03 - Age of Chivalry

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03_Ch13: European Middle Ages: Rise of Chivalry (Awaiting additional Updating)!

Timeline: 11th - 13th C. ! FS: A violent society conjures images of loyalty, honor, and romantic love.!

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Main Idea: The code of chivalry for knights gloried both combat and romantic love. During the Middle Ages, nobles constantly fought one another. Their feuding kept Europe in a fragmented state for centuries. Through warfare, feudal lords defended their estates, seized new territories, and increased their wealth. Lords and their armies lived in a violent society that prized combat skills. By the 1100s, though, a code of behavior began to arise. High ideals guided warriors actions and gloried their roles.! CCSS...! I. Knights: Warriors on Horseback! Soldiers mounted on horseback became valuable in combat during the reign of Charlemagnes grandfather, Charles Martel, in the 700s. Charles Martel had observed that the Muslim cavalry often turned the tide of battles. As a result, he organized Frankish troops of armored horsemen, or knights.! A."The Technology of Warfare Changes! B. The Warriors Role in Feudal Society!

II. Knighthood and the Code of Chivalry! A. A Knights Training! B. Brutal Reality of Warfare! III. The Literature of Chivalry! A. Epic Poetry! B. Love Poems and Songs! IV. Womens role in Feudal society! A. Noblewomen! B. Peasant Women! V. Summary: Why it matters now.! The code of chivalry has shaped modern ideas of romance in Western cultures.!
Materials/Sources:" Refer to the course calendar for additional materials, assignments and pertinent due dates.! # World History: Patterns of Interaction! # Slide Presentation

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