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RANK NURSING DIAGNOSIS SUJECTIVE: Fluid Volume When the client experienced Deficit related to diarrhea she defecates almost 3 Diarrhea and times a day. Vomiting as manifested by According to her mothers decreased urine description, the feces output, sudden appearance is soft and slightly weight loss, and watery with light brown color. weakness. Naawa na nga ako sa anak ko kasi bigla na lang sumasakit ung tiyan niya at nagtatae na ng tubig. Sabi ng anak ko nanghihina na siya sa sobrang pagbabawas kaya dinala ko na siya sa health center. Pinainom ko lang siya ng gatorade kasi un lang naman ung alam kong iniinom kapag nagtatae ng sobra tsaka un din sabi ng mga kapit bahay namin. The client urinates 2 times a day, about 300-400 ml per day. Hindi siya madalas umiihi sa tingin ko naman kasi ok lang yun. According to clients mother, the color of urine is dark colored. Nung nagkasakit siya, minsan walang ganang kumain The client is also experiencing vomiting approximately 4-5 times a day. The vomitus is watery with the foods the client ate in the previous meals. Client does not experience excessive perspiration. Clients daily activity is going to CUES JUSTIFICATION The problem is a health threat in which the client can have severe gastrointestinal problems if it doesnt give immediate attention. It is easily modifiable in which the student nurse can instruct the client to drink prescribed fluid amounts and explain the importance of maintaining proper nutrition and hydration. It is highly preventable by the implementation of preventive measures which are easy to perform. The family is aware of the problem existing in their child by bringing it to the near health center.


school and playing with her friends. The client doesnt experience any changes in the sense of taste and smell except when she experiences ill-conditions.

OBJECTIVE: Sunken eyes Body weakness Lethargy Dry skin Dry mouth Active bowel sounds Temperature: 37.6 C Pulse Rate: 92 bpm Respiratory Rate: 33 cpm Weight: 12 kg

SUBJECTIVE: The clients fluid intake is not enough because she only drinks approximately 4-5 glasses a day.

Diarrhea related to dehydration as manifested by passage of loose and watery stools, abdominal pain When the client experienced and active bowel diarrhea she defecates almost 3 sound. times a day. The client urinates 2 times a day, about 300-400 ml per day. Hindi siya madalas umiihi sa tingin ko naman kasi ok lang yun. According to clients mother, the color of urine is dark colored. Mrs. NL admitted that she is not that familiar with the food pyramid. Mrs. NL usually budget their income for food and she spend 300 pesos for the whole day. The client eats 2-3 times a day.

It is a health threat that needs immediate attention. This condition is modifiable. Familys financial is adequate in order to provide proper diet for diarrhea. And the student nurse can educate and advice the family to utilize their resources. Theres a high possibility for the client to lessen or eliminate diarrhea if interventions are managed early. The family is aware of the existing problem.


Nung nagkasakit siya, minsan walang ganang kumain OBJECTIVE: Sunken eyes Body weakness Lethargy Abdominal pain Active bowel sounds Temperature: 37.6 C Pulse Rate: 92 bpm Respiratory Rate: 33 cpm Weight: 12 kg

SUJECTIVE: The clients mother described her daughters general health as satisfactory. Because she claimed that her child works properly without any problem. She rated her childs health as 8 Hindi naman sobrang healthy kasi nagkakasakit din naman siya Medyo mahina rin kasi ang resistansya ng anak ko, kasi nung bata siya sabi ng doctor mahina daw ung puso niya Mrs.NL admitted that she only seek medical advice when one of her family members get sick. Nung nagkasakit siya, minsan walang ganang kumain, The clients fluid intake is not enough because she only drinks approximately 4-5 glasses a day. Mrs. NL admitted that she is not that familiar with the food pyramid. For her, as long as she includes vegetable and fruits in their meals their food is healthy.

Nutrition: Less than Body requirements related to inability to absorb or metabolize foods as manifested by vomiting and loss of weight.

This is a health deficit problem which requires an immediate attention. The family is able to recognize the existence of the problem and some actions like eating fish, fruits, and vegetables can help the client attain the desirable body weight. Resources from client and nurse are both available due to clients willingness to learn. The client marked having the loss of weight that can be prevented necessary if interventions are applied earlier. The family perceives it as a problem needing immediate attention as they reasoned out that health is very important now that


one of their members of the family is sick.

According to clients mother, her daughter loss weight when she experienced diarrhea and vomiting. She noticed that when her daughter got sick, she is always lethargic and doesnt have interest in school activities or playing with her siblings in their house. She noticed that her child seems always tired and not attentive. The client is also experiencing vomiting approximately 4-5 times a day. The vomitus is watery with the foods the client ate in the previous meals. Clients daily activity is going to school and playing with her friends. OBJECTIVE: BMI: Temperature: 37. 6 C Pulse Rate: 92 bpm Respiratory Rate: 33 cpm Weight: 12 kg

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