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LEWIS Civil Action File No. ) Plaintiffs, ) 1:10-cv-04048-TWT ) vs. ) AURORA LOAN SERVICES LLC; ) Defendant. ) ) ) __________________________________________________________________ MOTION TO RECUSE JUDGE NOW COMES the above named Plaintiff, RICKY R. LEWIS and moves to recuse Thomas W. Thrash d/b/a JUDGE THOMAS W. THRASH from the above entitled matter under 28 USCS Sec. 455, and Marshall v.Jerrico Inc., 446 US 238, 242, 100 S.Ct. 1610, 64 L. Ed. 2d 182 (1980)."The neutrality requirement helps to guarantee that life, liberty, or property will not be taken on the basis of an erroneous or distorted conception of the facts or the law." Plaintiff shows the honorable court the following: The above mentioned Judge has deliberately violated and wantonly refused to provide Plaintiff with all of his due process and equal protection rights afforded to all litigants before the court or have behaved in a manner inconsistent with that which is needed for full, fair, impartial hearings.
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The above named Judge has issued Orders and rulings without a memorandum detailing the grounds for his decision. (See exhibit A). Additionally, the judge has mistakenly construed Plaintiffs pleadings as one to set aside foreclosure when it is clear from the caption of Plaintiffs pleading that they are seeking judicial review of a default judgment entered through the notary public. (See Exhibit B). Judge Thrash has ignored Plaintiffs request for judicial review and declaratory judgment of his administrative process. The United States Constitution guarantees an unbiased Judge who will always provide litigants with full protection of ALL RIGHTS. Therefore,

Petitioner respectfully demands said judge recuse themselves in light of the evidence attached as Exhibits A and B detailing prior unethical and/or illegal conduct or conduct which gives Petitioner good reason to believe the above Judge cannot hear the above case in a fair and impartial manner. Respectfully Submitted, ______________________________ Ricky R. Lewis propria persona

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CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned certifies that on the ____ day of ______, a copy of the foregoing document was mailed to the Attorney for Plaintiff at the following address. ADAMS AND REESE, LLP Attn: Mindi C. Robinson 2100 3rd Avenue North, Suite 1100 Birmingham, Alabama 35203

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