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Supt l.

nert to Eldlflal

an,l Rddio Tradiqt

tnlr 25th, ,974

Gr 20
This serri( dtl,t is @Iright. Il is not to be rcsold or reprcArced, in parl or i4 ,ltole, i,itltout pet,nissio .


Aultbnal hcMhg orbpLze Ston{ord

.apies of rlns cha 2Sp, pottry.. Potnvnt w h to R@tnII Dora, Ho,e, SE cr, Iatfun SEI 9LU

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Grundig Yacht Boy 208

amlfm portable radio (models 2O"9and 2rO are similar)

R E S tS TOi S 560 Rt Rl t( i! 170 R,l ?7K R5 IOK RtI l oK R t2 390 5K 6 Rl3 tK 5 R ta rl 5 310 !K 3 R t7 t0 R ta R I9 IK R20 t@K R2t 3tO 3K3 R22 R23 5@K R2,T IK r0 R26 3t0 R27 i28 820 R29 toK toK R 3t toK R 32 R 33 IOK R3,r l2K rK 5 R 36 56K R37 Rl8 tK 5 R3t 3tOK t50K 712 R,t3 too R{a t20K Ra6 390K R,+7 l2 Ra8 3K3 R,t9 2K1 72 a5t

78 2B 2B 2a 7A 2A 2B 2B 2A 2a 2A ?a 2B 2a 2S IB

R52 R5l R5a R56 R 57 R tl t R 3l 2 R 3l 3 R 3t,r R Is

R6 R6t2 R6t3 R6l1 R6t5 R6l7 R6t8 R6t9

5m 190 s60 tao '0 lKa tK rk 8 rK 8K 2

td)K 5@K 8K2 l9K rt K l50K tK' 200K

(lf,l) CA?ACITORS 17pl Cl 68pf C2 0 0022!F Cl Ca 2x560pF L) .UF


Cl c2 cl C,r Cl CZ

56opf lopf l@pF O O05rF llx)pF ,ltef



24 26

28 27 tf3 0 J 4t t5-




cof cflor{ tm Po$R

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lt4lirs/EATTERY stLtcToR I ,5 1 lvF /^ -or




R2 R! Rt R5 RtI Rt2 Rl3 Rtt it6 Rl7 Rt8 itt R2o R2r R22 R23 R2] R26 R27 R28 R29 R3t R32 R33 R:f,l R36 R37 R!8 R!9 Ra2 R,l3 Ra,t R.l6 R17 Ra8 R,t9 R5r

ilsrsTots Rt 560

IK ,170 27K IOK to K 3 t0 5 K6 r K5 3r0 lxl t0 rK rcOK 390 3K3 500K IK r0 3t0 820 toK to K rOK roK tzK t| ( 5 56K tK5 330K r50K t@ t20K 39OK t2 3K3 2K7 7Z

7A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A

R52 R5 3 R5a R5 6 R5 7 , 83t| R3 t2 R3 t3 Rll] Rt t a

500 3 t0 560 tOO t8 0 2 K2 tK r K8 tr tx

|8 t8 ra tB tt

c3 c,1

0'00l5rF 560pF

28 ' 2a 2A 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B tt t6 R6t I R6t2 R6 t3 R6ta &6 t5 R6 l7 R6 t8 R6t9

t8{rK 50oK 8 X2 3tK 15( t5 0 K tK9 200K .cr 0.0O2Z9F 2 r 5 6 0 rF 47tt

caractToRs (rFa)
CZ C3 ca


lf! lo.rd Cl 560DF C2 lSDi


0.O05pF lo o p F ,l3PF



Cl c2

Cfl Cll Cl6 ct7 cf8 Cl9 C2l c27 c23 czl C26 C27 c2a CT, C30 ctf C!2 Clt3 c3,r C36 C37 Cl8 C39 CaZ c,t] C{1 Ca5 C16

cr o{orlF C3 560pF ca?aclTots Cf2 zfrE

2.loF S ID F 68pf 122Df +200F |G60D F 56Df 0.0t|rf 0.021!f 0{t5iF 0.0068!f 0 ooa7ul oo33!F l5OrF 2..OpF 27tF a2rF 2a0DF 6DF 3-l2DF 24ODF 25trt 0.,l7rF 5!F O.olssr o.tuF 5|lF 0.22sF 0.0022!F

aA 2A 2A. 2A 2A 2A 2A 2 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 28 28 28 28 28

c17 Ca8 C4 C5l c52 C53 C5a C58 c59 c6r c62 C63 C6. C 66 C3l | C3l2 C3f3 C3f4 c3l 5 C3l6 C3f8 c1t9 C 32l C322 C323 C32.r C325

0.00t&rt t8 o{OlSirF lB O{O3lirF 28 0.0O68irF 28 o.oztsF ?B 220!f O.0O22ur 28 0.2luf 2A o.oaltrF la to@i F t8 rqnsF tB 25OIt lA|rF lA 5m!F lB 11oot a70oa tz.iot +2tir 3.!D F 176DF 27eF 0 00t!f 3.3D F XnoF t2.ipF 24eF l2pf

tot naiom.a.r !o.rd c6l1 0.06auf c6t2 0.0tui c6t3 0.0{i}F C.6t1 Oo22it c6l5 0.03rirF _ c6t7 0.ot7!F c6tg 000{7i F _ C 6l t 0 ool 5rF -

52 515451 56

coftlcTtotl TN PftfN Plo( lN 12

i9v -TMAIIIS/ EATIRY stcl0R !3 ofl/ ofF

of thc top nNE -modetsin rhe Grundig vrang, thc Yacht Boy 20E, is a four Dan(r modet covering the LW, MW. SW and- VHF wave-bands with particular emphask on high scnsitivityand setectivity. Jw. lunttrg is over thc 4G5l meter band ano rs spread across lhe whole tuning scarc_ Movable markers pinpoint slations, (lo asslstIn easystation-slection), while AFC, wrutn ts swltcnableis incorporatedlo stop drilt on VHF. Controls include a variable treble cunlrol and bass_switch. switchxble diat light, battery co-ndition indicalor rnd in;ur oulput s@xeli (o cover most aDDlicatiol|!. A-choice of eitl)cr u"lnur finiih or blacl nnlsh rs oblainablewill (hrome trim rnd black scaleB.taeries. 9 volr, 6 x SP2. Meins. With optional power plck TNIl(r. Wavebands LW 2069-ll54n') MW 538-185m FM 87.5-l08MHz SW 40-5lm Tdnsistors TRI BFI85 TR2 8F184 BFI84 TR4 BFI84 TR5 BFI85 TR6 BFI85

' ' 45 L 6


\r,2.r. lbn
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z r. 9, t0,ll, t2. tFrr lFr 1, 2.r. (5 rtffi1 tFIt 6.?, a

45,6, 72t1-5t2 72t4.5!l


lF lv

6-;7 I rJ---1

| | 'r..--..-J' I l o o ol ., 5. 5, 7219-555

Sarpt n.

b n ctric.l a'd RedloT..di',t' lutv 25tt' 1971

---- - - 1
YS. )8t210

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cord drive




TR7 TR8 TF9 TRIO Dlodca DI m D3

BCI09C or 2N3702 Bcltl ACI8?K ACI88K :, ISI I AAll6 AAII6 IN6O

Sw Scde L.n!,

Soclct for cxtcrnal and tclc saoprc L?l-7V lW. P.h!. 149.85. Iv.ldrcercr. Grundig (CB) Ltd, Lotdoo sE26 5NQ. S.ryicc Dqr. T.chnkal Dcpt, CrundiS (GB) Ltd. Nc$rhnds Part, sydcDhit4 Irndon SE25. Ol-7782211. Rcmovc battcry lid, t8ka out battcrics, pull off tuning knob aod rcmovc two scrcvs undcmcathcatinct. It may now bc liftad ofr in an up$iard

SF.Lcr. 7 x 4iin.,,+ohm impcdalcc. Outp{t. 2W. Odlcls l. DIN sock t for tapc rccord. 2. Jacksoclct for arphooc, hD||ts. DIN soltcl for tapcpleybacl




460lHz IO,TMHZ Fcrritc rod Tcl6opic and sockct tor



Arthb AM FM

Dind$bnr, 15! x 9i x 4lin. W.i8ht. I llb,


ir"[!g[T ftn
|lI/\| ', t4 q r l


I5l E59 I44 f$ I4t I48 6aI"'r

D' I? I t9r----r It9

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ffi 16 Gr!.ltrln .t W0lbtm ?t(!l

r- Jd.

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r.a aL.


(r c3D

Above : Potentiometer board Left: FM mixcr board night: tF1 board

direction. Now push acrial |rp ftom thc inside and lake out four broazc chassis fixing saf,cw$,two cach sidc, std ca.lfully lift out chassis, Unsoldcr spcaker leads if ncc.ssary. aod trim Ll5 lor maximum outDut atrd symmctry. Now racooDct wobbulato. to Doint l0 lF2. Tutre Ll2 and Lt I for ngxinium with symmtry, and lastly rccoDoct wobbulator to point 5 lFI. Adjust LE ard L7 fo. a syrnrnetrical and maximum output. With the \robbulator comcctcd trow to the AM acrial adiust I-4 and I2a for maximum. Now. -for discriminstor and AM rc.icction, connect wobbulator to point 6 IF3; o6cilloscopto point 8 lF4 via a 5Ok ohm had, and alis! Ll6 for m!.xirnun liDcarity al +75LHz dcviation and R2 for AM rejection at 50rnv, Input si8nal to bes. of TR6 for this las! lcst. Rcconrcct wobbulalor to AM acrial (AM modulation) and if nccsssry reali8n Ll6. AM Oscillrtor oad rcrhl Switch to MW, sct poiotcr of rccctvcr atrd gncrator to 560kHz, aonocct 8rarralor via e loop loosdy couplcd around thc ferritc aerial and volUetcr to TR3. AliSn L2l arld Ll8 for maxinun" Reserpointcr and 8Eocrator to l4sotH, and alisn Cl6 and Cl8 for rturimum. Switch ro LW, sct pointcr atld 8ror8tor ro l60kHz and adjust Ll9. Rcpositiotr ro 2,lolHz and align Cl9 for optimum output. Finally swith to SW, discooloct tclclcopic acrial atrd connea Sctrclator via an lSpF capacitor, Sct poiltc. ard gcncrator lo 6'lMHz a.trd adjust L2O and Ll7 for optimum output. Resct pointcr aad Seqcrator to 7,2MHz and align CI3 for maiimum.

, London Cruudig ydcnharr! . battlrics,


Service Notas
DC diglmclt DC adjustmcntsta be carricd out with a battcry voltage of 7.5V. Qokscent a{rr.|rt of ootput trarsirtors Opcn link on collcctor lcad of TRIo, insert a millianeter and adjust R52 for a reading of 5.5mA, Rcconnctlink. Sctli!8 up of IF amplilhrs Conncct a DC valve voltrnctcr in parslhl with R23 and adjust pre-setR28 for 1.3V.

r upward


. t/ I F12 I |

Alignmant FM |tr'
Connc4't oscilloscopc via circuit bclow lo point 4 tF4; wobbulator to poiot 6 IF3 and sct to lo.7MHz: fully dctuo Ll6

ll 'lc-



AM IF l-ooscly couplc osciuoscopc ao TR5 (or point 12 IF 3), co rccl wobbulator to poinr !0 IF2 aod adjust Ll3 for a symmctrical and nraaimum output. Rccooncct lvobbulato. lo poirt 5 lFl and tun Llo ard L9, agaia tor optimum output wilh stlrunctry. Fitr8ly, conDcc't wobbulator to thc AM a6hl aod 8li8n L6 and L5 for output on'scope.

FM oocillrto. r{d r.ri.l Connect Sicncrator via a 60ohm ceblc to mixer ioput C3lli sct poiDalr sld input si&nal to SEMII?i sod sdjust L2 atrd Ll for marimum output, Finslly r6et pointd and Scncrator to l06MHz atrd aliSn C324 aDd C314, both for optisrum outpul. Oscillator voltaf,r at TR2 cmitter should bc ?5mV.

Left: main component boafd layout

f 1

'>y'Right: diagram of alignment points

v /.\,/1/\ !c | 6c /1 v v v \, L' .\

t C

6r--_lE "*l 1. ,
., L_J ,
lr'rl /A\ Il ll /A\



\y Hv/
lllhr. Cr.|' ?|u (!.7r.) lrd,lLtd.nrr-d. ..l al-$...a !r trc !ll.Hoc,Sortord &. t ndd sEl tlu, r.F Pr- ttl,Do.ri lft , p!!|ht a tr trc ?..l.a. ?r! (S.t- l Dtrr|lt tra, aOtowlha Gi.. Lr, tddd tcr ONE{o l9t4lrc 8sl.-

cr board d
r maximum outpui atrd wobbulatoi to Doitrt l0 d Ll I for rnaximum with astly reconDct wobbu_ '1. ldjust L7 for I maximum output. ulator connctcd now to rdiuit 1,4 atrd t2a for ,r. for discrimitrator aod irct *obbul,ator to Doilt Dc to poinr 8 lF4 via a d alig! Ll6 for na.rimum Hz iL'viation and R2 for r at 50mV. bes of TR6 fo. thh last bbuhtor to AM acrial ) and if ncccstary ralign rld tctld AM Ofclltrtr Switch to MW, sct poilrcr of rcccivcr atrd rcncralor to 55()(Hz, coDtrcc-l8ld!ra' tor via a loop looccly couplad around thc fcnirc aerill and vo|ttnctct to TR3. AliSn L2t and Ll8 for marimutl Reset pointcr and Scocrator to l45okHz and alien C36 and Cl8 for rnsrirlum. Switch to LW. sct Doi cr ard Spocratot Rcpo.itiotr to l6OkH2 and adjrfua Ll9. to 24okHz and aliSn clg for oDtimum outpul. Finally switch to SW, discaDFl !rlc' scopic aarial atrd coturcct StlcBtor vla an lSpF capacitor. St poiatcr aJrd gcnc.ator to 6'lMHz a.odadjut L20.od Ll7 for optimum out' put. Res.t pointc. and gercrator to 7'2MHz and aligl Cl3 for marimum'

) o$cilloscopc to TRJ (or ootrrFct wobbulalor to d adjusl Ll3 for a sYnF timum output. bbulalor to poirt 5 lFl d L9, ariair fot optimum mctry, cl wobbulaior to thc AM L6 md LJ for oulput

FM oscilhtor rtd r.dd Conn ct Scneralor via a 60ob0 csbh to mixer i-oput C3ll; sct poiDfcr strd input signal rb 88MHz. 8nd adj$t L2 rtrd Ll for maximun outPut. Fitrsllv r6t Dointcr and gpncrator to l06MHi atrd dign C324 atrd C314, bolh for oDtimum output. OscilLtor vonaF al TIt2 cmittcf slpuld bc 75mv.

dcrpatch rame-day is ar ncat at youl telcphone -try itl

o.{ 3& lrnaon SEI tlu' ..lLo...S.| ?.. !.a. ad' Ec.roNEO ltti lPc aq'|-


HANWEL! LoNDON W7 0l-567 5''O0 +5 rflE SROADWAYO'tl-l3t 49'19 7l l.\AxwEl,TON lD-P ISIEY RENTREW 259' Oa''', SOI{EnSE' 12 wasT END - STREET Ati lot vottt ltee .oty ol out 60'P'F t'tttwt

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