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1. How to open the file.................................................................................1 1.1. 1.2. 2. 3. If you are connected in the TUSCANY Domain on your Office............1 If you are connected to Internet in your Home or in a Yard...............1

How to enable Macros..............................................................................1 How to Login............................................................................................2 3.1. 3.2. Login as Administrator.......................................................................2 Login as a Guest................................................................................2

4. 5.

How to Search an Asset...........................................................................2 How to Add an Asset................................................................................4 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. Add Main Description of the Asset.....................................................5 Add Main Features of the Asset.........................................................5 Add Additional Units or Additional Equipment on the Asset..............5 Add Photos of the Asset.....................................................................5 Add Main Photo...........................................................................5 Add Other Photos of the Asset.....................................................5 Delete Main Photo.......................................................................5 Delete Other Photos of the Asset................................................5

5.4.1. 5.4.2. 5.4.3. 5.4.4. 5.5. 6. 7.

Add Description of the Asset.............................................................5

How to Edit or Change information on the Asset.....................................5 What happen if the file is on Read Only mode?.......................................5

What happen if the file is on Read Only mode?

1. How to open the file

1.1.If you are connected in the TUSCANY Domain on your Office
First go to My Computer

Go to Colombia Shared Folder X: Drive

Go to Operations, Public, Inventory

Double click on Inventory.xlsm

1.2.If you are connected to Internet in your Home or in a Yard

Go to Start, All Programs, Accessories, Remote Desktop Connection

Use this Address

Repeat the steps shown in 1.1 If you are connected in the TUSCANY Domain in your office

2. How to enable Macros

For security purposes, excel by default blocks the functions of the program, because it uses programing code that manipulate some files on your computer such as photos. To enable this content go to Enable Content or sometimes will show Options

If other message box appears click on Enable this Content and then clic in OK

3. How to Login
When you start the program with the Macros available, it will ask you to Login:

3.1.Login as Administrator
If you know the Admin Pass, you can type it on the blank and then Click on Login As an Admin. If you put the correct Password you will see on the top of the screen the confirmation that you are logged in as administrator and you will have Access to Search, Add, Edit and Delete Assets.

3.2.Login as a Guest
If you Login as a Guest, you can only search and look assets, also you can make a Comment to the administrator about the program or some information about one Asset.

4. How to Search an Asset

On the main menu go to Search or Edit Assets

Then select: The RIG, The Group and the Sub Asset

Or select what you want to see, for Example if you want to see All The Assets in All the Rigs, Select "All" in the Rigs Box, Select "All" in the Grup Box and "All" in the SubGrup Box, then click on "Refresh And Search" If you want to see the Top Drive in Rig 101 Select "Rig 101" in the Rigs Box, Select "Top Drive" in the Grup Box and "All" in the SubGrup Box, then click on "Refresh And Search"

Wait until your data load. When the list of the assets is ready you can look them and print the list

If you want to see more information about the Asset click on the More button to access the Asset

Here you can find all the information related with the Asset and also you can see the picture of the equipment and other photos such as the serial/model plate or additional equipment If you want to see a bigger Photo of the equipment access to this links:

5. How to Add an Asset

For this operation you need to be one Administrator. On the Main Menu click on Add new Asset

Then is important to add the information of the Location (Rig), the name of the Group and The name of the Asset (SubGroup).

5.1.Add Main Description of the Asset

Here you can add the main identification numbers such as the Serial number and the Asset Number, also this is the place to put the Make and the Model of the Asset.

5.2.Add Main Features of the Asset

Here you can add up to ten Features of the equipment such as HP, Amps, Capacity, Dimensions, etc...

5.3.Add Additional Units or Additional Equipment on the Asset

In here you can add up to five Additional Units of the equipment such as Electric Motors, Pumps, Gauges and other equipment that is not listed in the Asset Categories make sure to put the Serial No And Make of the additional unit on Description.

5.4.Add Photos of the Asset

In this space you can add all the pictures of the asset, like the Main Picture that shows the best picture of the equipment and other pictures like the picture of the plate were is located the Serial No, the Make, or pictures of Additional Equipment such as Electric Motors or Pumps 5.4.1.Add Main Photo With this button, select the picture that best describe the asset , THIS PICTURE MUST BE LOCATED in the Respective Rig Folder 5.4.2.Add Other Photos of the Asset With this button, select the pictures that Show the Plates with information of the Asset, other equipment with the respective plate, and other pictures of the asset , THIS PICTURE MUST BE LOCATED in the Respective Rig Folder 5.4.3.Delete Main Photo If you didnt like the photo you can Delete it and select other one

5.4.4.Delete Other Photos of the Asset If you didnt like one of the photos you can Delete it, click on the picture that you want to erase and then click on Delete

5.5.Add Description of the Asset

Put all the extra information for the equipment that will not fit in the previous tabs (Main Desc, Main Feat, Add Equ, Photos) To write another line push Shift+Enter

6. How to Edit or Change information on the Asset or Delete it

You can change the information of one existing Asset just clicking on Edit or Delete this asset

The you will see the same window for add a new asset, just change your information on the different tabs and then click on Edit and Save

Here you can also delete the Asset permanently, just click on Delete this Asset

7. What happen if the file is on Read Only mode?

This will not affect if you are logged in as Guest, but if you are logged in as an Administrator and you Create, Edit or Delete an Asset you will create a File in a Temp Folder that will save your information, then the administrator will use that file to load the new information and changes in the file. If you want to delete a change that you made, you will have to go to this location and look for your name and file and delete it.

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