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CA Tuesday Tip: (SiteMinder PS): How to reset WAMUI to internal User Store

Answer 6/13/11 6:50 PM

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CA SiteMinder R12 Policy Server WAMUI Tuesday Tip by Gene Howared, Principal Support Engineer for 6-13-2011 If you have set the the R12 WAMUI to us an external user store and you need to set it back to use the internal SiteMinder User Store you will need to do the following: STEPS: 1. start XPSExplorer. Choose 13 - Admin. Then choose 's' 2. This will show up: 1-CA.SM::Admin@12-00016bd8-0e03-1b57-8e03-06200a27c004 (I) Name : "siteminder" (C) Rights : ManageAllDomains,ManageEverything,ManageObjects,ManageSecurity,ManageUsers,N one,RegisterTrustedHosts 2-CA.SM::Admin@12-0007ccfc-a2eb-1cc9-991a-06200a27c0a4 (I) Name : "SMWAMUI:siteminder" (C) Rights : ManageAllDomains,ManageSecurity,ManageUsers,None 3. Choose '2' for the one that says "SMWAMUI:siteminder" then 'd' to delete the object. 4. Choose 'q' to go back and then 'q' again and then 'q' again (until you get the big list where it says 'MAIN MENU' 5. Choose 50 or 56 - TrustedHost. Then choose 's' 6. this will show up: 1-CA.SM::TrustedHost@24-000b94f4-7683-1b57-a41b-06200a27c0d4 (I) Name : "" (C) Desc : "Automatically generated TrustedHost object" (C) RolloverEnabled : false 2-CA.SM::TrustedHost@24-000b1116-a83b-1b57-bce0-06200a27c094 (I) Name : "" (C) Desc : "Automatically generated TrustedHost object" (C) RolloverEnabled : false 3-CA.SM::TrustedHost@24-xpsagent-fwrk-1cc9-991a-062X4CC9A2EB (I) Name : "siteminder" (C) Desc : "Generated by XPSRegClient" (C) IpAddr : "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:FFFF:" (C) RolloverEnabled : false 7. choose '3' that says Siteminder and "Generated by XPSRegClient" then 'd' to delete the object. 8. Choose 'q' to go back and then 'q' again and then 'q' again (until you get the big list where it says 'MAIN MENU') 9. Choose 'q' again to exit XPSExplorer 10. Run XPSSecurity Go into A-Administrators delete BOTH entries ('siteminder' and 'SiteMinder Administrative UI Directory User') NOTE: DO NOT DELETE THE 'siteminder' ADMIN IN XPSEXPLORER! Do it only in XPSSecurity. XPSSecurity is in the policy server installation media directory. Copy it to /bin 11. Stop the JBoss application server if it is running. then Delete the data directory contents under: \adminui\server\default\data 12. Run XPSRegclient % XPSRegclient siteminder:passphrase -adminui-setup where passphrase above is the password for the siteminder superuser account Restart the policy server and then the JBoss application server and you will now have access to the old SiteMinder internal user directory.

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