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The Loaded T aoiseach


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Bookers World
September, 2010
Don Booker is a ctional character created in the Summer of 2009 by Irish writer, Noel Farrell. The character was created to show a side of Irish society under enormous pressure due to thepolitical, social and economical mess in Ireland. These are month on month musings from that time which featured on the blog, The Writing Life & Other Absurdities The blog character deals with social issues relevant to Ireland in real-time as seen through Don Booker's eyes.

This Month
Brian Cowen gives rise to a new word following his escapades at the Fianna Fil drink-in causing Ireland to take note. Meanwhile, a lorry tries to enter the Dil

The Writing Life & Other Absurdities can be viewed @

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Winter of Discontent
September 13,

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Some people say stress can make you run down, make horrible little outbreaks take residence on your lips, forcing the sufferer indoors. Though the incessant rain of the past week may also be a contributory factor, but I'll recover. I hope... I've been intermittently writing a script for a friend over the past few months. It was nice to work from some detailed notes, but I still struggled with the genre a little. I've spent much of the last week, when time allowed, working it over. I even deleted some twenty pages late on Friday night when it read like an effort from a tired writer who had lost his way. I've leaned to that sometimes. Maybe ten hours work, wrapped in a black cloak, soon to be sent where ever discarded words go with the compression of a solitary button. Modern technology! I do believe it's a writers job to be able to place themselves within characters they sometimes would never dare delve into. By hook or by crook the present draft gets wrapped this week and handed over for further instruction. It may be miles off the mark to what was intended, but it's only a draft. I played within guidelines given to me (I think) and hopefully it will entice to develop further. Next week, it's back to the grindstone. Some big decisions need to be made. Time to put the skids under the publication. The closer my own deadline draws to me, it puts a certain focus on nailing down all the particulars that go with such a thing. With that comes some nerves, as once again it comes with having to face up to a future where you're your own way forward.

I watched an RTE production tonight on the economic downfall of Ireland tonight, the aptly named Free Fall. And that it certainly was. It will be a catastrophic scenario if we don't act soon. Reality is soon to bite. Reality is usually a tough place to go. Indeed many have already faced up to the fact that we are bust.Without some action pretty damn quick to reverse the national mood, we may have more to worry about than how we are going to keep up extortionate interest rates being currently charged for borrowed money to keep the country afloat. Another winter of discontent may very well be on the way. Let's hope the rain eases up these coming months. The land could do with the break.

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September 14, 2010

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Brian Cowen woke up with a bit of a head on him this morning. He allegedly did a stand-up routine and sang a few songs as he sipped porter with his parliamentary party colleagues late into the night. He did an early morning radio interview where he appeared hungover, mixing up words and appearing to slur others. FG TD, Simon Coveney was soon on Twitter brandishing his wisdom to his followers and all of a sudden it had swept the World that Ireland's leader was having a bad day. The troops rallied and defended their leaders integrity and accused the FG party of 'a new low in politics.'I guess it was not as bad as last years drink-in when farmers threatened to take over the country.

George Michael was sent down for two months today after being found guilty of driving while under the influence of Marijuana. You would think the guy could afford to have someone drive him around. It's not the first time the singer has had a brush with the law because of his decadence and his fondness for a joint. He's previously been cautioned for a similar offense and who can ever forget when he was tapped for trying to pick-up an undercover cop in a LA public toilet. I wonder will reality bite for Michael's tonight when he snuggles up. Somehow I doubt it.

By the time you take to read this line a child will die of starvation. Another will die of a disease easily cured in our Capitalist World.Kinda put's things in context I think. Click for Image Source

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T aoiseachd
September 19, 2010

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I've so much to do in the coming six week. I said I'd have Booker's World out by the end of October. A few people I know are working on books at the moment and I'd love to be able to offer some outlet for them to publish if they want too. It would be nice if life allows over the coming years to publish a few books in genre that interests me so who knows. It certainly wouldn't have even been a thought 12 months ago. Life's in good shape right now despite the recession. But perhaps there are other opportunities out there. New ones. Ones that in days of old might never have been fulfilled if the damn thing never happened.

So as the new week dawns, so does a new word which has been doing the rounds today here in Ireland. Taoiseach'd ~ To get shit faced. pissed. drunk. It may even enter the 'lore of new Irish words, one that may even get a campaign behind it for inclusion on a forthcoming edition of a Collin's Dictionary. That's the best thing about us as a people. We always retain a certain amount of humour, especially when we're down. It's enough to know we'll be OK in the long run.

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A Right Old Mess

September 21, 2010

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Early readers of this blog will be privy to it's early content, angry rants and ravings from Mr. Booker about the state of the nation. I have to admit in those early days I didn't hold much hope for Don Booker given the weight of all he was carrying around inside his mind. As I wrote Booker's World there was always a conflict there for me as a writer. Through Don I saw and lived everything that was happening. The nation's reversal of Ideology about the Lisbon Treaty was an astounding turn around and vindication to all those who practice scare politics that it actually works. Of course, we were promised changes and better times to come, yet after a vicious 12 months in terms of banking, unemployment and watching the country go to ruin, can any of us who try to remain impartial until we know the facts really say, 'We've turned a corner.' I personally dont think we have. There is a bond auction in Ireland today where the government aim to raise 1.5 billion. The interest rate on borrowings is now the highest in decades and the most frightening stat is that 1 in five Euro raised in the near future will go on servicing that debt. It's like building bonfires with money and then setting it on fire. Ruthless speculation and rumour, as well as a total lack of confidence is pushing the Interest rate up all the time. We still don't know what the cost of bailing out Anglo is going to be, emigration is now the only viable option if one needs work, and despite the exodus the dole queue's of the country continue to rise.

It was a quiet enough Summer until Brian Cowen decided to go on radio last week and make a show of himself. Sure every man is entitled to their down time but as one observer put it on the Front Line last night, if any ordinary person turned in to work hungover, then they would probably be sacked on the spot. So in theory the bigger the job the more likelihood of that happening. When it's the biggest job in the land, perhaps it should be doubly so?

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The problem is Brian Cowen is just not up to the job. He is not a leader. He is a patsy, a puppet, a face of Ireland where government puts the well-being of their own before the welfare of the people they are elected to serve. It's obvious by how easily they bent over to the banks who runs this country. Cowen came out fighting yesterday, but do we really care anymore. Who's brave enough to challenge him and for the right reasons? Maybe most know that leading a non-entity is not a much of a challenge. They are on the fast track to that at the moment. Those on the Front Line last night were an angry disillusioned bunch. I did feel there has been a shift of late and as realization sets in people are waking up to the fact that quite literally we are screwed for the time being. Those with strong ideas are being either ignored, weighed down with red tape or being pushed from pillar to post by counter-productive systems. One guy was offered 20k for a start-up but needed to match that with 10k of his own as a condition. 'Try put that together on 196 a week,' he said.

There's a tough budget of cuts on the way. Those working can expect to be hit again. There's talk of us selling off our national treasures and natural resources. Our greatest one, people, are leaving in there hoards. Educated by Ireland Inc. then dispatched to grow emerging economies the world over. If ever there was a case study of Capitalism gone skew then Ireland's case surely ranks high among them. All the while nothing is being done. Haven't seen sight nor light of Enda Kenny lately and I can't help but feel with the political landscape there for the taking that Labour are not doing enough. Is it they are simply not getting air time? Media outlets who call it as they see it are not publications that are read by the masses. The tabloids prefer stories of X-Factor and Big Brother to appease their readerships. Still nothing done further about Seanie Fitz and others responsible for the collapse. Why? What do they know? What are they hiding? What's holding up proceedings?

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There are constituencies await representation and no sign of bi-elections being called to fill those empty seats. The tribunals have still to speak? Where are they at?

Recent documentaries like Free Fall have high-lighted all that has happened. To hear the likes of Bertie Ahern accept no responsibility and then blame other factors like the collapse of Lehman Brothers for our present situation sickens the stomach.It's hard to know where it's all going to lead. I try to keep a positive spin on it for myself and even stayed away from watching debates on the issues lately as I found it was all re-hashed material, told time and time again, and yet nothing changes. NOTHING!!

I'd need less that 10k to make myself sustainable moving forward. It may as well be a million quid. There's plenty of work out there...if you do it for free. Everybody wants, but no-one wants to help. I'm sure Fianna Fil are biding their time and hoping to run the course of their tenure. It really doesn't make a difference when the alternatives are either out of their depth or no-where to be seen. It's going to be a tough end to a tough year. Personally I'll keep moving on and do what I can. There's not many more options available. Image Source


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Happy Gilmore
September 24, 2010

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The Political season is about to get under way and what a cracking time lies ahead. After the party comes the hangover, and after the hangover, the reality. Polls suggest Fianna Fil are down to the hard core grass roots and are in an awful mess as a political entity. A suggestion that a Brian Lenihan led party could make some progression seem a long way off when he stood beside his besieged party leader in a show of unity last weekend. And let's face it, those with one eye on Cowen's position know now is not the time. Fine Gael remain stagnant in the polls, with leader Enda Kenny the main reason. When citizens look to the future they look for something that gives them hope. Kenny does not provide that. The loyalty showed by his party in the recent leadership challenge by Richard Bruton must now be called into question and may even have some crying into their late evening drinks and asking why they chose to do it. Labour lead the way under the stewardship of Eamon Gilmore, a man I once touted as possibly the best Taoiseach we may never have. Yet, here we are, a country on the periphery of ruin, and that possibility may be very possible, especially if the government fall anytime in the next six months. With a tough budget on the way, where 3 billion of savings need to be found, it would not be in the interest of either Fine Gael or Labour to force the issue with Fianna Fil until they deliver that blow. Common sense economics tell that cuts do little to reverse downturns in economies. A foreseen tax hike for workers will constrict it further. While the bonfire of money that is Anglo continues to grow before its inevitable burning, the only stimulus most of us can rely on any time soon is in the purchase of a can of Red Bull. Image Source I personally don't see Fianna Fail staying the term. A Green heave in a half-winded attempt to save their own necks before the end of the term may be the clincher. Their first foray into power so badly advised that it gives hope to party founders and spin-doctors everywhere. And what if Labour manage to pull off an unlikely victory in the next election. Can they actually deliver the change and in rapid time that is needed? Can they secure candidates in all constituencies that can help bring this about. Names and faces don't wash with me. I only want to know can they do a job for the country. Start coming down on all that's wrong with the country, re-igniting

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the will of a people who have finally woken up to the fact that yes, we are in deep trouble. Or will they simply go the way of many before them, lost to the influence of lobbyist for big business and self serving interests and relegate themselves to the same division of a Green Party that turned on it's own ethic. I like Gilmore, and a popular figure will always do well in a time of woe. I've said it before. There is nothing wrong with Capitalism once it comes with a social conscious. By Labour ideals they would be the best equipped to chart the country on that course. Fianna Fil sure don't care. I was prepared to forgive them over Haughey, even prepared to turn a blind eye to Bertie for his part in the peace agreement, but Cowen is the final straw. If there's no-one within their ranks prepared to put their neck out now and steer them in a new direction well what is the point even considering them. Fine Gael. Well enough said about that... Things that bloom in times of turmoil are new movements, forward thinking, new ideals coming forward, but sadly they lack when it comes to us. There are a few knowledgeable candidates out there, but alas they are not looking for a career in the arena of politics.

The hope for me is that Labour, when selecting prospective candidates for the election, they will listen to what that candidate stands for and then bring that to the door step and build it from there. Half-arsed Lefty's seizing an unexpected opportunity for all it's worth will simply mean more of the same. Five years to the anniversary of the 1916 Rising. It would be a nice time to finally start living up to the expectations of those who sacrificed at that time so we can have what we have today. That isn't bad considering the appalling state of civilization that dwells on other parts of this planet. If we start running this country for its people and utilize the best two commodities we have in people and natural resources, we'll be fine. If we don't, we'll turn on ourselves once again and nobody wants that. Can Labour stand...and deliver! It's a crucial time ahead.


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The Home Straight

September 26, 2010

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It's time to get back to the business at hand, and begin the lunge downhill to launching the book. I've done a lot of research and will probably launch it first as an ebook. Upon deciding once and for all what's best for me at this time, the final work needs to be done on the manuscript and PDF file arranged. Once I have the ebook online I'll concentrate on the print run. There's no point dreaming of lines of word hungry punters stretching as far as the eye can see outside an Eason's, so the run will be small. I also had contact from someone interested in the audio book, but once I read the terms I decided to leave that particular on the long finger for the time being. My fingers aren't getting any longer - so no hurry. To be honest if some small press wanted the print rights I'd talk to them, but when it comes to the Digital end of things I want to remain independent if I can. I'm happy I've completed this safe in the knowledge it's what I wanted and have worked my ass off making sure it was. Doing something long talked about, but never acted upon. For myself. That's what was important and I think that rings true in how I structured the story of Don Booker. Cutting out the middleman and the top man (or woman) might make many frown and to others may seem a little self indulgent in my own belief that I've done a good job. But it's not about that. With the launch of the ebook I'll make clear what I'd like the book to do over the year ahead. My short-mid term ambition is to make a living writing. A simple living, a chance to pursue what it is I want to do and live the kind of life I want.

Image Source My tastes are not extravagant, so it would not take much to achieve that. My mind weighs heavy with the sad state of affairs in the world sometimes. Any agent is going to take a percentage and a publisher is going to eat up much of the rest. So I see an opportunity to give those percentages to something important and just do the job they do myself and be inventive with how I do it. That way I might make in16

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roads into doing what it is I do everyday and take away a little of those worries that really shouldn't be worries in this day and age. Any other money is better in the pocket of someone a little more needy that our agent and publisher friends and that's where my intentions lie moving forward. Signing rights away takes that goal away and for this book anyway indie appeals to me and not just in the publishing world. Otherwise it's just the same old routine of being a bitch to a system that's fast giving up on itself. And there's little point being blind to that fact once again. Otherwise what has life actually taught me.

Looking forward to the next few months. This time last year I'd only begun writing the first draft and a year seemed so far away. Now it's here and that's a good feeling. Everything I've learned along the way, both personally and professionally, should hold me in good stead moving forward with next years work. It's a good time to feel alive and a good time to explore the possibilities that come with that.

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Dummy Throwing
September 28, 2010.

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Fine Gael threw its soother from the pram this morning when they announced they were putting pay to Mary Coughlan's planned trip to the US later in the week to try and entice student money into the country. Partners in waiting Labour then went against Fine Gael and Coughlan's trip was back on. A little game of political tit for tat between Gilmore and Kenny as they tout themselves as possible successors to Brian Cowen. I'd side with Labour on this one. Any money that can be brought in at this time is welcome because most know were broke! Tonight the usual public reaction toward political distaste was evident again on the Front Line. Members of the panel from the Greens and Fianna Fil wore the look of the doomed. Fine Gael spoke with the best spin money can buy, and Pat Rabitte's confrontation with a supporter of his own party didn't exactly do anything for Labour's cause in the debate. The loudest applause was kept for when the truth was spoken, simple hard facts from people looking into an abyss. Young people soon to be lost to emigration, a national tragedy unfolding before our eyes once again. With so much talk, one wonders why we find ourselves within the grasp of the IMF, who could come in and give this country a reality check not seen since we turned on ourselves to see what direction this country would take after the civil war. Image Source The direction was a two party system - with a third who rarely got a look in. In a country which has proven to pride itself on having a social conscience when it comes to justice in the world. We don't shy away from issues be they hunger or injustices like those seen in Gaza. Yet here we are today with a slight possibility of a Labour led coalition for the first time in the history of the country. Would that outcome lead us in a new direction or would it soon capitulate us back to the same old, same old.

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If Labour did manage it, just how soon would we see political change by trimming our political system to something more conducive with a country of our size? How soon would there be a radical overhaul our health and educational systems, and public sector taboo? Will they trust and support the people of the country who genuinely want the chance to do their bit to turn things around?

I'll be honest, change is slow and it's particularly slow when we Irish do it. Is it worth pursuing a total change in our thinking and exploring the possibility of what it means exactly to be Irish. Bailing out bankers and greed is not what being Irish should be defined as. Yet it seems that some are happy to portray us as just that. Being Irish can be an ideal if done the right way. Sell that to the world instead of just giving it away. The woods wouldn't seem so dense then, would they?

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The Lorry Graphic

September 29, 2010

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The new Dil session got going this morning with a lorry driver driving his cement wagon at the gates of Leinster House. His bottle stating the obvious anger he felt over zombie bank, Anglo. The man was subsequently arrested and my bet is he'll be heading for the nick before anyone who is responsible for the state we find ourselves in right now. The people of Iceland have chosen to put their former prime minister on trial for gross negligence for their own decline. Some say revenge is sweet. I disagree, but it definitely eases some of the pain in people when they have seen their lives destroyed because of a Capitalist system which is backed to the hilt by those we choose to lead for us. Image Source

Over a thousand people took to the streets in protest this afternoon led by Trade Union leaders who just don't have the same bite as a James Connelly. I've been a member of a union all my life. Fuck all good they ever did me. Similar protests took place in Spain, Greece and France also, with the Spanish one getting heavy handed between police and protesters. The signs are stench politics is on the wilt, that people are figuring out once and for all that there needs to be massive changes in how we govern and that the change needs to be brought about rapidly. There is no better time to set it in motion because in our technological age everyone can have their point of view expressed, if they desire that is. There are many challenges to be met, a change toward social responsibility the world over is the fastest way this can be achieved and give people back a sense of purpose.

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The present structure of the Capitalist ideal is constructed for the benefit of a few. The same ones control and own a large portion of the world's wealth. Consumed by money and greed they don't care if people die along the way. Like addicts, willing to do anything to feed their addiction. A field of study should be ordered on them. Find that damn gene that makes them so, and zap that little bugger with a lethal dose of radioactivity once isolated. All sounds very futuristic, but if people keep banging on the door of authority something is going to give. Not just here, but the world over. We certainly won't be worried by a little economic crisis.

In the UK, David Miliband has left front line politics to pursue a career in graphic novels. Not! The older Miliband brother, beaten by his younger brother for the leadership of Labour at the weekend said today it was best he stepped out of front line politics, so the party has one true direction when it comes to leadership. I think British politics is at a loss by his decision and I definitely viewed him as a progressive politician. I find Ed, his brother, quite dreary. Time will tell. My hope that when Fianna Fil eventually capitulate is that a new, younger breed of politician, is swept through the battered gates of Leinster House, voted in on their individual beliefs and a structure put in place to make sure they get every opportunity to realize their promises to their constituents. Then we'll have a democratic system by the people, for the people. The final figure on the Anglo Bailout is announced tomorrow. Heard Brian Cowen earlier saying it would only take 1.5 billion a year to service the interest on that particular debt and we could manage it. Interest, one of the greatest scams of our time. I'll leave it to David Miliband to draw the graphic detail on that one. Image Source


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This ebook series is a comment on issues facing Ireland, covered in real-time against the backdrop of what is really happening in Ireland at that time. The series cover events as they happen through the eyes of the fictional Don Booker, an unemployed recluse as he attempts to write himself through his personal woes and an Ireland in decline. The novel, Booker's World is separate from this series of ebooks, though both worlds do cross at certain juncture as the months go by. An ebook version of the novel will be available in Spring, 2010. All ebooks in this series may be used for reference and may be distributed freely once adhering to Creative Commons License and crediting the author.

Also in this series 5 Days in September Deathly Quotes November Nightmares Absurdities Purjurious Times Forgetful Directions Chillax Dark Available @

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Novel by Noel Farrell Booker's World

Novella Sonny Strange

Noel Farrell 2010

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