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cogarettes- 1200 biscuits- 46 soaps -144 confec - 15 skin cram - 324 agarbatti 40

EPHORUS pass-emplocki star123## The schedule for your MIP completion and the next trimester is as under:1)Completion of MIP 10/9/2011 2)Reporting to the school 12/09/2011 3)Report preparation and submission by remaining/attending the school by 14/09/2 011 4pm. 4)Workshop on soft skills 15/09/2011 to 17/09/2011 details will be sent by place ment Department. 5)Start of trimester XIV 19/09/2011 6)Meeting will the Dean(Technology Management)and Faculty on 19/09/2011. 7)Viva and Presentations of MIP 30/09/2011 and 1/10/2011.

*I hate random friendship requests. I'm NOT here to make new friends, just to ge t in touch with old ones. So don't friggin' add me to your friends' list if you don't know me!! ** Hot-headed, practical, level-headed, indecisive, painfully frank, occasionally j udgemental, tactful, outright bold, extremely analytical, wiser-by-experience, t hrill-seeker. I can be as coy as I am bold, as romantic as I am practical, as diplomatic as I am straight-forward. When you get to know me, you'll see what everyone else does - a bundle of paradoxes. I despise being taken for granted. I don't forgive easily and I never forget. 1."the beauty of an experience grows with acceptance of its INEVITABILITY."LiFE TeaCHEs YOU...!! 2.v dont c things as dey r...v c thngs as v r.....!!! 3.therz nothz nthn impossible if u hv desire to achieve it..wher derz will threz wayyy..!!! 4. b the change u wish to c.....!!! 5. never change ur originality fr d sake f othrs,,,,b urself n win d world..!!! m just a mess...don't know which end is up...don't know what i want in life, in or out of relationship...don't know what kind of person i want to be with...don' t even know what kind of person i want to date...don't understand anything about me or my life right now...perpetual state of confusion i live in...why bother? with anything...nothing worth it ... always get hurt in end...what's the point..

.just learn to be alone and someone comes along and screws it all up...learn to be ok with them and they screw it all up again...heart doesn't bend just breaks all the time...never seems to heal...the strength just seeps out...don't wanna b e in love...hurts way too much...seeing it happen all around with most of us...p pl you think have great relationships have major issues is it worth it? worth the risk? would rather sky dive and take my chances...gamble on a crap sh oot...same outcome for me...another opportunity missed...another shot in the dar k that missed the mark...arrow off target completely...better to live safely tha n in constant hurt, pain, pain no gain but what have i gained????? ?

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