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Stork Stand Balance Test

Objective: The stork balance test requires the person to stand on one leg. To assess the ability to balance on the ball of the foot. Materials: To undertake this test you will require:
y y y y y

Flat non-slip surface Stopwatch Paper Pencil Partner

Procedure: Remove the shoes and place the hands on the hips, then position the non-supporting foot against the inside knee of the supporting leg. The subject is given one minute to practice the balance. The subject raises the heel to balance on the ball of the foot. The stopwatch is started as the heel is raised from the floor. The stopwatch is stopped if any of the follow occurs: *The hand(s) come off the * The supporting foot swivels or moves (hops) in any direction *The non-supporting foot loses contact with the knee. *The heel of the supporting foot touches the floor. Scoring: The total time in seconds is recorded. The score is the best of three attempts. The adjacent table lists general ratings for this test.


Objective: To monitor the development of the athlete's elastic leg strength. Materials: To undertake this test you will require:
y y y y y y y

Partner Wall Piece of chalk Measuring Tape or (alternatively a ruler) Paper Pencil Sit and reach box

PROCEDURE: After a proper warm-up and stretching, the subject is seated on the ground with the back against a flat wall, legs fully extended in front of them, feet eight inches apart, toes pointed upwards, and soles of the feet flush with the base of the sit reach box. If the subject is unable to fully straighten their legs, and partner may help to help press the legs down by applying pressure above or below the knees. The subject then reaches forward slowly, the fingertips of both hands

remaining in contact with the slide at all times. Once the subject has reached their farthest extension point, the position should be held for a two count .

Scoring: The participant may have three attempts, if desired, and the best of this is record. The scores are measured in quarter-inch increments, rounding up to the nearest quarter-inch.
COMMENTS (shoes are optional, through removing them would be advantageous for maximizing the

score. The push mush be smooth and static, no bouncing or lunging is allowed).

Objective: The objective of the Curl-Up Test is to assess the endurance of the athlete's abdominal and hip-flexor muscles. Materials: To undertake this test you will require:
y y y y y

A level surface on a blanket Mat or other suitable padding Partner Paper Pencil

Procedure: The aim of this test is to perform as many sit-ups as you can. The starting position is lying on your back with your knees bent (heels approximately 10 inches from your buttocks) and feet flat on the floor. Arms should be folded across your chest with hands touching your upper chest or shoulders. A second person is permitted to hold the lower legs or ankles to keep the feet on the floor. On the command GO start the crunch by raising your upper body forward till the elbows touch the knees while maintaining contact between your hands and chest/shoulders. Then return to the floor until your shoulder blades touch the ground. This is counted as one complete sit-up. To rest in every repetition should not be allowed. This test requires the athlete to complete as many curl ups as possible at a rate of 20/minute. The athlete warms up for 10 minutes. The assistant sets the metronome to 20 beats per minute (BPM). The athlete lies on the mat with their knees bent, feet flat on the floor and their hands resting on the thighs. The partner, using their hands, supports the athlete s head ( see Figure 1).The assistant gives the command GO and the athlete curls up sliding their hands up their thighs until the finger tips touch the top of knee caps (see Figure 2) and then returns to the starting position (see Figure 1) in time with the 20 BPM metronome. The athlete is to perform as many curls as possible until they are unable to keep in time with the metronome.

Scoring: Partner is to count and record the total number of curls which is then used to assess the athlete s performance. The total counts that perform is recorded.

Illinois Agility Run Test

Objective: The objective of the Illinois Agility Run Test is to monitor the development of the athlete's agility. Also to measure the agility level of the college students. To test running agility. Materials: To undertake this test you will require:
y y y y y

Flat non-slip surface Cones Stopwatch Partner

10 m measuring tape, timing gates (optional)

PROCEDURE: This test requires the athlete to run the red line route in the diagram below as fast as possible. The agility run is designed to test a person s ability to move quickly whilst changing direction. Set up a course as outlined (below) with a 10feet line of four equally spaced out cones down the middle, and cones at the side 49inches away from the middle line. Subject should lie on their front (head to the start line) and hands by their shoulders. On the GO command (start stopwatch) get up as quickly as possible and run around the course in the direction indicated without knocking the cones over to the finish line (stop timing). Swap the start and finish positions so that subjects do the run turning to both sides. Compare the turning to each side.

The athlete warms up for 10 minutes The partner sets up the course as detailed in the diagram The athlete lies face down on the floor at the Start cone The partner gives the command GO and starts the stopwatch. The athlete jumps to his/her feet and negotiates the course around the cones following the red line route shown in the diagram to the finish
Scoring: The partner stops the stopwatch and records the time when the athlete passes the

Finish cone .

50 Meter Dash
Objective: The aim of this test is to determine acceleration and speed. Materials: To undertake this test you will require:
y y y y y

Clear surface of at least 70 meters Cones markers flat Stopwatch Partner

measuring tape or marked track

PROCEDURE: The test involves running a single maximum sprint over 50 meters, with the time recorded. A thorough warm up should be given, including some practice starts and accelerations. Start from a stationary standing position (hands cannot touch the ground), with one foot in front of the other. The front foot must be behind the starting line. Once the subject is ready and motionless, the starter gives the instructions "set" then "GO . The tester should provide hints for maximizing speed (such as keeping low, driving hard with the arms and legs) and the participant should be encouraged to not slow down before crossing the finish line. Scoring:Two trials are allowed, and the best time is recorded to the nearest 2 decimal places. The timing starts from the first movement (if using a stopwatch) or when the timing system is triggered, and finishes when the chest crosses the finish line and/or the finishing timing gate is triggered.

Sargent Jump Test

Objective: To monitor the development of the athlete's elastic leg strength. To measure the power of the legs in jumping vertically upward.

Materials: To undertake this test you will require:

y y y y

Wall Tape Measure Partner Chaclk

PROCEDURE: To accurately perform the vertical jump test the performer stands side on to a wall and reaches up with the hand closest to the wall. Keeping the feet flat on the ground, the point of the fingertips is marked or recorded. This is called the standing reach. The performer then stands away from the wall, and jumps vertically as high as possible using both arms and legs to assist in projecting the body upwards. Attempt to touch the wall at the highest point of the jump. The difference in distance between the standing reach height and the jump height is the score. The athlete warms up for 10 minutes. The athlete chalks the end of his/her finger tips The athlete stands side onto the wall, keeping both feet remaining on the ground, reaches up as high as possible with one hand and marks the wall with the tips of the fingers (M1) The athlete from a static position jumps as high as possible and marks the wall with the chalk on his fingers (M2) Scoring: The partner measures and records the distance between M1 and M2 The athlete repeats the test 3 times The partner calculates the average of the recorded distances and uses this value to assess the athlete s performance. Then the best of three attempts is recorded.


Objective: To measure the endurance of the arms and shoulder girdle.
Materials: To undertake this test you will require:
y y y

Mat Clean Floor Partner

PROCEDURE: Lie on the floor, face down with hands placed at chest level, about 4-7 inches farther than shoulder-with apart with knees on the floor and feet in the air. Lay down flat on the floor (on your stomach) as if you were going to do a regular push-up. Place your hands flat on the floor to where your elbows are up and outward at a ninety degree angle. (The proper way to begin any push-up). Keep your knees on the floor as you push your upper body off of the floor. Be sure to keep yourself as straight as possible from your head to the bottom of your spine (where you are performing the push-up). And don't forget to keep your elbows at a 90-degree angle. Slowly lower yourself in the same position as much as possible without your body touching the floor and continue with your modified push-ups if you wish to do so.

y y y

Keeping your back straight, push yourself up extending your arms, without locking your elbows. Hold for a brief second while flexing your chest. Slowly lower yourself as far as you can, or until your nose touches the ground. Your back and hips should still be straight, while your elbows point out.

AVOID: Do not allow you re back to bend or arch. Keep your body as straight as possible. Do not just let your body fall back down to the floor. Resist your body s downward force by lowering yourself slowly.

y Get down on the floor and place your hands with your palms on the ground. Your hands should be slightly wider than the width of your shoulders.
y Find your perfect modified push up form. Move your shoulders over your hand so your arm is perpendicular to the floor. Bend your knees so they're also on the floor. Keep your body straight during your entire push up workout for maximum impact. y Bend your arms as much as you can as your body slowly drops towards the floor. You should feel strain in your chest and in your arms. y Push your body back up. When you complete one modified push up, you should be back in your starting position.

Scoring: The maximum number of correct repetitions.

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