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Writing III 1. Conceptual article is the article that do not need a research, only a concept .

Research article is an article that need the research first. Explain the background and content of your article that you presented Enhancing Reading comprehension through Mind maping Reading comprehension one of most important skill that student have to master, most of student are a passive reader if it go on like that , it will lead the student to the conclusion English is Difficult by mind maping student can easily organize what they read, student read text, understanding the text and write down what they have read that is an active reader, but the problem is most of student don t want to write or do something after they read the text, here are the mind maping, by mind maping student do not need write down all the whole text, they only need to write and out line of the text, it will much more effective if adding some of drawing or picture, to easily organize mind mapping student can use c map tool that was designed for creating mind mapping. By doing all this student become an active reader an it will boost their skill of reading comprehension.. 3. Why Do You choose the title Because reading comprehension is the important thing for student to mastering it, and beside that most of the final exam are consist of reading text, the student have to read the text and answering the question that related to the text. 4. How Should be appeared in ABSTRACT Abstract is the summary (outline) that describe all the whole article, The decision whether a reader interested in our article are most determined after reading the abstract. so before the reader read our article they will read the abstract first in order to know what is the article about! On abstract there is no paragraph, it should not more than 250 words 5. What is the rules / consideration of writing reference / bibliography Writing reference / bibliography for a books
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Author (surname first, followed by first name or initials) Title of publication (underlined, or using Italics) Publishing company Place of publication (usually a town or city) Year of publication Writing reference / bibliography ARTICLES IN BOOKS, NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES etc.

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Author's name (surname first, followed by first name or initials) Title of article (in inverted commas) Material form Internet

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Surname and name of author (if provided) Title of work (if provided) The web site address or E-mail address The date on which you visited the site or collected the information (in brackets)

Pengelolaan pendidikan 1. 2. 3. 4. Definisi pengelolaan pendidikan dan fungsinya Langkah2 perencanaan pendidikan Arti dari kekuasaan tipe demokratif 6 bentuk kekuasaan dan kepemimpinan

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