Rev Ed

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About Rev.

Edward Lister
The Rev. Edward P. Lister Jr. a Theoretical Theologian and philanthropist Who holds no one in judgment for their beliefs. If I were to sympathize, I would favor the Pantheistic views. I only differ with their belief that there is no true "God" inasmuch as a Creator. I have Created a New Belief System. This does not mean I have changed anything. I have Chosen a New Way to bring the Truth to those who seek Enlightenment. I do not believe the questions about God and reality have been answered correctly. I think the Physicists, both astro and quantum and cosmologists are no closer to answering their own Big questions than they were two decades ago (minus some not so important theories that can be easily explained with equations). For every hypothesis they think they have an answer to, it seems like the new questions they raise, are in fact raised exponentially relative to their "supposed" answers. Now, at the cutting edge of quantum mechanical theory, these "intellectual giants" are now looking for (of all things) The God Particle (or the Higgs boson)... Other Belief systems seek to use scare tactics to Make Believers out of open minded individuals. Still others use Brain Washing also called "Re-Education" to create mindless followers. All I ask of you is to open your mind so that Our Souls can be One with each other. Religions like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam still claim a universal value of their doctrine and moral principles because they feel they are inclusive. Your values and beliefs are safe with me. A belief in one common truth is also another important tenet. The living truth is seen as more far-reaching than national, cultural, or religious boundaries. There is but one Universal truth, no matter what you refer to God as, it is your God and my Godthe Same God. We Are All individualized aspects of God. I was born in August of 1964 to a Roman Catholic family. My Grandmother, the Patriarch of the family, was not even a religious person until an entire family within my family was killed in a terrible fire. Being a child of a broken home, I was brought up religiously (quite zealously) by my grandmother. She more or less forced Catholicism onto me. The rod was not spared, and Never was a Sunday at church missed. Nor a morning before school for that matter. I can remember once at a before school 5:45 am daily service that I had to attend; I passed out cold while kneeling, and "praying to God". From that point on (I was in the 4th grade), I had a problem; not with God, but with Catholicism and eventually fundamental Christianity, but much better put- any monotheistic religion itself. But, I was just a child then with much to learn. Suffer No illusions, Jesus Christ was one of the most influential and enlightened people to walk the face of the Earth. He was the son of God, as YOU are. There are several civilizations in the Universe. Several Thousand. Some are less "evolved" than we, many are light years "ahead" of us. Eventually, I learned that my World was my so called "Church", and that God would not be offended if I did not shout out loud, "I love you God!" every single time we passed by a church while driving in the car (as per Grandmother). I did a lot of studying on my own, as well as with the Monastery and several other sources. I learned that in fact, I could not "anger" God, and that "Judgment Day" was nothing more than one, of several constructions of the Church to retain membership. I am almost caught between the acceptance of Universalism, with Pantheistic overtones and that of something New, a belief system I have created, that would most likely be rejected by most other polytheistic religions. Rejected because it asks nothing of you. This is the primary thing which keeps me at odds with most religions. Being monotheistic nonetheless, to dare to say that "You" are as much a part of GOD as Jesus Christ himself, would be considered hearsay However, Jesus himself would have agreed. He did call himself the Son of God, but he also preached equality among all men. To me, this is an oxymoron, or is it?. Keep in mind the

Holy Roman Catholic Church is polytheistic (Believing in the holy "Trinity"). Please understand that all beings of consciousness are part of the same being, the being known as God... For reasons of National Security, not to mention my own safety and that of my family, I am limited to telling you that I have witnessed things that would turn traditional religion on it's head. Not to mention traditional thinking itself. (among the general population) I am not alone, we walk among you. We blend in better than good, most are disinformation agents, some seek to "ease" the truth (sometimes at their own peril) to the masses. Most of my life has been based on disinformation to protect my identity. To my beloved wife, and confused children, my deepest apologies. However, just like the trash collector, someone has to walk in my shoes. I love my Wife and I love my Family, but I love every living thing, for I am aware that we are all the same soul, divided up into many souls. For, what I do unto another, I do to unto myself. "We are all One, We are Many" As the Reverend of my Own Church, My specialty is in edification. I am acutely aware of the fact that I will indeed accumulate far more detractors, than followers. Look at the life of Jesus Christ, Clearly a man with more enemies than friends, at least until his departure from the Earth, ironically. If you want to understand God, you must believe so deeply, that you become a "new person", (with the same soul) who has the ability to Hear what God is saying, when you are being given a reply to your question. I am not special, I just listen and believe in what I am hearing. There is no more mystery of life to me, as God has replied to me with the answers I so desperately needed to know, and choose to share with you. I was not picked, as special. I simply choose to live the last days of my life, offering an alternative perspective on what has been brainwashed into you by a not so well meaning group of people known as "The Church". Of course, having seen things that most of humanity does not believe exists, I draw on that knowledge, and although I can not reveal exactly what I know, or the entity that chose to make me privy to such things, I can assure you that the Human Race is not alone in the Universe. With this knowledge, I feel an instinctual need to pass along enough information for you to fill in enough gaps to know the TRUTH... Like many teachers and masters, I too will draw negative criticism. I do hope however, that my current friends will still maintain the common decency to treat me as the human being I am. With the respect that they expect in return from me.

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