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Depression and Anti-Social Behavior Elements

(Written by: Khawaja Waqas Human mind is very complicated and needs a lot of time to get developed. In order to get it nourished, a person needs to adjust his life accordingly and include certain elements in his life. The elements include its interaction with other human beings, getting the knowledge about this world and other related information to settle down and live life like a normal human being. Any person who is not involved in activities which are important for his nourishment, to be able to stand with other people and to interact with the outer world is considered as not being normal. As a human being we need to interact with other people, this trait of humans is known as to be social. Without proper socialization the human mind and body can suffer a lot, as it gives a peace of mind and also the inner confidence which helps to build the basis of a successful person in the outer world. There could be many reasons of why the person is not social, one of which is depression. Depression defined as a condition of mental disturbance characterized by such feelings to a greater degree than seems warranted by the external circumstances, typically with lack of energy and difficulty in maintaining concentration or interest in life. Depression involved mind stress which ultimately leads to bad health and disturbs the person to meet or greet other people in the right way. In the case of a person being in depression, he is not in a condition to interact with people around him because he feels insecure and not so very confident to do so. Depression at its lower and highest level, can lead to anti-social personality disorder which means that he would avoid the interaction with other people because of having insecurity about his personality and life. This disorder is the root cause of various other problems which can occur and harm one s body and mind. The antisocial personality disorder can simply be defined as A disorder characterized by extreme anti-social behavior, usually beginning in childhood and often accompanied by a lack of remorse and a disregard of punishment. It is also referred as sociopathic personality and psychopathic personality. Individuals who show a lack of regard for others, are impulsive, and behave in a socially unacceptable manner. This disorder has many reasons to be in a person, which include childhood event history, depression, having low self-esteem, low confidence or being scared of how the other person will react to what you say. These all factors can be dealt with if proper attention is giving to them, this disorder can be healed as it needs little attention and affection towards the person. Let us now discuss some of the various elements which directly or indirectly affect the human personality, which if not looked upon seriously can lead to personality disorders. Nature is

defined as the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth, as opposed to humans or human creations. Every person living in whichever part of the world is linked to nature. Whatever is around us comes in nature, as it is related to what God has gifted us. All the surrounding elements accounts to the personality of a person. If a person is blacked out from his surroundings and is asked to live in a black room with no colors around, possibilities are that the person will get depressed, stressed and annoyed of his living environment, cutting of one person from nature leads to the ill nourishment of one s personality. If person possess some sort of talent or any sort of thought which is valuable to him, then it should be nourished and given an environment to make it flourish. When we stop the growth of a person s intellect, it s like making him experience death. Conscious mind is also good to have, as it enables a personal to think logically and with having a relative thought going in his mind. Conscious is to be aware of and responding to one's surroundings. Unconsciousness is defined as the part of the mind that is inaccessible to the conscious mind but that affects behavior and emotions or that part of the mind wherein psychic activity takes place of which the person is unaware. These two elements play an important part in a person s understanding of the world and the thoughts that run by him. Our conscious mind always probes us to listen and answer questions logically and with a certain theory behind it. If you are walking somewhere and you know that there are sharp things on the path which can bleed your feet, your conscious mind would tell you to walk slowly and carefully. Socially disordered personalities loose the firm line between these two elements and it s hard for them to decide what to do and what not to do infront of people and behave accurately. Another major factor behind one s personality is the observable behavior which is a behavior which can be noted through one of the senses (seen, heard, tasted, smelled, or felt). Observable behaviors are usually described by action words such as touching, walking, saying, or writing. These do not include feelings or intentions which are inferred from other behaviors. A person in his life observes various things which effect his liking and disliking for something. If a person is unable to interact and enjoy different things around him, he needs to consult and get to know why that is so. The inability of a person to get to know his surrounding in a better way is not normal; one should observe carefully and react accordingly. Social disorders cause a person to interact less with his surrounding, which leads to a confined mind that can lead to depression and stress because one just feels incapable to understand what is going around him. The internal mental process works on a simple rule, that what we perceive and see in reality we try to analysis it on the backhand and then describe it in observations, actions or words. These two elements should be very much intact for better socialization.

Another very important part of human personality is the free will a person possess. Free will
means the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one's own discretion. It s a very key element of the development of human physiology and personality. With a free will the human is allowed to do what his mind tells him to do, and is less influenced to what people about it. Free will influences the personality is many ways, as it encourages a person to do what he thinks is right and according to the given situation. If there is less or no free will in a person, then he might feel insecure of what he is expected to do in the situations because of feeling less confident inside. Another aspect is the determination that a person possesses, it refers to the quality of being

determined to do or achieve something; firmness of purpose. In a social world, one needs to be determined and focused towards his goals. If we are not social we can face lots of obstacles in life even if we are determined about something. For example, if a person is not confident and has a problem to deal and talk with other people and he wants to work somewhere, he can find it difficult to go in the office, get interviewed and work with other people around him. Such people tend to be very quiet and separate from the rest because they are not well acquainted to adjust in the new environment. Other very important elements in being social are the personal differences that someone has with the rest of the world. For example if someone doesn t like an environment where women and men work together, he would avoid working in that area and will try to stay away from it. If this situation prevails it can lead to work depression and anti-social behavior which will lead that person to not to talk with people in the work environment that could be an office, school or any place else where he works. One needs to work along with the universal principles, in order to be successful in life. The universal principles over personal differences because one needs to work on how the world works and has to accept that he has to make changes in order to adjust in the environment. Final conclusion is that anti-social personality disorder has many factors to be in a person, but with proper attention and care these can be removed. A person can lead a normal and social life if he is given an environment in which he can be nourished and given the confidence to interact with the outer environment.

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