Wilms Tumor

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In general, this type of cancer is curable.

If the tumor is only in the kidney (typical), it can be removed along with the whole kidney (a nephrectomy). During the operation, the surgeon checks if the other kidney has a tumor. If there are tumors in both kidneys, a piece of the tumor will be removed. After the surgery, the child is given some chemotherapy drugs like antinomicin D, vincristine, or doxorubicin. Children 16 years old or older have higher mortality rates within their stages. This is due to them being treated less aggressively and consistently.[citation needed] Adjuvant chemotherapy is sometimes used.[11] tandard treatment for Wilms' tumor is surgery and chemotherapy. The stage of the tumor and appearance of the cancer cells under a microscope help determine whether your child also needs radiation therapy. At this point, your doctor may tell you the tumor appears to be either favorable or unfavorable (anaplastic) the histology of the tissue. Children whose tumors have a favorable histology have better survival rates. However, many children with unfavorable histology also have good outcomes. Because this type of cancer is rare, your doctor may recommend that you seek treatment at a children's cancer center that has experience treating this type of cancer. As previously stated, several cytotoxic agents may cause liver damage in patients treated for Wilms tumor. Reports have documented hepatic toxicity with the combination of vincristine and dactinomycin even in the absence of radiation therapy (which many early reports suggested was the major etiologic factor in liver damage). In the fourth NWTSG report, the incidence of hepatotoxicity was 2.8-14.3% in patients who did not receive irradiation. The fact that patients who received less dactinomycin than others (ie, those with relatively low-stage disease) had a low incidence of 2.8% suggests a dose-related toxicity for dactinomycin. Patients who survive Wilms tumor are at risk because inherited disposition and treatment (eg, chemotherapy, irradiation) can induce second malignant neoplasms. Although most secondary malignant neoplasms reported (eg, bone tumors, breast and thyroid cancers) have occurred in irradiated areas, certain chemotherapeutic agents, including doxorubicin, dactinomycin, and vincristine, may contribute to an increased risk for secondary malignancies.

1.Doxorubicin is a cancer (antineoplastic) medication. Doxorubicin interferes with the growth of cancer cells and slows their growth and spread in the body. Doxorubicin is used to treat many types of cancer. Doxorubicin may also be used for purposes other than those listed in this medication guide. 2. Carboplatin is a cancer medication that interferes with the growth of cancer cells and slows their growth and spread in the body. Carboplatin is used together with other cancer medications to treat ovarian cancer. Carboplatin may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide. 3. Dactinomycin is a cancer (antineoplastic) medication. Dactinomycin interferes with the growth of cancer cells and slows their growth and spread in the body. Dactinomycin is used to treat Wilm's tumor, childhood rhabdomyosarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma, and testicular cancer. Dactinomycin is also used in the treatment of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia and in the treatment of locally recurrent solid malignancies. Dactinomycin may also be used for purposes other than those listed in this medication guide. 4. Paclitaxel is a cancer medication that interferes with the growth of cancer cells and slows their growth and spread in the body. Paclitaxel is used to treat breast cancer, lung cancer, and ovarian cancer. It is also used to treat AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma. Paclitaxel may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide. 5. Vincristine is cancer medication that interferes with the growth of cancer cells and slows their spread in the body. Vincristine is used to treat leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, rhabdomyosarcoma (soft tissue tumors), neuroblastoma (cancer that forms in nerve tissue), and Wilms' tumor. Vincristine is sometimes used in combination with other cancer medications.Vincristine may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide.

Treatment for Willms Tumor includes surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy - a combination of any three of these. Sometimes radiation therapy is used prior to surgery to shrink the tumor, to make it more easily to excise. During surgery, the surgeion will examine both kidneys and surrounding tissues for signs of metastasized cancer. The surgeon may perform biopsies of surrounding tissue if cancer is suspected. Rarely are both kidneys affected by Wilms tumor. The surgeon usually removes just the affected kidney. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy may follow surgery, not immediately, but within a short period of time. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are used only when the cancer has spread to other organs or surrounding tissues. Ninety-percent of children who have Wilms tumor are living healthy lives two years after treatment and diagnosis. Clonidine HCL Clonidine injection is used with injected pain medicine to treat pain in cancer patients. Be sure to tell your doctor of any allergies you have whether it is to medication or food, preservatives, or dyes. Morphine Morphine is a Narcotic Analgesic used to treat pain. Morphine works in the central nervous system (CNS) to relieve pain. Be sure to tell your doctor of any allergies you have whether it is to medication or food, preservatives, or dyes.

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