Wolfsbane: Faith L. Whitaker

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Faith L.



For Ron who supported me and helped me with this book.

Prologue-The Story

nce upon a time there was a kingdom. Like all kingdoms it had a King

and Queen. The King a kind hearted, strong leader named Concos and the Queen a beautiful, intelligent healer named Julia. They had two daughters, Kayla and Christina, but they did not have there son that would rule when Concos died. They tried and tried, but did not have there son. One foggy day around the middle of February Queen Julia was at the pond. Today was when her father, King George The Great, died. She put up a little shrine like the ones you would see on the Day of the Dead at the edge of the water. She was about to push it into the pond when she saw it. It was a shadow coming to her. When it got near her she could see that it was a lady. She had shinny black hair and sparkling blue eyes. She had a long beautiful green gown on. She had a bundle in her arms. When she got close enough to her she could see it was a baby boy. He too had shinny black hair and dazzling blue eyes. His hair was untidy and sticking up at the top. Queen Julia looked at the lady. Please take him, his name is Frances, the lady said in a sad tone. The lady looked at the baby kissed him on the forehead and handed the baby to her. She looked at the baby then at the lady. You could tell that the lady was about to cry, but the lady's expression was relived. Thank you. You have a kind heart. Then the lady diapered into the fog. Queen Julia looked at the baby boy once more then started to run to the castle to tell her beloved husband the great news. They had a son! As the years went by they found out that Frances was good at archery, swordplay, hunting, horseback riding and taming wild beasts like lions, cougars and bears and that he had a lot of speed, strength and courage. They thought that he would be the perfect son. Soon he became 9 and had to start training to become king. Somehow the boy was lost, never to be found. They are many branches from this point, but know one really knows....

Chapter One Dear diary, Let's just skip a lot of explaining and say story straight that my brother is a nut job, my mom is way over protective, I don't know my dad at all and to top it of I almost never get to see my boyfriend, Frances. Three days from now is my 13th birthday, June 23. Frances is coming over for it. BEST BRITHAY PRESENT EVER!!!! He is so dreamy. He has beautiful brown eyes that look gold in the fire light, he has this really cute hairdo that goes with his blond hair and he has this smile that makes me forget everything except him. Sorry, it's 5:00 pm, football game. Got to go. Mom can you take me to the football game!

Miss. Know It All

22 to 23. Robins wining by one point. Jaguars have the ball. Third quarter! the announcer announced. I scan the field looking for my girlfriend, Tracy. There see is, sitting on the bench looking pretty beat up. I run to her saying What...what happened?!? Hi Frances, she said. I could hear her pain in every word as if talking hurt her. I got pretty sacked. She was covered in a mixture of blood and dirt. Dose any body know your a girl...I mean the fans? I asked. Knowing that she has to be a boy ever scene coach said It is a boy-dominate sport so you have to act like a boy. I just think he doesn't want to be ashamed that his team sucked until a girl. No, thankfully they don't know there best player is out, she said. She was right she was awesome on the field but, seeing her right now she didn't look to hot. See she is the quarter back for the Tuscon Jaguars who was dispirit for a good player.

What's wrong? I asked nodding to the blood. I broke my ankle and I have two new cuts on my arm, she said causality. Can you pl my voice flattened out as coach came over. Hey son can you play football? he asked. Uh..her position no but, yeah I said nodding to Tracy. Oh he said sounding disappointed then left us again. Your good at my position, Tracy said. Yeah. I just wanted to to go away from saving the day/game mode I said. She laughs. She has a funny laugh that makes me perk up and dance but seeing how hurt she was I didn't. So after the game I got a surprise for you. Fine but, I owe you one for last year, Tracy said. No you don't I said.Do you think you can walk? Of course I can. I am a tough cookie. You should know that by now, she said grinning. Gosh, hold it there. I am trying to be nice, I said. Oh didn't try to be offensive,she said snappily. What's the surprise? she asked trying to change the subject. If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise, I said mater-of-factly. Okay,she said. But I have to tell couch I can't play. You can walk but, you can't play!?! I said. She playfully hits me. Hey don't hit me! Tough guy scared of a girl, she said tauntingly. No, I said. Right, she says. She laughs again. Want to go now cause I know without you they are going to stink? I asked. Okay. Take me away my prince charming, she says. We both laugh. I pick her up and take her to my dad's truck. He looks up from he football magazine and looks at me then studies Tracy. That's your girlfriend, he says with his eyebrows all the way up. What's wrong with me?!? Tracy yells. Nothing, I said. I give my dad a rude look and set Tracy in the back. What happened to you? my dad asked. Football tackles, she said like it was no biggie. Oh...okay, he said. I think he didn't see her outfit so he was surprised. Good choice if you leave out the attitude son, he whispered. Her attitude is fine the way it is, I whispered back. I cheeked on Tracy, to tell her the surprise but, she is asleep.

My dream went a little like this. I was shopping with Frances. I look into his big brown eyes but, there full of fear. I would say what's wrong or what but my voice doesn't work. I must of looked surprised or confused because he nodded his head to the cash register like his voice didn't work ether. Instead of seeing cash there was a man-goat-thing eating the cash. Behind it was a giant person...no...a ostrich...no...a cyclops about six feet tall. I wondered if this could be real. The cyclops sees me and run at me. I bolt out of that dream. I see Frances looking worried over me. Then I look at my arm and foot. I see two new cuts on my arm that looked infected and my foot is facing left instead of the front. Frances, I think it is more than a broken ankle. I said worriedly. Uh yeah, I cleaned it up when we got home. My dad hasn't seen it yet, he said making sure not to look at my ankle. Thanks. What was the surprise? If you still don't want to tell me that's okay with me. I asked No I want to tell you. You know that school I talk about all the time? he asked. Of course, I try to say. Well you will able to go there when you turn 13! he said getting all exited. Your not going to that dreadful place, said a voice. I could tell she was sly and watchful. Bre stay out of this, Frances said. I thought it was his sister but the emotion in his eyes told me no. His eyes went from scared, bothered then to angry. Finely his eyes made a decision. They stated on total hatred and he began to become really stiff. I know you want to rip me to shreds and you can but, hold on. It is not my choice and order it's Polly's. Okay. So don't get mad at me, Bre said. She looked like something in between a fox and a human. Who are you? I asked. I am many people. I am Bre goddess of foxes, Bane the goddess of wolves and Brek the god of night, she said importantly. Sorry to say but, gods and goddesses do not exist, I said matter-of-factly.

They do. In the clouds or deep in the lacks and oceans or earth. I for a example live deep in the woods, she said looking at Frances. Prove it. I said. On que like she knew I was going to say that she pulled out a gem. This is the La Verda gem. There are nine gems symbolizing each of the gods except Zepeda, the god of the heavens and underworld, which is the silver. We are not a cutler like the Greeks, Romans or the Egyptians. We are for people that have no belief or for people that have to much greed or sadness they do not believe in there culture anymore. There is me, midnight blue, Trena goddess of light and day, yellow, Sosai the god of fire and lava, red, Nota the god of earth and land, green, Nona goddess of the ocean and water, light blue, Bas the god of the sky, wight, Fosa the god of farmers, merchants, crooks and slaves, brown, Flow goddess of flower, plants and gardening, violet and Faith goddess of the desert, plains, mountains and worriers, generals and archers, hunters and hunting, peaches color. Her color depends on what goddess she is, peach or sand, lime green, blood red, silver, gold and olive green. I personalty like Faith the best. Bre said Okay, I said But how am I supposed to know your not lying? Frances know it's true. Unless you call him a lier too, she said I don't and he is not anyway and don't change the subject, I said. Sassy one isn't she, Bre complained. Just get out of here! Frances yells. I won't till I get her, Bre says. Then she charges at me. I admittedly wake up. Frances is sitting at the end of the bed waiting. Out of the blue he says I know what you just saw. It's different for everybody.

Chapter Two

I wake up to eggs and bacon smell. I throw the covers of me and put on some jeans on. I go to the guest room. Tracy is not there! I go down stairs. Tracy and my dad were deep in a argument. Dallas! Tracy yells. Chargers! my dad yells. Dallas! Chargers! Dallas! Chargers! Sorry to interrupt but, what are you guys arguing about? I ask. Oh...um...nothing! they said in unison. Really, I said. Yeah. Don't worry honey, Tracy said. I brought you here to show my dad you should be my girlfriend, I said. Son, we get along in a different way then usual. Okay, so don't worry, he said. By arguing! I yelled. Son, he said while pulling me away. She sticks her ground and loves football. I like that, he said. So you like her? I asked. Of course. Ever scene she said football tackles, he said. Oh, I said. I started to walk away. Frances, my dad says. Yeah I said. I got you and Tracy tickets to the Jaguars vs Robins rematch, he said handing them to me. Sorry but, Tracy is going to be in that game. The Jaguars is her team but, we can go and cheer her on, I said giving back the tickets. Sure he said. I run over to Tracy to tell her the good news. Once dad left I saw two yellow eyes. Then I heard a screeching noise. Something was being carved into the wall. Then it diapered as quickly as it came. Tracy did you hear or see that? I asked. Do you mean the creepy eyes, then yes, Tracy said. Then she starts towards it. Frances, you should see this.


Right there on the wall was a wolf head. Under it was the words:

It was creepy. Then I thought of Bre. No way could that be her. Was she going to do something to us that she didn't want to do or was she trying to warn us of someone else? This was all confusing. Tracy, by any chance in your dream last night see anyone named Bre? I asked worriedly. Yes. By the way do you hate her because you got all tense? Tracy asked. What did she say? I asked completely ignoring her question. Something about wanting me and Polly's choice. She also explained that you can rip her to shreds, she said. I could tell that she was hiding something. And, I stared at her. And she talked about a La Verda Gem, she finished.


Chapter Three

The Blue Room

I woke up to a room that was all navy blue. Navy blue curtains, navy blue carpet, navy blue clock even a navy blue dog stuffed animal. I was even waring a navy blue dress. I wonder how I ended up here. Plus how did I get this dress. It was cute I would have to say. It was one of those dresses that you would have seen on a movie awards ceremony. I take in the room again. I never seen this much blue in one place. The owner must be a fan of navy blue. I look over two the left again. I see something that wasn't there before. A crown. It was a pretty blue with a ruby on each of the top of the points. I get up to get a better look. It was sitting on a light blue bed. I wondered why I didn't see it before. A voice behind me said in a very deep voice My king she is awake! I jumped about a foot at the moment he said it. I turn around. The person that spoke was not a person at all. He looked like a troll and a gnome mixed together. What you looking at?!? it said. Then it turned around and went though a very small door. I wondering who is the king and how did I get here when Frances came in. He looked so royal. He had on a blue king's outfit and a tiger fur jacket that looked like he just caught it. I run to him and hug him so glad to see him. All my questions just flue way. He holds me tight in his arms. Had a good sleep, he asked. Yes...Frances how did I get here and why? I asked remembering my questions now. Later. Now is not a good time, he said. He started to lead me down a stairway that just appeared. Why don't you join us for dinner. It wasn't a question it was a command. The dinner was great. There was steak, roasted ham, salad, tones of fruit and for desert a really nice pudding and cobbler. When I went to the Queen's suite I was totally full and tired (Frances told me that he was the King). When I fell onto the bed I went to sleep instantly.

I made sure everybody was asleep. Then I went to a set of big doors that looked like they would have to be opened by a cyclops. I opened the doors carefully so they wouldn't squeak. Instantly when I came in the was a green light.


I closed the door and walked to the fire place. There in the light was the mighty Faith, goddesses of the all. I was proud to call her mom. Well...so would Tracy. Mom you summoned me, I said while bowing. You have no need to bow my son, she said calmly. She turned around to face me. The girl must know. Now is the right time. When should I tell her. The same time I explain what happed that night? I asked. Yes, Faith said nodding. I start to walk back. Son. You might want to know this. Bre disappeared a couple days a go. Before she left she said Sorry. Weird. Bre normally doesn't say that, I said wondering. I be careful. Then she turns around and disappears in the fire. That never gets old. Then I slowly open and close the doors again. Then I start of for the King's suite. On the way I check on Tracy. I remember what my mom said and put a baby monitor on the night stand and kiss her good night. See you in the morning, I whisper. Then I go to my suite and fall asleep wondering how am I going to explain all this stuff to Tracy and thinking of the sign. Now it made scene.


Chapter Four

I wake up to a nice gold dress at the end of the bed. I get up and put in on after my quick shower. A note flue out of the bottom. I pick it up and read:

Good your awake. I need to talk to you Love, Frances P.S. Is the dress okay? I know you don't care for dresses but, the little guys wont let you ware jeans otherwise I would be waring them now. The King's wardrobe is worse. P.S.S I am in the archery courtroom. The little guys can show you the way.
I guess the little guys are the troll gnome guys. Maybe he doesn't know what they are called too. I put the note on the bed and walk out. One of the little guys were outside. There you are. The King told me to bring you to him so hurry up, it said. Just like that we were walking along corridor after corridor. It seemed like a hour before we got to a small field with a ton of archery targets. At the far right one Frances was shooting bullseyes like a madman. Now he was wearing a reddish brown hunters outfit. He saw me so put down his bow with his last arrow and came over. Hey. Did you see my note? he asked when the troll guy left. Why don't we go some were more private? We walked back in the castle. We turned a couple of left turns. We ended up in what looked like a study.


This is my step father's study. Nobody goes in here. I wanted to tell you what happened the other night. It's kinda long so sit. Here goes it. We were at my dad's house. The wolf head and the word; BEWARE was carved into the wall. Then there was a blur of yellow eyes and the blur went past me and put a knife to your neck and said if I came any nearer it would slip. I put my hand up mumbled a couple words and then the blur, that now looked like a man, started chocking. In his struggle to get up I took you into my arms and took the knife. There was a blinding yellow light. There standing in front of me was my step father's, Zepeda's, servant. He laughed and diapered. I put two and two together and knew you were hiding more but, you were in to much shock. We got out before the building caught on black fire. Luckily my dad wasn't home at that time because he went to work. I called this special taxi and told him to take you to my school. I didn't know what happened in the taxi. You got back to the school safely. The first place I could think of was here, Frances finished. Where did you go? I asked. Lets just say I had a bad fight with my step dad, he said. Also that dream you had I need to know all of it. Okay here it goes. I said what was the surprise? If you still don't want to tell me that's okay with me. I asked No I want to tell you. You know that school I talk about all the time? you asked. Of course, I try to say. Well you will able to go there when you turn 13!you said getting all exited. Your not going to that dreadful place, said a voice. I could tell she was sly and watchful. Bre stay out of this, you said. I thought it was your sister but the emotion in your eyes told me no. Your eyes went from scared, bothered then to angry. Finely your eyes made a decision. They stated on total hatred and you began to become really stiff. I know you want to rip me to shreds and you can but, hold on. It is not my choice and order it's Polly's. Okay. So don't get mad at me, Bre said. She looked like something in between a fox and a human. Who are you? I asked. I am many people. I am Bre goddess of foxes, Bane the goddess of wolves and Brek the god of night, she said importantly. Sorry to say but, gods and goddesses do not exist, I said matter-of-factly.


They do. In the clouds or deep in the lakes and oceans or earth. I for a example live deep in the woods, she said looking at you. Prove it. I said. On que like she knew I was going to say that she pulled out a gem. This is the La Verda gem. There are nine gems symbolizing each of the gods except Zepeda witch is the silver. We are not a cutler like the Greeks, Romans or the Egyptians. We are for people that have no belief or for people that have to much greed or sadness they do not believe in there culture anymore. There is me, midnight blue, Trena goddess of light and day, yellow, Sosai the god of fire and lava, red, Nota the god of earth and land, green, Nona goddess of the ocean and water, light blue, Bas the god of the sky, wight, Fosa the god of farmers, merchants, crooks and slaves, brown, Flow goddess of flower, plants and gardening, violet and Faith goddess of the desert, plains, mountains and worriers, generals and archers, hunters and hunting, peaches color. Her color depends on what goddess she is, peach or sand, lime green, blood red, silver, gold and olive green. I personalty like Faith the best. Bre said Okay, I said But how am I supposed to know your not lying? Frances know it's true. Unless you call him a lier too, she said I don't and he is not anyway and don't change the subject, I said. Sassy one isn't she, Bre complained. Just get out of here! you yell. I won't till I get her, Bre says. Then she charges at me. I told him. I waited impatiently for him to answer. Just what I thought. All of that is real, Frances said looking at me if I was a rare gem he had to protect.


Chapter Five Run!` I wake up to a bang. I listen very carefully. I was wide awake now and my ears were straining to find any sound. I hear another bang but, this one was louder. Then I herd a scream. Actually it was more like a yelp that a hurt dog would make. I got up and was about to open the door. When Frances suddenly appeared. He didn't use the doors and he didn't come out of the wall somewhere, he just flashed told me to stay and not come out and then vanished. Still in shock I followed Frances's instruction. Then I thought of Bre. She said that she was goddess of wolves and foxes. What if she could turn into one. Maybe she was the one that made the yelp. She came here to take me like in my dream. This was all confusing. Frances seemed to know what was going on though. I would ask him. Well later anyway. If I survive. There was another bang and a yelp. If it was her I didn't want for her to know I was here. I look around the room. There was nowhere to hide! Bang! Bang! Another yelp! I could feel myself shaking! I went into the bathroom and locked the door hoping that would stall her.

I was reading one of my step dad's books when I herd the sound of running feet. I went into the hall to see the cause but, I only saw a end of what looked like a black dress. It was going to the Queen's suite. Tracy! I ran after it. Knowing that the suit of armers were enchanted I told one to keep a eye out and pass the message. When I got there it was trying to figure how to get in. Hello dear. Just came here for my package, it said. It was Bre! You already took my dad away from me I am not going to let you take my girlfriend away from me! my voice shacking with fury. Oh how touching but, this is not a fairy tale it's reality, Bre said. Then she stared laughing! You now what they say; You got to take care of the cause of the problem. In this situation the cause is you! I said. I charged at her. She turned to a wolf but, it was to late. I grabbed at her neck and smashed her into the wall. You make me sick!


Good! she yelled. Your so lucky my mom likes you otherwise you would have been in the garbage years ago! I said not letting my eyes of her. You mom is not one bit wise! she said. At that moment she probably hated that she said that because I slammed her so hard on the door there was a black mark on her back. She yelped in pain. Then I remembered Tracy! I flashed into the room. Stay and don't come out! I said ignoring her surprised expression. Then I flashed into the hall again. I thought you ran away! Bre said with a hit of disappoint. I am not afraid of you! I yelled. Oh like I care! she yelled back. You know what my step dad was right this time! You should not to be trusted! I yelled picking her up again. She stared to laugh! She turned back into a wolf and bit me. I through her on the wall. We both yelped. You are one sick person! I yelled. I took her by the neck and shoved her into the door twice. OW! she yelled. She crouched down and yelped. I took her up by her tail and through her against the wall. The doors open and she fell onto the bed. Where is she! she yelled at me looking around. I stopped dead. Tracy was nowhere in sight. She didn't now about her powers so she was somewhere around here. Where is she! she yelled again. I don't know! I said looking around. Then I saw that the bathroom door was closed. That isn't right. I guess she noticed what I was looking at because she said Lier! and she ran towards it.

I was thinking that this was going to be a long day when I herd voices yelling. Maybe it was Bre! I hope Frances was okay! I went into the shower and pulled the curtain over me. I herd the door slam open and running footsteps stopping. What?!? I herd a voice say. I herd more footsteps. A different voice said But I thought! I herd cabinets being opened and contents being thrown out.


A shadow fell across the curtain. It was curvy woman's. Bre! It stopped to the right side of the curtain. The side I was on! I took the shampoo bottle (the pump kind) and got ready for it to be pulled back. I herd some mumbling and I thought I herd you first. The curtain was being pulled back. When there was enough pulled back to see who it was I almost screamed in joy but, Frances put his finger to his lip and said shh really quite. I guessed that Bre was just outside. I mouthed Bre? He nodded. I herd some whispering. The there was a very annoying very load scream. We both looked at each other asking the same question; What was that? Bre came back in. Frances put a worried look on. I herd him say She is not in there! with a hint of scared. Note to self: Frances is a really good actor so ask him twice when I ask if something looks fat on me. What I thought was Bre said Right and pulled away the curtains. Luckily I didn't put down the shampoo bottle. Plus I guess I have a really good accuracy. I squirt some soap in her eyes and jumped out. I ran into the other room. Behind I herd Frances say Run! I herd a grunt and in the conner of the room I saw Frances crouching on his knees with his arm around his stomach. Bre grabbed me by the stomach. NOO! I yelled. I stared to scream. Tracy! Frances yelled. He tried to get up. I could see that he was bitten badly on his right leg. He walked two paces the fell down in agony. Ha Ha not so strong without your army huh, Frances. Bre said, She stared to drag me out of the room holding tight to my neck, almost chocking me. I could here faintly Frances say NO! and a angry wolf head of smoke before I blacked out by Bre's grip.


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