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Jewel in the Palace - Episode 1


Ive already seen Jewel in the Palace back when it was shown as a local TV series and me and my mom got really hooked. It was fun watching the first episodes because I kind of forgot it already. I was always fascinated by foreign cultures and this one was not an exception. It was amazing how differently they lived from us. Yes, we may have the advantage of higher technology but what they have is beyond that. They have resourcefulness and pure skill and their lifestyle was much healthier than what we have now. They utilized everything they see around them, such as herbs that we just took for granted now which actually have various medicinal uses. For example, when the queen was murdered in the first episode, it was through the use of a herb turned into a poison. The method was admirable but the way it is put to use though, was despicable. It is enlightening to know that mankinds lust for power and greed goes back to the ancient times. It is ready to perform evil deeds, such as murder, just to ensure that it will maintain its current status just like what happened in the first episode.

It seems that from the beginning and in any era in the history of our existence, dark forces will always be at work. It always wages a constant battle with peace and light. However, even though it seems like dark times during this episode, there is still hope because Jang Geums father felt guilt. Thats why light was shown to him in the form of the spiritual man. It seems like plots and schemes are always at work in the ancient political arena. Even the people in the kitchen were playing a role in complicated plots against destroying the current regime. Innocent people, just like Jang Geums mother, were tangled in these plots which marked the change in their lives. It just proves the assumption of theorists that man will do almost anything in order to maintain on high ground, even though it takes pulling another person down. The brilliance of the knowledge of the ancient peoples knowledge of herbs was also playing on this scene as Lady Han, placed some herb on the poison, to save the life of her friend (Jang Geums mother). When Jang Geums parents met, it was like destiny fulfilled. Watching films like this makes me think: Is it really true that we make our own destiny? Or is it our way of denying the fact that there is a force greater than us which is constantly at play in our lives?

Jewel in the Palace - Episode 2


Just like other nations in the world, culture is not free from rotten and violent leaders as depicted by the present king in this episode. He is unreasonable when he ordered the people who carried out the orders of the previous king and their families be killed or punished. But back in the ancient times, whatever the king says is the law and it doesnt matter if it is reasonable or not. Were lucky that were living in a world where human rights is placed on concrete paper where every human being who is breathing is entitled. Like in the first episode, the Chois are once again proving that mankind is able to do almost anything just to cover up his dirty little secrets even if it means taking the life of another, just as what happened to Jang Geums mother as they made sure to finish their business of killing her. It strikes me as really unfair in their culture, well maybe in all ancient cultures, that women are always placed in lower ranks than men. They were even robbed the right to marry whomever they like once they are working for the palace. And they should not expect to hold positions such as soldiers, teachers, doctors, and others in their society. I think thats what makes Jewel in the Palace more appealing to women. Its because Jang Geum always managed to survive the trials thrown to her despite being an orphan and a female in such discriminating times, and eventually, rise into glory by holding an esteemed position.

Jewel in the Palace - Episode 3


All people has their own share of faults, just like the family who adopted Jang Geum. They may not be perfect people, but ultimately, they are good within. One thing that amazes me in this episode was how the court lady critic the wines quality just by mere inspection. The court ladies working at that time must really be talented and if they are living in our times, they would hold high positions in restaurants or food or medicine companies. I dont think that the way power is transferred from the violent king to the good prince was legal or good, but maybe the purpose beats the methods. Maybe.

Jewel in the Palace - Episode 4


This episode is really amazing! I was kind of jealous with Lady Hans talent in still making a delicious meal despite having only GINGER as the main ingredient. Imagine that, GINGER! It doesnt even taste that good when it was only an accessory to the meal, how much more if it was the main course? But Lady Han pulled it off. The importance of food in the Royal arena was magnified in this episode. It implies that food is really placed on high importance in the palace and it matters a great deal if the royal people dont like the food the kitchen ladies are preparing. Its like you already commit a really unforgivable crime if you managed to cook up something less than excellent in quality. Good thing I was not a kitchen maid. Id probably be hanged by now if I am one. ;)

Jewel in the Palace - Episode 5


I like this episode because finally the evil, corrupted Chois were beaten! The Choi who was the highest court lady became sick and Lady Choi hired a male physician not working in the palace to treat her. And thats against their law back then. Its already a good thing that the punishment given to them was just having the highest court lady resign from her post. And so, the Chois tradition of being in the highest rank was finally beaten! HAHA! ;] It only serves them right. And Lady Zheng, the new Highest Court Lady isnt even a Choi supporter and whats best is that she wants Lady Han to replace her. Its only a pity that were only up to this part and we didnt watch Jang Geum became a full grown woman because thats where the most thrilling and kilig parts actually are (the Jang Geum + Kapitan love team **,) . But its okay. At least Ive already seen it. Its just a shame that most of my classmates didnt. ;]

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