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Ahfad University for women Project Management

designed for capacity develop

:Prepared by Nihad Ahmed Mohamed :Supervisor

Dr.Ahmed Babiker

-: Introduction During recent decades, there has been a progressive decline in the level of physical activity in people's daily lives in developed countries. For a majority of people, little physical effort is involved any more in their work, domestic chores, transportation and leisure. Whilst specific health risks differ between countries and regions, the fact remains that physical inactivity is a major risk factor for most common non-communicable diseases and physical activity can counteract many of the ill effects of .inactivity Sport is considered to contribute to achieving mental health objectives, including addressing depression and .stress-related disorders Sport and physical activity has long been used as a tool to improve mental, physical and social well-being. Physical inactivity is a major risk factor associated with a large number of lifestyle diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity. Sport projects that specifically focus on health outcomes generally :emphasise

From here came the idea is the work of a small project is a gym designed for capacity development and the

preservation of health and basic structure of the body .according to specific cost and potential

The hall is equipped with an equipment according to his large number of individuals who want a workout for health and fitness, whether male or female for the purposes of weight loss or other and this room will be a good source of .income helps to develop the income of the owner

-:Project Name

GYM for bodybuilders

:The objective of the project Sports body building and capacity development to raise .the level of physical fitness Members who wish to meet the requirements of exercise .to reduce weight or to increase their fitness Gain increased and the achievement of income for the .owner :Target group of the project .All segments of society of both

Work Breakdown Structure :Functional structure of the project :Consists of -:General manager Which is responsible for the project and planned and .implemented -:Staff Control the financial operations of their mission the tasks of supervision and there have a number of duties , .accountant + secretary + executive director -:Coaches Their mission the task of training and supervision of clients .and their number by type of activity project is located :Workers Mission execution, assistance, and there are 2 labors for .cleaning

The project to be implemented -:Must provide Determine the cost of preliminary .1 Processing the appropriate location .2 Appointment of staff and workers .3 Promotion .4

Initial Budget

Item Machine Air Conditioning Sports Tools Rent Site (Staff (Labor + Coaches Establishment expenses Salaries and wages Administrative expenses Electricity and Water Miscellaneous expenses

Qty 4 2

Cost 5500 1000 5000 1000 1500 1000 3000 500 300 200



Total of cost


:Project Duration Duration of the project four years from May 2012 :The Key Milestone The project will start in May 2012 and continue in operation for 5 years in a row the life of project 5 years from may 2012 to may 2017 Capital recovery period First Year 5000 Second Year 5500 Third Year 5500 Fourth Year 6500 Fifth Year 7500 Total 30000

-:Project Manger Name Mr. Wail Mohamed Suliman

-: Type of Organization Is a project supported by the community and serve the requirements of the project so the service project -: ( Steps ( Project Scope

The purpose of the project is to provide service to the : community, through the mobilization of sports According to the following steps Processing Preparation The provision of employment Training * * * *

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