HO1-3 MArch Thesis Req - Library Requirements 2010-0825

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August 2010

Masters Thesis: Godine Library Archive Requirements

Table of Contents General Submission Requirements . QUESTIONS and ASSISTANCE DELIVERABLES . PROCESSING THESES ..

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Content Considerations: Body of the Thesis .. 9 Content Considerations: Back Material Appendix A: Sample Letter of Transmittal to the Library . List of Figures Figure 1.1: Portfolio Single Fold Figure 1.2: Portfolio Double Fold . Figure 1.3: Landscape Single Fold
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25 August 2010

Masters Thesis: Godine Library Archive Requirements

General Submission Requirements This set of guidelines was prepared by the Library in order to establish minimum standards for cataloging, archiving, preserving and disseminating Masters Theses prepared by MassArt graduate students as partial fulfillment of their respective academic departments requirements for a masters degree. Students should consult with their academic departments for more stringent or additional requirements. QUESTIONS and ASSISTANCE Contact the Technical Services Librarian if you have any questions; require assistance or clarification of these requirements. DELIVERABLES Once the thesis has been finalized, accepted by the academic department and printed, the student should submit the following documents and materials to their departments designated thesis coordinator: Letter of Transmittal: That clearly indicates all materials and binding specification instructions. See Appendix A for a sample template. Printed Thesis Documents: (2) copies, unbound, and un-punched, with all required signatures. Put each copy in its own 8 x 11 box or between two pieces of 8 x11 cardboard held together with heavy duty rubber bands in each direction. o o Do not use clips or other methods that could mar or dent the document originals Label the box top or cardboard cover with Your name Academic Department Year of Graduation Supplementary Material material intended to be held unbound in a pocket at the end of the bound document Envelope - Place the material in an envelope (one envelope with each copy of the thesis document Where - Put the envelope behind the last page of the unbound thesis submittal Labeling - Label the envelope with your name and the words: Supplementary Material

Checking - Students are not entitled to look to the library or bindery to check for any errors or omissions in submitted material. This includes, but is not limited to: missing or improper material; page order; margins; pagination; page orientation; citations; spelling; grammar; or legibility. PDF Version: Include (1) Copy of the thesis document on a CD. This version should exactly match the paper copies and include scanned PDFs of all pages that include required signatures as well as any pages with hand or original artwork.

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Masters Thesis: Godine Library Archive Requirements

PROCESSING THESES Once your academic department is satisfied that the thesis is suitable for binding and archiving, the departments thesis coordinator will submit these materials to the Technical Services Librarian for binding, archiving and cataloging. Binding: The thesis paper originals will be sent to the Librarys bindery contractor bundled with other Library materials to be bound once a semester. Binding costs for these two copies will be paid for by the Library Archiving and cataloging: One bound copy will be returned to the academic department granting the degree and the library staff will catalog the other so it is searchable in the librarys online catalog, as well as in Worldcat. The Librarys bound copy will be stored in the Colleges Archives/Special Collections for perpetuity and will be accessible to researchers upon request. The PDF version will be cataloged and stored in the Colleges yet-to-be-established Institutional Repository and will be publicly available to researchers over the Internet, subject to any restrictions imposed by the academic department granting the degree.

Physical Requirements for Print Theses PAPER Final submittals shall be made on paper meeting the following requirements: Composition: acid-neutral or acid-free, 25% cotton. Color: Text White Weight: 20-lb. minimum (60-lb for folded pages). Opacity: If printing on both sides of the page, the paper must be opaque. SHEET SIZE and ORIENTATION Final submittals shall meet the following requirements: Size: 8 x 11 Oversized pages: Permitted subject to Oversized Pages Requirements. Orientation: o Portrait: bound on left hand 11 side o Landscape, bound on left hand 8 1/2 side

MARGINS Top, bottom, and side margins (including oversized folded pages to be bound into the document) must be at least an inch wide (1") to allow for binding and trimming. All information (text, headings, notes, and non-text content such as tables, figures and drawings, etc., must be within the text area. Exception: page numbers 3/4 margins. TEXT TYPE and FORMAT REQUIREMENTS For clarity, and reproducibility, text requirements are as follows:
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Masters Thesis: Godine Library Archive Requirements

Front material, main body and appendices: o o o o o o Size: 11-point or larger. Fonts: serif or san-serif, regular text. Reserve bold face and italic text to highlight information only. Avoid decorative fonts that are difficult to read. Color: Black Orientation: Horizontal, perpendicular to binding edge Spacing: Single or double spacing. Format style: MLA, APA, Chicago or other approved by the academic department. Use only one format style or amended style for the entire document (including, but not limited to: headings, levels, citations, and bibliographies). Chapter and Appendices Start chapters (or major sections if no chapters used), references cited, bibliographies and each appendix at the head of a new page (right hand side, if the document is printed on two sides) Non-Text Content such as: Tables, Charts, figures, Illustrations, drawings, sketches and diagrams o o Size: 11-point or larger after any image reduction to fit item onto the page. Fonts: serif or san-serif, regular text typeface. Reserve bold face and italic text to highlight information only. Avoid decorative fonts that are difficult to read. Legible hand lettering 11pt. or greater is permitted (subject to the academic departments requirements) Color: Black or gray scale recommended (unless otherwise approved by the academic department granting the degree). Purpose: to facilitate legible black and white photo copies by other researchers. Orientation - typical: Horizontal, perpendicular to binding edge or parallel to binding edge. Orientation full page: If the material will not fit across the page, provide the material on its own page without main body text. If no body text is present on the page, the item may be run parallel to the binding edge, keeping the top of the material consistently at the binding edge or opposite the binding edge. If the material will not fit on a normal full page, oversized folded paper may be used. Item Numbers and Titles (e.g. figure no.:, drawing no.:) Bold Face parallel with the orientation of the item. Page Numbers Same sequence, size, orientation and location as the main text pages.

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Masters Thesis: Godine Library Archive Requirements

OVERSIZED PAGES Permitted sizes, orientations and folding requirements for binding: Charts, graphs, tables, etc., should be reduced whenever possible to an 8-by-11-inch sheet size and in the same orientation (portrait or landscape) as the body of the document. If, in the opinion of the student with concurrence by the students thesis committee, the material is not reducible, a limited number of oversize sheets must be folded to come within the text area limits so the folds will not be trimmed off or bound in during the binding procedure. For example, in a portrait oriented document, if using 11 x 17 oversized sheet, the paper must be trimmed to 11 x 15 for a single fold sheet (see figure 1.1) or 11 x 17 untrimmed with a double fold (see figure 1.2). In either case, the sheet should be folded so that the left edge is 1 inch from the binding gutter and the entire width does not exceed eight (8) inches. Landscape oriented documents using 8 x 14 (or 11x17 trimmed to 8 x 17) oversized paper shall be folded in a similar manor (see figure 1.3).

Figure 1.1 Figure 1.2 Figure 1.3 Portfolio Single Fold Portfolio Double Fold Landscape Single Fold Quantities: No more than ten (10) folded pages total in the document without prior written approval of the academic departments thesis committee chair in consultation with the Technical Services Librarian. This limit is set so that the bound document will not fan out due to the binderys standard thesis binding technique. PAGE NUMBERING The entire thesis must be paginated in one consecutive numbering sequence. Exception: Do not number the cover, title, copyright or unbound supplementary material pages. Location: Page numbers must be in the center or outside edge of the text margin, so they are not lost when binding. See double-sided page considerations (next page) for additional requirements Size: 11 point minimum


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Masters Thesis: Godine Library Archive Requirements

Double-sided printing is acceptable if the paper is sufficiently opaque so that printing on one side does not impair readability on the other side. A single-sided illustration page may be included in a double-sided document, but both sides of the single-sided sheet should be counted in the page numbering sequence. UNBOUND SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL Subject to the students thesis committee approval, a student may submit accompanying material with his/her print thesis that will be put into a flat pocket on the inside face of the back of the binding cover. NOTE: The required PDF copy of the thesis document described above is NOT supplementary material and will not be included in the supplementary material sleeve. Quantity: Unbound supplementary material should be used sparingly. The intent is to provide for material that is germane to the thesis, but cannot be adequately included in the body or appendix of the thesis document. Check with the Technical Services Librarian if you think you may need more than one item. Examples include: CDs, DVDs or folded paper Prior to producing the unbound supplementary material, check with the Technical Services Librarian to make sure that the intended materials will fit the available pockets. Labeling Content- include the following on each item: title of item, thesis title, academic department granting the degree, year degree granted, and your name and copyright notice. Also include any hardware or software specifications. Labeling Specifications: label directly on the material or onto a sticky back label with ink or permanent marker in such a way that the content will not be adversely affected. Locate the labels(s) so that they can be read without having to unfold any printed materials. Use typed text or legible, dark ink or marker lettering. Electronic Media: because electronic media technology is subject to frequent changes and reader availability, use media formats that are likely to remain readable by the widest range of readers in the future such as JPG, PDF, MP3. If in doubt, check with both the academic department granting the degree and the Technical Services Librarian. Paper Media: The same criteria as bound printed material with the following exceptions. o o Folded sizes: no larger than 7 x 10 Margins: there are no special requirement form minimum margins.

LINE, FILL, ARCHITECTURAL POCHE, COLOR and IMAGE REQUIREMENTS Copies of thesis document materials will likely be limited to pages up to 11x17, in black and white, or if scanned, at 300 dpi resolution. The author should consider these limitations when selecting line types and weights, fill patterns, color and images etc
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Masters Thesis: Godine Library Archive Requirements

Content Considerations: Prefatory Pages Archived thesis documents include the following front material, in the order listed, and meeting the following archive content requirements. COVER PAGE Subject to the approval of the students academic department, students may include a cover page. Also subject to the students academic department, the cover page may use multi- color graphics, images, graphic fonts etc. However, the cover page, if included, is not a substitute for the required title page described below. TITLE PAGE Each thesis will include a title page, in plain text, black and white, and no graphics, with the following information: Name of the institution and department granting the degree (e.g.): Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Department of Architectural Design Thesis Title (see Thesis Title recommendations) Author (Matching that on file at the Registrars Office) Degree Program submittal statement (e.g.): Submitted in partial fulfillment for the requirements of Master of Architecture Date degree will be conferred in the following format: Month spelled out in full and year (e.g. December, 2011)

COPYRIGHT PAGE Locate this page on the backside of the title page regardless of whether or not the document is double or single-sided. Include the copyright notice, the symbol, the year the degree will be granted, your name as stated on the title page, the All Rights Reserved statement, and signed grant of reproduction and distribution statement as shown in the example below.

2010. Jane Q. Doe. All Rights Reserved

GRANT of REPRODUCTION and DISTRIBUTION The author hereby grants to the Massachusetts College of Art and Design, royalty free, non- exclusive and irrevocable permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document, including any accompanying unbound supplementary material, in whole or in part in any medium now known or hereafter created. .. Authors Signature

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Masters Thesis: Godine Library Archive Requirements

SIGNATURE PAGE Provide if required or permitted by the department granting the degree and following the format and content requirements of the department. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS PAGE Provide if required or permitted by the department granting the degree and following the format and content requirements of the department. ABSTRACT PAGE The library recommends, but does not require and abstract page. The purpose of the abstract page is to allow others potentially interested in reading your thesis to quickly determine if it is germane to their work and worth further inquiry.

If included, the abstract page is a standalone page that will be searchable on line and should contain key information regarding the thesis and its contents. Traditionally, abstract pages include the following items in the order listed below. Thesis Title at the top of the page, exactly as stated on the title page Degree for which the thesis is written Year in which the degree will be granted Name of the academic department granting the degree Name of the school: Massachusetts College of Art and Design Your name exactly as stated on the title page Body of the Abstract with the header ABSTRACT immediately above the text The abstract text should clearly and succinctly describe (150-250 words maximum recommended) the goals and purpose of the thesis as well as an overview of participants, methods used (including identification of the principle paradigm quantitative, qualitative or mixed), major results and conclusions as well as acknowledgement of principle validity threats.. Body of the Abstract Additional Requirements: See your academic departments guidelines for additional requirements or contents.

TABLE of CONTENTS PAGE(S) The table of contents, along with the lists of non-text content, is important because they provide the reader with a road map for navigating and understanding the structure of the thesis. They should be carefully organized and presented so that the reader can clearly understand the overall as well as detail elements of the thesis material. Include the following information: Thesis Title at the top of the page, exactly as stated on the title page Title: Table of Contents Include (in the order they appear in the thesis) the following: o o o Signature Page (if included) Acknowledgements Page (if included) Abstract Page (if included)
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Masters Thesis: Godine Library Archive Requirements

o o o o o o Table of Contents Lists of Tables, Figures, Illustrations, Drawings and Sketches, etc. (if they are included in the thesis) Chapters, Sections, Sub-Sections, etc. as included in the body of the thesis (essentially all parts of the thesis that include a standalone header) End Notes (if included as a standalone Chapter at the end of the body of the thesis) Bibliography or References Cited (As required by the academic department granting the degree) Appendices (as included at the end of the thesis) o Appendix A: Title of the Appendix and initial page Appendix B: Title of the Appendix and initial page Appendix C (etc.)

List of Unbound Supplementary Materials (if included)

Format: In addition to the title of each item, include the number of the page with which each chapter, section, or sub-section starts. Checking: After many drafts and revisions, the table of contents may no longer be accurate. Make sure that the naming of each header is exactly as found in the thesis and that the page numbers correctly correspond to the page number in the final accepted thesis being submitted for archiving.

LISTS of TABLES, FIGURES, ILLUSTRATIONS, ETC. These lists should contain the following information: Thesis Title at the top of the page, exactly as stated on the title page Title: e.g. List of Tables List of all Tables included in the thesis containing, in the order found and exactly as stated in the body of the final accepted thesis being submitted for archiving. o o o Table Number Title of the table Starting Page of the table

Lists of Figures, Illustrations etc. follow the same format requirements. Content Considerations: Body of the Thesis Consistently follow one of the generally accepted style guides such as MLA, APA, Chicago, etc. as required or approved (with modifications) by the academic department granting the degree.
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Masters Thesis: Godine Library Archive Requirements

Content Considerations: Back Material Consistently follow the style guide chosen for the body of the thesis as required or approved (with modifications) by the academic department granting the degree. Back material includes, but is not limited to the following in the order listed: ENDNOTES (if included as a stand alone chapter at the end of the body of the thesis) WORKS CITED or BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDICES (if included) UNBOUND SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL (S) (if included)

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