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accessing cartridge applications See URL non-cartridge applications See URL applet see Java applet application cartridge HTML files about, 2-18 accessing See URL creating, 2-18 creating template files, 3-2 examples, A-5 Oracle template, about, A-2 Oracle template, modifying, A-4 Oracle template, snapshot of, A-3 setting parameter values in, A-4 specifying as a cartridge parameter, 2-13 application cartridges about, 2-11 accessing See URL creating, 2-12 creating virtual directories for, 2-17 glossary term, G-5 HTML files See application cartridge HTML files registering with the Forms Cartridge Handler, 2-15 setting parameters and values, 2-12, , 2-49 application classes about, B-1 creating font mappings for, B-4 referencing, B-2 setting an icon directory path for, B-3 applications See web applications architecture Forms (client-server), 1-7 Forms (Web), 1-5, , 1-8 Graphics (Web), 1-15 Reports (Web), 1-12 three-tiered, 1-2

built-in subprograms RUN_PRODUCT, 3-6 SHOW_DOCUMENT, 3-8

cartridges See application cartridges CGI (Common Gateway Interface) configuring for Reports, 2-33 dynamic reporting with, 1-12 glossary term, G-1 specifying URLreport run requests, 2-41 checking status of the Forms Server Listener, 2-7 Common Gateway Interface See CGI configuring Forms Client, 2-22 Forms for the Web, 2-4 Graphics for the Web, 2-49 Reports for the Web, 2-28 Reports Web CGI, 2-33 creating application cartridges, 2-12 bookmarks for Reports Web output, 3-15 font mappings for an application class, B-4 generic GUIs for Web applications, 3-5 Graphics Server cartridge entry in the WRB, 249 HTML files (cartridge), 2-18 HTML files (non-cartridge), 2-19 hyperlinks in report output, 3-12 JAR files, 2-24 template HTML files, 3-2 virtual directories for application cartridges, 217 virtual directories on your Web server, 2-9 Web application HTML menus, 3-2

deploying applications on the Web, guidelines for, Forms FMX files, 2-5 Graphics OGD files, 1-16 3-1


graphics on the Web, 2-53 Reports RDF files, 2-45 Designer/2000 glossary term, G-1 software requirements and, 2-2 using with Developer/2000 for the Web, 3-4 Developer/2000 for the Web about, 1-1 benefits of using, 1-3 configuring Forms for the Web, 2-4 configuring Reports for the Web, 2-28 encryption, 1-11 Forms Web architecture, 1-5, , 1-8 installing, 2-1 memory requirements, 2-3 Reports Web architecture, 1-12 running Forms applications on the Web, 1-10 running graphics on the Web, 1-16 running reports on the Web, 1-13 software version requirements, 2-2 three-tiered architecture, 1-2 using Designer/2000 with, 3-4 disabling encryption, 1-11 documentation related documents, x typographic conventions, x downloading Java class files, 2-22


firewall glossary term, G-1 restrictions, 3-9 FMX files deploying, 2-5 generating, 2-5 fonts creating font mappings for an application class, B-4 in HTML Reports output, 3-20 Java fonts mapping application fonts to Java fonts, B-4 selecting for Web-enabled Forms applications, 3-5 Forms configuring for the Web, 2-4 deploying on the Web, guidelines for, 3-4 environment variables, 1-11, , 2-1, , 2-5, , 3-6 feature restrictions for Web-enabled applications, 3-9 FMX runtime files See FMX files running applications on the Web, 1-10 troubleshooting your Web configuration, 2-26

encryption about, 1-11 default, 1-11 disabling, 1-11 glossary term, G-1 RC4 and, 1-11 SNS/ANO and, 1-11 environment variables for Reports, 2-36 FORMS45_MAPPING, 3-6 FORMS45_MESSAGE_ENCRYPTION, FORMS45_OUTPUT, 3-6 FORMS45_PATH, 2-5



Forms Cartridge Handler about, 2-15, , A-2 glossary term, G-2 registering application cartridges with, 2-15 Forms Client about, 1-5 configuring, 2-22 downloading Java class files, 2-22 Forms Server, interaction with, 1-9 glossary term, G-2 Forms Server about, 1-6 Forms Client, interaction with, 1-9 Listener See Forms Server Listener Runtime Engine See Forms Server Runtime Engine Forms Server Listener about, 1-6 checking the status of, 2-7 glossary term, G-2 starting a Listener process, 2-6 stopping a Listener process, 2-7 Forms Server Runtime Engine FMX files and, 2-5 glossary term, G-2 Forms Server runtime engine about, 1-6

about, 1-15 GUI (Graphical User Interface) creating generic GUIs for Web applications, 3-5 glossary term, G-2 guidelines for deploying applications on the Web, 3-1 for deploying Forms on the Web, 3-4 for deploying Reports on the Web, 3-10 guidlelines for deploying Graphics on the Web, 3-24

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) application files (cartridge) See Application cartridge HTML files application files (non-cartridge) See non-cartridge application HTML files glossary term, G-2 report output, 3-19 template HTML files, about, A-1 HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) glossary term, G-2 redirection, report output and, 1-14 hyperlink glossary term, G-3 report output see Reports Web output hypertext glossary term, G-3 see hyperlink

generating Forms FMX files, 2-5 Reports RDF files, 2-45 Graphics configuring for the Web, 2-49 configuring the WRB, 2-49 guidelines for deploying graphics on the Web, 3-24 making applications available to end users, 2-53 running graphics on the Web, 1-16 using parameterized URLs, 1-18 using the web interface toolbar, 1-17 Graphics Client about, 1-15 Graphics Server

iconic buttons application classes and, B-1 directory paths, B-1 images formats, B-1 restriction, 3-9 setting an icon directory path for an application class, B-3 images in HTML Reports output, 3-21 in Web-enabled Forms applications, 3-8 installing Developer/2000 for the Web, 2-1


JAR files about, 2-23 creating, 2-24 glossary term, G-3 JAR utility commands, 2-24 listing contents, 2-24 Oracle JAR files, about, 2-23 referencing from applications, 2-25 separating into component files, 2-24 Java applet see Java applet archive files See JAR files class files see Java class files fonts See fonts glossary term, G-3 Java applet Forms Client, about, 1-5 glossary term, G-1 Java class files about, 2-22 downloading, 2-22

traffic, reducing, 3-4 non-cartridge application HTML files about, 2-19 accessing See URL creating, 2-19 creating template files, 3-2 examples, A-10 Oracle template, about, A-7 Oracle template, modifying, A-9 Oracle template, snapshot of, A-8 non-cartridge applications about, 2-11 accessing See URLs HTML files See non-cartridge application HTML files

ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) glossary term, G-4 software requirements and, 2-2 optimizing network connections, 3-1

listing JAR file contents, 2-24

parameters GW_IMAGES_USE_FILE, 2-50 GW_LINKS_CLOSE_PREV, 2-51 GW_TIMEOUT, 2-50 GW_WRITE_TRACE_FILE, 2-52 PDF (Portable Document Format), 3-22 glossary term, G-4 port glossary term, G-4 specifying as a cartridge parameter, 2-13 specifying for a Forms Server Listener process, 2-6 troubleshooting, 2-26 providing application URLs to end users, 2-20

mapping application fonts to Java fonts, B-4 modifying Oracle application cartridge HTML file template, A-4 Oracle non-cartridge application HTML file template, A-9

NCA (Network Computing Architecture) about, 1-3 glossary term, G-3 network connections, optimizing, 3-1



encryption and, 1-11 glossary term, G-4 RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) glossary term, G-4 software requirements and, 2-2 RDF files deploying, 2-45 generating, 2-45 reducing network traffic, 3-4 referencing application classes, B-2 JAR files from applications, 2-25 registering application cartridges with the Forms Cartridge Handler, 2-15 REGISTRY.DAT file about, B-1 setting icon directory path in, B-3 Relational Database Management System see RDBMS Reports _ESCAPE attributes, about, 3-15 actions, about, 3-14 backgrounds, in HTML output, 3-20 bookmarks, about, 3-14 bookmarks, in HTML output, 3-20 buttons, in HTML output, 3-20 buttons, in PDF output, 3-23 configuring for the Web, 2-28 deploying on the Web, guidelines for, 3-10 drawings, in HTML output, 3-20 environment variables, 2-36 fonts, in HTML output, 3-20 frames, in HTML output, 3-20 HTML output, about, 3-19 hyperlinks, about, 3-14 hyperlinks, creating, 3-12 images, in HTML output, 3-21 OLE objects, in HTML output, 3-21 OLE objects, in PDF output, 3-23 output format, 3-19 overlapping objects, in HTML output, 3-21 pagination, in HTML output, 3-21 PDF output, about, 3-22

selecting a format, 3-19 tips, 3-23 troubleshooting your Web configuration, 2-46 reports running on the Web, 1-13 Reports Multi-tier Server about, 1-12 Reports Web Cartridge about, 1-13 configuring, 2-33 dynamic reporting with, 1-12 environment variables, 2-36 specifying URL report run requests, 2-41 Reports Web CGI about, 1-13 environment variables, 2-36 Reports Web output bookmarks, creating, 3-15 requirements memory, 2-3 software version, 2-2 restrictions restricted features for Web-enabled Forms applications, 3-9 RUN_PRODUCT built-in using, 3-6 running Forms applications on the Web, 1-10 graphics on the Web, 1-16 reports on the Web, 1-13

Secure Network Services Advanced Networking Option see SNS/ANO selecting fonts See fonts web application implementation, 2-11 Web reports output format, 3-19 separating JAR files into component files, 2-24 setting application cartridge parameters and values, 212, , 2-49 environment variables, 2-5


Graphics Server parameters in the WRB, 2-49 icon directory path for an application class, B-3 parameter values for application cartridge HTML files, A-4 SHOW_DOCUMENT built-in using, 3-8 SNS/ANO (Secure Network Services Advanced Networking Option) encryption and, 1-11 glossary term, G-5 socket connections between the Forms Client and Forms Server, 1-11 glossary term, G-5 specifying cartridge HTML file as a cartridge parameter, 213 port as a cartridge parameter, 2-13 port number for a Forms Server Listener process, 2-6 SQL*Net software requirements and, 2-2 starting Forms Server Listener process, 2-6 static HTML files See non-cartridge application HTML files stopping Forms Server Listener process, 2-7

for application cartridges, 2-20 for non-cartridge applications, 2-21 glossary term, G-5 mapping, 2-45 providing application URLs to end users, 2-20 specifying report run requests, 2-41 using RUN_PRODUCT built-in, 3-6 SHOW_DOCUMENT built-in, 3-8 WRB (Web Request Broker), 2-12, , 2-49

virtual directories about, 2-9 creating for application cartridges, 2-17 creating on your Web server, 2-9 glossary term, G-5

web applications accessing See URL cartridge applications, about, 2-11 cartridge implementation, about, 2-11 classes See application classes creating an HTML menu for, 3-2 making available to end users, about, 2-8 non-cartridge applications, about, 2-11 non-cartridge implementation, about, 2-11 selecting an implementation, 2-11 web browser glossary term, G-5 software requirements and, 2-2 web cartridge see application cartridges web listener see Web server Web Request Broker See WRB Web server creating virtual directories on, 2-9 glossary term, G-6 software requirements and, 2-2 WRB (Web Request Broker) about, 2-11, , 2-49 creating application cartridges with, 2-12, , 49

templates HTML file templates See application cartridge HTML files and Non-cartridge application HTML files See application cartridge HTML files See Non-cartridge application HTML files troubleshooting Forms configuration, 2-26 Reports configuration, 2-46

URL (Uniform Resource Locator) example report run requests, 2-42



glossary term, G-6 registering a cartridge with the Forms Cartridge Handler, 2-16 software requirements and, 2-2 using, 2-12, , 2-49


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