Olimpiada Scrisa La Limba Engleza

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(7- be) wiser if he had said nothing. Talking about school (8give) mom ideas. If you (9- go) to school this term, I (10drop) by and see the headmaster. He will probably let you start at once. III. Complete the sentences with ONE word only: (30 points) FAST FOOD The concept of fast food is very important in Englishspeaking countries (0) for one major reason: the working day starts at around the same time (1) European countries, but finishes(2) earlier, typically at about five o'clock in (3) evening when the offices, banks and many of the shops begin to close. As a result, there's not much time for lunch, (4) many people bring something with in

I. Circle the correct item (20 points): 1. We managed to catch a of the president of the company as she was leaving. A. LOOK B. SIGHT C.GLIMPSE 1. Snakes and crocodiles are . A. MAMMALS B. REPTILES C. SPECIES 1. This part of the country has a lot dry . A. CLIMATE B. WEATHER C. TEMPERATURE 1. Many species of animals have become .. . A. HUNTED B. DEAD C. EXTINCT 1. As a child, he love watching cartoons. A. AM USED TO B. USED TO C. WOULD 1. Spain is by Portugal and France. A. EDGED B. JOINED C. BORDERED 1. He ran .. a friend of his on way to work. A. INTO B. OUT OF C. OVER 1. He usually . the train to work. A. RIDES B. TRAVELS C. TAKES 1. She was very . when she heard the bad news. A. EXHAUSTED B. FED UP C. UPSET 1. We . our holiday a month ago. A. SAVED B. RESERVED C. BOOKED

from home to eat at their desks, (5) a cup of tea or instant coffee made with the office

II. Put the verbs in brackets in the right tense and voice. (30 points) When he got back he (1- tell) mom about the old lady in the shop and how she (2- manage) to avoid (3- go) to school when she (4- be) a girl. As soon as he (5- finish), he (6- see) that he

kettle, (6) than going out to a restaurant for a proper lunch as do many European office workers, (7) later in the evening. usually finish work much

For (8) office to have a break or (9)

who prefer to get out of the fresh air,

there are the various fast food options (10) as sandwiches, Cornish pasties, burgers, kebaps, or fish and chips, many of (11) can be eaten

on the move, (12) even the need to sit down! Only on special occasions is a British office worker likely to eat lunch in a restaurant. (13) someone's birthday, promotion, engagement or retirement, for example, a group of colleagues will eat together in a pub or restaurant. It is for this reason (14) foreign visitors

EXTREME, FRIEND, EVIDENT, SUGGEST, HAPPY, EXPECTED, STRONG, CONNECT, BEHAVE, EMOTION, COMPLETE Having friends is 0) extremely important, and most people spend a lot of time with them. But is there another important type of 1) ____ that they may be missing out on? Would having a pet be just as good? There is some 2) ____ to support this interesting 3) ____ . It is well-known that dogs can form strong bonds with people, and can show signs of 4) ____ if their owner suddenly leaves 5) ____ . In the same way, some people feel as close to their pets as to their human friends, gaining 6) ____ and comfort from their animals. It seems that the 7) ____ between animals and people goes deeper than might be expected. Studies into the 8) ____ of gorillas show that these creatures have 9) ____ relationships that are not so different from our own. So although a pet may never 10) ____ replace a friend, there is clearly a place for both.

Total points: 100 Good luck!

are often surprised (15) the lack of affordable, good quality, places to have lunch in the major British cities.

IV. Read the text bellow and use the word given in capitals to form words that fit in the gaps. The words in capitals are given in the order you need to use them. (20 points)

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