Aquifer Test1

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Geohydrology (GE3850): Ideal Aquifer Testing: Methods for Analyzing Aquifer Test Data

Ideal Aquifer Testing: Methods for Analyzing Aquifer Test Data (Lab 9 in manual, pp. 67-76)

Problem 1: Theis and Jacob methods for Drawdown vs. Time Follow the procedure described in the Lab manual (Lee et al., 2003). You should generate the following results. Theis solution plot Transmissivity, T (m2/day) estimated using the Theis solution Storativity, S (unitless) estimated using the Theis solution Jacobs solution plot Transmissivity, T (m2/day) estimated using the Jacob solution Storativity, S (unitless) estimated using the Jacob solution Answer the following questions. Is the aquifer confined or unconfined? Is the Theis or Jacob method more accurate for this problem? Why? Problem 2: Jacob solution method for Drawdown vs. Distance Follow the procedure described in the Lab manual (Lee et al., 2003). You should generate the following results. Jacob solution plot Transmissivity, T (m2/day) estimated using the Jacob solution Storativity, S (unitless) estimated using the Jacob solution Answer the following questions. Is the aquifer confined or unconfined? Is the Jacob solution valid for problem 2? Why or why not? Problem 3: Your choice of solution method Follow the procedure described in the Lab manual (Lee et al., 2003). You should generate the following results. Solution plout using methos of choice Transmissivity, T (m2/day)

Geohydrology (GE3850): Ideal Aquifer Testing: Methods for Analyzing Aquifer Test Data

Storativity, S (unitless) Answer the following questions. Is the aquifer confined or unconfined? Discuss the accuracy of your results. You may want to review the basic theory underlying the Theis and Jacobs solutions. For what kind of aquifer are the methods intended? Are the Theis assumptions valid in this case? Is leakage significant? Why or why not? Writing Assignment: Write three memos (one each for Parts 1, 2 and 3) summarizing your findings. A suggested outline for the memos follows Objective (one or two sentences) Methods (brief summary; refer to lab handout and lab manual; include answers to any questions, where appropriate) Results and Discussion (include tables and figures; include answers to any questions, where appropriate) Summary Appendices (sample calculations, raw data, etc.) You will be graded on content, thoroughness, neatness, composition, clarity, grammar, and spelling. Always label reported quantities and provide units when appropriate. Define any symbol and/or abbreviation used, either in the table or figure or as footnote to the table. Reference all tables and figures in the text. Follow the guidelines provided in the example memo format. Cite any references used in the memo (such as the lab handout or the lab manual). Reference Cited Lee, Keenan, C. W. Fetter, Jr., J. E. McCray. 2003. Hydrology Laboratory Manual, Second Edition. Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ.

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