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Coming Together is beginning Keeping Together is progress Working Together is unity Thinking Together is success Public Council Agenda

February 14, 2012 7:00 P.M. Chancellor Center 6:45 PM Executive Session for Discussion of Personnel Call to Order ____ P.M. Moment of Silence Pledge of Allegiance Police Report - Chief Wojciechowski Mayors Report Dennis OBrien Amendments to the Agenda Presidents Report Robert Walker Public to be Heard Please Sign In Visitors are given the opportunity to speak in the beginning and prior to adjournment, of each Council Meeting. Please limit your comments to five (5) Minutes. Certificates of Appropriateness Robert King COA 2012-001-H Resident Richard Leedes, 107 S. Chancellor Street The applicant is seeking a Certificate of Appropriateness for replacement of the front door of his residence. The new door has already been installed. HARB recommended denial of the application, as presented, noting that the new door does not fit the opening and is not appropriate to the house, and adding a recommendation to replace the original door in kind or install another door that is more appropriate to the house. The new door is in violation of Standards 5, 6 and 9. COA 2012-002-H Resident June Hilbert, 117 S. Congress Street The applicant is seeking a Certificate of Appropriateness for the replacement of existing wood fencing with wrought iron fencing, and replacement of existing wood stairs with masonry stairs.
Council Agenda February 14, 2012 Pg. #1 of #3

HARB recommended approval of the application as presented. COA 2012-003-H Residents Kalman & Beryl Katz, 120 N. Chancellor Street The applicants are seeking a Certificate of Appropriateness for renovations to an existing porch and stairs, and the installation of light fixtures. HARB recommended approval of the application as presented, including the light fixture pictured in the application and presented at the meeting by Mr. Katz. COA 2012-004-H Applicant: Fraher/Ettori residence Michael Hutchinson, 222 Chancellor Street,

The applicant is seeking a Certificate of Appropriateness for the construction of a two-story rear addition. HARB recommended approval of the application as presented, noting that the existing windows on the sun porch will be repaired, the proposed north (side) elevation and the proposed south (side) elevation are recommended; the Hardiplank siding will be smooth; the crown molding on the north and south elevations of the addition will be removed; and noting that the rear elevation is not under HARB purview. COA 2012-005-H Applicant: Building Supply Keith Coleman, 201 S. State Street, Hamilton

The applicant is seeking a Certificate of Appropriateness for the replacement of three existing doors and hardware. HARB recommended approval of the application, as presented. Approval of Minutes Approve the January 4, 2012, Work Session Minutes Approve the January 10, 2012, Council Minutes Approve the January 26, 2012, Special Council Meeting Minutes

Budget & Finance Gerard OMalley & Robert Walker Consolidated Report Accept, subject to audit, the Consolidated Expenditure Report for the month of January totaling $135,345.91.

Environmental Advisory Council Perry Warren

Council Agenda February 14, 2012 Pg. #2 of #3

Personnel Committee John Burke Appoint 31, 2015. Appoint to fill a 4-year term on the Planning Commission through December to fill a 1-year term on the Vacancy Board through December 31, 2012.

Solicitors Report William Bolla Approve Ordinance #723 amending the Parking Ordinance by changing designated 15minute parking spaces to 30-minute parking spaces. Update on Conditional Use Hearing for Steeple View LP, Plan A

OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS PUBLIC TO BE HEARD Visitors are given the opportunity to speak prior to adjournment of each Council Meeting. Please limit your comments to five (5) Minutes. To assist the Secretary, those who wish to speak, please identify yourself by name, address and purpose of appearance before the Council. Motion to Adjourn

Council Agenda February 14, 2012 Pg. #3 of #3

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