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Pile on rock

Goodman (1980) qup = qu (N + 1) Qup = Ap.qup pile material ? N = tan2(45o + /2) qu = uniaxial compressive strength of rock = internal friction angle of rock uniaxial compressive strength of rock test on cylindrical rock sample in laboratory - small sample qu higher - large sample qu lower scale effect
q u ( design ) =
q u ( lab ) 5

range of qu : Rock type - Sandstone - Limestone - Shale

qu (Mpa) 70 225 50 250 35 - 75

(degree) 27 45 31 42 7 - 22

Qup = q u ( N +1) A p

The allowable pile capacity on rock safety factor > 3

Tension pile capacity The ultimate tension capacity of a pile Tu(g) = Tu(n) + W Tu(g) = ultimate tension capacity (gross) Tu(n) = ultimate tension capacity W = berat tiang


Tu(n) z L w

Pile in clay ( = 0) Saturated clay (Das & Seeley, 1982) Tu(n) = L p cu L = pile length p = perimeter = adhesion factor (tensile)


cu = undrained strength of clay Adhesion factor in tension - Cast in situ concrete pile : cu < 80 kN/m2 = 0,9 0,00625cu cu > 80 kN/m2 = 0,4 - Steel pile : cu < 27 kN/m2 = 0,715 0,0191cu cu > 27 kN/m2 = 0,2 Pile in sand c = 0 Das & Seeley (1975)
Tu ( n ) = ( f u p ) dz
0 L

fu = tensile friction/unit area p = pile perimeter

fu increase linierly to depth z = Lcr, for z > Lcr fu constant

For z < Lcr


f u = K u v ' tan

Ku = uplift coefficient (depends on ) v = effective overburden pressure at depth z = friction angle between soil and pile

Lcr & depend on the soil relative density

Application : - Based on the relative density Lcr - For L < Lcr

Tu ( n ) = p f u dz = p ( v ' K u tan ) dz
0 0 L L

For soil above the ground water :

v ' = z
Tu ( n ) = p z K u tan dz =
0 L

1 pL2 K u tan 2

using obtain & Ku For L > Lcr

Tu ( n )
L Lcr = p f u dz = p f u dz + f u dz 0 0 0 L

u (n)

1 pL'cr K u tan + pLcr K u tan ( L Lcr ) 2

The allowable pile tension capacity safety factor 2-3

Ta = Tu ( g ) FS


Rock layer lay only on rock layer In hard/dense soils penetrate into the soil layer variation in pile length When the pile driving stopped ??? designed capacity ??? formula estimate the pile capacity during driving semi empirical approach based on dynamics theory Engineering News Record (ENR) formula the oldest Principle : working energy Energy of hammer per blow = pile resistance x penetration/blow WR.h = Qu x (s + c) WR = weight of hammer h = height of fall of hammer s = pile penetration/blow c = constant
R Qu = s + c


W .h

s average of the final 10 blows (calendering) value of c (constants) - drop hammer : c = 1 inch (s & h in inch) - steam hammer : c = 0,1 inch (s & h in inch) FS (safety factor) = 6 For steam hammer WR.h ehEh eh = efficiency of hammer system Eh = energy of hammer system Qu
= e h .E h s +c

ENR formula revised several times

Qu =
2 ehWR h WR + n W p . s +c WR +W p

n = coefficient of restitution between hammer and pile head c = 0,1 inch for s & h in inch

Hammer type Steam hammer Diesel hammer Drop hammer Pile type

Efficiency, eh 0,7 0,85 0,8 0,9 0,7 0,9 Coefficient restitution, n 0,7 0,85 0,8 0,9 0,7 0,9

Cast-iron hammer on concrete pile without cap Compact wood cushion over steel Timber pile Suggested safety factor FS = 4 6

Example : A pre-cast pile, 30 cm x 30 cm in plan (cross-section), 20 m long, driven using a drop hammer: weight = 3,5 ton (c =0.1), fall height = 1.0 m. Efficiency of hammer = 0.8. It is intended to have an allowable pile capacity (Qa) = 60 ton with safety factor = 6 using ENR formula, calculate the required final set in calendaring (pile penetration for the final 10 blows) ? Solution : Qa = .WR.h/{6(s+c)} s+c = .WR.h/(6.Qa) s + 0.1 = 0.8 x 3.5 x (100/2.54)/(6x60) = 0.306 s = 0.306 0.1 = 0.206 inch/blow Calendering for the final 10 blows max penetration = 2.06 inches. The Michigan State Highway Commission (1965) similar to the ENR formula
2 1,25 Eh WR + n W p Qu = s +c WR +W p

Eh = energy of hammer max. from the manufacturer (


c = 0.1 inch (s in inch) FS (suggested) = 6 3) Danish formula

Qu = s+ eh E h eh E h L 2 Ap E p

Ep = elastic modulus of pile material L = pile length Ap = pile cross section area FS = 3 6 4) Pacific Coast Uniform Building Code Formula
eh Eh ( Qu = WR + nW p WR +W p QL s+ u Ap E p )

n = 0.25 steel pile n = 0.1 other piles 5) Janbus Formula

Qu = eh E h ' Ku s

K u' = cd (1 + 1 +


cd =0.75 +0.15 (W p / WR )

= (eh E h L / A p E p s 2 )

FS = 4 5.

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