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Mata Pelajaran Sat. Pendidikan Kelas / Program : BAHASA INGGRIS : SMA : XI

PETUNJUK UMUM 1. Tulis nomor dan nama Anda pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan 2. Periksa dan bacalah soal dengan teliti sebelum Anda bekerja 3. Kerjakanlah soal anda pada lembar jawaban 4. Gunakan waktu dengan efektif dan efisien 5. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada Pengawas

SOAL : The text below is for questions 1 to 3 My Brother's Smart Parrot My brother has a very smart pet. It is a parrot. Wlien he bought it one year ago from his friend, it was just like other parrot. My brother wants that his parrot can speak like people. Every day my brother trains it how to speak like people. First, he says some short words or expressions such as hello, good inorning, and good bye. Then, he asks the parrot to follow what he says. He does this again and again until his parrot can follow the expressions well. Now, my brother's parrot can speak almost like people. There are some words and expressions that this parrot can say such as "hello, good morning, how are you, who are you, and good bye". But, "hello" is one word that the parrot can sav very fluently. Since my brother puts his parrot in front of the house, every time someone passes by, the parrot always greets him saying "hello". 1. How is the parrot ? A. small B. smart C. big D. beautiful E. brown "... the parrot can say very fluently". (Par 3, line 6) What does the word printed in bold meari? A. able to speak a language B. able to speech C. able to speak a language easily and well D. able to talk E. able to sing What is the writer's purpose of writing this kind of text? A. To entertain the readers. B. To tell unusual things in the past. C. To tell a series of events in the past. D. To tell a series of story about a smart parrot. E. To tell many kinds of parrot. The text below is for questions 4 to 6 Me Versus High Heels (Aku VS Sepatu Hak Tinggi) Sasha is a tomboy who likes basketball, soccer, wall climbing, and other boys' activities. She doesn't pay much attention to her looks, fashion trends, and other so - called girly stiff. Until the day she bumps into Arnold and falls madly really in love with him. She's willing to do anything to be Arnold's kind of girl; feminine, trendy, nea.t, and girly. With the help of her friend, Lola, Sa sha starts shopping for all the things girly and trendy, goes to beauty parlors and spas, and learns to wear highheels. She leaves all the boys' stuff and activities. Instead, she joins yoga and gymnastics classes, becomes a member of her school cheerleader team, and learns how to cook. But after everything that she's done, Arnold doesn't really love her. He doesn't even like her. Then she breaks into pieces. But that makes her realize that there's a boy who's in love with her. A boy who loves her just the way she is. 4. Who is the story mostly about? A. A Snow Princes B. Cinderella C. Sasha D. Lola E. Sasha's friend ... shopping for all the things girly and trendy ... (paragraph 2, line 6). The word printed in bold shows that Sasha starts shopping for all things girly and.... A. traditional fashion B. well-known fashion C. old fashion D. modern and influenced by the most recent fashions E. good fashion





What is the correct structure of the narrative text above? A. Orientation Record of event Reorientation B. Orientation Resolution Complication C. Orientation Complication Resolution D. Aim Materials Steps E. Introduction Orientation Record of event

The text below is for questions 7 to 9 Singapore has a variety of sports facilities which include indoor and outdoor stadiums, tracks, multipurpose playing fields, sports halls and courts, swimming complexes, sailing lagoons, as well as outdoor exercise apparatus in public parks. These facilities cater to a great variety of sports that people enjoy. One traditional sporting game still played is 'sepak raga'. This refers to a ball made of woven rattan. The ball is tossed to players of the opposing team using any parts of the body, especially the feet and head but never the hands, and it must not be allowed to touch the ground. Until recently, no proper roles existed for the game. It is now popularly known by its Thai name `Sepak takraw'. It now has its own set of formal rules and a more durable plastic ball is used. 7. What is one traditional sporting game in Singapore according to the text above? A. basketball B. volleyball C. sepak raga D. football E. swimming Singapore has a variety of sports facilities ... (Paragraph 1, line 1). The word printed in bold has the same meaning with .... A. different things B. various C. same things D. similar with E. traditional The second paragraph of the text above describe about .... A. Singapore city B. Tourism areas in Singapore C. A variety of sports facilities D. Sepak raga E. People in Singapore

WELCOME TO AMERICA It's the first time for young Jose to travel to the United States from Mexico. He made his first trip to Yankee Stadium, but there were no tickets left for sale. Taking pity on the poor guy, a friendly ticket salesman found him an empty seat near the American flag. Later, Jose wrote home enthusiastically about his experience. "The Americans are so friendly!" he concluded . "Before the game started, they all stood up and looked at me and sang, Jose, can you see?" (The first line of the US' anthem, " Oh, say, can you see?") 10. Who does make a travel from Mexico to United States? A. Salesman B. Americans C. Jose D. A guy E. A little boy


Taking pity on the poor guy, a friendly ticket salesman found him .... (line 5) What does the word printed in bold mean? A. A feeling of happiness B. A feeling of pride C. A feeling of unhappiness D. A feeling of sympathy and understanding for someone else's unhappiness or difficult situation. E. A feeling of dislike How does the writer make the scene 9 funny? A. By providing clue at the beginning. B. By arranging events in the order they happened. C. By giving a personal comment in the end of the story. D. By giving a twist at the end of the story. E. By giving a funny thing in the middle of story. The communicative purpose of this text is.... A. to inform readers about the soldier's problem B. to describe the soldier's experience C. to explain the reader's about the job' of a surgeon D. to share amusing story with others E. to persuade readers to be concerned with the soldier's case





The text below is for questions 14 to 17

The text below is for questions 10 to 13

The students in the second level of SMPN 5 YK went to Bali last year for study tour. At 7 o'clock in the morning, the students went to Bali by bus. They were very enjoyable in the travelling. They sang some pop songs and made some games. Also they exchanged their snack to each other. At 12 o'clock, they stayed for an hour to have supper and took a rest in the restaurant. They were served with a lot of foods such as sate, soto, bakso, and soup. Some of them ate Sate and others ate solo and bakso. They were very satist ed with the restaurant service. One hour later, they came into the bus and continued their travelling. During that time most of them slept. Only some of there read some comics and listened to the music. A 6.00 o'clock they arrived in Gilhnarrr;ifr, then one hour later' they crossed, the straits by ship. Lastly, they arrived in die.ho,el. During three days, the weut to Sanur Beach, Bedigul. Pure Bekasih, Kute Beach, Tanah Lot and Sangeh. They were beautiful places that would never. be gotten. In Ilie next morning, they came haci. to jogyakarta, 14. How was the travelling that told in the text above? A. It was boring. B. It was not interesting. C. It was terrible. D. It was enjoyable. E. It was sad event. 15. Which places were not visited by them in Bali? A. Tanah Lot B. Bedigul C. Sanur beach D. Sangeh E. Tulamben Also they exchanged their snack to each other (paragraph 1, line 6). What does the word printed in bold mean? A. To give a gift for others. B. To buy a thing for others. C. To change for something else of a similar value or type. D. To make a thing for anybody else. E. To share something with others. Why did not the writer tell some interesting places in Bali clearly? A. Because the writer focused on them. B. Because the writer mostly tell about the travelling to Bali. C. Because the writer didn't know about them. D. Because the writer did not go there. E. Because the writer me. tly tell on their activities.

The text below is for questions 18 to 20 Early Shopping It was holiday season and the judge was in a merry mood as he asked the prisoner, "What are you charged with?" "Doing my shopping early," relied the defendant. "That's no offense," said the joggle. "How early were you doing this dropping?'. "Before the store opened," countered the prisoner. (Taken horn C'NS, English Teen Magazine Vol.4 No. 26) 18. Where does the above take place? A. in a class B. in a court C. in a bank D. in a course E. in a market


That's no offense", .... (line 4) The word printed in bold means ... . A. good feelings B. happy C. upset and hurt feelings D. worry E. sad How does the writer make the scene funny? A. by providing clue at the beginning. B. by presenting a personal replied. C. by giving a twist at the beginning. D. by giving a twist in the end. E. by presenting some funny words.



The text below is for questions 21 to 23 The Best Remedy Cheating was one of the bad habits that I couldn't get rid of. One day, during a test, I finished faster than my best friend who sat. next to me. Amazingly, I didn't cheat on that exam because l had realy studied the night before and I could answer all of the questions quite easily. Seeing that I had finished, my friend signaled nre asking me to cheat for her! She indicated she didn't have the nerve to do it herself. I told her to look out of the teacher while I took a, peek at my note book while I was doing drat. Suddenly, out of nowhere someone pinched my ear and I heard the whole class laughed at me. Yep, the teacher was standing behind us and had watched the whole scene. Needless to say, I never cheated again. (CMS English Teen Magazine Vol.4 No. 26) 21. What is the writer's bad habit according to the text above?


A. B. C. D. E. 22.

cheating robbing killing playing buying

D. Boy worked in a factory. E. Boy doesn't work in a factory. 28. Hayati : Bonny is very disappointed. Hanafi : It's his own fault. If he had come on time, he would have got the job. From the dialogue we can conclude that.... A. Bony got the job B. Hanafi came on time C. Bony came late D. Hanafi got the job E. Hanafi missed the opportunity Nindy : When did you get this cassette? Lia : Yesterday. When I ... home, a boy asked me to give it to you. A. walk B. walked C. walking D. was walking E. has been walking

She indicated she didn't have the nerve to do it herself (line 7-8). What does the word printed in bold mean? A. to notice B. to give attention C. to show a value or change D. to know more detail E. courage How does the writer make the scene funny? A. by arranging events in the order they happened B. by giving a twist in the end of the story C. by presenting a personal comment in the end of the story D. by providing clue at the beginning E. by presenting some funny words Lia : Did you make this cake by yourself? Tia : Oh, I had my servant make it. From the dialogue we know that Lia .... A. had made the cake B. made the cake herself C. got the cake made D. was asked to make the cake E. made the cake with her servant Aji Ita A. B. C. D. E. : Can you cook "sate" by yourself? : No, I'll have my sister ... it. cook cooked to cook checking being checked





Andi : I didn't see your sister yesterday. Where was she? Roy : She ... with her friend when you came here. A. is going B. was going C. were going D. is gone E. was gone Elis : I ... English since seven years ago. Then, I am going study French next month. Dion : Wow, that's great Elis. A. have studied B. am studying C. was studying D. studied E. study Dinda : What about my new dress, Mother? Mother: Don't worry. Your father ... a lovely evening dress for you. Dinda : Really? Why didn't he tell me? Mother : It will be surprise, won't it? A. haven't bought B. has bought C. isn't buying D. was buying E. were buying




Reta : May I borrow your book ? Desi : I'm sorry, it ... by my mother now. A. read B. is reading C. is being read D. will read E. is read Ari : Why don't you try to find a job in factory? With the money you earn, you can buy things you need. Boy : If I worked in a factory. I wouldn't have much time to study. What does the italicized sentence mean? A. Boy works hard in a factory. B. Ari allows Boy to work in a factory. C. Boy didn't work in a factory.



33. The teacher said., "Is Mary absent?" The teacher asked ... . A. is Mary absent? B. was Mary absent? C. if Mary is absent D. whether Mary is absent E. if Mary was absent


I asked Wati, "Where does she come from?" I asked Wati .... A. where she comes from B. from where was coming C. from which she came D. where she came from E. from where she is? Annie asked, "Where do you come from?" Annie asked her .... A. where did she come from B. from where was she coming C. from which she came D. where she came from E. from where she is



Rina : I think the deforestation will cause even greater disaster. Nina : . . . . Therefore the illegal logging should be stopped. The government has to be serious to deal with this problem. A. I'm absolutely agree with you. B. I don't think so. C. Not at all. D. I doubt it. E. I am sorry to hear that.

43. 37. The student said, "Do we have a test today?" The student asked ... . A. do we have a test today B. were we have a test today C. if we had a test that day D. whether we have a test today E. whether we have a test that day 44. 38. Rieka : What would you give me if you're sent abroad? Reza : If I were sent abroad, I . . . a dictionary for you. A. bought B. will buy C. would buy D. will have bought E. would have bought Ady : Sony, let's go to Lina's party. Sony : If I had time, I would go there. From the dialogue we know that .... A. Sony goes to Lina's party. B. Ady goes to Lina's party. C. Sony doesn't go to Lina's party. D. Sony came to Lina's party. E. Sony will come to Lina's party. Ani : .... the bag? Reza : Yes, please. Thank you. A. Should you carry B. Must you carry C. Why do you carry D. Aren't you tired of carrying E. Would you like me to carry Yusuf : ..... Joni : I am sorry to hear that. A. I will go for holiday tomorrow. B. They bought a new car yesterday. C. Let us go to the library. D. Do you need some help. E. My mother is sick Rina 46.


: Will you go to the art museum with your parents? Dion : Of course not. I ... watch football on TV than go to the art museum. A. prefer B. choose C. like D. hate E. would rather Andy : Hi, Irma....? Irma : That's very kind of you, but I'm expecting my father. A. Could you tell me the way B. Can I drive you home C. Shall I bring you a drink D. Shall I help you E. Could. you give me a lift Sri : Have you visited Bob? He got an accident last week. Dwi : Oh, poor Bob. I hope he'll be better soon. The italicized sentence expresses .... A. sadness B. pleasure C. sympathy D. expectation E. satisfaction Adi : Jane didn't pass her exam. Yudo : Oh. I am sorry to hear that. From the italicized words we know that the se cond speaker expresses her . . . A. disappointment B. sympathy C. displeasure D. apology E. anger Catherine : Why do you look so sad? Larissa : Didn't you hear the news last night? The eruption volcano has killed more than two hundred people in my village.






Catherine : I'm sorry to hear that. Catherine expresses her ... . A. fear B. sadness C. apology D. surprise E. sympathy 48. Ani : Do you know that Mrs. Joko is in the hospital? Ben : No, I don't. What's wrong with her? Ani : She had an accident not far from your house? Ben : I'm sorry to hear that. Shall we go to visit her now? Ani : OK. I'll pick me up now. The italicized sentence expresses .... A. invitation B. probability C. ignorance D. advice E. sympathy Ari : Although this is the best cinema in town, there are not many people visiting it. Tia : . . . nowadays most people prefer spending their time at home watching TV. A. Oh, no. B. I don't think so. C. Really? D. That's right. E. It's not true. Audi : I think the government should give more attention to small scale industries. Bobi : I think so. Because this group offers more job opportunities. The italicized sentence means Bobi .... A. likes it B. denies it C. objects it D. dislike it E. agrees it

blooded. Fish, however, lay eggs, breathe oxygen in the water and are cold blooded. Whales live in all the oceans. In the winter some of them go to warm waters to breed and in the summer most of them go to cold waters to feed. There are two kinds of whales, whales with teeth (toothed whales) and whales without teeth (baleen whales). The toothed whales eat fish and squid, which they can catch with their teeth, although they swallow their food without chewing it. The baleen whales eat plankton (small sea animals and plants). When they find plankton, they open their mouths and swim into the plankton. When they close their mouths, they squeeze out the water and swallow the plankton. Whales have few enemies. Only human beings and the killer whales attack whales. And whales do not seem to fight among themselves. They usually live from 20 to 30 years. 51. Which of the following is TRUE about whales? a. Whales are generally 95 feet long and weigh 150 tons b. Big animals living in the ocean tend to be their enemies c. like fish, whales can live in all kinds of waters d. Their life span is usually longer than human beings e. A new baby whale may weigh one-fifeteeth o its mother 52. The organization of the text is . a. identification description b. general classification description c. general classification to position the reader explanation d. orientation event (s) reorientation e. goal material step (s) 53. A suitable title for the text is . a. Large Animals on Earth b. Differences between Whales and Elephants c. Whales, the Biggest Animal on Earth d. Similarity between Fish and Whales e. The Life of Whales in the Oceans 54. The differences between whales and fish is that whales . a. do not have to come to the surface to get fresh air b. deliver their young like elephants do c. will die if they cannot get any oxygen in the water d. are mammals that are cold blooded e. can easily breathe when they are under water



Text 1 Whales are the largest animal on earth. Bigger than elephants, they may grow 95 feet long, and weight 150 tons. A baby blue whale, just born, can be 23 feet long and weight 3 tons. Although whales live in the oceans and can swim like fish, they are not fish. They are mammals, like cows and elephants. Unlike fish, they bear young alive net as eggs. Their babies live on their mothers milk. They breathe through their lungs and hold their breathe when they go under water. If they cannot come to the surface to breathe fresh air, they will drown. They are warm

55. Whales occasionahy live in warm waters .to get more food a. to get more food b. for reproduction c. to avoid winter d. for fresh air e. to feed their babies 56. Which one of the following statements is FALSE based on the text about? a. Whales are mammals b. Whales give birth to a baby whale c. Whales lay eggs d. Whales breast feed their babies e. Each kind of whale eat different kind of food 57. From the text we may conclude that . a. a whale can eat both squid and plankton b. toothed whales chew their food before swallowing it c. the two types of whale live in different waters d. baleen whales swallow of the water containing plankton e. each type of whale eats a specific kind of food Text 2 BINGKUANG Bingkuang, a symbol of Padang, is a kind of tropical fruit in Indonesia. It is not a seasonal fruit. This fruit grows underground. Its similar to potato but the difference is in growing it. With bingkuang, the pants flower seed is planted in the ground. Bingkuang has an off-white skin. It has white fresh. The longer it is kept. The sweeter taste it will have. If the skin is damaged it will not rot easily. This fruit can help prevent stomach and colon disease. It can also help to lower body temperature if someone has fever. It can help make our skin soft and smooth. It is often used as ingredients of traditional food like rujak and sari buah. 58. Where is the original of Bingkuang? a. Padang b. Java c. madura d. Jakarta e. Irian Jaya 59. The TRUE statement based on the passage above is .

a. bingkuang doesnt have any similarities to potato b. we can find Bingkuang in London c. bingkuang is easy to decay d. bingkuang doesnt have any advantages for human being e. bingkuang only grow in tropical climate place Text 3 Patty The Milkmaid Patty the Milkmaid was going to market carrying her milk in a pail on her head. As she went along she began calculating what she would do with the money she would get for the milk. Ill buy some fowls from Farmer Brown, said she, And they will lay eggs each morning, which I will sell to the parsons wife. With the money that I get from the sale of these eggs Ill buy myself a new dimity frock and a chip hat; and when I go to market, wont all the young men come up and speak to me! Polly Shaw will be that jealous; but I dont care. I shall just look at her ad toss my head like this. As she spoke she tossed her head back the Pail fell off it and all the milk was spilt. So she had to go home and tell her mother what had occurred. Ah, my child, said the mother, Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. 60. Pattys job is . a. milking a cow b. selling milk c. selling chicken d. selling eggs e. selling hat

61. The character of Patty is . a. diligent b. lazy c. arrogant d. greedy e. jealous 62. The climax of the text is when . a. Patty went to the market to sell the milk b. Patty was imagining her future c. Patty fell her pail off d. Patty went home sad e. Pattys mother advised her 63. The characters in text are . a. Patty and the Milkmaid b. Patty and farmer Brown c. Patty and the Parsons wife d. Patty and Polly Shaw 7


Patty and her mother


the hunter helped the lion

64. Patty the Milkmaid was going to market carrying her milk in a pail on her head. The other name of pail is . a. pale b. bucket c. box d. glass e. pan Text 4 A Lion and a Mouse A lion was awakened from sleep by a mouse running over his face. Rising up angrily, he caught him and was about to kill him when the mouse piteously entered, saying, If you would only spare my life, I would be sure to repay your kindness. The lion laughed and let him go. It happened shortly after this that the lion was caught by hunters, who bound with him with strops to the ground. The mouse, recognizing his roar, came, gnawed the rope with his teeth, and set him free, exclaiming, You ridiculed the idea of my ever being able to help you, expecting to receive from me any repayment of your favor; now you know that it is possible for even a mouse to confer on a big lion. (Source: Encarta) 65. The text above is a . a. recount text b. procedure c. narrative d. hortatory exposition e. analytical exposition 66. The characters in the text above are . a. the lion and the hunter b. the mouse and the hunter c. the lion and the mouse d. the lion and the farmer e. the mouse and the farmer 67. The orientation of the text above is stated in . a. 1st paragraph b. 2nd paragraph c. 1st sentence d. 2nd sentence e. last sentence 68. The reorientation of the text is . a. the lion ate the mouse b. the mouse helped the lion c. the hunter killed the tiger d. the lion helped the mouse

Text 5 There are many different causes of car accidents in the United States. Sometimes accidents are caused by bad weather. Ice or snow can make toads very dangerous. Accidents also can result from problems with the car. Even a small problem like a flat tire can be serious. Bad roads are another cause of accidents. Some accidents are caused by drinking too much alcohol. 69. The social function of the text above is . a. to tell the readers about the accident in the US b. to persuade the reader that car accidents are caused by some causes c. to amuse the reader with car accident stories d. to tell the reader the step to avoid car accident e. to retell past stories of car accidents 70. What is the paragraph about? a. problems with car engines b. result of car accidents c. the frequency of car accidents d. weather conditions in the US e. car accidents and their causes 71. Car accidents in the US are caused by the following, except . a. drunken drivers b. bad roads c. unskilled drivers d. icy roads e. a flat tire Text 6 Hurricanes generally occur in the North Atlantic from May through November, with the pack of the hurricane season in September, only rarely will they occur from December through April in that part of the ocean. The main reason for the occurrence of hurricane during this period is that the temperature on the water surface is at its warmest and the humidity of the air is at its highest. Of the tropical storms that occur each year in the North Atlantic, only about five, on the average, are powerful enough to be called hurricanes. To be classified as a hurricane, a tropical storm must have winds reaching speed of at least 117 kilometers per hour, but the winds are often much stronger than that; the winds of intense hurricanes can easily surpass 240 kilometers per hour. 8

72. The social function of the text above is . a. to describe hurricanes b. to tell event before hurricanes come c. to show how to make hurricanes d. to persuade some one to create hurricanes e. to amuse the reader with hurricanes stories 73. The passage mainly discusses . a. the number of hurricanes in a year b. the strength of hurricanes c. the weather in the north Atlantic d. hurricanes in a certain part of the world e. hurricanes and disaster of the world 74. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text? a. Three are always hurricanes in the North Atlantic All year round. b. Extremely warm weather and high humidity can cause hurricanes. c. Very strong winds are the result of hurricanes. d. Hurricanes occur every month from may to November. e. Tropical countries have a lot of intense hurricanes. Text 7 Have you ever been humiliated by a little girl? Last week, my four year old daughter, Sally, was invited to a children party. I decided to take her by train. Sally was excited because she has never traveled on in train before. She sat near the window and asked question about any thing she saw. Suddenly, a middle-aged lady came into out compartment and sat opposite to sally. Hallo, little girl, she said. Sally did lady was dressed, but looked at her curiously. The lady was dressed in a blue coat and a large, funny hat. After the train had left the station, the lady opened her handbag and took out her compact. She then began to make up her face. Why are you doing that? Sally asked. To make my self beautiful, the lady answered. She put away her compact and smiled kindly.

But you away still ugly, Sally said. Sally was amused, but I was very embarrassed. 75. Where did the incident happen? a. at home b. in the bus c. in the train d. at the bus station e. at the railway station 76. Where did Sally want to go? a. She wanted to go her school. b. She was going to go to her friends birthday party c. She would go to a wedding party d. She went to the zoo e. She was going to go to beauty salon 77. Suddenly, a middle aged lady came into out compartment and sat opposite to Sally. The underlined word has the same meaning with . a. behind b. in front of c. next to d. beside e. far away 78. Suddenly, a middle-aged lady came into out compartment and sat opposite Sally. The underhand phrase means a lady whose age is around . a. 1 5 years old b. 5 10 years old c. 11 20 years old d. 20 30 years old e. 40 50 years old

79. The purpose of the text is . a. to inform the readers of the incident in the train b. to entertain the readers with the incident c. to explain the reader about the incident in the train d. to describe the character of sally e. to persuade the reader to take a train 80. Who writes the text above? a. Sallys mother b. Sally c. The middle-aged lady d. The conductor e. Another person in the train Text 8 He was a young father, wheeling the pram trough the garden while the baby was screaming its head off. Take it easy, Jason, 9

he said calmly, Theres nothing to worry about. A middle-aged woman noticed his soothing manner and marveled at the new breed of young husband. When the baby screamed even louder she heard him say, Cool it, Jason, dont get excited, lad, cool it soon. Touched by his gentle manner the woman leaned into the pram and cooed, There, there, Jason. Whats bothering you? Excuse me, lady, said the father, Thats Jeremy, Im Jason. 81. Jason was the name of . a. the baby b. the father c. the woman d. the old woman e. the middles-aged woman 82. The code of the text above is . a. when the young father took his baby for a walk b. when the baby cried loudly c. when the woman looked at him d. when the woman tried to help the man e. when the man explained about their names 83. The text above is told by . a. the young father b. the baby c. the woman d. a third person e. the young mother Teacher : Have you done your assignment? Mimi : Yes, maam. Here it is Teacher : Let me see, mm what do you want to draw here Mini : Its village maam. These is a rice field, a river, and a mounth. Teacher : Its very good. I like it. What is it on the rice field ? Mimi : Its a buffalo, maam. It is ploughing the field. Teacher : I see. Keep up your work Mimi : Thanks, maam 84. From the dialogue above we know that it was a/an class a. English b. Art c. Physics d. Chemistry e. Maths

85. The teacher feels about Mimis work. a. sad b. dissatisfied c. satisfied d. unhappy e. disappointed 86. What will Mimi do next? a. play around b. study chemist c. continue drawing d. count her money e. sing loudly 87. Father : Where have you been? You made us worried! Lina : Im sorry, dad From the dialogue above, we know that father expresses . a. Sympathy b. Apology c. Pleasure d. Anger e. relief 88. Teacher : Bimo Bimo : Yes, maam Teacher : this is your test result Bimo : I got nine! Im glad about it. My mother wont be angry with me Bimo is expressing . a. Worry b. Anxiety c. Anger d. Rrelief e. sadness 89. Ouch What happened, son? I cut my finger white cutting this carrot. You should have been careful. Here, put the medicine on it. Yes, mom From the sentence above, the son expresses . a. Pain b. Happiness c. Sadness d. Relief e. pleasure 90. Mother: What is this? Look at this mess! Why dont you make your bed? Son : Ill do it right away, mom. From the dialogue above, the mother expresses . a. Happiness b. Love c. Endearment 10

d. Anger e. satisfaction 91. Winna : Tina, look at this queue for the ticket. I have to wait for a long time. Tina : Come on, dont be mad. Its common if we have to queue to get a ticket for a new movie. From the dialogue above, we know that Tina . a. is angry b. resolves anger c. is disappointed d. agrees with Winna e. asks for information 92. Nina : Oh, Im glad we finally catch this bus. We wont be late. Nani : Yes, youre right. From the dialogue above we know that Nina is expressing . a. Pain b. agreement c. relief d. sympathy e. sorrow 93. Nube: Congratulations, Maia. your design won the contest. Maia : Thanks, Nube. Im very glad about it. The underlined phrase expresses . a. pain b. pleasure c. relief d. sympathy e. sorrow 94. Yosie : Ouch! Icha : Whats up, Yos? Yosie : I cut my finger Icha : Let me get you some medicine. From the dialogue above, Yosie is expressing . a. pain b. pleasure c. relief d. sympathy e. sorrow ANNOUNCEMENT OSIS Committee are expected to attend the meeting on: Day/date : Saturday, February 23, 2007 Time : 13.00 Place : OSIS room


: Preparation for school anniversary Note: All committee must come Chairman Akbar 95. Who writes the announcement above? a. The headmaster does b. The teacher does c. The OSIS chairman does d. The OSIS Committee does e. The secretary of OSIS does 96. When the teacher came into the classroom, he saw all the students . a. did the exam b. doing the exam c. had to the exam d. must do the exam e. have done the exam 97. The workers,...that their wages were not raises, went on strike. a. they know b. they knew c. were knowing d. realizing e. realized 98. You can trust him, because I have heard him . a. telling the truth b. told the truth c. was telling the truth d. to tell the truth e. would tell the truth 99. She bought ... from the exhibition. a. an old interesting French painting b. a French old interesting painting c. an interesting old French painting d. a French interesting old painting e. an interesting French old painting 100. My grandfather drives . a. an old little red car b. an old red little car c. a red little old car d. a red old little car e. a little old red car





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