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Core Competencies of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Online Edition

For many years,The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People training has led to more fulfillment and more productive business results in the lives of countless professionals. As individuals successfully master specific competencies, business performance improves. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Online Edition is organized into nine modules with 69 lessons, requiring eight to 10 minutes each to complete.These lessons are tied to specific behavioral competencies or skills that are important to organizations.

Module Orientation
(3 lessons)

Core Competencies Getting the most out of the course Moving through the course with ease Working the activities within the course

Performance Statements
(Participants will be able to)
Understand how to assimilate and apply the learning to

achieve the best results

Navigate through each module easily Understand and get the most from the exercises, activities,

and applications within the course

Foundational Understanding effective behavior Principles Examining and changing paradigms Understanding principle-based behavior
(9 lessons)

Distinguish between a principle of effectiveness and a

technique or method
Describe some principles of organizational effectiveness Describe how organizational paradigms may negatively

influence results
Challenge current mindsets and adopt a value-creator mindset

Habit 1: Taking initiative Be Proactive Managing change Responding proactively (8 lessons) Keeping commitments Taking responsibility and accountability Having a positive influence on results

Recognize the difference between a proactive and reactive mindset Identify areas where reactive tendencies are affecting

business results and focus on goals

Develop proactive responses to business challenges Describe situations in which victim thinking is affecting results Accept responsibility for current results Expand personal influence to strengthen business results Develop a plan for positive changes needed to achieve

organizational priorities

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind

(7 lessons)

Understanding and defining vision

Describe mission of the organization Describe how personal work goals align to organizational mission Set personal goals that align to mission Set team goals that align to mission Identify organizational/team/personal misalignments

and values Understanding and creating a mission statement Setting measurable team and personal goals Starting projects successfully Aligning goals to priorities Focusing on desired outcomes

with business goals

Explain the key principles that ensure quality outcomes

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Habit 3: Put First Things First

(11 lessons)

Executing strategy Applying effective delegation skills Focusing on important activities Applying effective planning and prioritization skills Balancing key priorities Eliminating low priorities and time wasters Using planning tools effectively Using effective time-management skills

Break down work goals into key tasks Assign priority to key tasks Ensure that key tasks connect to organizational goals and mission Prioritize work on a weekly and daily basis Ensure that tasks serve long- as well as short-term goals Eliminate urgent but less important tasks to free up time for

productive purposes
Demonstrate how to use planning tools to increase efficiency Apply time-management skills to increase productivity

and effectiveness

Habit 4: Think Win-Win

(9 lessons)

Building high-trust relationships Building effective teams Applying successful negotiation skills Using effective collaboration Building productive business relationships

Describe ineffective paradigms of human interaction

(lose-lose, win-lose, lose-win, etc.)

Describe the advantages of a win-win paradigm of interaction Explain how win-win thinking affects teamwork Demonstrate how to conduct a win-win negotiation Resolve a conflict in a win-win mode Use win-win tools to build performance agreements

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood

(8 lessons)

Applying effective interpersonal communication Overcoming communication pitfalls Applying effective listening skills Understanding others Reaching mutual understanding Communicating viewpoints effectively Applying productive input and feedback Applying effective persuasion techniques

Describe how listening habits affect business relationships and results Explain empathic listening and its advantages Demonstrate empathic listening in a highly charged or

conflicted situation
Demonstrate how to provide input and feedback in a way that

builds relationships
Write and present information in a way that leads to positive

action and builds relationships

Receive input empathetically while identifying partnership needs Apply and model a client-service mindset

Habit 6: Synergize
(6 lessons)

Leveraging diversity Applying effective problem solving Applying collaborative decision making Valuing differences Building on divergent strengths Leveraging creative collaboration Embracing and leveraging innovation

Value and leverage differences and diversity Explain the advantages of synergy, of valuing and celebrating

divergent viewpoints and capacities

Practice collaborative and creative problem solving Describe the barriers to integrating diverse viewpoints

(blocks to synergy)
Describe opportunities for synergy in your own decision making Demonstrate how to solve a business problem synergistically Leverage intellectual capital to create new value Demonstrate how to arrive at the innovative third alternative

that transcends one-sided solutions

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

(8 lessons)

Achieving life balance Applying continuous improvement Seeking continuous learning

Explain how to balance work and life priorities Develop and execute improvement plans effectively Explain the principles of continuous improvement as an

everyday practice
Create a personal development plan to renew individual

productive capacity

Call Today To Learn More

For more information on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Online Edition, to set up a meeting with our sales team, or to see a demonstration, please contact your Client Partner or a FranklinCovey Client Service Coordinator at:

M1/12, DLF Phase II, Gurgaon - 122 002 India, Tel. : +91-124-4103460/61/62, Telefax : +91-124-4103461 Email :

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