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Engleski jezik - prijemni ispit jun 2002

Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct.

It _____ I ____ around nine o'clock when I drove ____ 2 ___ home from work because it was already dark. As I approached the gates I swiched off the headlamps of the car ____ 3 ___ prevent the beam from swinging in trough the window and waking Jack, who shared the house with me. But I ______ 4 _____ . I notices that this light was still on, so he was awake anyway - unless he'd ____ 5 ____ asleep while reading. I put the car away and went up the steps. Then I opened the door quietly and went to Jack's room. He was in bed awake but he didn't ____6___ tur towards me. ''What's up, Jack?'' I said. ''For God's ____ 7 _____ don't make a noise'', he said. The way he spoke reminded me ____8 ____ someone ____9____ who is afraid to talk in case he ____10___ himself a serious injury. ''Take your shoes ___ 11___, Neville'', said Jack. I thought that he must be ill and that ____12___ humor him to keep him happy. ''There's a snake here'', he explained. ''It's asleep ___13 ___ the sheets. I was ______14 ___ on my back reading when I saw it. I knew that moving was out of ___15 ___ . I ____16 ___ moved even if I'd wanted to. I realised that he was ___17 ___ . ''I was relying ___18 ___ you call a doctor as soon as you ___19 ___ home''. Jack went on. ''It hasn't bitten me yet but I daren't ___20 ___ to upset it. It ___21____ wake up. I'm sick _____22 ____ this, he said. ''I ____23 ____ that you'd be home an hour ago.'' There was no time to argue or apologise ___24 ___late. I looked at him ___25 ___ I could and went out to telephone the doctor. 1. a. had to be b. was to be c. must have been d. should have been 2. a. at b. back c. in d. to 3. a. as so to b. in order c. so that d. for 4. a. needn't bother b. didn't need bothering c. needn't have bothering d. mustn't have bothered 5. a. become b. fallen c. gone d. grown

6. a. even b. just c. reason d. sake 7. a. behalf b. love c. of d. with 8. a. from b. to c. of d. with 9. a. with pain b. in pain c. having pain d. having ache 10. a. would do b. does c. would make d. makes 11. a. off b. out c. away d. back 12. a. I had rather b. I would rather c. I had better d. I would better 13. a. between b. beside c. below d. behind 14. a. lied; b. laid; c. laying; d. lying 15. a. the bargain; b. the question; c. the chance; d. the risk 16. a. may not have; b. might not have; c. can't have; d. couldn't have 17. a. in fact; b. in serious; c. in earnest; d. in truth 18. a. on; b. to; c. in; d. for 19. a. would come; b. had come; c. were coming; d. came 20. a. to do a thing; b. do anything; c. to do something; d. do nothing 21. a. might, b. can; c. should; d. shall

22. a. with; b. from; c. of; d. for 23. a. made in certain; b. have been assured; c. counted on; d. took it for granted 24. a. for being; b. to be; c. on being; d. to have been 25. a. as frendly as; b. as encouragingly as; c. so bravely as; d. so hopefoly Choose the correct answer. Only answer is correct. 26. The bank is offering a _______ to anywone who can give information about the robbery. a. compensation; b. price; c. reward; d. premium 27. Don't leave your bicycle out in the rain, it'ill get _______ a. rusty; b. crude; c. rough; d. tough 28. The landlord told him to leave because he hadn't paid his ____ a. due; b. fee; c. hire; d. rent 29. She's fainted. Throw some water on her face and se may _____ a. come round; b. come back; c. come again; d. come out 30. I'm afraid you've been ___ . This bank note is a forgery. a. taken in; b. taken up; c. taken down; d. taken out. 31. They're ___to build a big factory on this site. a. planing; b. thinking; c. projecting; d. pretending 32. He has been ___of murdering his wife. a. blamed; b. charged; c. accused; d. arrested Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct : ''Now, sir you saw the accident, I belive. Would you mind ____33____ me what happend?'' ''Not at all, constable. The driver of the red car was parked there. He ___34___when black Mini come up very quickly. If he ___35 ___in his mirror he would have seen the Mini coming. But he ____ 36 ___ ina hurry. The Mini hit him but didn't stop.'' ''Did you take down the Mini's number?'' ''No. Now I wish I ____ 37 ____ I've never seen a driver before who didn't stop after an accident. '' ''The Mini ___38 ___ sir. That ____39 ___explain it. I'll take down your name and address in case you ___40 ___ as a witness.'' 33. a. to tell; b. telling; c. to say, d. saying

34. a. was just moving out; b. has just moved out; c. would just move out; d. is just moving out. 35. a. would look; b. did look; c. would have looked; d. had looked 36. a. ought to be; b. should have been; c. had to be; d. must have been 37. a. would have; b. did; c. had; d. would 38. a. may have been stolen; b. can have been stolen; c. may have been robbed; d. can have been robbed 39. a. ought; b. has to; would; d. did 40. a. will be needed; b. are needed; c. will need; d. need

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