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English B UBG Pinelopi Jamalaki Kirkou


In pairs, choose one of the authors fromclassics in Short Cuts 2 that we have not worked with in class. Give a presentation of the author, the time when he/she lived as well as of his/her work. Questions about the author and the context that might help you: (TOM) - When did this author live? Year 1854-1900 - What did the society where he lived look like at that time (peoples living conditions, culture life? What was specific for his/her time?) He lived during the Victorian era, an age of industrial progress, social reforms and great optimism. But it was also a time of poverty, social injustice and moral strictness. - What kind of literature was read at this time? Who could read? Poetry, - What was special with this author and/or his way of writing literature? Why did his/her work become (a) classic/-s? His homosexualty, outspokenness, about the values and attitudes in Victorian England, his political commitment and his natural wit. The text: - What is the text about (give a short summary)? What is the message in the text?(mehdi) - Would the text have the same content if it was written today, or is the plot specific for the certain time when the text was written, according to you? Why/why not? (Think about the characters behaviours, the relationship between them, etcetera.) (Tom) - Are there other aspects in the text that give the reader a clue this is not a modern text?(mehdi) - In what way is the text adapted to the time when it was written? Who were the readers of this text?(tom) - The language; are there words that we wouldnt use today? Give examples from the text!(mehdi) - Relevance today: why, do you think, we still read this text today? What can we learn from reading it? (tom)

English B UBG Pinelopi Jamalaki Kirkou Sources Use Short Cuts 2 as your main source but you need to use more than one source and I want you to compare and to be critical toward your sources. Is the information you get about the author/the time the same in all sources? On your presentation I want you to be able to defend your choice of sources! Use as many English sources as possible. Look for books and articles in the library. The Encyclopaedia Britannica may be a good start. Presentations Your presentation should be ten minutes long; if it is shorter you will most likely have missed important information asked for (see above). After your presentation the audience will get five minutes for questions. You are free to use any tools you like (the whiteboard, the overhead or others) and you should keep in mind that your fellow students are supposed to learn from your presentation (as a help for the upcoming test) so make sure you are clear and that you are prepared to answer questions about your author/time. Timetable Week 41 42 43 Groups, start finding information Presentations Mon: recap Tue: written test (note! Changed date!)

Tips! The more you prepare your talk the better it will turn out! Write a manuscript of your presentation and study it over and over again till you feel sure you know what you are talking about! You can also write down key words on cards or separate sheets. In Short Cuts 2, Resource pages you will find a lot of useful information on how to give a talk! Practice pronouncing difficult words that you are going to use! Good luck and have fun! Poppi

English B UBG Pinelopi Jamalaki Kirkou

Goals that this assignment deals with: Students should . be able to discuss in appropriate language, different subjects and keep a discussion going be able to actively take part in discussions, and be able to present and deal with the merits of opposing arguments, be able, after preparation, to provide coherent oral descriptions and explanations of phenomena, which are of general interest, and connected to the area of interest or study orientation have a basic orientation to English literature from different periods, be able to evaluate their work in order to change and enhance their learning be able to critically examine and analyse information from different sources.

Grading criteria Criteria for Pass You present an author and his/her work. You describe different social conditions, cultural traditions, and ways of living in areas where English is spoken, and use this background to comment on and discuss literature, film and music, as well as specialist texts of different kinds. You plan, carry out and evaluate your work in an effective way. You name your sources and you discuss their trustworthiness. You adapt your spoken English the situation and to the audience, as well as express yourself with variation and clarity, and use different strategies effectively to promote communication. You express yourself orally with good pronunciation and clear intonation. Criteria for Pass with distinction As for Pass but you also also put the author and his/her work into a context, i.e you explain and show a good understanding of how and why the author/his/her work was typical or not typical - for his/her time.. Pupils adapt their oral presentations to the situation, you express yourself with variety and good linguistic fluency. Criteria for Pass with special distinction

English B UBG Pinelopi Jamalaki Kirkou

As for Pass with distinction but you also analyse how texts are appropriate in different ways to their purpose and audience. Your' oral presentation is characterised by clarity, precision and variation.

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