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CORRECTIVE ACTIONS MATRIX 1. To ensure that coursework programmes are reviewed at least once in five years 2.

To ensure that the advertisement of programmes in both print and electronic media is endorsed by the Faculty/Institute/Centre 3. To notify students of their admission at the latest two weeks before the beginning of the semester 4. To inform returning students of registration details at least three weeks before the registration date 5. To ensure that student registration is carried out as planned 6. To conduct lectures according to the teaching plan 7. To achieve the Faculty/Centre/Institute teaching satisfaction scores of more than 70% on average 8. To ensure that the percentage of students failing to complete their studies within the maximum study period does not exceed 10% 9. To announce the Examination Schedule at least one week before examination begins 10. To ensure that there are no errors in the examination papers 11. To ensure that there are no errors in the marking of examination papers and entering of grades 12. To announce the examination results to students before the semester starts 13. To ensure that theses paper are examined within three months after submission 14. To notify students of the degree conferment date at least one month before the Convocation Ceremony 15. To ensure that the degree scrolls are ready for collection within one week after the Convocation Ceremony 1. Conduct exit surveys to determine the competency level of graduates 2. Seek the views of stakeholders from time to time for the improvement of the programme 3. Set up an Academic Programme Advisory Board consisting of representatives from stakeholders and industry 4. Assess the programmes offered from time to time 5. Review the Programme Handbook from time to time to ensure that information on entry requirements,

Quality Objectives

Conduct Compliance Checks (including client complaints)

assessments and distribution of courses is updated to achieve the objectives and goals 6. Ensure that there are guidelines for minimum and maximum workload for academic staff members in relation to their job specifications and responsibilities 7. Ensure that the guidelines for minimum workload is adhered to in order to ensure the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process 8. Print input input given by students on SPPK quantitatively and qualitatively 9. Record the submission and acceptance of theses 1. Comprehensive data analysis for exit surveys currently being done 2. Qualitative analysis of the interview findings 3. Analysis of the Graduate Tracer Study data 4. New paradigms in learning outcomes as stipulated in the Malaysian Qualifications Framework (MQF) 5. Ambiguous workflow especially for the improvement of the Handbook 6. Inclusion of the Handbook as part of the agenda in the Programme Implementation Meeting 7. Lecturers who do not reach the minimum supervision and teaching load (refer to teaching and supervision load matrix) 8. The interpretation and analysis of SPPK scores based on the mean scores achieved 9. Efficient workflow through the Record and Documentation Committee 10. Analysis of the thesis submission date to the Graduate Committee 1. Analyse workload distribution (teaching and supervision) among lecturers and ensure there is an equal distribution of load 2. Lecturers who obtain a mean score of less than 3.5 will be called to the Head of Departments office 1. Update questionnaires from time to time taking into account changes in the stipulated learning outcomes 2. Allocate RM202 000.00 to conduct benchmarking and assessment programmes 3. Renew the Academic Advisory Board membership by including representatives from the industry 4. Produce the Student Handbook to facilitate the transfer

Determine noncompliance factors

Assessing the need for action to ensure zero noncompliance Implementing the required actions

of information regarding program implementation. 5. Plan the distribution of teaching and supervision workload based on the lecturers category 6. Conduct discussion sessions with lecturers on the improvement needed to increase the quality of teaching and learning in order to attract students interest 7. Allocate a certain amount of research funds for Action Research specifically to increase the teaching and learning among the students. 8. Mentor-Mentee Porgram 9. Empowering the Mentor-Mentee Program by enforcing generic skills assessment in it. 10. Conduct workflow as stipulated 11. Notify examiners of the expected date of viva in the letter to External/Internal Examiners upon thesis submission and enclose a letter of feedback (approval from the examiners). 12. Contact the examiners if no feedback is received within two weeks after the issuance of the letter by getting in touch with them through e-mail, phone call or SMS 13. Issue reminders to the examiners if thesis reports are not received within two months after thesis submission. 1. SPPK Analysis file 2. Action Research file 3. Meeting file of the Department of Education Foundation / Methodology and Education Practice 1. Analyse the exit survey findings and correlate with stipulated learning outcomes 2. Use the exit survey results to change/review the present curriculum 3. Identify the number of mistakes and the frequency in the Undergraduate/Graduate Student Handbook. 4. Analyse SPPK and Supervision Ratings for better results 5. Identify the number of lecturers involved in conducting Action Research projects

Keeping records of achievement results

Check the effectiveness of the action taken

6. Identify the number of papers presented in UKMs Teaching and Learning Congress. Last Updated on Wednesday, 21 September 2011 08:17

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