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Contact: Catherine Engelbrecht True the Vote 832.444.7701

Serious Questions on Wisconsin Recall Petitions

True the Vote Analysis of Senate Recall Petitions Show Significant Problems with Signatures
Fitzgerald and Moulton Petitions May Not Have Enough Signatures to Qualify for Recall Election
The integrity of Wisconsin elections is on the verge of implosion, as United Wisconsins coordinated effort to recall six Wisconsin ofcials has led to the submission of more than 1,000,000 petition signatures. In an effort to audit these signatures True the Vote is discovering signicant errors, including duplicate signatures, incorrect addresses, and the like.

Summary Analysis of Senate Recall Petitions

Senator Van Wanggaard Signatures Required Estimated Signatures Received Estimated Eligible Signatures Senator Scott Fitzgerald Signatures Required Estimated Signatures Received Estimated Eligible Signatures 15,353 22,480 20,170 16,742 14,061 12,833

Senator Terry Moulton Signatures Required Estimated Signatures Received Estimated Eligible Signatures Senator Pam Galloway Signatures Required Estimated Signatures Received Estimated Eligible Signatures

14,958 20,139 15,294 15,647 18,057 16,842

Full Reports can be found at

Who are True the Vote and Verify the Recall?

True the Vote is a nonpartisan, non-prot, citizen led initiative to inspire and equip fellow citizens to participate in our nations electoral process. Verify the Recall is a collaborative effort between Wisconsin GrandSons of Liberty, We the People of the Republic and True the Vote, to allow the general public an opportunity to assist in developing a comprehensive online digital dataset of all recall petition signatures.

What role are we playing in Wisconsins Recall Petition review process and why?
Verify the Recalls involvement is simply to help uphold the integrity of the process. Volunteer data enterers transcribe each of the petitions handwritten signature lines into a proprietary database, in a secure webbased environment. This dataset is then examined according to a multivariate analysis hierarchy that programmatically evaluates each signature according WI election code.

What are our goals?

To uphold the integrity of election processes To conduct a comprehensive review of recall petition data To publicly present all ndings

Key Points and Statistics

We have over 13,000 volunteers from 49 states We have an average of 3,000 volunteers working on each petition Each signature record is entered an average of 4 times. This redundancy occurs by design, allowing for the capture of consistent information and isolation of aberrant information. Approximately 1.18 million signature records were entered in our review of the Senate Recall Petitions We have begun work on the Scott Walker recall; have entered 1.25 million records to date. Our data entry effort began on January 27th. In the past 13 days we have entered 2.43 million signatures.

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