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Unit Portables Manual v.

We are surrounded by stuff. Computers, phones, cameras, iPods, iPads and a number of other great gadgets. Stuff that makes our private and professional universes work. Stuff that we need, love and want to keep close no matter if at home, at the office or when travelling. And here comes the tricky part: as the number of gadgets grow and get more important, how can you keep them all close at the same time and especially, when youre on the move? Unit Portables is a system of bags and pouches that structures your gadgets in a smart way. Also, it protects your precious pods and gadgets from dangers in the outer world. And for sure, Unit Portables likes to be on the move just as much as you do.

1. The logotype is our most important brand asset and shall be treated with respect. It may never be adjusted or modified.

The logotype should always be arranged left in the layout area with a clearspace equivalnt of the X-height.

2. Akkurat is a solid and reliable text font with remarkable legibility. Rooted in the tradition of pragmatic Swiss typography, the font is designed to combine the qualities of classic sans serif craft with appropriate contemporary freshness.

Unit Portables Typography

Akkurat 0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKL Abcdefghijklmn !#%/=

Designed by Laurenz Brunner 2004

3. Excest et fugitatem quos volupta sperchicimus nossit et, volupta sperchicimus nossit quiatur molendam ium faccus eium enditem laut autem The logotype and any text et, arisshould always be autquiatur molendampliquid printed ipsam, quiae ium faccus eium enditem laut black or white.

Excest et fugitatem quos volupta sperchicimus nossit et, quiatur molendam ium faccus eium enditem laut autem aut aris ipsam, quiae pliquid

autem aut aris ipsam, quiae pliquid

Excest et fugitatem quos volupta sperchicimus nossit et, quiatur molendam ium faccus eium enditem laut autem aut aris ipsam, quiae pliquid

Excest et fugitatem quos volupta sperchicimus nossit et, quiatur molendam ium faccus eium enditem laut autem aut aris ipsam, quiae pliquid

4. Our graphic identity is largely driven by typography why it must always be treated according to instructions and never be replaced by any other typeface.

Text on labels, signs and any printed material should always be arranged left. In order to divide information a rule can be used. This is always set above the the text, set on the baseline grid.





5. Unit Portables is based on a clever numerical system where each unit has its own number.

A unit is by definition each bag, pouch or any other object within the Unit Portables brand. Besides being a unique brand feature, it also simplifies order handling for distributors as well as product recognition for customers. In point-of-sales, the numerical system is also a way of structuring display of the products.


Main Unit are labelled with larger numbers.

U /

On some additional where there is no need or space for a full description, a shorter version is used.

Additional units are set in half the type size with the forward slash constant.


The numbering system can also be used to desribe a set of Unit Portables.





For further information, please contact Unit Portables AB Sveavgen 66, Floor 9 10, SE11134 Stockholm,Sweden




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