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SUHAS PATIL, T.E.(Mech.) & SWAPNIL PATOLE, B.E.(Mech.) mob:-9890209301
























Abstract:The basis of this research involves the design, machining/molding and study of multimaterial polyurethane parts. Specifically, the research deals with compliant multimaterial molds designed in such a way so that one material of specific hardness is shaped into a block that is consistently punctured with holes and another material with a different hardness is used to fill those holes, thus making a mesh of two materials. In order to do this, a mold must be created in order to shape the block and create the holes. There are numerous variables and methods associated with creating the mesh and a specific combination of those variables are needed in order to optimize the ease of manufacturing and quality of the final product.

Introduction:The main motivation in creating a multi-material mesh is to test this mesh in vibration damping. Vibration damping reduces the vibration and noise in vibrating systems, which has many real world applications. Specifically, vibration damping is very important in the design of airplanes, helicopters, and automobiles. If the system can be designed to maximize the damping, then noise and turbulence can ultimately be decreased. Currently only single materials are being utilized to create damping in vibrating systems at the University of Maryland performed a case study on a power drill to prove that certain materials can, in fact, increase damping, thus decreasing vibration and noise.

Figure 1 shows the out-of-plane stress in two power drills when they are both turned on. The brighter colors indicate greater out-of-plane stresses. Figure 2 shows the noise level of the two power drills when they are both turned on, with the blue plot indicating the first power drill and the red plot indicating the second power drill. The first power drill is normal and has all the stock features. The second power drill is identical to the first one except that it has been lined with a layer of material on the inside of the walls of the drill to create damping. As seen in the figures, the second drill has significantly less out-of plane stress levels and less noise levels due to the lining of the walls with a single material. has a theory that a multi-material mesh can create more significant damping than single materials can. A multi-material mesh is basically a solid block consistently punctured with holes with another material filling those holes. One possible way in creating this multi-material mesh is by using multi-material molding, which involves the molding of a shape using two different materials, with each material molded in a separate stage. However, there are unlimited methods using multi-material molding to create a mesh. The objective of this research is to investigate alternative methods for manufacturing multi-material meshes. Identify the most promising method. Then, identify the dimensional constraints imposed by the method

Experimental Apparatus:The molds are designed using the program Pro-Engineer (Pro-E) and the molds are fabricated using a computer numerical controlled (CNC) milling machine. Pro/E is a program that can create precision three dimensional computer models. It is a featurebased, associative, and constraint-based system, meaning each feature created in Pro/E is dependent on the sequence of commands and constrained to certain datum points, lines or planes. Features can be combined to create parts. The geometries of features on a part have to be fully defined in terms of size, shape, orientation, and location. These

specifications allow the user to define how features on a part or parts relate to each other. Once the part is created Pro-E uses Pro-Manufacturer to create the code for which the mold is machined. The user gives Pro-E certain commands depending on the shape of the mold and Pro-E converts these commands into G-code, which is the code that the CNC milling machine reads and uses to create the part.

Experimental Methods:A compliant multi-material mold deals with two different materials, each of unique hardness, poured in separate stages to allow bonding between the two materials. For this specific model there are numerous ways in creating the mesh.

Core Pin-Mold:
One method in creating the compliant multi-material part is to create a mold to shape out holes into the material for the first stage material in order to allow the second stage material to be poured into those holes. This mold is designed in Pro-Engineer (figure 3) and machined in the CNC milling machine to fit the specific shape of the part that is going to be made (figure 4). In this case, the core of the mold is shaped with densely packed pins (to create the holes in the part) and the outer part of the mold (cap mold) is able to encapsulate the core to define the shape of the block.

Drilling Holes Directly into a Solid Block:

Another method to create this part is to create a solid block without any holes, using just a plain solid block mold without pins. A plain mold is designed in Pro/E and machined in the CNC milling machine. Then, the first stage material is poured into the mold and once this part is created, it is placed in the milling

machine where holes are drilled out of the block (figure 5). The holes can either go a specified depth through the block, or penetrate entirely through the block. Then the second stage is poured into those holes after they are drilled in the same manner as the plastic core method.

Inverse Core Pin-Mold:

The final method in creating the compliant mesh is using the opposite idea of the core pin-mold method. Instead of creating pins in the mold to shape out holes in the first stage, this method would create holes in the mold to shape out pins in the first stage (figures 6).

Within each method there can be variations among the pin size and mesh size. The geometric variables dealing with the pin size include length, diameter and spacing. The length of the pins can determine whether or not the pins penetrate all the way through the block. Pin diameter can determine how much of one material needs to be filled into the second material. Pin spacing determines how densely packed the pins are from each other.

Materials and Preparation:Once the method is chosen the materials are prepared to be poured into the molds. Two materials are needed to complete the mesh, however, there are three materials that are available in the lab to make the mesh, therefore, different combinations of two out of the three materials are considered. Each material is prepared using a resin of that material and a hardener of that material. Once the resin and hardener are mixed together, the material is placed in a vacuum where all the air bubbles are removed from 5

the mixture and then it is ready for pouring. The three materials can be seen in the table below.

The hardness of each material varies significantly. IE-72DC is the hardest material and is very rigid like a hard plastic when it hardens. IE-90A is the next hardest material, however it is flexible when it hardens and can be subject to plastic and elastic deformation. The softest material is IE-60A and it acts like a soft rubber when it completely hardens with the most amount of flexibility out of all the materials. While the first stage material is being prepared, the mold must also be prepared. The molds that will hold the material have to be coated with a thin layer of conditioner using cotton tipped applicator sticks, and then the molds must be sprayed with silicone mold release. The purpose of coating and spraying the molds is to create a nonstick surface for the material so that when the material hardens it will be easy to remove it from the mold. Once the mold and material is prepared, the first stage material is poured into the mold using a syringe. The second stage material is poured into the mold about halfway through the demold/hardening time for the first stage material. Therefore the first stage material is ejected from its mold in order for the second stage to be poured. This is done so that there is chemical bonding between the first and second stage materials making them fuse together better. Once the second stage is completely poured, the mesh sits until both materials completely harden to create the final product.

Results:After Performing numerous tests and retests the results were very mixed in terms of success for creating the multi-material mesh. The experimental setup for each method is as follows:

Core Pin-mold:
The core pin-mold method was predominantly a failure in both of its cases. The first issue when dealing with the core pin mold was deciding on the pin length. Longer pins of 0.4 or greater had very little success because it was simply more difficult to machine them. The pins would often come out of the milling machine bent or broken because of how long and thin they were (figure 7). Therefore, the pins of the mold were kept to 0.3 throughout most of the experiments. Another main problem in the IE-72DC first stage case occurred during the ejection of the first stage material from the core mold. Ideally the first stage of the mold should be ejected about 2 hours after pouring, halfway through the demold time when it is still soft, so that the second stage, softer material, can be poured and bonded to the first stage. However, when trying to remove the first stage material from the core mold, the shape of the first stage material would bend because the material was still soft and it was difficult to keep the material in its original shape (figure 8). On the other hand, when the first stage material was let to harden completely before ejection from the mold, it became impossible to remove the material from the mold without breaking the pins on the mold. This is due to the way the IE-72DC polyurethane shrinks onto a pin when it is hardening, creating much more surface tension (i.e. friction) between the material and the pin, making it impossible to remove the material cleanly from the numerous pins without 7

breaking them.

The last main problem in the IE-72DC first stage case occurred during the pouring of the second stage material into the holes of the first stage material. If the holes did not penetrate all the way through the first stage material then it became very difficult to fill those holes with the second material. On several attempts, almost none of the holes got filled after pouring the second stage, softer material, onto the first stage material. The main problems were that there was too much air resistance in those holes, preventing the soft material from filling. Also, the surface tension from the walls of the holes opposed the flow of the second stage material into the holes. The second stage material, IE-90A industrial polyurethane, is also very viscous, reducing its ability to flow. Finally IE-90A gels in 15 minutes, meaning it starts to harden in 15 minutes, therefore it becomes thicker and reduces its ability to flow even more, compounding the opposing forces of air resistance and surface tension. Using the core pin-mold with IE-90A as the first stage material also had its problems. The main problem with using the core pin mold was that the material had to completely harden before ejecting it from the mold. The IE-90A material cannot be removed from the mold halfway through the demolding time because the material is still sticky and unable to be managed during this time. Therefore, very little bonding can occur between the first and second stage materials. The same second stage pouring issues were also encountered in the IE-90A first stage case.

Drilling Directly into the First Stage Block:

Drilling directly into the first stage block was considerably more successful than the core pin-mold. Drilling circumvented any problems encountered while removing the hard material from the core pin mold. Also the milling machine drilled all the way through the first stage block, which reduced the air pressure in the holes for the second stage pouring. Therefore, pouring the second stage into the holes was no problem. One problem in using this method is that the first stage material must be completely hardened before using it in the milling machine because when the material is still soft the vice in the milling machine cannot grip the material well enough to securely hold it steady. This means that there is less bonding between the hard material and the soft material when the soft material is poured into the holes. There were no other issues in the IE-72DC case for this method as it was predominantly successful (figures 9 and 10).

However, there was a bigger problem when using IE-90A as the first stage material. When using the CNC milling machine, the end mill would create a lot of heat on the IE- 90A material, leading it to melt, therefore, the tiny pieces of the material from the walls of the holes created by the end mill would melt and harden again once the end mill was removed creating a lot of debris in those holes. When using the 1/16 inch end mill, the holes were too small and the debris would fill those holes entirely leaving them unable to be filled with the second stage. However, when using the 1/8 inch end mill, the debris was more manageable and could be scraped out using a nail and was able to be filled with the second stage material, IE-72DC (figure 11).

Inverse Core Pin-Mold:

IE-60A was used as the softer material in this method because the softest material available was desired in making the mesh. The core pin-mold method could not incorporate IE-60A because if IE-72DC was used as the second stage material to fill the holes left by the first stage, the IE-72DC pins would shrink during hardening and not bond to the walls of the holes created from the IE-60A. The drilling method could not incorporate IE-60A because it simply cannot be used in the milling machine. IE-60A is too soft and cannot fit stably in the vice of the milling machine. This inverse core pin-mold method was the most successful out of all three methods. The inverse core pinmold was designed to have shallow holes of less than 1/8 in length in order to make the first stage part. This made it easier to fill the first stage into the holes of the mold because there is reduced air pressure. In the case of IE-72DC as the first stage (figure12) it was also much easier to eject the first stage material from the moldbecause it did not have to 9

be removed from tall pins, but rather had to be removed from shallow holes which were much easier to be pulled out of. This allowed maximum bonding between the first and second stage materials. Another benefit from this method and creating the pins in the first stage was that when the second stage was poured to surround the pins it shrunk onto the pins to increase the bonding even more. The case of IE-60A as the first stage material (figure 13) was also successful however it had the drawback of having to let the IE-60A completely harden before ejecting it from the first stage mold.

Conclusion:A viable method for making a compliant multi-material mesh was found in the inverse core pin-mold method. It had successful results in each of its cases no matter what the first stage material was. It was also the only method in which IE-60A, the more desired soft material, could be used in both cases. The geometric constraints for this method have much freedom as well. The width and length of the mesh sample is only constrained to what can fit in the CNC milling machine. The only constraints on pin diameter and spacing are the constraints of the end mill, which can be limitless with the amount of end mill sizes on the market. The only real constraint is in the pin length. The pin length must be relatively small (less than 1/8) in order to fill the first stage material into the mold, otherwise the air pressure in the holes would be too great to get filled.

References:1. Vibration and Noise Control by 2.


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