Social Media For Business by DR Punit Sethi, World's Most Popular #Social Media #Expert

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Seminar on "Challenges/USE of Social Media for Improved Business/ROM/to Generate ROI in Global Competitive Market and Need of Effective

Employee Communication" by Dr Punit Sethi, World's Most Popular Social Media Expert/Advisor Digital Adve rtisement Strategies to Corporate World, is also being organized all over the Wo rld. (You may please book and take dates of Social Media Seminar, now). Dr Punit Sethis specialization in social media has also gained more popularity f or Brand Image Building/Marketing and to generate better ROI (WE hope, you know that Dr Punit Sethi, MTech, MSc, MBA, PhD has been declared as #World s Most #Po pular #Social #Media/#Facebook #Expert -remember Facebook IPO is going to be the largest. Please SEE attached Video and link for more details. Contents of semin ar will be conveyed soon. cebook-expert-267185 Dr Punit Sethi B.Tech, M.Tech, M.Sc, M.B.A, PhD F.I.E, F.I.V, M.I.R.C M.I.B.C, CE(I) Lead Auditor ISO 9 001:2008, IMS (EMS 1001, OHSAS 18001) N.D.T (RT, UT, MT, PT) Member American Society of Civil Engineers Member American Society of Quality Expert TQM, TQMeX, Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, QA/QC, TOC, QFD, SPC, Quality Circles One Day In-House Workshop on Quality to include TQM, QMS, ISO/EMS/OHSAS-9001/140 01/18001, 5-s, TQMeX, Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, TOC, QFD, Quality Circle, SPC an d MORE.. all in ONE DAY!! Besides FIDIC, "QUALITY & SITE INSPECTION IN CONSTRUCTION & PROJECTS", TQM, Six Sigma, Workshops on Business Writing Skills, Business Communication Skills, Pers onality Development, Etiquettes, Customer Complaints, Social Media, Joint Ventur e, FIDIC/International Bidding, , Corporate Communication, Employee Communicatio n, Soft Skills, Corporate Governance, Quality Management, Construction Sites, IS O, IMS, Business Excellence, Quality Audits, Quality Surveillance, Safety, CSR, Environmental Matters, Leadership and Team Building, Supervision of Projects/Sup ervisory Skills, , Project Financing, PPP, Vendor Management & development .also undertaken.. Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2012 12:17:36 +0530 The Wall Street Journal, USA World Widecoverage to Dr Punit Sethi n-author

Incredible : The Worlds Most Popular Social Media Expert (in English)

Incredible India (in Hindi)

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