AP American History Mid-Term Study Guide

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AP American History Mid-Term Study Guide

Chapter 1: New World Beginnings Maya Empire, Inca Empire, Aztec Empire Pueblos- village The Pueblo people in the Rio Grande valley constructed intricate irrigation systems to water cornfields. Throughout the continent to the north and the east of the land of the pueblos, social life was less developed. Anasazi Pueblo- 600 interconnected rooms at Chaco canyon in new Mexico Mound Builders- Of the Ohio River Valley, the Mississippian culture of the lower Midwest, and the desert-dwelling Anasazi people of the SW sustained large settlements after incorporation or corn planting. Encomiendas- Allowed the government to commend or give, Indians to certain colonists in return for the promise to try to Christianize them. Spanish missionary, Bartolome de las Casas opposed it. One of the techniques that subdued the advanced Indian civilizations of Mexico and Peru. Hernan Cortes- 1519 sailed from Cuba towards Mexico. On the island of Cozumel, and rescued a Spanish castaway enslaved by Mayan-speaking Indians and a female Indian slave Malinche, who knew Mayan and Nahuatl, language of Aztec rulers. Had advantage of two enterpreters, Tenochtitlan John Cabot- Sent by the English to explore the northeastern coast of North America in 1497. St. Augustine Black Legend- The misdeeds of the Spanish in the New World obscured their substantial achievements and gave birth to this. This false concept held that the conquerors merely tortured the Indians Killing for Christ, stole

their gold, infected them with smallpox. They erected an empire from California and Florida to Tierra del Fuego, laying the foundations for a score of Spanish-speaking nations. Treaty of Tordesillas Spain secured its claim to Columbus discovery. Dividing with Portugal the heathen lands of the New World. The lions share went to Spain, but Portugal received compensating territory in Africa, Asia and lands in Brazil. Chapter 2: The Planting of English America English ProtestantismAnglo-Spanish War The English Restoration Pocahontas- Daughter of chief Powhatan, saved John Smith John Rolfe 1649 Act of Toleration Barbados Slave Code Chapter 3: Settling the Northern Colonies predestination Puritanism Mayflower Compact Thanksgiving Day MA Bay Colony Quakers Roger Williams King Philips War New Netherlands New Sweden bread colonies Chapter 4: American Life in the 17th Century Bacons Rebellion

Middle Passage Congregational Church Salem Witch Trials Chartered colonies vs. Proprietary colonies Chapter 5: Colonial Society on the Eve of Revolution Deutsch and Scots-Irish Allegheny barrier Paxton Boys of 1764 Christian ministers Molasses Act of 1733 Catholic discrimination Anglican and Congregational dominance The First Great Awakening: 1730s-1740s Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God George Whitfield Old lights vs. New lights Connecticut is not Athens Benjamin Franklin public libraries John Peter Zenger and rights of speech and press Yuletide is fool-tide Chapter 6: The Duel for North America French-Indian War/ Seven Years War Canada Edict of Nantes: limited toleration of French Protestants Huguenots Beaver/fur trade French Catholic missionaries, Jesuits King Williams War/ War of the League of Augsburg Queen Annes War/ War of the Spanish Succession Treaty of Utrecht French Acadia, Newfoundland, Louisiana

Ohio Valley disputes b/w Britain and France Ft. Duquesne America was conquered in Germany -William Pitt General Edward Braddocks failure in OH valley Battle of Quebec victory under Pitt Treaty of Paris Proclamation of 1763: Americans not allowed to go past Appalachians Chapter 7: The Road to Revolution republicanism vs. radical whigs American Congress imitates British Parliament mercantilism Navigation Laws Sugar Act 1764 Stamp Act of 1765 George Grenville: No taxation w/o representation! admirality courts Stamp Act Congress in NY Townshed Acts: regulated taxes on imported goods Quartering Act: colonists forced to pay British salaries Boston Massacre 1773 Boston Tea Party Intolerable Acts Boston Port Act and 1774 Quebec Act 1st Continental Congress Irish Question Chapter 8: America Secedes from the British Empire George Washington Battles of Lexington and Concord 2nd Continental Congress in 1775 Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775 Olive Branch Petition Hessians

an abortive conquest of Canada Patriots vs. Loyalists the Loyalist Exodus Battle of Trenton, Battle of Princeton, Battle of Saratoga Baron von Steuben Battle of Yorktown 1783 Treaty of Paris: negotiated by Ben Franklin, John Adams, John Jay loyalists not to be persecuted Chapter 9: The Confederation and the Constitution indentured servitude declines James Madison: Great as the evil [of slavery] is, a dismembershipment of union would be worse 3rd Continental Congress of 1776 draft constitution for new nation Land Ordinance of 1785 NW Ordinance of 1787 Shays Rebellion Compromise Electoral College Federalists: pro-ratification vs. Anti-federalists: believed that govt was too aristocratic Chapter 10: Launching the New Ship of State Judiciary Act of 1789 Alexander Hamilton wants to govt to fix natl debt Excise taxes First Tariff Law: 8% on dutiable imports Whiskey Rebellion Federalists vs. Democratic-Republicans Franco-American Alliance Neutrality Proclamation of 1793 Pinckneys Treaty of 1795: Spain gives free American navigation in MS riv

XYZ Affair Sedition Act Chapter 11: The Jeffersonian Republic Judiciary Act of 1801 The African Barbary states Louisiana Purchase Aaron Burr assassinates Hamilton Embargo Act of 1807 Non-Intercourse Act of 1809 Chapter 12: The War of 1812 Ft. Michilimackinac Oliver Hazard Perry Battle of Thames Macdonough Ft. McHenry (failure), New Orleans (failure) Treaty of Ghent - draw American nationalism and the American System, Era of Good Feelings Panic of 1819 Tallmadge Amendment Missouri Compromise: MO is slave state and ME (Maine) free John Marshall Oregon w/ Britain and Florida w/ Spain Monroe Doctrine: noncolonization and nonintervention Chapter 13: Rise of Mass Democracy Corrupt Bargain of 1824 Andrew Jackson Spoils system, Tariff of Abominations, Indian Removal Act Bank War and divorce bill

Lone Star Rebellion: Remember the Alamo Chapter 14: Forging the National Economy rendezvous system for fur-traders Yellowstone Natl Park public water supply Irish Potato Famine Irish immigrants unwelcome Know-Nothing Party The Industrial Revoluion ~ 1850s Samuel Slater and cotton spinner Eli Whitney cotton gin Tariff of 1816 to protect American econ. sewing machine and textiles Samuel Morse telegraph factory system and child labor Trans-Allegheny Region: steel plow helps w/ agriculture turnpikes and steamboats Erie Canal in NY railroad system sleeping palace steam clippers across Atlantic social mobility increases Chapter 15: Ferment of Reform and Culture The Age of Reason (1794) Deists and Unitarians Peter Cartwrights Methodist evangelization/ travels Adventists, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Congregationalists, Unitarians, Baptists, Methodists, Catholics Book of Mormon Utah education becomes more important Troy Female Seminary, first female school in U.S. Dorothea Dix American Temperance Society Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony

Womans Rights Convention Brook Farm and Oneida Communities; utopianism/ socialism transcendentalism individualism and humanitarianism Chapter 16: The South and the Slavery Controversy North: shipping cotton, South: plantation system aristocrats, small farmers, mountain whites, white trash, mulattoes, slaves Liberia in 1822 William Lloyd Garrison, Sojourner Truth Mason-Dixon Line Gag Resolution Chapter 17: Manifest Destiny William Harrison dies, John Tyler takes his place the USS Caroline attacked Lord Ashburton discusses Maine-Minnesota border w/ U.S. British interest in TX Republic and Oregon Country Manifest Destiny James K. Polk Robert Walkers Tariff of 1846 John Slidell meets w/ Mexico acquire CA and OR General Zachary Taylor goes to Mexico Battle of Buena Vista Winfield Scott takes Mexico Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Chapter 18: Renewal of Sectional Struggle popular sovereignty General Lewis Cass and Dem. Natl Convention; selfdetermination

Free Soil Party California Gold Rush Underground Railroad Henry Clay, John Calhoun, and Daniel Webster Millard Fillmore Compromise of 1850 Fugitive-slave law Democratic Convention of 1852 Franklin Pierce elected as pres. William Walker: institutes himself as pres. of Nicaragua Clayton-Bulwer Treaty: neither America or Britain would secure exclusive control over an isthmus, i.e. central America Commodore Perry & the 1854 Treaty of Kanagawa: Japan opens her ports after the Meiji Restoration American interest in Cuba Spanish seize the USS Black Warrior Ostend Manifesto transcontinental railroad project begun Jefferson Davis and James Gadsden Gadsden Purchase New Mexico Stephen A. Douglas Kansas-Nebraska Act runs into MO Compromise Democratic-Republican split Chapter 19: Drifting Toward Disunion Harriet Beecher Stowe writes Uncle Toms Cabin Hinton Helper counteracts with Impending Crises of the South New England Emigrant Aid Company pro-slavery and anti-slavery riot at Lawrence, KS James Buchannan succeeds Frankline Pierce as pres. Senator Charles Sumner beaten by Preston Brooks for abolitionist speech John Fremont, Millard Filmore

Dred Scott Decision Panic of 1857 b/c of the Tariff of 1857 Abraham Lincoln chosen by Republicans Freeport Doctrine John Brown and raid of Harpers Ferry (failure) SC legislature creates the Confederate States of America in 1861 Crittiden Ammendments added to the Southern constitution Chapter 20: Before the Civil War Ft. Sumter submissionist and border states North turns to wheat and barley Trent Affair Emperor Napoleon III of France assigns Maximilian I as emperor of Mexico pres. Davis of the Confederacy Lincoln suspends the habeas corpus The Morrill Tariff Act greenbacks in the North, bluebacks in the South (money/ currency) petroleum discovered in PA Cotton capitalism loses to industrialism cotton system declines Chapter 21: The Civil War Pres. Lincoln First Bull Run General George B. McClellan and Army of the Potomac Peninsula Campaign Yorktown, Richmond, Stonewall Jackson Merrimack vs. Monitor Second Bull Run, General Lee defeats General Pope Battle of Antietam 1862

Emancipation Proclamation Confiscation Acts Union General A.E. Burnside replaces McClellan but defeated @ Fredericksburg General Hooker replaces Burnside but defeated @ Chancellorsville General Meade replaces Hooker and wins @ Gettysburg over Lee Meanwhile, Ulysses S. Grant is victorious in West @ Ft. Henry and Ft. Donelson Battle of Shiloh: Union victory Battle of Chattanooga: U vic Salmon Chase Copperheads Appomattox Courthouse John Wilkes Booth assassinates Lincoln Chapter 22: Ordeal of Reconstruction African Methodist Episcopal Church Freedmens Bureau and Oliver Howard 10% Reconstruction Plan Black Codes Civil Rights Bill 15th Amendment scalawags, carpetbaggers KKK Tenure of Office Act of 1867 Thaddeus Stevens Purchase of Alaska fr. Russia Chapter 23: Political Paralysis in the Gilded Age OH Idea calls for redemption of greenbacks

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