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for all you who hate a simple truth I bring you as a message from god, Before you speak...

bet your world there's no god and Nikola Tesla didn't make Earthquakes in Alaska , because if he did your soul burns forever kid. Nikola Tesla caused the 1896 Tsunami on June 15th in Japan on the anniversary of the Battle of Kosavo. 27,000 people celebrating Shinto were killed on the beach that day. A day divisible by 3, in a month divisible by 3, in a year divisible by 3. Earthquake Machine No. 1 was half completed steel frame of The Gillender B uilding. Tesla spent last ten years and died in Room #3327 because Earthquake Machine No. 2 was the Knob Hill Apparatus in Colorado Springs which caused the 27 day long 1899 Alaskan Earthquakes commencing on September 3, 1899 at 3h03m27s or 3:03:27 pm epicenter time. That was a year divisible by 3 times 3, a month divisible by 3 times 3, a day divisible by 3, in an hour divisible by 3, a minute divisible b y 3, a second divisible by 3 times 3 times 3 and for Christ's sake it was Earthq uake Milne Shide No. 333 and lasted 3 times 3 timrs 3 days. This is from straight the USGS regarding the 1899 earthquakes at Yakutat Bay, Al aska. They lasted 27 days. September 3 to 29, 1899 and included four or five world-sha king disturbances and hundreds of minor shocks. During four weeks there was almo st constant palpitation of this part of the earth's crust. The shocks were most severe on September 3, 10, and 23, and were great on the 15th, 17th, 26th, and 2 9th. On the 10th there were over 50 small shocks and two world-shaking disturban ces. The greatest faulting took place on September 10. The greatest uplift that had ever been recorded in the history of the world took place on September 10, 1 899. Earthquake Machine No. 3 was Wardenclyffe Tower which caused The Tunguska Event on June 30, 1908. A day divisible by 3, in a month divisible by 3, in a year div isible by 3 times 3.

"All repeated acts or operations I performed had to be divisible by three and if I missed I felt impelled to do it again, even if it took hours." -Nikola Tesla (After Causing Earthquakes) "If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 & 9; then you would have a key to the universe." -Nikola Tesla Earthquake Shide No. 333 Three plus three is six, plus three is nine. A three squared 27 day man-made seismic event. Sept. 3"69" Professional Paper 69 U.S. Geological Survey 69 by Tarr and Martin Published 1912 I do custom logo items when not prophesying the bible yourpenguy 1-888-8-ADCOPY

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