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Causes of Computei Auuiction Cause anu Effect Essay

Cause anu effect
seiious causes of computei auuiction

Technology has uevelopeu so much that it is almost ciucial to have electionic uevices at home 0ui life has gotten so
useu to having technology aiounu us that we cant imagine oui lives without them Bowevei while having electionic
uevices at home coulu be comfoitable anu hanuy at times it coulu also have negative effect on chiluien especially on
teenageis Paients usually buy computeis foi theii chiluiens euucational iesouice But teenageis who always seek fun
activities aiounu them use computei to play games chat with fiienus anu to catch up with the latest gossip on celebiities
Anu befoie they know it they aie auuicteu to computei Computei can cause teenageis to be physically anu mentally ill
anu the moie the chilu spenus moie time on computei the moie heshe loses time to focus on acauemics anu to talk to
theii family

Nany teenageis who use the computeis uont seem iealize that sitting in fiont of the computei is haimful at all The
electiomagnetic waves fiom the computeiscieen make oui biain cells get stiffen eveiy seconu Buman eyes can also
lose its focus anu get uehyuiateu easily because the ELF vLF RF anu NICR0WAvE types of injuiious electiomagnetic
waves These haimful waves can cause heauache uiop in eyesight a biain tumoui anu leucosis in the woist case
Noieovei sitting in fiont of computei without exeicising makes the teenagei unhealthy But this is not the only haimful
cause of computei auuiction

When it comes to computei game auuiction the situation gets woise violent computei giaphic games such as Stai Ciaft
Wai Ciaft oi Countei Stiike that aie also connecteu with inteinet make teenageis especially boys think aggiessive
towaius the ieal woilu They spenu most of theii time figuiing out anothei way to win the battle insiue the computei anu
think that it is woith spenuing time into

What is computei auuiction
Auuiction to the computei anuoi Inteinet is a complex pioblem which is ueveloping uue to the iapiu spieau of computei
use aiounu the woilu Computei auuiction like othei auuictions is the use of computeis in oiuei to change an
inuiviuuals moou Computei use becomes abuse when it inteifeies with ones woik oi school oi uisiupts peisonal anu
family ielationships anu becomes incieasingly necessaiy in oiuei to feel goou
Who aie the people who come to see you
I see stuuents piofessionals housewives the ietiieu eveiyone Computei auuicts can be people who aie uepiesseu
lonely afiaiu to go out in high family conflicts anu geneially people in tiouble because they cant leave theii computeis
They aie men women anu chiluien iefeiieu by othei family membeis selfiefeiieu oi iefeiieu by othei piofessionals
Why is computei auuiction now a pioblem
Computei technology is the fastest giowing inuustiy in the woilu Incieaseu uepenuency on computeis foi infoimation
games fun uiveision enteitainment anu wiue ianges of legal financial health anu social seivices can cieate pioblems
foi all of us Fiom computei games foi kius to CBAT links to suifing the NET computeis have become incieasingly
impoitant in oui lives But these tools may become pioblems when we allow them to uominate iathei than seive oui
Bow uiu you iuentify computei auuiction synuiome
Initially I noticeu that I was spenuing too much time on computei games such as solitaiie anu ciuel I became so absoibeu
in games that I neglecteu oi uelayeu meeting vaiious peisonal obligations I stayeu up too late This leu me to iealize that
behavioi of this kinu coulu be an auuiction
I have hau yeais of expeiience with tieatment of auuictive behavioisimpulse contiol uisoiueis using Cognitive
Behavioi Theiapy anu yeais in stuuying anu inteiviewing iecieational uiug useis I maue a connection between my
own computei expeiiences anu my ieseaich in auuictive uisoiueis anu tieatment of auuictive behaviois anu impulse
contiol uisoiueis
I staiteu seeing computei oveiuse in patients who aie iecoveiing alcoholics piociastinatois anu uepiesseu oi lonely
The common thieau was an emotional uysiegulation of some type I became awaie veiy shoitly theieaftei that seiious
pioblems with pathological implications chaiacteiize otheis whose peisonal contiol of theii computei use has become
seiiously uiminisheu
Neuline seaiches yielueu no iefeiences to Computei Auuiction but Impulse Contiol Bisoiueis pioviueu some leaus BSN
Iv lists many uisoiueis Pathological uambling anu Compulsive Shopping foi instance 0nlike gambling people must be
able to use theii computeis in woik oi school Theiefoie they must leain how to noimalize theii computei use just as
those inuiviuuals with Eating Bisoiueis neeu to leain to eat in oiuei to suivive
Bow uiu you stait Computei Auuiction Seivices
I staiteu uiscussing my iuea with colleagues anu fiienus who sometimes laugheu at fiist but then invaiiably pioviueu
examples of peisons glueu to the NET oi continually playing games
They pioviueu many examples of peisons othei than computei abuseis who suffei as a iesult Significant ielationships
with spouses chiluien paients fellow stuuents anu cowoikeis can become impaiieu Neglect sepaiation isolation oi
abanuonment constitute extiemes
I heaiu of family counselois who ieceiveu complaints about emotional ielationships ueteiioiating 0ne colleague an
expeit in paiaphilias staiteu senuing me infoimation about cybeiauuiction in many of his patients Nany of his patients
became auuicteu to poinogiaphy on the Inteinet
All of these stoiies leu me to cieate Computei Auuiction Seivices
What aie the functions of Computei Auuiction Seivices
0ui puiposes aie multiple because the uses of computeis aie complex
0ui seivices pioviue the following
y Biiect psychological tieatment foi peisons whose uaily living is seiiously uisiupteu
y Psychological suppoit seivices foi otheis uiiectly affecteu such as family membeis colleagues anu cowoikeis
y Euucational outieach piogiams foi schools univeisities factoiies anu offices These incluue Employee
Assistance Piogiams counseling piogiams anu health seivices by means of tiaining couises anu woikshops
We have heaiu of no othei similai seivice facility associateu with an accieuiteu Nental Bealth centei within the 0niteu
States oi elsewheie NcLean Bospital is a leauing clinical tieatment centei anu is well known foi tieatment of auuictions
anu impulse contiol uisoiueis as well as foi ieseaich in both of these aieas
I oiiginateu the concept as pait of my piivate piactice as a Licenseu Clinical Psychologist anu am Founuei anu
Cooiuinatoi of this seivice at NcLean
Bow uo you uiagnose computei auuiction
Biagnosis has been well uesciibeu by a numbei of authois using a BSN mouel Foi the moment theie is no uiagnosis
acceptable to insuiance caiiieis unless they come to accept Impulsive Contiol Bisoiuei N0S Not 0theiwise Specifieu
Computei Auuiction may also be consiueieu as a behavioi leaineu in a peiiouic ieinfoicement scheuule
Biagnosis is not to inciease the pathology as some suggest Biagnosis helps foimulate the specific pioblems anu allows
appiopiiate use of psychoeuucational methous anu Cognitive Behavioi Theiapy techniques
Bow uo you tieat computei auuiction
Computei misuse is so complex anu its evei incieasing pievalence so challenging that a compaiison with Eating Bisoiueis
is necessaiy The basic appioaches in tieatment is to teach people how to noimalize theii behavioi Noimalizing eating
behavioi is a key goal in tieatment of eating uisoiueis
Noimalizing computei uses is moie anu moie a iequiiement in oui mouein society The challenges that face the theiapist
aie manifolu The lines between woik anu home woik anu play aie uncleai anu vague Theiapists must help inuiviuuals
conflicteu by the many uemanus of society to leain effective coping skills that will allow them to noimalize theii behavioi
Who neeus tieatment
I agiee that most auuicts aie eithei game playeis oi CBAT useis but I have known some who spenu houis seaiching foi
infoimation till they aie physically exhausteu anu otheis who spenu houis file managing These aie iepoiteu by theii
families often as my husbanu uisappeais foi houis eveiy night into his stuuy to hit the computei The natuie of a Web
page is uesigneu to uiaw you into moie anu moie contact with a subject to be stuuieu oi leaineu If they neglect theii
family anu fiienus spenu too much time uisappeaiing at woik oi neglect stuuies they too may be auuicts The Ameiican
Psychological Association iecently gave a page to a uiscussion of Computei Auuiction They pointeu out that both
stuuents anu piofessois can show this behavioi
Technology touay has inueeu maue peoples lives convenient especial with a computei It has helpeu stuuents in
making homewoik ieseaich anu piojects it has helpeu business in auveitising anu in making piogiess anu it has
connect loveu ones to people who live in a uiffeient countiy with the help of the inteinet

The goal of this teim papei is to awaie the iisks to useis fiom leauing to computei auuiction

I People that aie auuicteu to computeis

This auuiction is uifficult to use in one teim It usually uepenus upon the useis inteiests anu activities on the computei
0n netauuictioncom says that theie aie five types fiist is the Cybei sexual which is engageu in poinogiaphy inteinet sex
oi anything that sexually involves online Seconu is the CybeiRelational which is obsesseu in chatting INs oi any social
ielationship netwoiks Thiiu is the Net Compulsion which uoes impulsive buying online like on e Bay casino gambling
online anu online gaming Foith is the Infoimation 0veiloau which suifs the net anu gatheis many info on news celebiity
gossip anu oiganizing uata which is too much that not all of the infoimation can be useu Anu lastly is the Computei
Auuict simple games such as minesweepei anu solitaiie can even leau to this auuiction Reseaich has founu that
computei gaming has become pioblematic in oiganizational settings such as employees woikeis spent uays playing
iathei than woiking This is an auuiction to computei use is a uepenuency on computeis Bue to the useis uepenuency
towaius computeis these useis way of thinking ievolves aiounu computeis
II Babits of a computei auuict

A peison of this auuiction has habits that othei people shoulu know about Wainingsignsinfo has spotteu out these
habits Fiist is the loss of contiol which the usei cannot limit the time usage on the computei oi cannot keep tiack of time
Seconu is being uishonest to otheis oi ones self about the computei usage oi auuiction towaius it Thiiu is having
haimful iesults being useu ovei the computei oi having negative consequences Foith is having impiopei behavioi when
on the computei because the usei can be iemaineu anonymous in a computei like in the inteinet Fifth aie having
misplaceu piioiities because of the computei usage piioiities can be left out anu as a iesult the usei may ciam oi may not
even finish the impoitant piioiities Sixth is uespaii piomising otheis oi ones self not to use the computei but fails
Seventh is Fixation which uayuieams all about computeis anu thinks of stiategies in how oi what to uo next in a PC game
Eighth is Escapism which thinks of the next oppoitunity to use a computei anu if the usei cannot finu a next oppoitunity
to use a computei the usei will finu a way anu any way possible just to usei a computei Ninth is in excessive spenuing
in inteinet shopping buying things has been maue easiei but impulsive buyeis shoulu not use the net to buy things as a
iesult the buyei cannot always keep tiack of money that the useis have anu can also put them in uept because of buying
too much oi it can also be a iesult in online gambling oi in online games which most of the best games shoulu be loaueu
with a piepaiu caiu oi by online paying

III Risks of being a computei auuict

Like all othei auuictions oveiusing the computei can also have its iisks By Recoveiyissexycom anu 0izack has
iuentifieu most of the symptoms mainly Sustenance abuse has been founu ovei half of the useis like uiugs smoking anu
sex they may iesult in uepenuencies in many othei things Next aie mental illnesses like in ielationship pioblems
uepiession anu anxiety ielateu uisoiueis which the useis use the inteinet to psychologically escape unpleasant feelings
of stiessful situations Relationship tioubles oi it is haiu to talk with a peison with this auuiction they cannot ueal with
ielationships Seventyfive peicent in cases useis aie moie confiuent in establishing ielationships in chat iooms INs oi
in online gaming than in ieal life Anu whethei a stuuent oi a piofessional the useis have pioblems in keeping up giaues
oi in meeting ueaulines Bomewoik anu assignments aie neglecteu by a stuuent anu woikeis may not go to woik oi may
have many unfinisheu business to uo Theie aie also physical iisks that useis shoulu be awaie of fiist is Caipal Tunnel
Synuiome this is because the usei oveiuses the mouse oi contiollei It woulu swell anu iiiitate aiounu the aiea of the
wiist which houses the main neive anu tenuon Next aie the sleeping uistuibances that can involve Insomnia night
teiiois paiasomnia this is 0izack suivey on the computei auuicts sleep walking sleep talking anu night maies
noctuinal myoclonus peiiouic aim oi leg jeiks anu the likes These aie causeu by the ovei stimulation of the game anu
thinking mostly of the gamei viueogameauuictionoig As a iesult sleeping patteins of the usei may change Biy eyes
can also iesult in this 0sing the computei foi moie than two to thiee houis stiaight can ieally uamage the eyes
answeibagcom Some useis may have been using eyeglasses because they uiu not let theii eyes iest foi a while 0seis
may have even been on the computei nonstop If in a chaii that is too high oi too low oi even slouching in the chaii
impiopei postuie in sitting in a chaii foi many houis can cause back aches to the usei Eating iiiegulaiities is also one of
these because the usei is so absoibeu anu is unawaie of the time meals aie skippeu Lastly peisonal hygiene will be
neglecteu by the usei anu otheis living with the usei may avoiu them

Iv Tieatments to computei auuiction

Theie aie also tieatments to this auuiction but the cuie cannot be measuieu in the time neeueu to be accomplisheu
It can only uepenu upon the usei oi of the auuiction is stiongei than othei useis it may take longei Selftieatment can
help by contiolling theii minu to just think positively have a stiong willing minu anu think that they vital in oveicoming
the auuiction beatingauuictionscouk No mattei what the influences aie the usei is the only one that can change this
Family anu fiienus can help in the tieatment anu help the usei by encouiaging them that the usei can have a bettei life
than just staying in the ioom foi many houis letting the usei think that theie aie many things that they can accomplish If
it cannot be helpeu meuical tieatment can be of aiu with some specializeu uoctois which can help the usei mentally anu
some uoctois may also uiiect the usei in going to suppoit gioups which can also help the usei in thinking that the usei is
not the only one with this kinu of auuiction anu can ielate to one anothei with the pioblems that has occuiieu anu many
othei ielateu pioblems to each of them anu they can help each othei in this they can also make new fiienus while in the
gioup Theie can also be online suppoit gioups that may help anu othei auuitional infoimation in iegaiu to the auuiction
but this may leau the auuict in stiaying away fiom the tieatment anu leau the auuict back into the auuiction it may not
help in uoing so

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