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Research Topics UPSLIS

UP School of Librar and Information Studies SLIS@50 About the UPSLIS Academic Programs Facult Staff Librar SLIS Building Fund Research Topics Thesis Manual ThesisDB Contact Info

Re ea ch Topic
Below are the research topics suggested b the facult of instruction. The list, based on the strengths and weaknesses of the collected output of the college, was formulated during the April 25 to 27, 2011 facult workshop. It is hoped that the listing will serve as a jump-off point for those starting their research projects in LIS. Re ea ch Me hodologie Recommended methodologies for further consideration: a) Participant observation b) FGD c) diar Re ea ch in LIS Suggested: a) Control anal sis b) Content anal sis c) Media anal sis 1/6


Research Topics UPSLIS

d) Media Studies / Audience Studies e) Media studies -> formats, print, ebooks f) Audience analysis g) Audience reach h) Audience Segmentation i) Impact analysis j) Impact Studies -> social role of public libraries k) User Study -> User behaviours l) Information and socialization m) Information and economics -> ex. how information affects work/economics; how people make use of information in relation to work/economics n) Information and politics -> ex. how people make use of information to make decisions in choosing candidates in election o) Information and education p) Information and philosophy how information affects people s philosophy in life q) Marketing and development a study on the whole process of marketing of libraries and information centers and their services and the development of marketing materials/products r) Information infrastructure studies s) Information sources studies Archi es and Records Management Suggested Topics: 1. Storage and preservation issues 1.1. Disaster plans 1.2. Recovery plans 1.3. Risk reduction plans 2. Collaboration of archives, library and museum 3. Preserving our cultural records in the digital age (indigenous materials) 4. Rare and unique collections of institutions (local content) 5. Archiving of electronic records 6. Application of the concept of records continuum 7. Unique practices in records management 8. Core competencies of archives personnel 9. Distance archival education 10.Computer-aided instruction for audiovisual archiving 11.User study Health and Medical Librarianship Suggested Topics: a) Managing Medical Libraries/ Collections The application of citation analysis to medical library collection building, Citation analysis as indicators in the use of serials: comparison of ranked medical title lists produced by citation counting and from use data, Cost effectiveness of a medical digital library; Integrating library services in a hospital setting; The relationship between journal use in a medical library and citation use; and An introduction of clinical librarianship in the Philippines; 2/6


Research Topics UPSLIS

b) Technological Development Bringing health care online : the role of information technology; and Managing health information systems; c) Electronic Medical Records The computer based patient record : an essential technology in health care; Designing archival programs to advance knowledge in the health fields; Confidentiality and electronic medical records; Security features for computer based patient records system; Computer stored medical records : their future role in medical practice; d) Evidence based Medical Librarianship The practitioner s experience and conception of evidence based library and information practice : an exploratory analysis; What makes health librarians distinct and exceptional; Developing evidence based librarianship s practical steps for implementation; Evidence based medicine : an opportunity for health science librarians; Information systems : the key to evidence based health practice; and Evidence based librarianship : one small step. Information S stems Suggested Topics: a) Usability of ILS (comm, open source, in house developed); b) Development of ILS; c) IS development Plan; d) Learning Spaces; e) Mobile Applications for libraries; f) RFID; g) Open Access Systems; h) Digital Libraries; i) CAI; j) CCTV, Security systems, human intervention; k) ebooks, eformats; l) DRM; m) Social Networks; n) Lib 2.0 in action; o) Wireless services; p) Digital Archiving; q) Web 2.0 / Lib 2.0 interactive enhancements of library services Not recommended: a) User studies -> information needs and information search b) 5 yr plans c) Evaluation of d) Assessment of e) Survey of f) Non-LIS IT projects g) Win 3.1, DOS and older systems Other Suggestions: a) Single Undergrad > SAD > until design or development, w/ validation, > 163 b) Team Undergrad > SAD > until implementation, > 166 3/6


Research Topics UPSLIS

Law Librarianship Suggested Topics: a) Philippine legal thesauri (for different areas of law: Civil [in progress], Criminal, Commercial, etc.); b) Classification Schedule for Philippine Law (based on LC and DDC; c) Some topics on Research Agenda for Management & apply to Law Librarianship Reference and Information Resources and Services Suggested Topics: a) Validation of information literacy competency assessment tools previous studies used different tests, thus the studies yielded different results; b) Digital reference services service via e-mail and chat will be the preliminary focus since they are the most prevalent modes of offering digital reference and a substantial volume of data is available, focus will extend to other modes such as SMS, social networking sites and Voice-over Internet Protocol (VoIP), and adherence to digital reference service guidelines such as the one by ALA RUSA may be used for analysis; c) Reference services for the underserved reference collections and services for schools, academe and the various professions have been studied enough, research must extend to public library reference services for children and young adults, and reference services for other sectors such as the LGBT community, agricultural sector, urban poor, labor sector and women; d) Issues, trends and problems in library instruction the focus is beyond the library orientation and library skills level, and other modes such as online LI, group and one-on-one, and informal instruction will be employed Not recommended: a) User studies -> information needs and information search b) Library instruction Organi ation of Information, Cataloging and Classification, Indexing Suggested Topics: a) Book indexes on Filipino texts and their exhaustiveness, correctness, arrangement and style Focus only on Filipino texts published by the Sentro ng Wikang Filipino; b) Cataloging standards: challenges and future directions Compare currently used AACR2R and FDA; c) Changing role and value of union lists with the availability of electronic full-text journal databases; d) Collaborative social network tools for the gathering and classification of information: an analysis (Facebook, Flickr); e) How is fiction described and outlined in DDC and LCC Are the notations assigned for fiction in DDC and LCC given in full details? Are the notations well expanded?; f) Dissertations/theses as cited documents: analysis of their citations in published/unpublished works in LIS; g) MARC portability and reused in the open Web environment; h) Notational techniques in DDC, CC and UDC How are the notations provided in the 3 classification systems? Compare the notations per main class and subclasses. How are these expanded to cover narrower topics?; i) Study of auxiliaries in DDC, CC and UDC What auxiliary tables are provided in these 3 classification systems? How are these used to build the complete classification numbers?; j) The role of classification and indexing in organizing information resources; k) Study of online catalogs in Philippine libraries: their helpful and least helpful features; 4/6


Research Topics UPSLIS

l) Creativity and innovation surrounding catalog interface design; m) Study of cataloging blogs What do these blogs contain? What are the objectives in coming up with these blogs?; n) Testing RDA in Philippine libraries Do a preliminary testing similar to that done by the 3 national libraries in the U.S.:Library of congress, National Library of Medicine, National Library of Agriculture. The UP Main Library, Ateneo de Manila University Library and De La Salle University Library will be represented in a Steering Committee and they will choose who and how many will be the test respondents. The methodology to be adopted will be that used by the aforementioned institutions in US; o) Impact of RDA in current cataloging practices in the Philippines Determine who are currently following the AACR2R in libraries in the Philippines and what will be the effect on their practices should RDA be implemented; p) Study of cataloging listservs; q) Folksonomies; r) Indexing of web resources Librar Management Suggested Topics: a) Theoretical essays on normatic ethics as applied to LIS (Organizational culture); b) Behavioral studies on information: Psychology of information and its effects on users; c) Sociology of information and its effects on users; d) Librarian-user interaction (e.g., Reference interview) from the point of view of library users; e) Knowledge management KM readiness of Philippine libraries, User expectations in KM, KM and its application for developing libraries as learning organizations; f) The library as a learning organization; g) Ethics of information policies; h) Marketing of libraries Marketing plans; i) Change management behavioral studies and attitude change; j) Library as place for staff (Ergonomics) and for users; k) Values proposition statement for libraries (how much, in economic terms, are our services worth?); l) Publishing Industry Library collaboration; m) E-Publishing and its effects on collection development/management; n) Learning commons Not Recommended: a) Management styles b) Job satisfaction c) User satisfaction d) Information-seeking behavior e) TQM Literature for Children and Young Adults Suggested Topics: a) Theory of children s literature and young adult development Philippine literary works; b) Philippine Book Formats; 5/6


Research Topics UPSLIS

c) Lib a ie and Lib a ian ; d) Lib a Se ice fo child en and o ng ad l . No Recommended: a) Reading In e e Commen a e clo ed.

The UP School of Lib a and Info ma ion S die i he olde lib a chool in he co n . I i he p emie in i ion fo highe ed ca ion in lib a and info ma ion cience no onl in he co n , b al o in he egion.

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De igned b pn Po e ed b Wo dP e UP School of Lib a and Info ma ion S die 3/F Gon ale Hall, UP Main Lib a , UP Diliman, Q e on Ci Telefa : 981-85-00 local 2869 o 2871


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