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Information Literacy Lesson Plan

Lisa Greenlee Georgia Southern University FRIT 7136 Dr. Melissa Purcell, Instructor

Research Pathfinder:


TEACHER: Mrs. Caitlyn Hansard


Standard: Standard 1: Inquire, think critically and gain knowledge. Skills Indicator(s): 1.1.6 Read, view, and listen for information presented in any format (e.g., textual, visual, media, digital) in order to make inferences and gather meaning. Benchmark(s): Draw conclusions based on facts and premises. Dispositions Indicator(s): 1.2.3: Demonstrate creativity by using multiple resources and formats. Responsibilities Indicator(s): 1.3.5: Use information technology responsibly. Self-Assessment Strategy Indicator(s): 1.4.2: Use interaction with and feedback from teachers and peers to guide own inquiry process. 1.4.4: Seek appropriate help when needed.


SS6CG5: The student will explain the structure of modern European governments. b. Describe the purpose of the European Union and the relationship between member nations.

OVERVIEW: The 6th grade Social Studies class of Mrs. Hansard is covering a lesson on the
European Union . Mrs. Hansard asked that I assist her with the lesson. She provided an introduction to the students on the topic using PowerPoint. She has instructed the students to create a PowerPoint addressing specific criteria on the topic of the European Union . She indicated that she would like for me to assist the students on using resources to find specific information on the topic to be included in their PowerPoint.

FINAL PRODUCT: Students will complete a PowerPoint addressing the required specific
information on the European Union . Students will share their presentations with their class peers.

LIBRARY LESSON(S): The students will use a SLMS created wiki for their project and use the
resources from that wiki to complete their PowerPoint presentations. The SLMS created wiki contains several different resources including printed materials, websites, online databases and videos on the topic. When completed, students will present their PowerPoint presentations to the class.

y Product: Media Specialist and teacher assess student PowerPoint s looking for correct information used from the created wiki of resources. The student s will be assessed using a rubric. Process: SLMS and teacher walk around room and monitor student s use of provided resources and information included in their individual PowerPoint s to determine whether the students are able to correctly locate the required information from the resources provided. Student self-questioning: Did I refer back to the rubric to know how I will be graded? Did I read the information resources from the online Wiki page provided? Did I put the correct information being requested on each slide? Did I include a total of three resources? Did I include at least one resource from Galileo? Did I ask for help when I needed it?

RESOURCES STUDENTS WILL USE: 5 Online subscription databases(s) 5 Websites 5 Books Reference Non-print Periodicals/newspaper 5 Other (list): Video

y Direct Instruction: First, students receive an introduction to their topic provided by the teacher. Then, the SLMS takes students to the computer lab to get ready to begin work on their project. The SLMS reminds students of their assigned task to produce a PowerPoint by collecting specific information on their topic of the European Union. The SLMS goes over requirements of assignment with students so they are clear about expectations of the assignment. Modeling and Guided Practice: The SLMS developed a wiki page for the students and the teacher to use. Since there was no way to display the wiki screen for the students in the lab, the SLMS wrote the URL address, http://www.europeanunion-, on the board for all students to view. She went over the content of the resources and directed them on how to pull up the links and navigate the site. The SLMS directed students on how to pull up PowerPoint and the wiki at same time so students would be able to work on their PowerPoint and use the resources simultaneously. During this time, the SLMS and teacher walked around the room to assist any students with difficulty. Students were also instructed to bring paper with them for note-taking. The SLMS directed students on how to find information on the topic using the Galileo kid s site. Since the student s had previously used PowerPoint SLMS only recapped the basics. Again, the SLMS and teacher browsed room assisting students one-on-one as needed. Independent Practice: Students were in the computer lab receiving direct instruction of how to use the information from the wiki page, Students practiced navigating wiki resources and using PowerPoint. Students created their PowerPoint s by finding the appropriate information on their topic. The SLMS and teacher observed student success and helped them with any difficulty when navigating the wiki, using PowerPoint, and pulling information from the available resources. Sharing and Reflecting: Students shared what they liked and disliked about the lesson and a one stop shop to resources for their required assignment. The students turn in their required assignment and await the opportunity to present their projects to the class.

Evaluation Rubric

1st Slide
Title including student name

Title and student name not included Did not include purpose Did not include member nations Did not include description of location Did not include history of European Union Did not include facts and pictures Did not include resources

Student name only included

Title only included

Title slide that includes name


2nd Slide
Includes purpose of European Union

3rd Slide
Includes all member nations

4th Slide
Includes description of location

5th Slide
Includes history of European Union

6-8th Slide
Includes facts and pictures ****Counts X4 Included at least three resources; at least one of those from Galileo

Included purpose with some incorrect information Included less than half of member nations Included description of location with some incorrect information Included history of European Union with some incorrect information Included facts but no pictures or pictures but no facts Included one resource from Galileo

Included purpose but lacked sufficient information Included more than half of member nations but not all Included description of location but lacked sufficient information Included history of European Union but lacked sufficient information Included facts and pictures but lacked sufficient information Included two resources; one of those from Galileo

Correctly included purpose


Correctly included all member nations


Correctly included description of location


Correctly included history of European Union


Slides correctly included facts and pictures Included three resources; one of those from Galileo



Total Points


Self-Assessment Rubric
Name: ___________________________

Did I read the information resources provided to me from the online Wiki page? Did I include the correct information being requested on each slide? Did I include a total of 3 resources? Did I include at least one of those resources from Galileo? Did I refer back to the rubric to know the expectations and how I will be graded? Did I ask for help when I needed it?


The collaboration for this lesson was done mostly through face-to-face meetings with me (SLMS) and teacher. We also used follow-up emails for clarification. We collaboratively decided on which specific parts of the lesson that I (SLMS) would cover with the students. I went into Mrs. Hansard s classroom as she was continuing her introduction to the European Union with the student s. She instructed the students on their assignment and the specific information they would be searching for. I took the student s to the computer lab. We were in a computer lab that accommodated all students use of a computer at the same time. That was great! However, we realized that the overhead was not working properly so I was unable to project the wiki onto a screen to show students as I had planned. I continued directing students on what to do to get where they needed to be. During the whole lesson, the teacher and I walked around the room assisting students one-on-one as needed. Clearly, the overhead would have been the most ideal situation. In future collaboration efforts, I will make sure needed equipment is working properly before the scheduled event. The students were quite rowdy to begin with. It was obvious to me that they were not experienced with this kind of assignment. The teacher confirmed my assumption a little later during the lesson. This was the first time they had done an in-depth project like this. However, I was unaware of that information before we began the lesson. During future collaboration, I will definitely be sure to ask that important question. Our school is 50+ years old and we only have one computer lab for the whole school to use. While I had anticipated it only taking one class period to cover the wiki resources, it actually took two class periods. I ended up taking the students back to the computer lab the next day also. The students had to complete the project over the course of several visits because the computer lab was unavailable to them due to other classes using it. Next time, I will collaborate better with the teacher so that we come to a definite agreement on the time needed for students

to complete the project and be sure we have that scheduled properly. I feel it would have been much better for the students to complete the project in its entirety by using the lab consecutively until project completion. Being my first time of collaboration, I feel the lesson went pretty well. However, I do know that I will ask some of the more important questions the next time around. According to feedback results, the students and teacher were extremely excited about the wiki resources provided and appreciated the one-stop-shop . Students clearly demonstrated the ability to locate the information to fulfill their requirements for the project. This is the first year that Mrs. Hansard has taught Social Studies so she certainly welcomed the help and was very open to working with me. As for me, I thoroughly enjoyed this adventure and look forward to making my future collaborations even more successful!

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