42U System Cabinet Guide

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42U System Cabinet Guide

NetApp, Inc. 495 East Java Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA Telephone: +1 (408) 822-6000 Fax: +1 (408) 822-4501 Support telephone: +1 (888) 4-NETAPP Documentation comments: doccomments@netapp.com Information Web: http://www.netapp.com

Part number 215-05266_A0 March 2010

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Copyright information

Copyright 19942010 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. No part of this document covered by copyright may be reproduced in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or storage in an electronic retrieval systemwithout prior written permission of the copyright owner. NetApp reserves the right to change any products described herein at any time, and without notice. NetApp assumes no responsibility or liability arising from the use of products described herein, except as expressly agreed to in writing by NetApp. The use or purchase of this product does not convey a license under any patent rights, trademark rights, or any other intellectual property rights of NetApp. The product described in this manual may be protected by one or more U.S.A. patents, foreign patents, or pending applications. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.277-7103 (October 1988) and FAR 52-227-19 (June 1987).

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NetApp; the NetApp logo; the Network Appliance logo; Cryptainer; Cryptoshred; DataFabric; Data ONTAP; Decru; Decru DataFort; FAServer; FilerView; FlexCache; FlexClone; FlexShare; FlexVol; FPolicy; gFiler; Go further, faster; Manage ONTAP; MultiStore; NearStore; NetCache; NOW (NetApp on the Web); ONTAPI; RAID-DP; SANscreen; SecureShare; Simulate ONTAP; SnapCopy; SnapDrive; SnapLock; SnapManager; SnapMirror; SnapMover; SnapRestore; SnapValidator; SnapVault; Spinnaker Networks; Spinnaker Networks logo; SpinAccess; SpinCluster; SpinFlex; SpinFS; SpinHA; SpinMove; SpinServer; SpinStor; StoreVault; SyncMirror; Topio; vFiler; VFM; and WAFL are registered trademarks of NetApp, Inc. in the U.S.A. and/or other countries. Network Appliance, Snapshot, and The evolution of storage are trademarks of NetApp, Inc. in the U.S.A. and/or other countries and registered trademarks in some other countries. The StoreVault logo, ApplianceWatch, ApplianceWatch PRO, ASUP, AutoSupport, ComplianceClock, DataFort, Data Motion, FlexScale, FlexSuite, Lifetime Key Management, LockVault, NOW, MetroCluster, OpenKey, ReplicatorX, SecureAdmin, Shadow Tape, SnapDirector, SnapFilter, SnapMigrator, SnapSuite, Tech OnTap, Virtual File Manager, VPolicy, and Web Filer are trademarks of NetApp, Inc. in the U.S.A. and other countries. Get Successful and Select are service marks of NetApp, Inc. in the U.S.A. IBM, the IBM logo, and ibm.com are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. A complete and current list of other IBM trademarks is available on the Web at http://www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml. Apple is a registered trademark and QuickTime is a trademark of Apple, Inc. in the U.S.A. and/or other countries. Microsoft is a registered trademark and Windows Media is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A. and/or other countries. RealAudio, RealNetworks, RealPlayer, RealSystem, RealText, and RealVideo are registered trademarks and RealMedia, RealProxy, and SureStream are trademarks of RealNetworks, Inc. in the U.S.A. and/or other countries. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. NetApp, Inc. is a licensee of the CompactFlash and CF Logo trademarks. NetApp, Inc. NetCache is certified RealSystem compatible.


Copyright and trademark information

Table of Contents
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

Safety Information (Sicherheitsinformationen). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

Chapter 1

System Cabinet Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 System cabinet characteristics and specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Preparing for installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Chapter 2

Setting Up the System Cabinet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Shipment contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Setting up a preinstalled system cabinet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Setting up an empty system cabinet . . . . . . . . . . Removing system cabinet doors . . . . . . . . . Removing system cabinet side panels . . . . . . Removing system cabinet blanking panels . . . Installing the storage controller and disk shelves Reassembling the system cabinet . . . . . . . . Connecting to power and booting the equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 19 21 22 23 29 31

Chapter 3

System Cabinet Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Removing and installing the PDUs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Chapter 4

System Cabinet Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Supported PDUs and PDU descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 PDU descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Determining your system cabinet power requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Appendix A

Converting the Side Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Replacing the old-style side panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Replacing the old-style side panel with the new-style side panel . . . . . . . 52

Table of Contents


Appendix B

Feature Update Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57


Table of Contents

About this guide You can use your product more effectively when you understand this document's intended audience and the conventions that this document uses to present information. This guide describes the following tasks and topics:

Preparing your site for system cabinet installation Unpacking and installing the system cabinet Removing and installing components in the system cabinet Maintaining the power distribution units (PDU)

This guide does not cover basic system or network administration, which is covered in the System Administration Guide.


This guide is for qualified system administrators and service personnel who are familiar with NetApp storage systems, disk shelves, and PDUs.


This guide uses the following terms:

Storage systems and V-Series systems that run Data ONTAP are sometimes referred to as filers, appliances, storage appliances, or systems. The name of the FilerView graphical user interface for Data ONTAP reflects one of these common usages. Disk shelf refers to a unit of the disk subsystem component of the storage system. FRU refers to any field-replaceable unit that is replaceable at the customer site. Controller or storage controller refers to the component of a storage system that runs the Data ONTAP operating system and controls its disk subsystem. Controllers or storage controllers are also sometimes called storage appliances, appliances, storage engines, heads, CPU modules, or controller modules. PDU refers to a power distribution unit. CLI refers to the command line interface.


Formatting conventions

The following table lists different character formats used in this guide to set off special information. Formatting convention Italic type

Type of information

Words or characters that require special attention. Placeholders for information you must supply. For example, if the guide requires you to enter the fctest adaptername command, you enter the characters fctest followed by the actual name of the adapter. Book titles in cross-references. Command and daemon names. Information displayed on the system console or other computer monitors. The contents of files.

Monospaced font

Bold monospaced


Words or characters you type. What you type is always shown in lowercase letters, unless your program is case-sensitive and uppercase letters are necessary for it to work properly.

Special messages

This guide contains special messages that are described as follows: Note A note contains important information that helps you install or operate the system efficiently. Attention An attention notice contains instructions that you must follow to avoid a system crash, loss of data, or damage to the equipment. Caution A caution notice warns you of conditions or procedures that can cause personal injury that is neither lethal or nor extremely hazardous. Danger A danger notice warns you of conditions or procedures that can result in death or severe personal injury.



Safety Information (Sicherheitsinformationen)

Safety rules All products are Class 1 laser devices, except the NVRAM5 cluster media converter, which is Class 1M. You must follow these safety rules when working with this equipment: WARNING Failure to follow these directions could result in bodily harm or death.

When using an NVRAM5 cluster media converter, the storage system must be installed in a restricted access location. Switzerland onlyfor FAS900, GF900, R200, and C6200 systems: This equipment relies on fuses/circuit breakers in the building installation for overcurrent protection. Each power supply must receive power from a separately dedicated outlet with a 10A fuse/circuit breaker. When installing disk shelves and a storage system into a movable cabinet or rack, install from the bottom up for best stability. DC-based systems must be installed in a restricted access location and the two input power terminals for the DC power supply must be connected to separate isolated branch circuits. To reduce the risk of personal injury or equipment damage, allow internal components time to cool before touching them and ensure that the equipment is properly supported or braced when installing options. This equipment is designed for connection to a grounded outlet. The grounding type plug is an important safety feature. To avoid the risk of electrical shock or damage to the equipment, do not disable this feature. This equipment has one or more replaceable batteries. There is danger of explosion if the battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace the battery only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturers instructions.

For units with multiple power cords

If your storage system or disk shelf has multiple power cords and you need to turn the unit off, heed the following warning: WARNING This unit has more than one power supply cord. To reduce the risk of electrical shock, disconnect all power supply cords before servicing.

Safety Information (Sicherheitsinformationen)



Alle Produkte sind Lasergerte der Klasse 1, mit Ausnahme des NVRAM5 Cluster-Medienkonverters, der in Klasse 1M fllt. Beim Einsatz dieser Gerte sind die Sicherheitsvorschriften zu beachten: Vorsicht Nichtbeachtung dieser Vorschriften kann zu Verletzungen oder Tod fhren.

Bei der Verwendung eines NVRAM5 Cluster-Medienkonverters muss das Speichersystem an einem Standort mit beschrnktem Zugriff installiert werden. Nur fr die Schweiz - Systeme FAS900, GF900, R200 und C6200: Diese Gerte erfordern den Festeinbau von Sicherungen zum berstromschutz. Jeder Netzanschluss muss mit Strom aus getrennten, speziell fr diesen Zweck vorgesehenen Steckdosen versorgt werden, die jeweils mit einer 10A-Sicherung geschtzt sind. Werden die Plattenregale und das Speichersystem in einen beweglichen Schrank oder Turm eingebaut, ist wegen der hheren Stabilitt der Einbau von unten nach oben vorzunehmen. Gleichstrom-Systeme mssen an Betriebsstaette mit beschraenktem Zutritt installiert sein und die beiden Eingangsstromklemmen fr das Gleichstrom-Netzteil mssen an separate und isolierte Abzweigleitungen angeschlossen sein. Zum Schutz vor Krperverletzung oder Sachschden am Gert lassen Sie die inneren Bauteile stets vor dem Berhren abkhlen. Sorgen Sie dafr, dass das Gert richtig abgesttzt ist oder fest aufrecht steht, bevor Sie neues Zubehr einbauen. Dieses Gert ist fr die Einspeisung aus einer geerdeten Netzverbindung ausgelegt. Der Netzstecker mit Erdungsvorrichtung ist ein wichtiger Sicherheitsschutz. Zum Schutz vor elektrischem Schlag oder Sachschden am Gert die Erdung nicht abschalten. Das Gert ist mit einer oder mehreren auswechselbaren Batterien ausgestattet. Bei unsachgemem Auswechseln der Batterie besteht Explosionsgefahr. Batterien nur mit dem vom Hersteller empfohlenen Typ oder entsprechenden Typen ersetzen. Gebrauchte Batterien sind gem den Anweisungen des Herstellers zu entsorgen.

Fr Gerte mit mehrfachen Netzanschlussleitungen

Wenn Ihr Speichersystem oder Plattenregal ber mehrere Stromkabel verfgt und Sie die Einheit ausschalten mssen, folgenden Warnhinweis beachten: WARNUNG Gert besitzt zwei Netzanschlussleitungen. Vor Wartung alle Anschlsse vom Netz trennen.


Safety Information (Sicherheitsinformationen)

System Cabinet Overview

About this chapter

This chapter describes the features and functions of the system cabinet. It also describes the steps needed to prepare the site for installation of the system cabinet.

Topics in this chapter

The following topics are discussed in this chapter:

System cabinet characteristics and specifications on page 2 Preparing for installation on page 6

Chapter 1: System Cabinet Overview

System cabinet characteristics and specifications

System cabinet dimensions and specifications

The system cabinet has the following dimensions and specifications. Dimension Height Depth Width Total rack space, 42U Rail load capacity Empty weight Fully loaded static weight Front and rear service clearance Minimum side clearance for panel removal Minimum top clearance U.S. 78.7 in. 37.4 in. 23.6 in. 73.5 in. 125 lbs 275 lbs Up to 1,500 lbs 30 in. 24 in. 12 in. Metric 200 cm 95 cm 60 cm 186.7 cm 56.7 kg 124.7 kg Up to 680 kg 76.3 cm 61 cm 30 cm

System cabinet features

The following table lists the general features of the system cabinet. Feature Side panels Perforated front and rear doors Common key Spares kit Description Lockable, removable, and interchangeable side panels with a quick release mechanism built in. Removable front and rear doors with a quick release mechanism. Both doors are perforated for cooling. This key unlocks the front doors, rear doors, and side panels. This kit includes extra clip nuts, screws, touch-up paint, and cabinet keys.

System cabinet characteristics and specifications

Feature Cable access

Description Cable pass-throughs are built into the top and bottom of the cabinet, as well as between the bottom of the rear door and the frame. Your system cabinet has one of two cable management systems that allow for efficient cable routing and easily accessible equipment from the rear of the system cabinet.

Cable management

System cabinets made prior to November 2007 use builtin cable management and routing clips mounted to the interior frame of the system cabinet. System cabinets made from November 2007 onward use a floating ring that you can attach to the system cabinet frame or use as a floating cable tie.

Support rails

The base system cabinet ships with 13 pairs of support rails for 6U systems and 14 pairs of support rails for smaller configurations. Empty system cabinets ship with 13 pairs of support rails. Note 1U is equal to 1.75 inches.

Blanking panels PDU power cord length Bolt-down kits Interconnect kit Support rail kit

An empty system cabinet has six, 3U blank panels installed. The system cabinet might also have 1U blanking panels installed. The power cables are 15 feet long for the 20A PDUs. The power cables are 10 feet long for the 30A PDUs. This optional kit allows for the securing of the system cabinet to the data center floor. There are two different style kits; universal bolt-down kit and corner-caster bolt-down kit. This optional kit allows for multiple system cabinets to connect to each other. This optional kit allows for additional rails to be installed to support additional equipment.

Chapter 1: System Cabinet Overview

System cabinet PDU specifications

The system cabinet can have one of the following PDU configurations:


AC type singlephase

Service outlet 20A 16A 20A

Cords per side 2

Amps per side 35.2 32 32

Outlets per side 16

Approx. power per cabinet 7.3 kW @ 208V 7.4 kW @ 230V 7.4 kW @ 230V

BTU per hr. 24,989 25,120 25,120 18,541 37,483 32,460 32,460 23,550

Other Detachable input cord.

singlephase singlephase 3-Phase 3-Phase singlephase

30A 30A 30A 30A 32A

1 2 1 (L15-30) 1 (L21-30) 1

26.4 52.8 45.7 45.7 30

16 16 24 24 16

5.5 KW @ 208V 11.0 kW @ 208V 9.5 kW @ 208V 9.5 kW @ 208V 6.9 kW @ 230V

Tethered PDUs. Four plugs per cabinet. 3-Phase for N. America. 3-Phase for N. America. Tethered, limited to 30A by 2 15A breakers. Four plugs per cabinet, two per side. 24A input per PDU. 3-Phase for EU.






11.0 kW @230V







22.1 kW @ 230V


System cabinet characteristics and specifications

System cabinet types

There are two types of 42U system cabinets. They are identical except that the new system cabinet has the following differences:

Internal bracing is heavier (wider) No middle side brace on the sides of the system cabinet

System cabinet configurations

See Chapter 4, System Cabinet Configurations, on page 41.

Regulatory requirements

The system cabinet has redundant power. It complies with FCC (U.S.) and the European Union regulatory guidelines (Euro). It has been tested for use only with rack-mounted equipment supplied by NetApp. Do not use rack-mounted equipment not supplied by NetApp because this might void some or all regulatory compliance certifications. For detailed regulatory compliance information, see the Warranty Agreement, Safety Information, and Regulatory Notices that came with your system.

Chapter 1: System Cabinet Overview

Preparing for installation

Tasks to complete to prepare your site

To prepare your site for system cabinet installation, you need to complete the following tasks. Step 1 Action Ensure that your site meets the system cabinet electrical requirements. See System cabinet PDU specifications on page 4. 2 Ensure that your site meets the system cabinet space requirements. See System cabinet dimensions and specifications on page 2. 3 You need the following tools and equipment:

The appropriate hardware guide for your disk shelves The appropriate Installation and Setup Instructions for your system #1 and #2 Phillips screwdrivers Leveling tool for leveling the system cabinet

Verify the contents of your system cabinet shipment. See Shipment contents on page 8.

Where to go next

After preparing your site for system cabinet installation, you are ready to install the system cabinet, as described in Chapter 2, Setting Up the System Cabinet, on page 7.

Preparing for installation

Setting Up the System Cabinet

About this chapter

This chapter describes how to set up a system cabinet that arrives with the disk shelves and storage system installed and also describes how to install equipment into an empty system cabinet.

Topics in this chapter

This chapter discusses the following topics:

Shipment contents on page 8 Setting up a preinstalled system cabinet on page 10 Setting up an empty system cabinet on page 18

Chapter 2: Setting Up the System Cabinet

Shipment contents

System cabinet package contents

The following list specifies the components that you should find packaged with an empty system cabinet:

One spares kit Six 3U blank panels or equivalent 1U blank panels Power cords appropriate for your location, if ordered

Spares kit contents

The following list specifies the components in the spares kit, which is shipped with the system cabinet:

Twenty 10-32 x .75 inch Phillips pilot point screws Twenty 10-32 clip nuts One clip nut insertion tool Two master key copies One container of RAL 7015 charcoal gray touch-up paint

Corner-caster boltdown kit

The following list specifies the components in the optional corner-caster boltdown kit, which provides additional stability to the system cabinet. You order this kit through your NetApp sales representative.

Four bolt-down shoes Four mounting bolts

Universal bolt-down kit

The following list specifies the components in the optional universal bolt-down kit, which provides additional stability to the system cabinet. You order this kit through your NetApp sales representative.

Two left side bolt-down shoes Two right side bolt-down shoes Four pads

Shipment contents

Cabinet interconnect kit

The following list specifies the contents of the cabinet interconnect kit, which you use to connect two or more system cabinets together. You order this kit through your NetApp sales representative.

Two 4 mm Allen wrenches Four connecting sleeves Eight mounting screws

Support rail kit

The following list specifies the contents of the support rail kit, which you use to add additional support rails to the system cabinet. You order this kit through your NetApp sales representative.

One left and one right support rail Two threaded roll-forming screws

Caution The rails and rail kit are designed to fit only the NetApp 42U system cabinet. Do not use the rails or rail kit in other system cabinets.

Chapter 2: Setting Up the System Cabinet

Setting up a preinstalled system cabinet

Considerations when moving the system cabinet

The system cabinet has nonlocking casters on all four bottom corners. When moving the loaded system cabinet, be aware of the following:

To prevent tipping on uneven surfaces, move the system cabinet slowly. Never push the system cabinet from the top of the system cabinet. Do not use an open door to push the system cabinet. Always have the doors closed or removed to prevent them from catching on anything. It is easier to move the cabinet with handles as push or pull points.

Never push the system cabinet by the perforated portion of the doors.

Connecting two or more system cabinets together

If you ordered a multicabinet system, you connect them using the optional cabinet interconnect kit. To connect two or more system cabinets, complete the following steps, using the diagram for reference. Note that your system cabinet might not have the support brace in the middle of the cabinet sides.


Setting up a preinstalled system cabinet

Step 1 2

Action Place the system cabinets together, but leave enough space for you to work between them. Remove the adjacent side panels of the two system cabinets to be connected, as described in Removing system cabinet side panels on page 21. Move the system cabinets together, and align and level them by adjusting the four leveling feet at the bottom of the system cabinets. Connect the cabinets by inserting the connecting sleeve into the Uslot in the upper corner of the system cabinet upright, and then into the same U-slot in the next system cabinet. Secure the connecting sleeve to the system cabinet uprights with the Allen screws and wrenches. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for the rear upright and the two bottom corners. Repeat the process for any remaining system cabinets. Connect the system cabinets to power sources and boot the system, as described in Powering on the system cabinet on page 16.

3 4

5 6 7 8

Chapter 2: Setting Up the System Cabinet


Installing the corner-caster boltdown kit

To install the corner-caster bolt-down kit, complete the following steps, using the diagrams for reference.

50 mm 60 mm

825 mm 945 mm 535 mm

Bolts not included with kit

Anchor rear shoes without cabinet


Anchor front shoes with cabinet in place

System cabinet

12 Setting up a preinstalled system cabinet

Step 1

Action Screw the mounting bolts into each of the four corners of the system cabinet. Do not tighten the anchors all the way. 2 3 Mark the anchor points where the rear bolt-down kit shoes will be anchored to the floor. Anchor the rear bolt-down shoes to the floor, using the appropriate anchoring method for your floor. Make sure to face the bolt-down shoes in the same direction, so you can roll the system cabinet into them. 4 5 Align the system cabinet with the rear bolt-down shoes and slide the system cabinet into place. Slide the front pair of bolt-down shoes onto the mounting bolts, then anchor the front shoes to the floor, using the appropriate anchoring method for your floor. Tighten the mounting bolts into the four shoes, making sure that they securely anchor the cabinet to the shoes and are level.

Chapter 2: Setting Up the System Cabinet


Installing the universal bolt-down kit

To install the universal bolt-down kit, complete the following steps, using the diagrams for reference.

50 mm

3 2

945 mm

535 mm

Rear bolt-down shoes. There is one rear bolt-down shoe for the left side and one for the right side. Mounting slots in each shoe are 50 mm apart and accept mounting bolts of 14.5 mm in diameter and 24.5 mm in width. The mounting bolts are not included in the kit.

Front bolt-down shoes. There is one front bolt-down shoe for the left side and one for the right side.

Bolt-down shoe pad. Each of the four shoe pads provides a cushion between the system cabinet frame and the bolt-down shoe.


Setting up a preinstalled system cabinet

Step 1 2

Action Mark the area where the system cabinet will be installed, and then roll the cabinet into place. Install a shoe pad on each rear bolt-down shoe, and then slide the rear bolt-down shoes onto the bottom of the system cabinet near the leveling feet. Mark the anchoring points where the rear bolt-down shoes will be anchored to the floor, and then loosely anchor them to the floor. Be sure to use the appropriate bolt sizes and types for your floor. 4 Install a shoe pad on each front bolt-down shoe, and then slide the front bolt-down shoes onto the bottom of the system cabinet near the leveling feet. Mark the anchoring points where the front bolt-down shoes will be anchored to the floor, and then tightly anchor them to the floor. Tighten the rear bolt-down shoes to the floor.

5 6

Chapter 2: Setting Up the System Cabinet


Powering on the system cabinet

To connect the system cabinet to a power source and power it on, complete the following steps, using the diagram for reference. Note The diagram uses 20A PDUs. The 30A PDUs have one or two power cables per side that must be connected to the power source.


Step 1 2

Action Make sure that all equipment is plugged into a cabinet PDU. Feed the PDU power cables through an opening in the system cabinet, using one of the following openings:

The top of the system cabinet Between the rear door bottom and frame of the system cabinet Through the floor opening and under the system cabinet Punch out the grommets in the top of the system cabinet and feed the cables out the top of the system cabinet
Setting up a preinstalled system cabinet


Step 3 4 5 6

Action Turn the power switches on the PDUs to Off. Plug each PDU power cable into individual AC power sources that are on separate AC circuits. Turn on the power switches to the PDUs. Turn on the power to your components and boot the system.

Chapter 2: Setting Up the System Cabinet


Setting up an empty system cabinet

Tasks for setting up an empty system cabinet

Setting up an empty system cabinet consists of the following tasks, which you must complete in order:

Removing the front and rear doors or side panels, as needed Removing the blanking panels Installing the disk shelves, switches, and storage controller in the system cabinet Cabling the equipment to the system cabinet PDUs Installing the system cabinet doors Applying power and booting the equipment


Setting up an empty system cabinet

Setting up an empty system cabinet

Removing system cabinet doors

Removing the doors

Removing the doors from the system cabinet gives you easier access to the posts (EIA rails) inside the system cabinet. To remove a door from the system cabinet, complete the following steps, using the diagram for reference.

Grounding wire

Step 1 2 3

Action Unlock the system cabinet door, then open it by lifting the door handle up and out, and then turning it clockwise. Disconnect the grounding wire from the inside bottom corner of the door. Lift the lever on the top hinge of the door so that it clears the bottom of the hinge block.

Chapter 2: Setting Up the System Cabinet


Step 4

Action Tilt the top of the door slightly so that it clears the hinge block, then lift the door off the bottom hinge pin and set it aside.


Setting up an empty system cabinet

Setting up an empty system cabinet

Removing system cabinet side panels

Removing the side panels

Removing the system cabinet side panels gives you easier access to the interior of the system cabinet and components. You must remove adjacent side panels when connecting two or more system cabinets together. To remove the side panels, complete the following steps, using the diagram for reference.

Step 1 2

Action Unlock the side panel and lift it until it clears the frame, then set the panel aside. Repeat Step 1 for the other side panel, if needed.

Chapter 2: Setting Up the System Cabinet


Setting up an empty system cabinet

Removing system cabinet blanking panels

Removing the blanking panels

The blanking panels are installed in the system cabinet to control the airflow through the unit. Individual panels should only be removed when installing disk shelves, storage controllers, or PDUs in the system cabinet. Removing them for any other reason modifies the designed air circulation and disrupts airflow. To remove the blanking panels, complete the following steps, using the diagram for reference.

Step 1 2

Action Unlock and open the system cabinet front door, if necessary. Remove the screws from the blanking panel, then remove the panel from the system cabinet.


Setting up an empty system cabinet

Setting up an empty system cabinet

Installing the storage controller and disk shelves

About installing disk shelves and storage controllers

Disk shelves and storage controller installation in the system cabinet is a two-part process:

Determine your space requirements Remove or move the support rails inside the system cabinet Install the disk shelves onto the support rails

Determining equipment space requirements

The uprights of the system cabinet are marked in Us, starting from the bottom of the system cabinet. Depending on the size of the storage controller and number of disk shelves to be installed, you might need to move, remove, or add support rails before installing your equipment. See System cabinet characteristics and specifications on page 2 and Chapter 4, System Cabinet Configurations, on page 41 for more configuration information. To calculate the total space needed for your system, complete the following steps. Step 1 Action Determine the U height of your storage controller by dividing the height in inches by 1.75 and rounding up to the next closest U. Example: Equipment height of 5 inches/1.75 = 2.85, rounded to 3U. 2 Determine the height of each disk shelf to be installed, then multiply it by the number of disk shelves. Example: 10 DS14 disk shelves of 5.25 inches/1.75 = 3U * 10 disk shelves = 30U required. 3 Add the U space required by both the storage controller and disk shelves to get the total required U space. Example: 3U (storage controller) + 30U (disk shelves) = 33U required space.

Chapter 2: Setting Up the System Cabinet


Removing or moving support rails

To remove or move a support rail, complete the following steps, using the diagram as reference.

Step 1

Action Unlock and open the system cabinet rear door.


Setting up an empty system cabinet

Step 2

Action If you are... Removing the support rail Then... 1. Remove the #2 Phillips screw from the rear inside of the left support rail and set the screw aside. 2. Lift up on the rail and guide it toward the center of the system cabinet and set it aside. Moving the support rail 1. Identify the new location for the support rail and note the U number on the front of the upright. 2. Move the support rail to the new location, making sure that the bottom of the support rail is even with the new location number. Make sure that the rail engages the slots in the frame of the system cabinet. 3. Secure the support rail to the upright with the screws that were removed. 4. Repeat Steps 1 through 3 for the other support rail, making sure that support rails are anchored in the same locations on each upright. 5. Install your equipment, from the bottom of the system cabinet to the top. This ensures system cabinet stability. 3 Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for the right support rail

Chapter 2: Setting Up the System Cabinet


Installing the storage controller

To install the storage controller, complete the following steps, using the diagram for reference.


Step 1 2 3

Action Unlock and open the system cabinet front and rear doors. Calculate the space you need in the system cabinet, as described in Determining equipment space requirements on page 23. Remove the appropriate number of blanking panels, starting from the bottom of the system cabinet, as described in Removing the blanking panels on page 22.


Setting up an empty system cabinet

Step 4 5

Action Rearrange support rails as necessary, as described in Removing or moving support rails on page 24. Slide the storage controller on the bottom rail in the system cabinet, then secure it to the upright with the mounting screws that come with the storage controller. Note You do not have to ground NetApp equipment to the system cabinet. The equipment is self-grounding. 6 Plug the storage controller power cords into the storage controller power supplies. Make sure that you use the retaining clips on the power cords. 7 Connect the storage controller to the network, as described in the appropriate hardware guide.

Installing the disk shelves and switches

To install the disk shelves and any switches, complete the following steps. Note You do not have to ground NetApp equipment to the system cabinet. The equipment is self-grounding.

Step 1 2

Action Rearrange support rails as necessary, as described in Removing or moving support rails on page 24. Slide the disk shelf on the rail directly above the storage controller, then secure it to the upright with the mounting screws that come with the disk shelf. Repeat Step 2, placing the next disk shelf on the open support rail above the last disk shelf and securing it to the system cabinet upright, until all disk shelves are installed.

Chapter 2: Setting Up the System Cabinet


Step 4

Action If you are installing... Disk shelves only Disk shelves and a switch Then... Go to Step 5. Slide the switch on the rail directly above the disk shelf, then secure it to the upright with the mounting screws that come with the switch.

Plug the disk shelf power cords into the disk shelf power supplies. Make sure that you use the retaining clips on the power cords.

6 7

Cable disk shelves to the storage controller and to each other, as described in the appropriate disk shelf guide. Go to Reassembling the system cabinet on page 29.


Setting up an empty system cabinet

Setting up an empty system cabinet

Reassembling the system cabinet

Reassembling the system cabinet

Reassembling the system cabinet consists of the following tasks:

Installing the system cabinet doors on page 29 Installing the side panels on page 30

Installing the system cabinet doors

After you install your equipment in the system cabinet, you must reinstall the front and rear doors. To install the front and rear doors, compete the following steps, using the diagram for reference.

Grounding wire

Step 1 2
Chapter 2: Setting Up the System Cabinet

Action Align the bottom corner of the front door with the pin on the lower front hinge. Lift the door over the bottom retaining pin and lower it into place.

Step 3

Action Lift the locking latch at the top of the door, then tilt the door to align the hinge pin withe the hinge knuckle, releasing the locking latch when the hinge pin is aligned with the hinge knuckle. Reconnect the grounding cable to the bottom inside of the door. Repeat Steps 1 through 4 for the rear door. Go to Installing the side panels on page 30.

4 5 6

Installing the side panels

To install the side panels, complete the following steps. Step 1 2 3 4 Action Lift the side panel and hang it over the lip at the top of the system cabinet frame. Gently push the side panel and lock it in place with the key. Repeat Steps 1 through 2 for the other panel, if appropriate. If you are... Installing the interconnect and bolt-down kits Then... 1. Install the interconnect kit, as described in Powering on the system cabinet on page 16. 2. Install the bolt-down kit as described in Installing the corner-caster bolt-down kit on page 12 or Installing the universal bolt-down kit on page 14 3. Go to Step 6. Not installing the interconnect and bolt-down kits 5 Go to Step 6.

Go to Connecting to power and booting the equipment on page 31.


Setting up an empty system cabinet

Setting up an empty system cabinet

Connecting to power and booting the equipment

Connecting the equipment to the PDUs

To connect the system components to the PDUs, complete the following steps, using the diagram for reference. Note that your outlet grouping might differ, depending on the type of PDU you have.
Power strips for primary power Power strips for redundant power

Disk shelf

Storage controller Power toggle

Disk shelf

Step 1 2 3

Action Connect the storage controller power cables to the storage controller. Plug the left power supply of the storage controller into the nearest PDU on the left side of the system cabinet. Plug the right power supply of the storage controller into the nearest PDU on the right side of the system cabinet.

Chapter 2: Setting Up the System Cabinet


Step 4 5

Action Secure the power cords to the PDU using the retaining clip on the PDU, if available. Repeat Steps 1 through 4 for the disk shelves and any sqitches. Make sure that you balance the electrical load across the PDUs.

Connecting the system cabinet to a power source

To connect the system cabinet to a power source, complete the following steps, using the diagram for reference. Note The diagram shows 20A PDUs. The 30A PDUs have one or two power cables per side that you must connect to the power source.



Setting up an empty system cabinet

Step 1 2

Action Make sure that all equipment is plugged into a PDU in the system cabinet. Feed the PDU power cables through an opening in the system cabinet, using one of the following openings:

The top of the system cabinet after punching out the grommets Between the rear door bottom and frame of the system cabinet Through the floor opening and under the system cabinet

3 4 5

Turn the power switches on the PDUs to Off. Plug each PDU power cable into individual AC power sources that are on separate AC circuits. Turn on the power switches to the PDUs, then apply power to your components and boot the system.

Powering on and booting

To power on the system cabinet and boot the components, complete the following steps. Step 1 Action Open the rear door of the system cabinet and turn on each PDU, and then turn on the disk shelves, as described in the appropriate disk shelf guide. Apply power to the storage controller, as described in the appropriate hardware documentation. After your system boots, configure it as described in the appropriate system administrators guide.

2 3

Chapter 2: Setting Up the System Cabinet



Setting up an empty system cabinet

System Cabinet Maintenance

About this chapter This chapter describes how to remove and install a PDU. Specifically, this chapter describes the following tasks:

Removing a single-phase PDU on page 36 Installing a single-phase PDU on page 37 Removing a 3-phase 30A PDU on page 38 Installing a 3-phase 30A PDU on page 39

Chapter 3: System Cabinet Maintenance


Removing and installing the PDUs

About PDU replacement

Single-phase system cabinets have four PDUs installed, two per side, while other system cabinets have one PDU per side. The PDUs are located at the back and inside of the system cabinet. Each PDU is field-replaceable and most contain a toggle power switch and a circuit breaker. Some PDUs, like the 3-Phase 30A PDU do not have a main power switch. You can replace a PDU while the system cabinet is receiving power, without interrupting service to the components in the system cabinet.

Removing a singlephase PDU

To remove a single-phase PDU, complete the following steps. Step 1 2 3 4 Action Ground yourself to the system cabinet, then unplug the target PDU from the AC wall power source. Remove the side panel, as described in Removing system cabinet side panels on page 21. Disconnect the PDU power cable from the power source. If you have a... 20A PDU Then... Flip the PDU power cord retainer clip off the shank of the PDU power plug, and then remove the PDU power cable. Flip the retainer wire off the individual component power cords, and then remove the plug from the PDU outlet.


Remove the bottom screw or screws from the PDU frame with a #3 Phillips screwdriver, then remove the top screw or screws. Save these screws for the replacement PDU.


Removing and installing the PDUs

Installing a singlephase PDU

To install a single-phase PDU, complete the following steps. Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Action Check the replacement PDU, making sure that the power switch is off. Ground yourself to the system cabinet, then align the PDU screw holes with the holes in the system cabinet frame. Insert a screw or screws in the top hole or holes of the PDU and tighten them enough to support the PDU. Align the screw holes for the bottom PDU insert the screw or screws, and then tighten all screws. Install the side panel, as described in Installing the side panels on page 30. Plug the system components into the new PDU and make sure that you lock the plugs in place with the retainer clips, if applicable. Plug the PDU into an easily accessible AC outlet, then turn on the PDU. Close and lock the back of the system cabinet.

Chapter 3: System Cabinet Maintenance


Removing a 3phase 30A PDU

To remove a 3-phase 30A PDU, complete the following steps, using the illustration for reference.





1 2

Circuit breaker switches. Circuit breaker switch trip slot.

Step 1 2 3

Action Remove the side panel, as described in Removing system cabinet side panels on page 21. Turn off the circuit breakers on the old PDU, and then unplug the old PDU from the AC power source. Ground yourself to the system cabinet, and then unplug the power cords from each of the system components and from the PDU.



Removing and installing the PDUs

Step 4

Action Remove the screws from the PDU frame, bottom screw first, with a Phillips screwdriver. Make sure that you support the PDU with one hand while you remove the last screw from the PDU. This prevents the PDU from dropping or falling towards you after the screw is removed. 5 6

Remove the old PDU from the system cabinet and set it aside.
Go to Installing a 3-phase 30A PDU on page 39.

Installing a 3-phase 30A PDU

To install a 3-phase 30A PDU, complete the following steps, using the illustration for reference.
Attention You cannot install 3-phase 30A PDUs in the older 42U system cabinets that have the crossbar supports on the sides of the system cabinet.

Chapter 3: System Cabinet Maintenance


Step 1

Action Attach the top and bottom mounting brackets to the back of the PDU, using the four M4 x 6 mm screws, two screws per mounting bracket. You can rest the PDU on the lower horizontal cross brace while you are installing the PDU mounting screws through the bracket. 2 While supporting the replacement PDU, align the slot on the mounting bracket of the PDU with the top holes of the frame on the inside of the system cabinet, and then secure the PDU to the system cabinet frame with two M5.5 x 13 mm screws. Secure the bottom of the PDU to the system cabinet frame with two M5.5 x 13 mm screws. Make sure that all the circuit breakers are in the Off position. If they are not in the Off position, push a small screwdriver or straightened paper clip into the slot to the right of the Off label to trip the circuit breaker and turn off the circuit. 5 Plug the system power cords into the PDU, plugging each component into the PDU outlet directly across from the component. A best practice is to distribute the total load across the PDU branches, making each branch load as equal as possible. Use the Site Requirements Guide and the 42U System Cabinet Guide for more information about system current draw and capacities. 6 Lock each component power cable plug in place with the cable retainer clip above it by sliding the curved edge of the cable retainer clip over the plug shoulder. Plug the PDU power cord into the AC power source. Push the On buttons to turn each PDU circuits. The button is on when it is flush with the PDU frame. 9 Replace the side panel, close the cabinet door, and lock the system cabinet.

3 4

7 8


Removing and installing the PDUs

System Cabinet Configurations

About this chapter

This chapter gives an overview of the PDUs that are supported by the system cabinet. For detailed information about PDU electrical and thermal characteristics, see the Site Requirements Guide on the NOW site at http://now.netapp.com. This chapter also provides you with formulas to determine whether your equipment electrical and cooling characteristics are under the PDU overload limits for amperage, BTUs, and wattage.

Topics in this chapter

This chapter covers the following topics:

Supported PDUs and PDU descriptions on page 42 Determining your system cabinet power requirements on page 46

Chapter 4: System Cabinet Configurations


Supported PDUs and PDU descriptions

Supported PDU types

The following table lists the supported PDUs in the 42U system cabinet:

PDU type Single-phase 20A with NEMA power cords Single-phase 20A with IEC or Australia power cords Single-phase 30A NEMA Single-phase 30A NEMA Single-phase 30A NEMA Single-phase 32A IEC Single-phase 32A IEC Single-phase 32A IEC

NetApp part number X8711-R6

PDU packing list description PDU, 1-Phase, 8 Outlet, 20A, Universal, R6

PDU current capacity in ampsper side (redundant power capacity) 35.2

Per system cabinet side

Number of outlets 16

Number of power cords 2 per side



2 per side


PDU, 1-Phase, 16 Outlet, 30A, NEMA, R6 PDU, 1-Phase, 8 Outlet, 30A, NEMA, R6 PDU, 1-Phase, 12 Outlet, 30A, NEMA, R6 PDU, 1-Phase, 16 Outlet, 30A, IEC, R6 PDU, 1-Phase, 8 Outlet, 30A, IEC, R6 PDU, 1-Phase, 12 Outlet, 30A, IEC, R6



1 per side




2 per side




2 per side

X8713-R6 X8713B-R6 X8713C-R6

30 48 64

16 16 24

1 per side 2 per side 2 per side


Supported PDUs and PDU descriptions

PDU type 3-phase 30A Delta

NetApp part number X8719A-R6, X8720A-R6

PDU packing list description PDU, 3-phase, 24Outlet, 30A, NEMA, 4-Pin, R6 PDU, 3-phase, 24Outlet, 30A, NEMA, 5-Pin, R6

PDU current capacity in ampsper side (redundant power capacity) 45.7

Per system cabinet side

Number of outlets 24

Number of power cords 1 per side

3-phase 32A Wye


PDU, 3-phase, 24Outlet, 32A, IEC, R6



1 per side

Chapter 4: System Cabinet Configurations


Supported PDUs and PDU descriptions

PDU descriptions

Single-phase 16A PDU

There are four power cords and four PDUs per system cabinet, two per side. Each PDU has an IEC320 C20 inlet connector, and can be coupled with different input cords for all markets. All input cords have IEC 320 C19 receptacles. Each PDU contains one set of outlets, with eight C13 outlets per outlet set. Each set of outlets is protected with a circuit breaker rated at 16A. This permits 32A of capacity per side. Input voltage is 200V per PDU.

Single-phase 20A PDUs

There are four power cords and four PDUs per system cabinet, two per side. Each PDU has an IEC320 C20 inlet connector, and can be coupled with different input cords for all markets. All input cords have IEC 320 C19 receptacles. Each PDU contains one set of outlets, with eight C13 outlets per outlet set. Each set of outlets is protected with a circuit breaker rated at 16A. This permits 32A of capacity per side plus 10% tolerance, or 35.2A. Input voltage is 200V per PDU.

Single-phase 30A PDUs with two power cords

There are two power cords per system cabinet, per PDU. Each power cord is hard-wired to the PDU with a strain relief connector. Each side contains two sets of outlets, with eight C13 outlets per outlet set. Each set of outlets is protected with a circuit breaker rated at 15A. This permits 24A of capacity per side plus 10% tolerance, or 26.4A. Current, power, and heat dissipation are measured under worst-case conditions at the box level, then extrapolated for each system cabinet configuration. Input voltage is 200V per PDU.


Supported PDUs and PDU descriptions

Single-phase 30A PDUs with four power cords

There are four power cords per system cabinet, two per side. Each power cord is hard-wired to the PDU with a strain relief. Each PDU contains two sets of outlets, with four C13 outlets per outlet set. Each set of outlets is protected with a circuit breaker rated at 16A. For the NEMA configuration, this permits 48A of capacity per side plus 10% tolerance, or 52.8 A. For the IEC configuration, this permits 48A of capacity per side. Input voltage is 200V per PDU.

Single-phase 32A PDUs

There are two power cords per system cabinet, per PDU. Each power cord is hard-wired to the PDU with a strain relief connector. Each side contains two sets of outlets, with eight C13 outlets per outlet set. Each set of outlets is protected with a circuit breaker rated at 15A. This permits 30A of capacity per side. Input voltage is 200V per PDU.

3-phase 30A and 32A PDUs

There are two power cords per system cabinet, one per side. Each power cord is hard-wired to the PDU with a strain relief. Each PDU contains three sets of outlets, with eight C13 outlets per outlet set. Each set of outlets is protected with a circuit breaker rated at 24A. This permits the following:

For the 4-pin and 5-pin NEMA configuration, 45.7A of capacity per side plus 10% tolerance, or 50.3 A. For the IEC configuration, 96A of capacity per side.

Input voltage is 200V per PDU.

Chapter 4: System Cabinet Configurations


Determining your system cabinet power requirements

Required information for power and thermal calculations

Before installing equipment in your system cabinet, you need to gather specific information about your system cabinet and the equipment you plan on installing. Attention You must only retrieve and use data from the 200-240V section, worst-case columns for your equipment.

Number of storage controllers you want to install in the system cabinet. Number and type of disk shelves you want to install in the system cabinet. Number and type of network switches you want to install in your system cabinet Type of PDUs that are installed in the system cabinet Number of PDU outlets that are available for your equipment Thermal requirements for your equipment Thermal capacity of the system cabinet

Note PDU current capacity data is located in Supported PDU types on page 42. Other data is located in the Site Requirements Guide found on the NOW site at http://now.netapp.com.

Determining the PDU current overload limit

The PDU current overload limit calculates how much current, in amps, your equipment requires and subtracts it from the cabinet current capacity. If the value generated by this calculation is greater than zero, your system cabinet PDUs have the capability (enough electrical current) to support the equipment you want to install in the system cabinet. If the calculation is less than zero, your system cabinet PDUs do not have the capacity to support your equipment and you must remove one or more components from the system cabinet configuration.


Determining your system cabinet power requirements

The formula is as follows: PDU current overload limit = PDU current capacity - (Equipment A worst-case current at 200V x quantity) - (Equipment B worst-case current at 200V x quantity)... - (Equipment X worst-case current at 200V x quantity) Example: Your FAS3170 system has the following:

Two FAS3170 storage controllers with two controller modules at 4.69A each, or 9.38A required by the storage controllers Six DS4243 disk shelves with 300-GB SAS disks at 2.8A 30A, single-phase NEMA (X8712-R6) PDU at 26.4A capacity No switches are installed

Calculation for the FAS3170:

26.4 ( 4.69 + 4.69 ) ( 2.8x6 ) = 0.22

In the example, the value of the calculation is positive, indicating that your system cabinet can accommodate the electrical current requirements of your equipment.

Determining the thermal overload limit

Calculating the thermal overload limit is similar to calculating the PDU overload limit. The formula is as follows: PDU thermal overload limit = PDU thermal capacity - (Equipment A worst-case BTUs at 200V x quantity) - (Equipment B worst-case BTUs at 200V x quantity)... - (Equipment X worst-case BTUs at 200V x quantity) Example: Your FAS3170 system has the following:

Two FAS3170 storage controllers with two controller modules at 3,170 BTU/hr. each, or 6,340 BTU/hr. required by the storage controllers Six DS4243 disk shelves with 300-GB SAS disks at 1,911 BTU/hr. each 30A, single-phase NEMA (X8712-R6) PDU at 18,541 BTU/hr. No switches are installed

Chapter 4: System Cabinet Configurations


Calculation for the FAS3170:

18, 541 ( 3, 170 + 3, 170 ) ( 1, 911x6 ) = 735

In the example, the value of the calculation is positive, indicating that your system cabinet can accommodate the thermal requirements of your equipment.


Determining your system cabinet power requirements

Converting the Side Panel

About this appendix

This appendix describes how to remove and replace the old-style side panels and how to convert an older system cabinet to accept the new-style side panels.

Topics in this appendix

This appendix covers the following topics:

Replacing the old-style side panel on page 50 Replacing the old-style side panel with the new-style side panel on page 52

Appendix A: Converting the Side Panel


Replacing the old-style side panel

Removing the side panels

To remove the side panels, complete the following steps, using the diagram for reference.

Step 1 2

Action Unlock the side panel, then press down on the two quick release tabs at the top of the side panel. Lift the side panel until it clears the frame, then set the panel aside.


Replacing the old-style side panel

Installing the side panels

To install the side panels, complete the following steps. Step 1 2 3 Action Lift the side panel over the lip of the system cabinet frame, then place it in the slot behind the lip. Push the top of the panel until it clicks into place, then insert the key into the lock at the top and lock it. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for the other panel, if appropriate.

Appendix A: Converting the Side Panel


Replacing the old-style side panel with the new-style side panel

Removing the oldstyle side panels

To remove the old-style side panel, complete the following steps, using the illustration on Removing the side panels on page 50 for reference. Step 1 2 Action Remove the old side panel, as described in Removing the side panels on page 50. Go to Installing the new-style side panel on page 52.

Installing the newstyle side panel

To install the new-style side panel, complete the following steps, using the illustration for reference.

Remove brackets from the top of the system cabinet

Install brackets removed from the top of the system cabinet to the bottom of the system cabinet


Replacing the old-style side panel with the new-style side panel

Step 1 2 3 4

Action Remove the two outer L-shaped lock brackets from the top of the system cabinet frame. Reinstall the L-shaped lock brackets on the bottom of the system cabinet frame. Lift the side panel and hang it over the lip at the top of the system cabinet frame and lock it in place with the side panel key. Repeat Steps 1 through 3 for the other side panel, if applicable.

Appendix A: Converting the Side Panel



Replacing the old-style side panel with the new-style side panel

Feature Update Record

Feature update history

Feature first implemented in N/A N/A N/A N/A Feature release date September 2002 February 2004 November 2004 June 2007

The following table lists and describes the history of changes made to this manual. When a change is implemented, it applies to the release in which it was implemented and all subsequent releases, unless otherwise specified.

Feature updates

Initial release of this manual. Updates for new side panels. Updated to add information for 30A PDUs. Updated boltdown kit Updated rail kit Removed Declaration of Conformity. Information resides in Warranty Agreement, Safety Information, and Regulatory Notices. Added modified system cabinet information. Added 30A single-phase PDU information. Added FAS31xx configuration information. Revised illustrations in configuration appendix. Added FAS3160 information to the configuration information. Move configuration appendix to Chapter 4 Added 3-phase PDU configuration diagrams. Added removal and installation instructions for 3-phase PDU.


December 2007

Release of FAS31xx systems.

September 2007

Release of FAS3160

November 2008

3-phase PDU release

March 2009

Appendix B: Feature Update Record


Feature updates

Feature first implemented in N/A

Feature release date March 2010

Added Universal bolt-down kit information Added reference to top grommet holes for power cords Revised Chapter 4.

Removed diagrams for all platforms Added procedures and examples for calculating thermal and electrical requirements

Minor heading restructuring to prepare doc for conversion to DITA


Feature Update Record

blanking panels, removing 22 bolt-down kits corner-caster contents 8 description 3 installing the corner-caster 12 installing the universal 14 universal contents 8 corner-caster bolt-down kit 12 disk shelves 27 side panels 30, 51 universal bolt-down kit 14 interconnect kit contents 9 description 3

cabinet installing interconnect kit 10 powering on 16 regulatory requirements 5 shipping contents 8 support rails 3 cables, management 3 controller, installing 26 kits bolt-down description 3 corner-caster bolt-down contents 8 installing corner-caster bolt-down 12 installing universal bolt-down 14 interconnect 3, 9 spares 2, 8 support 3, 9 universal bolt-down contents 8

disk shelves installing 27 power on sequence 17, 33 doors installing 29 removing 19

panels removing blanking 22 side 30, 51 PDUs 20A electrical specifications 4 20A general specifications 4 20A part numbers 42 30A general specification 42 30A single-phase electrical specifications 4 32A 3-phase general specifications 43 32A single-phase electrical specificatoin 4 32A single-phase general specification 42 3-phase 30A general specifications 43 description of power cord length 3 description of types of 4 installing 20A or 30A single-phase PDU 37 installing 3-Phase 30A PDUS 39 removing a 20A or 30A single-phase PDUs 36

height,calculating U space 23

installing 20A or 30A single-phase PDUs 37 3-Phase 30A PDUs 39 cabinet doors 29 cabinet interconnect kit 10 controllers 26



removing a 3-Phase 30A PDU 38 removing and installing 36 power applying 16 connecting to 32 power cable length for 20A 3 length for 30A 3 power on,disk shelves sequence 17, 33 Preparing for installation, tasks 6

rails determining location of 23 in empty cabinet 3 removing 24 removing blanking panels 22 doors 19 PDU 36, 38 side panels 21 support rails 24 requirements regulatory 5 tools and equipment 6

Setting up a preinstalled system cabinet connecting system cabinets together 10 installing corner-caster bolt-down kit 12 installing universal bolt-down kit 14 moving considerations 10 powering on 16 setting up an empty system cabinet connecting equipment to PDUs 31 connecting system cabinet to a power source 32 determining space requirements 23 installing controllers 26 installing the doors 29 powering on and booting 33 reassembling the system cabinet 29 removing blanking panels 22

removing spport rails 24 removing the doors 19 removing the side panels 21 tasks 18 shipment contents conrer-caster bolt-down kit 8 interconnect kit 9 package 8 spares kit 8 support rail kit 9 universal dolt-down kit 8 side panels installing 30, 51 removing 21 spares kit contents 8 description 2 support rail kit contents 9 description 3 system cabinet characteristics and specifications clearance 2 depth 2 height 2 rack space 2 weight 2 system cabinet configurations calculating power requirements 46 calculating thermal requirements 46 PDU type descriptions 44 supported PDU types 42 system cabinet features blanking panels 2 cable access 2 cable management 2 doors 2 optional kits 2 PDU cords 2 side panels 2 spakes kits 2 support rails 2 system cabinet maintenance installing PDUs 36 removing PDUs 36



system cabinet PDU specifications electrical 4 thermal 4





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