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Click WRT 111 Spring 2012

WRT 111 Essay #1: Platos Allegory & Modern Society

**Dates to Remember** Rough Draft: 2-17 Peer Review: 2-22 Final Draft: 2-24

Overvie w

Objectiv e

Instructi ons

Guidelin es Structur e

This essay is based on the reading journal question assigned for Platos Allegory of the Cave. Taking your answer to that question as a starting point, develop an analytical argument relating Platos allegory to some aspect of the modern world, such as media, religion, politics, education, consumerism, etc. In doing so, you must integrate specific passages from Plato into your argument as well as 1-2 additional outside sources from the college library website or collection. You will strive to compose a coherent, grammatically correct 3 FULL PAGE essay that includes a brief introduction, thesis statement, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. You must include at least 4 properly cited direct quotes (including at least 2 from Plato). This is a brief essay, so avoid overly long quotes! 1) Read prompt instructions carefully! 2) Locate 1-2 additional sources relating to some aspect of your argument 3) Develop a rough draft and submit to me on 2/17 4) Bring a revised rough draft to class for peer review on 2/22 5) Revise and edit your essay based on peer feedback, instructor feedback, and your own corrections. Submit final draft stapled with Peer sheet 2/24 6) Submit essay to by 11:00pm 2/24 Your essay should be double-spaced, at least 3 full pages (no more than 4) in length, one inch margins, and in 12 point New Times Roman font Your essay should include: 1) An introduction that mentions Plato and the allegory, an indication of how you will relate the allegory to modern society, and a thesis statement 2) Body paragraphs that use direct quotes as evidence and that provide analysis of the quotes 3) A conclusion that addresses the significance of your analysis 4) Works Cited Page 1) FOLLOW DIRECTIONS! Ignoring the directions on this prompt will greatly decrease your chances of doing well on the assignment 2) Im simply looking for a well-organized analysis that utilizes a few sources effectively 3) Avoid waiting until the last second to do this assignment. The outside writing assignments are critical to the process of you becoming a better writer, and I grade them accordingly. I expect maximum effort on these papers Be sure to utilize both my comments on your rough draft and peer review, and email or meet with me regarding any questions. Good luck! Relate Platos allegory to: Religion Media Education

Advice for Success

Some Topic Suggest ions

Click WRT 111 Spring 2012

Technology Science Consumerism Psychology Conspiracy Theories Government/Politics Internet

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