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Educa-on TechQual+ Project

February 2012 Conference Call

New Core Instrument New Types of Addi-onal Ques-ons Updated Protocol Guide & Free iBook Produc-on Change Schedule

Higher Educa-on TechQual+ Project Outcomes

Measures that conceptualize the eec-ve delivery and use of technology, or eec-ve IT service outcomes, from the perspec&ve of those outside the IT organiza&on A set of easy-to-use Web-based tools that allows ins-tu-ons to create surveys based on the TechQual+ core instrument, communicate with respondents, and analyze survey results A peer database that allows ins-tu-ons to make comparisons of IT service outcomes on their campus against the performance of other ins&tu&ons, aggregated by Carnegie basic classica-on

Higher Educa-on TechQual+ Project Inspira-ons

Conceives of service quality by collec-ng three dierent dimensions of service
Minimum Expecta&ons: represents the level of service that respondents nd acceptable Desired Expecta&ons: represents the level of service that respondents really want Perceived Performance: represents the level of service that is typically provided, rela-ve to both minimum and desired expecta-ons

Naturalis-c Inquiry

Focus Groups
University of New Mexico, 2007 Abilene Chris-an University, 2008 Boston University, 2009 Furman University, 2010 University of Tennessee, Cha`anooga, 2011 Boston University, 2011

Three Core Commitments, or Outcomes

Connec&vity and Access, or the quality of Internet service on campus Technology and Collabora&on Services, or the quality of Web sites, online services, and technologies for collabora-on Support and Training, or the experience when obtaining assistance with technology on campus

Whats a Posi-ve Outcome?

When thinking about posi-ve IT service outcomes, respondents tend to make a posi-ve evalua-on when the technology service is
delivered consistently, independent of -me, place, or personnel when communica&on regarding the service is &mely, relevant, and easy-to-understand form when the IT service increases collabora&on opportuni&es with others

2012 TechQual+ Core Instrument

Connec-vity and Access

Tell us about the quality of the Internet service on campus when it comes to
Having a campus Internet service that is reliable and that operates consistently across campus. Having a campus Internet service that is fast and that provides speedy access to Web sites and rapid downloads. Having wireless Internet coverage in all of the places that are important to me on campus. Support for accessing the campus Internet service using my tablet or other mobile device.

Technology and Collabora-on Services

Tell us about the quality of Web sites, online services, and technologies for collabora-on when it comes to

Having campus Web sites and online services that are easy to use. Accessing important campus Web sites and online services from my tablet or other mobile device. Having campus technology services that improve and enhance my collabora&on with others. Having technology within classrooms or other mee&ng areas that enhances the presenta&on and sharing of informa&on.

Support and Training

Tell us about your experiences when obtaining assistance with technology on campus when it comes to
Technology support sta who are consistently courteous and knowledgeable, and who can assist me in resolving problems with campus technology services. GeKng &mely resolu&on to problems that I am experiencing with campus technology services. Receiving &mely communica&ons regarding campus technology services, explained in a relevant and easy-to-understand form. GeKng access to training or other self-help informa&on that can enable me to become more eec&ve in my use of campus technology services.

Depreciated Core Survey Items

Items used in previous core surveys shall be loaded in the custom survey item library for each ins-tu-on, allow you to con-nue to use those ques-ons on future surveys if you desire

Addi-onal Web Site Features

Mul-ple Choice, Mul-ple Answer Ques-ons in addi-on to previous open-ended type Ability to redirect automa-cally to a Web site afer survey comple-on, bypassing the Thank you, Survey Complete screen

Updated Protocol Guide

Updated PDF by February 13, 2012 iBook, w/ Movies by April 1, 2012

Produc-on Change Schedule

Sites down @10pm EST February 10, 2012

Sites back up @8am EST February 12, 2012

New core instrument available New Web site func-ons available

Higher Educa-on TechQual+ Project

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