Problem Statement

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Problem statement

Information about the route, cancellation of tickets, departure time, arrival time, number of trains available and other such information. Store and retrieve information about the various transactions related to Rail travel. Keep track of all its passengers and thus schedule their journey accordingly. Maintains records of passengers travelling in the different trains on different dates reaching different destinations in the system. User friendly interface to administrator and customer

ER Diagram

Functions of administrator
 Add/Remove Trains  Add/Remove User  Book Ticket  Cancel Ticket  Get Passenger List  Login and Logout

Tables and Normalization

DFD (Data Flow Diagram)

A two-dimensional diagram that explains how data is processed and transferred in a system. The graphical depiction identifies each source of data and how it interacts with other data sources to reach a common output.

Individuals seeking to draft a data flow diagram must (1) identify external inputs and outputs, (2) determine how the inputs and outputs relate to each other, and (3) explain with graphics how these connections relate and what they result in. This type of diagram helps business development and design teams visualize how data is processed and identify or improve certain aspects.

3 Level Diagram
-Level 0
-Level 1 -Level 2

 If user has entered data in payment, send a trigger to change the value of paid field in ticket (initially set at zero).  Confirmation mail to be sent to the user on his email if he has cancelled the ticket or created an account.  When a new train is added to the train table the fare table should also be updated.

1.Admin table User name Password First name Last name Age E-mail Registration date

The above table consists of username as a primary key which determines all other attributes of it. There is no partial and transitive dependency so it is in 3NF

2.User table User name Password First name Last name Age E-mail Registration date

The above table consists of username as a primary key which determines all other attributes of it. There is no partial and transitive dependency so it is in 3NF.

3.Train table Train no. Train name Source Destination Distance Arrival Departure time time

Train number is the primary key of train table . It consists of atomic values of attributes and there is no partial and transitive dependency so it is in 3nf.

4.Ticket table

Train Train Source Destination Distance Class Fair Arrival Departure Name Date Seat no. name time time no.

1 NF 3 NF conversion of Train table Train details Train no. Train name Source Destination Distance Arrival Departure time time

Fare table Train number Class Fare

Ticket _details Train no. Name Date Seat no. Class Fare

Ticket1 table Train no. Name Date Seat no. Class

Ticket2 table

Class details Train no. General Sleeper ACI AcII AcIII

Pavement table Receipt no. User name Card no. Pin no. Bank Type

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