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Excitation System - Provide excitation system for synchronous machine and regulate its terminal voltage in generating mode

Library Machines Description

The Excitation System block is a Simulink system implementing a DC exciter described in [1], without the exciter's saturation function. The basic elements that form the Excitation System block are the voltage regulator and the exciter.

The exciter is represented by the following transfer function between the exciter voltage Vfd and the regulator's output ef:

Dialog Box and Parameters

Low-pass filter time constant The time constant Tr, in seconds (s), of the first-order system that represents the stator terminal voltage transducer. Regulator gain and time constant The gain Ka and time constant Ta, in seconds (s), of the first-order system representing the main regulator. Exciter The gain Ke and time constant Te, in seconds (s), of the first-order system representing the exciter. Transient gain reduction

The time constants Tb, in seconds (s), and Tc, in seconds (s), of the first-order system representing a lead-lag compensator. Damping filter gain and time constant The gain Kf and time constant Tf, in seconds (s), of the first-order system representing a derivative feedback. Regulator output limits and gain Limits Efmin and Efmax are imposed on the output of the voltage regulator. The upper limit can be constant and equal to Efmax, or variable and equal to the rectified stator terminal voltage Vtf times a proportional gain Kp. If Kp is set to 0, the former applies. If Kp is set to a positive value, the latter applies. Initial values of terminal voltage and field voltage The initial values of terminal voltage Vt0 (pu) and field voltage Vf0 (pu). When set correctly, they allow you to start the simulation in steady state. Initial terminal voltage should normally be set to 1 pu. Both Vt0 and Vf0 values are automatically updated by the load flow utility of the Powergui block. Example See the Hydraulic Turbine and Governor block. Inputs and Outputs vref The desired value, in pu, of the stator terminal voltage. vd vd component, in pu, of the terminal voltage. vq vq component, in pu, of the terminal voltage. vstab Connect this input to a power system stabilizer to provide additional stabilization of power system oscillations. Vf The field voltage, in pu, for the Synchronous Machine block. References

[1] "Recommended Practice for Excitation System Models for Power System Stability Studies,"IEEE Standard 421.5-1992, August, 1992. See Also Generic Power System Stabilizer, Hydraulic Turbine and Governor, Multiband Power System Stabilizer, Steam Turbine and Governor, Synchronous Machine

Hydraulic Turbine and Governor - Model hydraulic proportional-integral-derivative (PID) governor system Library Machines Description



The Hydraulic Turbine and Governor block implements a nonlinear hydraulic turbine model, a PID governor system, and a servomotor [1].

The hydraulic turbine is modeled by the following nonlinear system.

The gate servomotor is modeled by a second-order system.

Dialog Box and Parameters


The gain Ka and time constant Ta, in seconds (s), of the first-order system representing the servomotor. Gate opening limits The limits gmin and gmax (pu) imposed on the gate opening, and vgmin and vgmax (pu/s) imposed on gate speed. Permanent droop and regulator The static gain of the governor is equal to the inverse of the permanent droop Rp in the feedback loop. The PID regulator has a proportional gain Kp, an integral gain Ki, and a derivative gain Kd. The high-frequency gain of the PID is limited by a firstorder low-pass filter with time constant Td (s). Hydraulic turbine The speed deviation damping coefficient and water starting time Tw (s). Droop reference Specifies the input of the feedback loop: gate position (set to 1) or electrical power deviation (set to 0). Initial mechanical power The initial mechanical power Pm0 (pu) at the machine's shaft. This value is automatically updated by the load flow utility of the Powergui block. Inputs and Outputs wref Reference speed, in pu. Pref Reference mechanical power in pu. This input can be left unconnected if you want to use the gate position as input to the feedback loop instead of the power deviation. we Machine actual speed, in pu. Pe0 Machine actual electrical power in pu. This input can be left unconnected if you want to use the gate position as input to the feedback loop instead of the power deviation.

dw Speed deviation, in pu. Pm Mechanical power Pm for the Synchronous Machine block, in pu. gate Gate opening, in pu. Example This power_turbine demo illustrates the use of the Synchronous Machine associated with the Hydraulic Turbine and Governor (HTG) and Excitation System blocks. It also demonstrates the use of the Machine Initialization tool of the Powergui block to initialize machine currents and initial mechanical power of the HTG block. A threephase generator rated 200 MVA, 13.8 kV; 112.5 rpm is connected to a 230 kV network through a Delta-Y 210 MVA transformer. The system starts in steady state with the generator supplying 150 MW of active power. At t = 0.1 s, a three-phase to ground fault occurs on the 230 kV bus of the transformer. The fault is cleared after six cycles (t = 0.2 s). In order to start the simulation in steady state, you must initialize the Synchronous Machine block for the desired load flow. Open the Powergui and select Machine Initialization. The machine Bus type should be already initialized as PV generator, indicating that the load flow is performed with the machine controlling the active power and its terminal voltage. Specify the desired values by entering the following parameters: Terminal voltage U AB (Vrms) = 13800 Active power (watts) = 150e6

Then click the Compute and Apply button. The line-to-line machine voltages as well as the phase currents flowing out of the machine are displayed in the tool dialog. The machine reactive power, mechanical power, and field voltage requested to supply the electrical power should also be displayed: Q = 3.4 Mvar Pmec = 150.32 MW (0.7516 pu) Field voltage Vf = 1.291 pu

The Machine Initialization tool also initializes the HTG and Excitation System blocks. Open the HTG block dialog and notice that the initial mechanical power is set to 0.751606 pu. Then open the Excitation System block dialog and note that the initial

terminal voltage and field voltage are set respectively to 1.0 and 1.291 pu. Open the four scopes and start the simulation. The simulation starts in steady state.

Observe that the terminal voltage Va is 1.0 pu at the beginning of the simulation. It falls to about 0.4 pu during the fault and returns to nominal quickly after the fault is cleared. This quick response in terminal voltage is due to the fact that the Excitation System output Vf can go as high as 11.5 pu, which it does during the fault. The speed of the machine increases to 1.01 pu during the fault, then it oscillates around 1 pu as the governor system regulates it. The speed takes much longer than the terminal voltage to stabilize, mainly because the rate of valve opening/closing in the governor system is limited to 0.1 pu/s. References [1] IEEE Working Group on Prime Mover and Energy Supply Models for System Dynamic Performance Studies, "Hydraulic Turbine and Turbine Control Models for

Dynamic Studies," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol.7, No.1, February, 1992, pp. 167-179. See Also Excitation System, Steam Turbine and Governor, Synchronous Machine Synchronous Machine - Model the dynamics of three-phase round-rotor or salient-pole synchronous machine Library Machines Description

The Synchronous Machine block operates in generator or motor modes. The operating mode is dictated by the sign of the mechanical power (positive for generator mode, negative for motor mode). The electrical part of the machine is represented by a sixth-order state-space model and the mechanical part is the same as in the Simplified Synchronous Machine block. The model takes into account the dynamics of the stator, field, and damper windings. The equivalent circuit of the model is represented in the rotor reference frame (qd frame). All rotor parameters and electrical quantities are viewed from the stator. They are identified by primed variables. The subscripts used are defined as follows: d,q: d and q axis quantity R,s: Rotor and stator quantity l,m: Leakage and magnetizing inductance f,k: Field and damper winding quantity

The electrical model of the machine is

with the following equations.

Note that this model assumes currents flowing into the stator windings. The measured stator currents returned by the Synchronous Machine block (Ia, Ib, Ic, Id, Iq) are the currents flowing out of the machine. Dialog Box and Parameters In the powerlib library you can choose between three Synchronous Machine blocks to specify the parameters of the model. They simulate exactly the same synchronous machine model; the only difference is the way of entering the parameter units in the Parameters tab. Configuration Tab

Preset model Provides a set of predetermined electrical and mechanical parameters for various synchronous machine ratings of power (kVA), phase-to-phase voltage (V), frequency (Hz), and rated speed (rpm). Select one of the preset models to load the corresponding electrical and mechanical parameters in the entries of the dialog box. Select No if you do not want to use a preset model, or if you want to modify some of the parameters of a preset model, as described below. When you select a preset model, the electrical and mechanical parameters in the Parameters tab of the dialog box become unmodifiable (grayed out). To start from a given preset model and then modify machine parameters, you have to do the following: 1. Select the desired preset model to initialize the parameters.

2. Change the Preset model parameter value to No. This will not change the machine parameters. By doing so, you just break the connection with the particular preset model. 3. Modify the machine parameters as you wish, then click Apply. Mechanical input Allows you to select either the torque applied to the shaft or the rotor speed as the Simulink signal applied to the block's input. Select Mechanical power Pm to specify a mechanical power input, in W or in pu, and change labeling of the block's input to Pm. The machine speed is determined by the machine Inertia J (or inertia constant H for the pu machine) and by the difference between the mechanical torque Tm, resulting from the applied mechanical power Pm, and the internal electromagnetic torque Te. The sign convention for the mechanical power is the following: when the speed is positive, a positive mechanical power signal indicates generator mode and a negative signal indicates motor mode. Select Speed w to specify a speed input, in rad/s or in pu, and change labeling of the block's input to w. The machine speed is imposed and the mechanical part of the model (inertia constant H) is ignored. Using the speed as the mechanical input allows modeling a mechanical coupling between two machines and interfacing with SimMechanics and SimDriveline models. The next figure indicates how to model a stiff shaft interconnection in a motorgenerator set, where both machines are synchronous machines. The speed output of machine 1 (motor) is connected to the speed input of machine 2 (generator). In this figure friction torque is ignored in machine 2. Therefore, its electromagnetic torque output Te corresponds to the mechanical torque Tm applied to the shaft of machine 1. The corresponding mechanical input power of machine 1 is computed as Pm = Tm*w.The Kw factor takes into account speed units of both machines (pu or rad/s) and gear box ratio w2/w1. The KT factor takes into account torque units of both machines (pu or N.m) and machine ratings. Also, as the inertia J2 is ignored in machine 2, J2 referred to machine 1 speed must be added to machine 1 inertia J1.

Rotor type Specify rotor type: Salient-pole or Round (cylindrical). This choice affects the number of rotor circuits in the q-axis (damper windings). Mask units Specifies the units of the electrical and mechanical parameters of the model. This parameter is not modifiable; it is provided for information purposes only. Parameters Tab for Synchronous Machine SI Fundamental

Nominal power, voltage, frequency, field current The total three-phase apparent power Pn (VA), RMS line-to-line voltage Vn (V), frequency fn (Hz), and field current ifn (A). The nominal field current is the current that produces nominal terminal voltage under no-load conditions. This model was developed with all quantities viewed from the stator. The nominal field current makes it possible to compute the transformation ratio of the machine, which allows you to apply the field voltage viewed from the rotor, as in real life. This also allows the field current, which is a variable in the output vector of the model, to be viewed from the rotor. The transformation ratio (N) is defined as

where Ns is the equivalent number of sinusoidally distributed turns in each stator phase winding, and Nf is the equivalent number of sinusoidally distributed turns in the field winding. This ratio is calculated as follows:

where Ifbase is the base field current viewed from the rotor, and Isbase is the base stator current.

If the value of the nominal field current is not known, you must enter 0 or leave it blank. Since the transformation ratio cannot be determined in this case, you have to apply the field voltage as viewed from the stator and the field current in the output vector is also viewed from the stator. Stator The resistance Rs (), leakage inductance Lls (H), and d-axis and q-axis magnetizing inductances Lmd (H) and Lmq (H). Field The field resistance Rf' () and leakage inductance Llfd' (H), both referred to the stator. Dampers The d-axis resistance Rkd' () and leakage inductance Llkd' (H), the q-axis resistance Rkq1' () and leakage inductance Llkq1' (H), and (only if round rotor) the q-axis resistance Rkq2' () and leakage inductance Llkq2' (H). All these values are referred to the stator. Inertia, friction factor, pole pairs The inertia coefficient J (kg.m2), friction factor F (N.m.s), and number of pole pairs p. The friction torque Tf is proportional to the rotor speed (Tf = F., where Tf is expressed in N.m, F in N.m.s, and in rad/s). Initial conditions

The initial speed deviation (% of nominal speed), electrical angle of the rotor e (degrees), line current magnitudes ia, ib, ic (A) and phase angles pha, phb, phc (degrees), and the initial field voltage Vf (V). You can compute these values automatically by using the Load Flow tool or the Machine Initialization tool of the Powergui block. You can specify the initial field voltage in one of two ways. If you know the nominal field current (first line, last parameter), enter in the dialog box the initial field voltage in volts DC referred to the rotor. Otherwise, enter a zero as nominal field current, as explained earlier, and specify the initial field voltage in volts DC referred to the stator. You can determine the nominal field voltage viewed from the stator by selecting the Display Vfd which produces a nominal Vt check box on the Advanced tab. Simulate saturation Specifies whether magnetic saturation of rotor and stator iron is to be simulated or not. Saturation parameters The no-load saturation curve parameters. Magnetic saturation of stator and rotor iron is modeled by a nonlinear function (in this case a polynomial) using points on the no-load saturation curve. You must enter a 2-by-n matrix, where n is the number of points taken from the saturation curve. The first row of this matrix contains the values of field currents, while the second row contains values of corresponding terminal voltages. The first point (first column of the matrix) must correspond to the point where the effect of saturation begins. You must select the Simulate saturation check box to simulate saturation. This check box allows you to enter the matrix of parameters for simulating the saturation. If you do not want to model saturation in your simulation, do not select the Simulate saturation check box. In this case the relationship between ifd and Vt obtained is linear (no saturation). Parameters Tab for Synchronous Machine pu Fundamental

Nominal power, line-to-line voltage, and frequency Total three-phase apparent power (VA), RMS line-to-line voltage (V), frequency (Hz), and field current (A). This line is identical to the first line of the fundamental parameters in SI dialog box, except that you do not specify a nominal field current. This value is not required here because we do not need the transformation ratio. Since rotor quantities are viewed from the stator, they are converted to pu using the stator base quantities derived from the preceding three nominal parameters. Stator; Field; Dampers Contain exactly the same parameters as in the previous dialog box, but they are expressed here in pu instead of SI units. Inertia coefficient, friction factor, pole pairs

The inertia constant H (s), where H is the ratio of energy stored in the rotor at nominal speed over the nominal power of the machine, the friction factor F (pu torque/pu speed), and the number of pole pairs p. The friction torque Tf is proportional to the rotor speed (Tf=F., where all quantities are expressed in pu). Initial conditions; Simulate saturation; Saturation parameters The same initial conditions and saturation parameters as in the SI units dialog box, but all values are expressed in pu instead of SI units. For saturation, the nominal field current multiplied by the d-axis magnetizing inductance and nominal RMS lineto-line voltage are the base values for the field current and terminal voltage, respectively. Parameters Tab for Synchronous Machine pu Standard

Nominal power, line-to-line voltage, and frequency The same parameters as in the pu Fundamental dialog box. Reactances The d-axis synchronous reactance Xd, transient reactance Xd', and subtransient reactance Xd'', the q-axis synchronous reactance Xq, transient reactance Xq' (only if round rotor), and subtransient reactance Xq'', and finally the leakage reactance Xl (all in pu). d-axis time constants; q-axis time constant(s)

Specify the time constants you supply for each axis: either open-circuit or shortcircuit. Time constants The d-axis and q-axis time constants (all in s). These values must be consistent with choices made on the two previous lines: d-axis transient open-circuit (Tdo') or shortcircuit (Td') time constant, d-axis subtransient open-circuit (Tdo'') or short-circuit (Td'') time constant, q-axis transient open-circuit (Tqo') or short-circuit (Tq') time constant (only if round rotor), q-axis subtransient open-circuit (Tqo'') or short-circuit (Tq'') time constant. Stator resistance The stator resistance Rs (pu). Inertia coefficient, friction factor, pole pairs; Initial conditions; Simulate saturation; Saturation parameters The same parameters as in the pu Fundamental dialog box. Advanced Tab

Display Vfd which produces a nominal Vt Select to determine the nominal field voltage viewed from the stator. This parameter is visible only for the Synchronous Machine SI Fundamental block. As an example, without saturation, a typical curve might be as shown below. Here ifn is 1087 A and Vn is 13800 V RMS line-to-line, which is also 11268 V peak line-toneutral.

Saturation is modeled by fitting a polynomial to the curve corresponding to the matrix of points you enter. The more points you enter, the better the fit to the original curve. The next figure illustrates the good fit graphically (the diamonds are the actual points entered in the dialog box).

In this particular case, the following values were used: if 1087 A n if [695.64, 774.7, 917.5, 1001.6, 1082.2, 1175.9, 1293.6, d 1430.2, 1583.7] A V [9660, 10623, 12243, 13063, 13757, 14437, 15180, t 15890, 16567] V Sample time (1 for inherited) Specifies the sample time used by the block. To inherit the sample time specified in the Powergui block, set this parameter to 1.

Discrete solver model Specifies the integration method used by the block when the Solver type parameter of the Powergui block is set to Discrete. The choices are: Forward Euler (default), Trapezoidal non iterative, and Trapezoidal iterative (alg. loop). Load Flow Tab The parameters on this tab are used by the Load Flow tool of the Powergui block. These load flow parameters are used for model initialization only, they have no impact on the block model and on the simulation performance. The configuration of the Load Flow tab depends on the option selected for the Generator type parameter.

Generator type

Specify the generator type of the machine. Select swing to implement a generator controlling magnitude and phase angle of its terminal voltage. The reference voltage magnitude and angle are specified by the Swing bus or PV bus voltage and Swing bus voltage angle parameters of the Load Flow Bus block connected to the machine terminals. Select PV to implement a generator controlling its output active power P and voltage magnitude V. P is specified by the Active power generation P parameter of the block. V is specified by the Swing bus or PV bus voltage parameter of the Load Flow Bus block connected to the machine terminals. You can control the minimum and maximum reactive power generated by the block by using the Minimum reactive power Qmin and Maximum reactive power Qmax parameters. Select PQ to implement a generator controlling its output active power P and reactive power Q. P and Q are specified by the Active power generation P and Reactive power generation Q parameters of the block, respectively. Active power generation P Specify the desired active power generated by the machine, in watts. When the machine operates in motor mode, you specify a negative value. This parameter is available if you specify Generator type as PV or PQ. Reactive power generation Q Specify the desired reactive power generated by the machine, in vars. A negative value indicates that the reactive power is absorbed by the machine. This parameter is available only if you specify Generator type as PQ. Minimum reactive power Qmin This parameter is available only if you specify Generator type as PV. Indicates the minimum reactive power that can be generated by the machine while keeping the terminal voltage at its reference value. This reference voltage is specified by the Swing bus or PV bus voltage parameter of the Load Flow Bus block connected to the machine terminals. The default value is -inf, which means that there is no lower limit on the reactive power output. Maximum reactive power Qmax This parameter is available only if you specify Generator type as PV. Indicates the maximum reactive power that can be generated by the machine while keeping the terminal voltage at its reference value. This reference voltage is specified by the Swing bus or PV bus voltage parameter of the Load Flow Bus block connected to

the machine terminals. The default value is inf, which means that there is no upper limit on the reactive power output. Inputs and Outputs The units of inputs and outputs vary according to which dialog box was used to enter the block parameters. If the fundamental parameters in SI units is used, the inputs and outputs are in SI units (except for dw in the vector of internal variables, which is always in pu, and angle , which is always in rad). Otherwise, the inputs and outputs are in pu. Pm The first Simulink input is the mechanical power at the machine's shaft, in Watts or pu. In generating mode, this input can be a positive constant or function or the output of a prime mover block (see the Hydraulic Turbine and Governor or Steam Turbine and Governor blocks). In motoring mode, this input is usually a negative constant or function. w The alternative block input instead of Pm (depending on the value of the Mechanical input parameter) is the machine speed, in rad/s. Vf The second Simulink input of the block is the field voltage. This voltage can be supplied by a voltage regulator in generator mode (see the Excitation System block). It is usually a constant in motor mode. If you use the model in SI fundamental units, the field voltage Vf should be entered in volts DC if nominal field current Ifn is specified, or in volts referred to stator if Ifn is not specified. To obtain the Vfd producing nominal voltage, select the last check box of the dialog box. If you use the model in pu Standard or in pu Fundamental units, Vf should be entered in pu (1 pu of field voltage producing 1 pu of terminal voltage at no load). m The Simulink output of the block is a vector containing 22 signals. You can demultiplex these signals by using the Bus Selector block provided in the Simulink library. Sign Definition al 1 Stator current is_a Units

A or pu

Sign Definition al


2 3 4 5 6 7

Stator current is_b Stator current is_c Stator current is_q Stator current is_d Field current ifd

A or pu A or pu A or pu A or pu A or pu

Damper winding current A or pu ikq1 Damper winding current A or pu ikq2 Damper winding current A or pu ikd Mutual flux phimq V.s pu V.s pu or



Mutual flux phimd


12 13 14

Stator voltage vq Stator voltage vd Rotor angle d_theta

V or pu V or pu

deviation rad

15 16

Rotor speed wm Electrical power Pe

rad/s. VA pu or


Rotor speed deviation rad/s

Sign Definition al dw 18


Rotor mechanical angle rad theta Electromagnetic torque N.m Te pu Load angle delta N.m pu power rad or





Output Peo



Output reactive power rad Qeo

Limitations When you use Synchronous Machine blocks in discrete systems, you might have to use a small parasitic resistive load, connected at the machine terminals, in order to avoid numerical oscillations. Large sample times require larger loads. The minimum resistive load is proportional to the sample time. As a rule of thumb, remember that with a 25 s time step on a 60 Hz system, the minimum load is approximately 2.5% of the machine nominal power. For example, a 200 MVA synchronous machine in a power system discretized with a 50 s sample time requires approximately 5% of resistive load or 10 MW. If the sample time is reduced to 20 s, a resistive load of 4 MW should be sufficient. Example The power_syncmachine demo illustrates the use of the Synchronous Machine block in motor mode. The simulated system consists of an industrial grade synchronous motor (150 HP (112 kVA), 762 V) connected to a network with a 10 MVA shortcircuit level. In order to start simulation in steady state, the machine is initialized using the Machine Initialization tool of the Powergui. The machine is initialized for an output electrical power of 50 kW (negative value for motor mode), corresponding to a mechanical power of 48.9 kW. The corresponding values of mechanical power and field voltage have been automatically entered into the Pm Step block and in the Vf Constant block. The Pm Step block has been programmed in order to apply a sudden increase of mechanical power from 48.9 kW to 60 kW at time t = 0.1 s.

Run the simulation and observe the RMS current, RMS voltage, speed, load angle , and output electrical power of the motor. Since this is a four-pole machine, the nominal speed is 1800 rpm. The initial speed is 1800 rpm as prescribed. After the load has increased from 48.9 kW to 100 kW at t = 0.1 s, the machine speed oscillates before stabilizing to 1800 rpm. The load angle (angle between terminal voltage and internal voltage) increases from 21 degrees to 53 degrees. References [1] Krause, P.C., Analysis of Electric Machinery, McGraw-Hill, 1986, Section 12.5. [2] Kamwa, I., et al., "Experience with Computer-Aided Graphical Analysis of Sudden-Short-Circuit Oscillograms of Large Synchronous Machines," IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 10, No. 3, September 1995. See Also Excitation System, Hydraulic Turbine and Governor, Synchronous Machine, Steam Turbine and Governor Powergui, Simplified

Simplified Synchronous Machine - Model the dynamics of simplified threephase synchronous machine Library Machines Description

The Simplified Synchronous Machine block models both the electrical and mechanical characteristics of a simple synchronous machine. The electrical system for each phase consists of a voltage source in series with an RL impedance, which implements the internal impedance of the machine. The value of R can be zero but the value of L must be positive. The Simplified Synchronous Machine block implements the mechanical system described by

where = Speed variation with respect to speed of operation H = constant of inertia Tm = mechanical torque Te = electromagnetic torque Kd = damping factor representing the effect of damper windings (t) = mechanical speed of the rotor 0 = speed of operation (1 p.u.) Although the parameters can be entered in either SI units or per unit in the dialog box, the internal calculations are done in per unit. The following block diagram illustrates how the mechanical part of the model is implemented. Notice that the model computes a deviation with respect to the speed of operation, and not the absolute speed itself.

The Kd damping coefficient simulates the effect of damper windings normally used in synchronous machines. When the machine is connected to an infinite network (zero impedance), the variation of machine power angle delta () resulting from a change of mechanical power (Pm) can be approximated by the following secondorder transfer function:

where Power angle delta: angle of internal voltage E with respect to terminal voltage, in radians

Pm Mechanical power in pu n Frequency of electromechanical oscillations = Damping ratio = s Electrical frequency in rad/s in rad/s

Pma Maximum power in pu transmitted through reactance X at terminal voltage Vt and internal voltage E. Pmax = VtE/X, where Vt, E, and X are in pu x H Kd Inertia constant(s) Damping factor (pu_of_torque / pu_of_speed)

This approximate transfer function, which has been derived by assuming sin() = , is valid for small power angles ( < 30 degrees). It follows from the above expression that the Kd value required to obtain a given damping ratio is

Dialog Box and Parameters In the powerlib library you can choose between the SI units or the pu units Simplified Synchronous Machine blocks to specify the electrical and mechanical parameters of the model. These blocks simulate exactly the same synchronous machine model; the only difference is the way of entering the parameter units. Parameters Tab

Connection type Specify the number of wires used in three-phase Y connection: either three-wire (neutral not accessible) or four-wire (neutral is accessible). Mechanical input

Allows you to select either the torque applied to the shaft or the rotor speed as the Simulink signal applied to the block's input. Select Mechanical power Pm to specify a mechanical power input, in W or in pu, and change labeling of the block's input to Pm. The machine speed is determined by the machine Inertia J (or inertia constant H for the pu machine) and by the difference between the mechanical torque Tm, resulting from the applied mechanical power Pm, and the internal electromagnetic torque Te. The sign convention for the mechanical power is the following: when the speed is positive, a positive mechanical power signal indicates generator mode and a negative signal indicates motor mode. Select Speed w to specify a speed input, in rad/s or in pu, and change labeling of the block's input to w. The machine speed is imposed and the mechanical part of the model (inertia constant H) is ignored. Using the speed as the mechanical input allows modeling a mechanical coupling between two machines and interfacing with SimMechanics and SimDriveline models. Nominal power, line-to-line voltage, and frequency The nominal apparent power Pn (VA), frequency fn (Hz), and RMS line-to-line voltage Vn (V). Used to compute nominal torque and convert SI units to pu. Inertia, damping factor and pairs of poles The inertia (J in kg.m2 or H in seconds) damping factor (Kd) and number of pairs of poles (p). The damping factor should be specified in (pu of torque)/(pu of speed) in both machine dialog boxes (in pu and in SI). Internal impedance The resistance R ( or pu) and reactance L (H or pu) for each phase. Initial conditions The initial speed deviation (% of nominal), rotor angle (degrees), line current magnitudes (A or pu), and phase angles (degrees). These values can be computed by the load flow utility of the Powergui block. Sample time (1 for inherited) Specifies the sample time used by the block. To inherit the sample time specified in the Powergui block, set this parameter to 1. Load Flow Tab

The parameters on this tab are used by the Load Flow tool of the Powergui block. These load flow parameters are used for model initialization only, they have no impact on the block model and on the simulation performance. The configuration of the Load Flow tab depends on the option selected for the Generator type parameter.

Generator type Specify the generator type of the machine. Select swing to implement a generator controlling magnitude and phase angle of its terminal voltage. The reference voltage magnitude and angle are specified by the Swing bus or PV bus voltage and Swing bus voltage angle parameters of the Load Flow Bus block connected to the machine terminals.

Select PV to implement a generator controlling its output active power P and voltage magnitude V. P is specified by the Active power generation P parameter of the block. V is specified by the Swing bus or PV bus voltage parameter of the Load Flow Bus block connected to the machine terminals. You can control the minimum and maximum reactive power generated by the block by using the Minimum reactive power Qmin and Maximum reactive power Qmax parameters. Select PQ to implement a generator controlling its output active power P and reactive power Q. P and Q are specified by the Active power generation P and Reactive power generation Q parameters of the block, respectively. Active power generation P Specify the desired active power generated by the machine, in watts. When the machine operates in motor mode, you specify a negative value. This parameter is available if you specify Generator type as PV or PQ. Reactive power generation Q Specify the desired reactive power generated by the machine, in vars. A negative value indicates that the reactive power is absorbed by the machine. This parameter is available only if you specify Generator type as PQ. Minimum reactive power Qmin This parameter is available only if you specify Generator type as PV. Indicates the minimum reactive power that can be generated by the machine while keeping the terminal voltage at its reference value. This reference voltage is specified by the Swing bus or PV bus voltage parameter of the Load Flow Bus block connected to the machine terminals. The default value is -inf, which means that there is no lower limit on the reactive power output. Maximum reactive power Qmax This parameter is available only if you specify Generator type as PV. Indicates the maximum reactive power that can be generated by the machine while keeping the terminal voltage at its reference value. This reference voltage is specified by the Swing bus or PV bus voltage parameter of the Load Flow Bus block connected to the machine terminals. The default value is +inf, which means that there is no upper limit on the reactive power output. Inputs and Outputs Pm The mechanical power supplied to the machine, in Watts. The input can be a constant signal or it can be connected to the output of the Hydraulic Turbine and

Governor block. The frequency of the internal voltage sources depends on the mechanical speed of the machine. w The alternative block input instead of Pm (depending on the value of the Mechanical input parameter) is the machine speed, in rad/s. E The amplitude of the internal voltages of the block. It can be a constant signal or it can be connected to the output of a voltage regulator. If you use the SI units machine, this input should be in volts phase-to-phase RMS. If you use the pu units machine, it should be in pu. m The Simulink output of the block is a vector containing 12 signals. You can demultiplex these signals by using the Bus Selector block provided in the Simulink library. Sign Definition al 1 Stator is_a Stator is_b Stator is_c Units Symb ol

current A or isa pu current A or isb pu current A or isc pu V or va pu V or vb pu V or vc pu

Terminal voltage Va Terminal voltage Vb Terminal voltage Vc

Internal voltage V or Ea Ea pu Internal voltage V or Eb

Sign Definition al Eb 9

Units Symb ol pu

Internal voltage V or Ec Ec pu Rotor theta angle rad


11 12

Rotor speed wm rad/s Electrical power W Pe


Assumptions The electrical system of the Simplified Synchronous Machine block consists solely of a voltage source behind a synchronous reactance and resistance. All the other selfand magnetizing inductances of the armature, field, and damping windings are neglected. The effect of damper windings is approximated by the damping factor Kd. The three voltage sources and RL impedance branches are Y-connected (three wires or four wires). The load might or might not be balanced. Limitations When you use Simplified Synchronous Machine blocks in discrete systems, you might have to use a small parasitic resistive load, connected at the machine terminals, in order to avoid numerical oscillations. Large sample times require larger loads. The minimum resistive load is proportional to the sample time. As a rule of thumb, remember that with a 25 s time step on a 60 Hz system, the minimum load is approximately 2.5% of the machine nominal power. For example, a 200 MVA simplified synchronous machine in a power system discretized with a 50 s sample time requires approximately 5% of resistive load or 10 MW. If the sample time is reduced to 20 s, a resistive load of 4 MW should be sufficient. Example The power_simplealt demo uses the Simplified Synchronous Machine block to represent a 1000 MVA, 315 kV, 60 Hz equivalent source connected to an infinite bus (Three-Phase Programmable Voltage Source block). The Simplified Synchronous Machine (SI Units) block is used as a synchronous generator. The internal resistance and reactance are set respectively to 0.02 pu (1.9845 ) and 0.2 pu (X = 19.845 ; L = 0.0526 H). The inertia of the machine is J = 168,870 kg.m 2, corresponding to an

inertia constant H = 3 s. The electrical frequency is s = 2**60 = 377 rad/s. The machine has two pairs of poles such that its synchronous speed is 2**60/2 = 188.5 rad/s or 1800 rpm. The Load Flow option of the Powergui has been used to initialize the machine in order to start simulation in steady state with the machine generating 500 MW. The required internal voltage computed by the load flow is 1.0149 pu. Therefore an internal voltage E = 315e3*1.0149 = 319,690 Vrms phase-to-phase is specified in the Constant block connected to the E input. The maximum power that can be delivered by the machine with a terminal voltage Vt = 1.0 pu and an internal voltage E = 1.0149 pu is Pmax = Vt*E/X = 1.0149/0.2 = 5.0745 pu. The damping factor Kd is adjusted in order to obtain a damping ratio = 0.3. According to the formula given in the Description section, the required Kd value is

Two Fourier blocks are used to measure the power angle . This angle is computed as the difference between the phase angle of phase A internal voltage and the phase angle of phase A terminal voltage.

In this demo, a step is performed on the mechanical power applied to the shaft. The machine is initially running in steady state with a mechanical power of 505 MW (mechanical power required for an output electrical power of 500 MW, considering the resistive losses). At t = 0.5 s the mechanical power is suddenly increased to 1000 MW.

Run the demo and observe the electromechanical transient on the Scope block displaying the power angle in degrees, the machine speed in rpm, and the electrical power in MW. Simulation results are shown in the following figure.

For an initial electrical power Pe = 500 MW (0.5 pu), the load angle is 5.65 degrees, which corresponds to the expected value:

As the mechanical power is stepped from 0.5 pu to 1.0 pu, the load angle increases and goes through a series of under damped oscillations (damping ratio = 0.3)

before stabilizing to its new value of 11.3 degrees. The frequency of the oscillations is given by

See Also Excitation System, Hydraulic Turbine and Governor, Powergui, Steam Turbine and Governor, Synchronous Machine

Powergui - Environment block for SimPowerSystems models Library powerlib Description

The Powergui block allows you to choose one of the following methods to solve your circuit: Continuous method, which uses a variable step Simulink solver Ideal Switching continuous method Discretization of the electrical system for a solution at fixed time steps Phasor solution method

The Powergui block is necessary for simulation of any Simulink model containing SimPowerSystems blocks. It is used to store the equivalent Simulink circuit that represents the state-space equations of the model. You must follow these rules when using this block in a model: Place the Powergui block at the top level of diagram for optimal performance. However, you can place it anywhere inside subsystems for your convenience; its functionality will not be affected. You can have a maximum of one Powergui block per model You must name the block powergui

Graphical User Interface Tools The Powergui block also gives you access to various graphical user interface (GUI) tools and functions for the steady-state analysis of SimPowerSystems models, the analysis of simulation results, and for the design of advanced block parameters. Dialog Box and Parameters

Simulation and Configuration Options To specify the simulation type, parameters, and preferences, select Configure parameters in the Powergui dialog. This opens another dialog box with the Powergui block parameters. This dialog box contains the following tabs: Solver Tab Load Flow Tab Preferences Tab

Solver Tab The configuration of the Solver tab depends on the option selected from the Simulation type drop-down list.

Simulation type Select Continuous to perform a continuous solution of the model. Select Discrete to perform a discretization of the model. The sample time is specified by the Sample time parameter. Select Phasor to perform phasor simulation of the model, at the frequency specified by the Phasor frequency parameter. Enable use of ideal switching devices If selected, the switches and power electronic blocks are modeled by an alternative method allowing ideal or quazi-ideal switches. For more information, see Using the Ideal Switching Device Method. This parameter is visible only when the Simulation type parameter is set to Continuous. Disable snubbers in switching devices If selected, the snubber devices of the power electronic and breaker blocks in your model are disabled and not modeled. This parameter is visible only if Enable use of ideal switching devices is selected.

Disable On resistance in switching devices (Ron=0) If selected, the internal resistance Ron of switches and power electronic devices is disabled and forced to zero ohms. This parameter is visible only if Enable use of ideal switching devices is selected. Disable Forward voltage in switching devices (Vf=0) If selected, the internal forward voltage Vf of power electronic devices is disabled and forced to zero volts. This parameter is visible only if Enable use of ideal switching devices is selected. Display circuit differential equations If selected, differential equations of the model are displayed in the command window when the simulation starts. This parameter is visible only if Enable use of ideal switching devices is selected. For more information, see Using the Ideal Switching Device Method. Sample time (s) Specify the sample time used to discretize the electrical circuit. This parameter is visible only when the Simulation type parameter is set to Discrete. The Sample time parameter must be set to a value greater than 0. The icon displays the value of the sample time. Phasor frequency (Hz) Specify the frequency used by the software to perform the phasor simulation of the model. This parameter is visible only when the Simulation type parameter is set to Phasor. Load Flow Tab The load flow parameters are used for model initialization only and they have no impact on the simulation's performance.

Load flow frequency (Hz) Specify the frequency used by the Load Flow tool to compute the normalized Ybus network admittance matrix of the model and to perform the load flow calculations. Base power Pbase (VA) Specify the base power used by the Load Flow tool to compute the normalized Ybus network admittance matrix in pu/Pbase and bus base voltages of the model, at the frequency specified by the Load flow frequency parameter. To avoid badly conditioned Ybus matrix, the base power value should be selected in the range of nominal powers and loads of the model. For a transmission network with voltages ranging from 120 kV to 765 kV, a 100 MVA base is usually selected. For a distribution network or for a small plant consisting of generators, motors and loads having a nominal power in the range of hundreds of kilowatts, a 1 MVA base power is better adapted. PQ tolerance (pu) Defines the tolerance between P and Q when the Load flow tool stops to iterate.

Max iterations Defines the maximum number of iterations the Load flow tool will perform until the P and Q powers mismatch at each bus is lower than the PQ tolerance parameter value (in pu/Pbase). The power mismatch is defined as the difference between the net power injected into the bus by generators and loads and the power transmitted on all links leaving that bus. For example, if the base power is 100 MVA and PQ tolerance is set to 1e-4, the maximum power mismatch at all buses should not exceed 0.1 MW or 0.1 Mvar. Voltage units Determine the voltage units (V, kV) used by the Load Flow tool to display voltages. Power units Determine the power units (W, kW, MW) used by the Load Flow tool to display powers. Preferences Tab

Display SimPowerSystems warnings and messages

If selected, the command line echo messages are enabled during the analysis and simulation of the model. Use TLC file when in Accelerator Simulation Mode and for code generation If selected, TLC state-space S-functions (sfun_spssw_contc.tlc and sfun_spssw_discc.tlc) will be used in Accelerator mode and for code generation. Clear this box if you notice a slowdown in performance when using Accelerator mode, compared to previous releases. This slowdown is observed if you have the LCC compiler installed as the default compiler for building external interface (mex). Start simulation with initial electrical states from If blocks is selected, initial state values defined in blocks are used for the simulation. If steady is selected, force all initial electrical state values to steady-state values. If zero is selected, force all initial electrical state values to zero. Analysis Tools Steady-State Voltages and Currents Open the Steady-State Voltages and Currents Tool dialog box that displays the steady-state voltages and currents of the model. For more information, see the power_steadystate reference page. Initial States Setting Open the Initial States Setting Tool dialog box that allows you to display and modify initial capacitor voltages and inductor currents of the model. For more information, see the power_initstates reference page. Load Flow Open the Load Flow Tool dialog box to perform load flow and initialize three-phase networks and machines, so that the simulation starts in steady state. The Load Flow Tool offers most of the functionality of other tools available in the power utility industry. It uses the Newton-Raphson method to provide robust and fast convergence solution. For more information, see the power_loadflow reference page. Machine Initialization Open the Machine Initialization Tool dialog box to initialize three-phase networks containing three-phase machines, so that the simulation starts in steady state. This tool also offers simplified load flow features that are helpful in initializing machine

initial currents of your models. For more information, see the power_loadflow reference page. Use LTI Viewer Open a window to generate the state-space model of your system (if you have Control System Toolbox software installed) and automatically open the LTI Viewer interface for time and frequency domain responses. For more information, see the power_ltiview reference page. Impedance vs Frequency Measurement Open the Impedance vs Frequency Measurement Tool dialog box to display the impedance versus frequency defined by the Impedance Measurement blocks. For more information, see the power_zmeter reference page. FFT Analysis Open the FFT Analysis Tool dialog box to perform Fourier analysis of signals stored in a Structure with Time format. For more information, see the power_fftscope reference page. An example of using the FFT Analysis tool is described in Performing Harmonic Analysis Using the FFT Tool. Generate Report Open the Generate Report Tool dialog box that allow you to generate a report of steady state variables, initial states, and machine load flow for a model. For more information, see the power_report reference page. Hysteresis Design Tool Open a window to design a hysteresis characteristic for the saturable core of the Saturable Transformer block and the Three-Phase Transformer blocks (two- and three-windings). For more information, see the power_hysteresis reference page. Compute RLC Line Parameters Open a window to compute RLC parameters of overhead transmission line from its conductor characteristics and tower geometry. For more information, see the power_lineparam reference page. See Also power_fftscope, power_hysteresis, power_initstates, power_lineparam, power_loadflow, power_ltiview, power_report, power_steadystate, power_zmeter

Sir, in synchronous machine model (overall three phase system(frequency+voltage)) there is a PID controller in hydraulic turbine. If I change it with ADRC, I got some improvement in output voltage of the three phase line. Will it be sufficient for thesis?

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