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The persistent current economic crisis is pushing the global economy to adopt the way nature acts. Sometimes we find the resources by digging out the things, while any other time the nature through them out from bottom to upward. The failure of trickledown effect is also indicating the need of identifyingadivergencetoopenanynewheadwayofgrowth,productivityandalongtermsustainability ofeconomyatlarge. Here I find an ultimate firmness by embracing the Twist Up Economy theory, addressing the core issueswithagreatresolution.FortunatelytheTwistUpTheoryistheeverfirstmodel,whichseemsa wiseaccordancewithCapitalism,Socialism,andIslam.Howeverthebasicreasonofthereinventingthe globaleconomyisnottoseeortodesignthesimilaritiesbetweenthethree,buttopullthesinkingship outofthecoldwaters. Twist up theory emerges as a rejoinder to trickledown theory. It is a course with the notion that the sustainedmicroandsmallbusinessesassurethesustainabilityofthemacroeconomics.Itincreasesthe numbers of consumers and their capability to buy. It also strengthens the markets and supports rich personstoexpandtheirbusinessesaswellasthepoortofulfilltheirdreamsaboutalifeoutofpoverty. The world has long relied on trickledown theory butit could not ensure desired results. I believe that entrepreneursandSMEsontheotherhandcouldbeveryhandyinbringingaboutthedesiredchangeat thelowestlevelandfromtherethetrickledowneffectmaybeginitsupwardjourneytobringabouteven amacroeconomicstability.

Only,economicsustainabilityateverytierofthesocietycanprovideanultimateeconomicpeaceand prosperity. Big rich and small rich with equal basic rights of all kind can work but the poverty is the obscenity for the global economy and for the fullness as well. Justified opportunities of earning for everyonearetherealenvironmenttocirculatewealthandtobegintheproductivecycle.Andthisisthe responsibilityoftherichtoeducatethepoor,makethemskilledanddevelopthebusinesspartnership on profit and loss share with an upright manner. Contrasting the trickledown effect the twisting up wealth from the down to upward is far natural and beneficial even for the big rich, who want to continueearningmoreandmorewealthevenwiththepurposeofjustearningthemoney.Itmustbe grow like trees and crops from seed to fruit with an honest distribution among the investor and the serviceprovideroramongthebusinesspartners.Thenotionandtheeffortofmakingthepoorrichby

makingthemskilledandproductivewithhonorableaswellassustainablesourcesofincomecanchange thefateoftheglobaleconomy.

Partnership with the poor on profit and loss sharing basis by making them skilled and productive,withthenotionofearningwiththepoor,notfromthepoor. Buildingahugeconsumerbaseglobally. Turningthepoorintosustainableandprosperous(smallrich). Twistingtheeconomiccyclefromthebottomtoupward. Creatinganinterestfreeworld. Tyingthepeoplewitheachotherbycreatingamutualprofitandlossrelationship. Developingamechanismofanongoingsocialchange. Addressesindividualtocollective. Accessestoall. Rotatable. Provides incentive and motivation to the poor to get the economic happiness by earning and owningwealth. Emphasizingonkeepingthewealthproductive. Blockingunrestduetoeconomicinconvenience.


Whenapersonoragroupfindsresourcesinshapeofkindormoney,theystartusing,spendingor consuming.Thisisthebasicpointoftwistingupwealthfrommicrotomacro.Whohedonthave bread to eat, milk to drink, cloths to wear, shelter to live and facility to enjoy, he or she gets to consumeorspend.Similarlyifthewealthwhichisnotdynamic,nevercanbeprovedbetterthana pieceofscrap.Sothetwistupeconomytheorysuggestsbridgingbetweenthenonproductivepoor and the nonproductive wealth as well to initiate a high interaction for a big economic and social change.ThethreetrillionpoorandthetrillionsofDollars,Pounds,EurosandDirhamsmusthave the power to move the world ahead. And it is the responsibility of the responsible people, institutions, authorities and the governments to make efforts in this regard. Give the poor skills, resources, protection and honor by making them partners, not borrowers, help them to become socioeconomically responsible and get the multidimensional impact. The sincerity of action and a continuous smart effort will speed up the process and will reduce the gap between action and result.Aneconomicallysustainedworldiswaitingforus.

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