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Names given to drug: Junk, Smack, Skag, Black Tar, Chocolate, Hero, Horse, Mud, H,
Ska, Brown, Shit, Harry, Boy.

How it can be administered: 1: A needle/syringe and spoon used for heroin injection. By heating up the substance in the spoon, then injecting it into your blood stream. 2: Line/Rail: a dose of heroin, chopped and drawn into a line/rail for inhaling. 3: Snort/Toot: to inhale heroin into the nose using a rolled piece of paper, straw or glass tube.

Dangers associated with heroin: - overdose and even death - anxiety and paranoia - depression and mood swings - confusion - self-neglect (not looking after yourself) - lowered resistance to disease - serious viral infections such as hepatitis B, - hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS (when injected) - blood infections (when injected)

What the drug is made up of:

Heroin comes from morphine, a substance derived from the seedpod of the Asian poppy plant. (Opium) Heroin is morphine reacted with acetic anhydride. Raw opium contains a lot of impurities and therefore is not as effective as heroin in giving people high. To get heroin, you need Morphine. To get Morphine, you need Opium. Morphine is extracted from the opium plant, and then heroin is created using the morphine extracted.

How the drug affects its user: Short-term effects of heroin include a surge of euphoria and clouded thinking followed by alternately wakeful and drowsy states. Heroin depresses breathing, thus, overdose can be fatal. Users who inject the drug risk infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis. Other heroin effects can also include dizziness, feeling as though the body has become heavy and the person cannot move, as well as nausea and a change in skin temperature. In addition , heroin users will also begin to feel tired, or as though the world no longer exists around them and their ability to function both mentally and physically will decrease.

Where the drug can be found: Mexico, Colombia, Burma, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Afghanistan. These are the main places that produce, and export heroin throughout the world. Most of the worlds heroin, would be originated by Afghanistan. It is estimated that 90% of the worlds heroin comes from Afghanistan. Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand used to be the main importers and producers of Opium, which was used to create heroin. But since Afghanistan took over, they've been slowly declining on the drug production scale.


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