaled times a t 100 and b t 160.

For the simulations with axial sheared ow and with small H , the growth rates of the sausage (m 0) and kink (m 1) instabilities as a function of scaled axial wave vector are plotted in Figs. 4 a and 4 b . When compared to those of Fig. 1 we see that the simulation growth rates of both m 0 and m 1 modes are substantially reduced in the presence of axial sheared ow, particularly for k z 0.5. The growth rate for the sausage instability presented in Fig. 4 a is again in reasonably good agreement with the linear Hall MHD calculations with H 0.01 and with axial sheared ow presented in Fig. 3 of Ref. 9. To elaborate, in the long wavelength limit the simulation growth rate of the m 0 mode is in good agreement with the linear theory results presented in Fig. 3 of Ref. 9, while it is slightly larger in the short wavelength limit. Figures 5 a , 5 b , and 5 c are 3D plots of plasma density inside the cylinder at scaled times t 0, t 130, and t 200. These plots, when compared to those of Fig. 2, clearly show that instability development in both the linear and nonlinear phases for sausage and kink modes alike is strongly suppressed by the axial sheared ow. Wave number spectra at scaled times t 130 and t 200 are presented in Figs. 6 a and 6 b , again as a function of scaled axial wave number on the vertical axis and azimuthal mode number on the horizontal axis. Even more than in the case without ow shear of Fig. 3, the long axial wavelength amplitudes and the low azimuthal mode numbers dominate the excited wave spectrum, although at time t 200 harmonics with high m numbers have not developed yet, because their growth is now suppressed by the ow shear.

take over later on in time as can be seen from Fig. 2 c . This corroborates the results of Figs. 1 a and 1 b for the respective growth rates of the sausage and kink modes, the latter being larger. Wave number spectra are presented in Figs. 3 a and 3 b , at scaled times t 130 and t 200, respectively, as a function of axial wave number k z , measured in the units of pi /c and plotted along the vertical axis and of azimuthal wave number m along the horizontal axis. These plots show how the density perturbations are distributed among the different axial and azimuthal wave numbers in the excited wave spectrum. The darker regions correspond to higher density amplitudes in the excited wave spectrum. Figure 3 shows that the sausage m 0 and kink m 1 modes appear at earlier moments in time (t 130), as has already been seen in the structures of Fig. 2. This is also in agreement with Fig. 1, where the growth rates of two most rapidly growing modes are presented. At late times (t 200) modes with larger azimuthal wave numbers m appear. Moreover, Fig. 3 indicates that in the case of small H 0.02 the excited wave spectrum is concentrated in the region of long axial wavelengths small k z ) in the nonlinear stage.

In this section results of 3D hybrid simulations for the case when the parameter H is ve times larger than in the simulations described in Sec. III, are presented.
A. Instability development in the absence of axial sheared ow

For the simulations without axial sheared ow but with large H parameter at H 0.1, the growth rates of the sausage (m 0) and kink (m 1) instabilities are presented in Figs. 7 a and 7 b . As can be seen from the plots, the simulation growth rates of both m 0 and m 1 modes are considerably larger for all k z values except those discussed in Sec. III A, where the parameter H was much smaller at H 0.02. Figures 8 a , 8 b , and 8 c are 3D plots of plasma density inside the cylinder at scaled times t 0, t 60, and t 100. These plots clearly show that instability development for both sausage and kink modes is now taking place much faster in time and therefore with much larger growth rates, as attested by the very distorted plasma density patterns of Fig. 8 c . These results conrm those of the linear Hall MHD theory presented in Ref. 9 which predict that an increase in

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Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 11, No. 5, May 2004

Development of global MHD instabilities in Z-pinch . . .


the parameter H leads to higher growth rates for sausage modes. Figure 8 b also reveals the dominance of short scale perturbations in the excited axial wave spectrum, in contrast with Fig. 2 c , where large scale axial perturbations are the most pronounced in the case of smaller H parameter. Spectral analysis of the excited wave spectrum at scaled times t 60 and t 100 is presented in Figs. 9 a and 9 b . These gures also show that at these instants in time the wave spectra have spread into the regions of smaller axial wavelengths along the vertical axis and of large azimuthal wave numbers along the horizontal axis . This is different from the excited spectrum behavior in the case of smaller H 0.02 presented in Fig. 3, where the wave spectra mostly consist of long axial wavelengths and low azimuthal wave numbers at late times.
B. Instability development in the presence of axial sheared ow

For the simulations with large H parameter at H 0.1 and with axial sheared ow, the growth rates of the sausage (m 0) and kink (m 1) instabilities are plotted in Figs. 10 a and 10 b . As can be seen from these gures, the growth rates of both m 0 and m 1 modes are dramatically reduced compared to those of Figs. 7 a and 7 b . It is interesting to note that the growth rate of the m 0 mode is now larger than the growth rate of the m 1 mode in the simulations. Figures 11 a , 11 b , and 11 c are 3D plots of plasma density inside the cylinder at scaled times t 0, t 110, and t 180. These plots, when compared to those of Fig. 8, clearly show that instability development for both sausage and kink modes is now suppressed by axial sheared ow. As mentioned before, the growth rate of the m 0 mode is larger and this explains the density structure appearing in Fig. 11 b . Later on in time, the m 1 mode and even higher m modes emerge as can be seen in Fig. 11 c . Wave number spectra at scaled times t 100 and t 160 are presented in Figs. 12 a and 12 b as a function of scaled axial wave vector on the vertical axis and azimuthal mode number on the horizontal axis. This spectrum markedly differs from that without axial sheared ow presented in Fig. 9 in the sense that there is much less of a spread in axial wavelength and in azimuthal wave number even at time t 160. This may just be another reection of the much slower development of the instabilities because their growth rates are now substantially suppressed by the axial sheared ow, as shown in Fig. 10.

FIG. 10. Growth rates as a function of scaled axial wave number with axial sheared ow and with parameter H 0.1 for a the m 0 sausage instability and b the m 1 kink instability.

In this paper we have examined the linear and nonlinear development of instabilities of current-carrying Z-pinch plasmas via 3D hybrid simulations with inclusion into the model of nonideal MHD effects connected with the Hall term through parameter H and with axial sheared ow. The simulations have been initialized with Bennett equilibrium proles with two different values of the parameter H ( H 0.02 and H 0.1), without and with axial sheared ow. The latter was chosen of the form V 0z 3V A (1 r 2 /r 2 ) so 0

that ow shear is everywhere proportional to radius. For every simulation performed, results were presented in terms of plots for the growth rates of m 0 and m 1 modes measured in the linear phase of the simulations, of 3D density plots, and of wave number spectra of the density perturbations as a function of axial wave number k z and azimuthal m wave number at various instants of time in instability development. The parameter H can be expressed through the ratio of the ion Larmor radius i to the cylinder radius r 0 which we call FLR and ion plasma i as follows H ( 2/ i ) FLR . So only for very large plasma i 1, we shall have H FLR and effects connected with the Hall term can be neglected in comparison with FLR effects. For our choice of i 0.5, we have H 2 FLR and the inuence of the Hall term on instability development can therefore exceed that of FLR effects. It is also important to mention that in the simulations k z i for the long axial wavelength part of the spectrum was small (k z i 1) for both H 0.02 and H 0.1. The results reported here show that when the parameter H increases, the growth rates of both sausage and kink in-

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Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 11, No. 5, May 2004

Sotnikov et al.

FIG. 11. Color 3D density plots in the presence of axial sheared ow and with parameter

0.1 at scaled times a t 0, b t 110, and c t 180.

stabilities increase as well. This happens in cases with and without the ow shear. The results of this study also show that axial sheared ow does tend to suppress sausage and kink instabilities for both small and large H cases. This is in agreement with ideal MHD simulations of DeSouzaMachado and co-workers5 that demonstrate stabilization of the Z pinch by velocity shear. Here, we show that the suppression by axial sheared ow is more pronounced for large parameter H . The growth rates obtained in the hybrid simulations for the m 0 mode appear to be in reasonable agreement with the linear Hall MHD results presented in Ref. 9 for a similar set of initial parameters. In Ref. 9, only the sausage (m 0) instability was examined in the framework of the Hall MHD model, although equations were derived for arbitrary azimuthal mode number m. It was shown that even small values of the parameter H can destabilize the m 0 mode. FLR effects were not taken into account in that model. These earlier results are in agreement with nonideal MHD simulations of Z-pinch stability performed by Sheehey and Lindemuth.16

Results presented in this paper also indicate that in a Z-pinch plasma with i 1 in the regime where i r 0 and c/ pi i , the Hall term plays the dominant role in destabilizing m 0 and m 1 modes, whereas the stabilizing effect due to FLR is not so pronounced. This corroborates the results of Ref. 10, where instability of m 0 and m 1 modes was studied in the presence of large FLR, but with zero electron temperature and where stabilization due to large FLR was not observed. This further agrees with results of Ref. 17 where nite electron temperature was included into the Vlasov uid model which in fact leads to even larger growth rates for the m 0 modes than those obtained with cold electrons. The 3D hybrid simulations presented in this paper show that the nonlinear development of the Z-pinch plasma column is complicated by the alternate dominance of modes with long and short axial wavelengths and small and large azimuthal wave numbers as time progresses away from the linear phase of sausage and kink instabilities. This is apparent in 3D plots of plasma density in the cylinder as a func-

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Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 11, No. 5, May 2004

Development of global MHD instabilities in Z-pinch . . .


more effective at reducing the spectral spread for small parameter H . For the larger value of the parameter H , the excited axial wave spectrum spreads at late times, the spread being somewhat less pronounced in the presence of axial sheared ow. All in all, this produces the small scale axial and azimuthal structures which dominate the nonlinear stage of instability development. The appearance of the short axial and azimuthal wavelengths in the nonlinear spectrum of the hybrid simulations with increase of the parameter H is consistent with the conjecture advanced in the Introduction that inclusion of the Hall term into the system leads to development of small scales in the turbulence spectrum.

The authors wish to acknowledge valuable discussions with I. Lindemuth, L. Rudakov, P. Sheehey, R. Siemon, and F. Winterberg. We also express our gratitude to R. A. Fonseca and F. Tsung, respectively, from IST, Portugal and UCLA, for their permission to use the OSIRIS Analysis scientic visualization package developed in the context of laser- and beam-plasma interactions. This work was supported by the United States Department of Energy under Grant No. DE-FG03-01ER54617 at the University of California at Los Angeles, Grant No. DEFC08-01NV14050 at the University of Nevada Reno and Grant B 3042106/01 of the Czech Academy of Science at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics in Prague.
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FIG. 12. Excited wave spectrum in the same representation as in Figs. 3, 6, and 9 in the presence of axial sheared ow and with parameter H 0.1 at times a t 100 and b t 200.

tion of time and in plots of excited wave spectra as a function of axial wave number and azimuthal mode number. The nonlinear stage of development of the plasma column is affected by the presence of axial sheared ow and by an increase in the parameter H as much as the linear results are. It is speeded up as the parameter H increases and slowed in the presence of axial sheared ow. In particular, analysis of the excited wave spectra for the density perturbations as a function of axial wave number and azimuthal wave number shows that axial sheared ow tends to suppress the spread of the spectrum at late times towards large azimuthal wave numbers. The axial sheared ow is

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