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Introduo TCP/IP Design Goals Protocolos TCP/IP Portas dos Protocolos DHCP DNS ARP Endereo IP Questes Resumo

Proposto em 1973 Desenvolvido em 1973 Maior parte do trabalho original da base do TCP/IP foi desenvolvido em University of California at Berkeley DoD dos EUA desenvolveu um programa rigoroso de certificao e testes ao modelo

TCP/IP Design Goals

When the U.S. Department of Defense began to define the TCP/IP network protocols, their design goals included the following:
TCP/IP had to be independent of all hardware and software manufacturers. Even today, this is fundamentally why TCP/IP makes such good sense in the corporate world: It is not tied to IBM, Novell, Microsoft, DEC, or any other specific company. It had to have good built-in failure recovery. Because TCP/IP was originally a military proposal, the protocol had to be able to continue operating even if large parts of the network suddenly isappeared from view, say, after an enemy attack.

TCP/IP Design Goals

It had to handle high error rates and still provide completely reliable end-to-end service. It had to be efficient and have a low data overhead. The majority of data packets using the IP protocol have a simple, 20-byte header, which means better performance in comparison with other networks. A simple protocol translates directly into faster transmissions, giving more efficient service.It had to allow the addition of new networks without any service disruptions.

TCP/IP Design Goals

Protocolos TCP/IP

Protocolos TCP/IP
Transmission Control Protocol Internet Protocol

Portas dos Protocolos

Portas dos Protocolos

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

Domain Name System

Address Resolution Protocol

Endereo IP
32 Bits

128 bits

Endereo IP

Endereo IP

Endereo IP

Endereo IP

Endereo IP
Identificar a classe de um determinado endereo IP Quais os endereoas que podem ser atribudos aos hosts de rede Quais os endereos que no podem ser atribudos aos hosts A mscara por defeito da Classe A, B e C de IP Classes exclusivas para uso privado

Endereo IP
Decimal Posio Exp. Base 2 128 7 27 64 6 26 32 5 25 16 4 24 8 3 23 4 2 22 2 1 21 1 0 20

Endereo IP

Endereo IP


Introduo TCP/IP Design Goals Protocolos TCP/IP Portas dos Protocolos DHCP DNS ARP Endereo IP Questes Resumo

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